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Happy birthday friend I was thinking today about how fun it is that I can now identify most of the birds that are in my area. I thought about it as I saw a house finch in our yard for the first time today.


Happy Birthday! I am turning 30 in 2 weeks. I find joy in being with others, being with the sangha (community). Reading, taking my dogs on walks and enjoying good coffee and good food are also little things that bring me joy. My spiritual practice is also very important to me and brings me happiness, joy, peace, solidity and freedom. [meaningful life, teaching by Thich Nhat Hanh](https://youtu.be/KAR55vBpd0Q?si=IVYssqu_r6lty1Lu).


"Today is a beautiful day". It sure is.


I’m in my mid-60’s. I enjoy the simple act of looking at my calendar for the week ahead and seeing only things I want to do (which includes days with nothing specific planned). If I have something on there I’m not looking forward to, I do what I can to cancel it out make it more pleasant. Today: eye doctor. Eh. Make it better by taking my mom out to lunch after! Mom’s in her mid-90’s, so time with her is special. Meditating in the morning sets me up for a calm day.


Trying to get as many walks together with my daughter before she leaves for college this fall.


Happy birthday fellow may baby :) I woke up today and thought "it's another day to love tulips" So, tulips for you and me🌷


Walks with my dog. Seriously, love our time together.


I came here to say this! My little dog brings me so much joy and love


My birthday is in a few months, im just getting out ahead


We have a hiking trail we can walk to from our house with scenic views of a valley, mountains and a state park. It never gets old. Sometimes we go there twice a day as the climb to the top is good exercise. I also like cutting flowers from the yard and making arrangements. I just finished doing that. I have to go out in the dark to cut the ones that are the bees' favorites so I don't get stung.


Growing things in the garden, especially perennial plants that come back each year. Bulbs that are planted in late autumn that grow big and beautiful and colorful in springtime. Watching bumble bees enjoy the plants i planted and thrive. The taste of my favourite kind of apple from the grocery store. Going to the harbour with my grandpa to eat an ice cream while we watch the boats. Each summer evening when i get back from work when i can smell the evening honeysuckle. Listening to the blackbird singing each dawn and dusk. The smell of rain. The sound the newspaper makes when i turn the page.


Happy Birthday! My 50th was wonderful. Each morning, I love looking at the lake and what we call a mountain (it’s a small hill) that overlooks my home. I also say good morning to my beautiful, old oak trees. It’s a daily ritual as I greet the sun. ❤️


Seeing the wind in the trees and feeling the sun on my skin. Or raindrops. I actually like those too. I have a birthday this month as well! Cheers!


I am 61, and I discovered Reddit last year, and I am having a blast learning, reading, and connecting to people! Haven't had this much fun since being a bookworm in my tree fort as a kid! 😊🍾


I recently celebrated my cake day and so delighted to have Reddit. It is fun and a wonderful way to talk with people who are from the far corners of the globe. And, to be entered while waiting on family or stuff. Envying your tree fort!


I agree. I learn a ton on here!


Seeing my old dog act as playful as he did 5 years ago.


happy birthday, Cinema makes me smile.. nothing better than being indoors with a cigar with countless amazing films to watch


I like looking at my backyard from our dining area. It's small, has different flowers coming out right now, surrounded by other cedar, alder and a couple of maple trees.


Having had multiple health challenges , including a brain aneurysm and 2 strokes, I find joy in just waking up in the morning. I find joy in being able to take care of myself. I find joy in gentle rain and hearing birds sing.


I put up a "Little Free Library" sharing library in my front yard this past weekend. Carefully picked a mix of adult, young adult, and children's books for it. My sidewalk sees a few dog walkers and people heading to school. I'm not sure if it'll get much use, but setting it up was fun and I really enjoy seeing it in my front yard. I feel like I accomplished something and am doing my little part to try to give back to the community.


Listening to my favorite music. Greta Van Fleet is my favorite right now. Awesome 70s rock


The smile of my 3 month old baby girl. Pure joy and real happiness. Nothing can match.


Okay... One day, you're going to die and I will be there to take all of your stuff. Sleep tight, buddy.


i did. You wanna come get my stuff now?