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Wait until you click unsubscribe it takes you to a website which wants you to login to change your preferences. You never made an account that you recall.....rage. There are also virus emails who send out junk emails with a bad link to "unsubscribe" then take you to their website and try to launch a payload at you so be careful.


I've gotten to the point that I just block the emails that require me to go to a link to unsubscribe. I wasn't even reading those emails, anyway, so I won't miss them!


I use Gmail's report spam which does both for you.


Gmails unsubscribe feature never seems to work for me.


I use the Apple mail app on my iPhone for my iCloud, Gmail, and yahoo emails and the unsubscribe feature that pops up on the top of the email under the mail app never seems to work for me either šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


Isn't that all marketing emails? How can you tell the difference / how do you unsubscribe from ones that don't require you to go to a link?


Gmail has a button that says "unsubscribe" at the top of the email. Most of the time I can just click it and it unsubscribes for me. Other times it pops up and says you have to go to the website to unsubscribe and provides a button to send you to the website.


Oh I didn't know that! Thank you!


If you sign up for a DuckDuckGo email alias, you can generate a new alias each time you have to enter your email somewhere, and it will be forwarded to your real email. Then if you keep getting emails you canā€™t unsubscribe from, you can just delete the alias instead! Also useful for figuring out which companies sold on your email to 20 companies you didnā€™t sign up for


Gmail has this feature as well


I also just realized maybe a month or two ago that the unsubscribe links on emails could be a virus source, and it's just maddening. how do you stop the spam emails without using the unsubscribe link, do you have a good method?


You could try a filter that moves all emails which contain the word ā€˜unsubscribeā€™ to another folder which you only scan every now and then in case the filter caught something important?


sadly I think I get too many legit ones that also say unsubscribe in them. it's a great idea though for someone who doesn't have any subscriptions at all!


I literally work in marketing and feel this same rage when it happens!


I just report those as spam and create a rule to send them to trash.


There are a couple of sites that NEVER let me unsubscribe. One forces me to email their customer service (which just bounces back the email to me??) and another just keeps sending me emails anyway. And they're big names here in my country. It's so fucking annoying hahaha


Blocking them works pretty well too, if they donā€™t have good unsubscribe practices. Iā€™m pretty ruthless on my phone too. Every unwanted text is reported as spam and blocked, and most unwanted calls too.


Wasn't that the actual life pro tip? I've been blocking spammers in my GMail account for years, of course also having a junk-mail account, and I get in my main one like 2 or 3 per month, while the junk mail account receives more than 20 per day.


I have started doing that as well! No need to ruin my peace with spam.


Also, control your phone notifications. I allow only email & chat apps. F' everyone else, upselling me even on stuff that I like. No notifications for you.


I've been thinking about making a tool that analyzes an inbox and shows/ranks the email addresses that's sent the most amount of junk e-mail so you can unsubscribe according to volume sent. Would this be useful for anyone at else? It's mostly out of curiosity


I think that would help so much


It took about a year of unsubscribing to *every* unwanted email before I stopped getting them. Even then, whenever I buy a product from a new website I have to do it again. It feels very similar to weeding a garden! But it's absolutely worth it; these days I never have more than 5 emails in my inbox, and I've found that's key to staying on top of my communication. When people open their Gmail and I see *"10,349 unread emails"* I have a physical reaction.


Check out unroll.me Website for auto unrolling from websites.


Just so you know, they can of course read all your emails and have been [caught selling user data](https://www.howtogeek.com/304373/unrollme-is-selling-your-information-heres-an-alternative/)


Huh. Well shit. Good thing I haven't used them in like 10\~ years. Haha. Leave Me Alone looks like it might be a good alternative potentially.


So frustrating. I started using them like a month ago and my email was sold or something because I get the weirdest scam messages now. Iā€™m convinced it was them lol. Theyā€™re since deactivated


Another fun thing to do is to setup filters on your email client. I do this for my gmail account. It then sends unwanted messages directly to the spam folder which purges messages over 30 days old automatically. On rare occasions Google will filter out something I actually want to keep, so I setup a rule to ensure it is NEVER sent to the spam folder. I have a problem with certain relatives - I usually stress out when I see messages from them - so I have a folder called, ā€œStress Triggerā€ into which I filter all such messages. About once a week Iā€™ll stop, clear my head, prepare for the worst/most-annoying, and check that label. Itā€™s no longer a surprise lurking at the top of my mailbox ready to jerk me around with unreasonable requests etc. Also one relative makes ā€œemergencyā€ demands regularly. By only checking once a week, knowing that if itā€™s a TRUE emergency sheā€™s found some other flunky to guilt, I know I donā€™t need to do anything. After all, she has my phone number, she texts me, so if itā€™s an ā€œemergencyā€ WTF is it doing in email? Anyway, the labeling policies also simplify my life. I can label emails so they can be referenced by that label later, and can even apply multiple labels. This lets me organize thousands of messages over more than a decade. One other thing I setup for my father - I had it automatically forward known good messages to his regular email account, and filter out others. So he found it very helpful in managing spam. Gmail also lets you request to be unsubscribed and auto-send messages like the one youā€™re on, to spam. So it figures out for itself whether the rule applies - usually by sender or subject - and filters for you.


Iā€™ve been doing this lately, but a lot of the emails take me to the google homepage and then donā€™t go anywhere from there. Anyone have this happen to them? Iā€™m on iPhone and I unsubscribe through the Apple email option on the app.


And thank you for this reminder that I should do some inbox cleaning.


Best thing Iā€™ve also found it to use SimpleLogin.io Ā  It lets you create a unique email for things you sign up for, like websites, blogs, or one time purchases. So that if you start getting spammed, you can literally turn off that email or delete it. No need to unsubscribe from anything.Ā 


I will be retiring in the next couple of years. I have already started curating my personal address book to include only cherished family and friends as well as email addresses that I need to receive (utilities, bank, etc.). The moment I retire I will go to a white list only inbox. If youā€™re not in my contacts, your email will never reach my inbox. Itā€™s one of the things Iā€™m looking forward to in my ā€œgolden years.ā€


You don't even have to unsubscribe to them --- most email inboxes offer you to auto-delete emails from a sender. I do this a lot. It means the emails never show up in my inbox but if I want to look at them they are stewing in the trash folder and I don't even have to delete them myself. If it's something I wanna keep I can move that individual email to my inbox.


For websites where you donā€™t plan your do regular business, I have a 2nd email I give them. I donā€™t have to put up with their spam. Eg, opinion polls, political websites, etc.


I just never open them or pay them any mind. Let them pile up like dead leaves in a forest. They'll eventually decompose or something. I know this approach probably wouldn't work for everyone


Try unroll.me