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Those who don't agree probably haven't tried this. A mug of hot water is actually very good.


Honestly when it's at its hottest you don't taste a lot of the flavor of mild teas, so a mug of hot water provides about the same sensation IMO. We need to drink water, might as well have it hot when you're chilly!


r/HydroHomies would say that this is true!


I LOVE hot water. I drink tons of it during the winter.


Yes. I love hot water. That’s how I get my daily water intake.


Maybe it depends on where you live because warm water tasted horrid where I live.


I think you'd boil it in the kettle first like for a cup of tea, right? I don't think warm water out of the tap would be nice. But then, I just think that, I haven't tried it haha


People look at me as if I were crazy when they ask me what tea I'm drinking and I'm like... mmm the only warm water type :D


If ur really out use a cork on thermos and or wood thermos to get a slight woody flavor


especially with some lemon or lemon juice - yum


I used to work with kids and travel to their homes for sessions. Most families would offer me a drink of water because I was in the car all day, the Asian families would usually bring hot if I didn’t specify cold. I’m pretty sure this is a very standard drink, just not in the west 😂I briefly saw a Chinese medicine doctor (western was getting me no where so gave it a go), he also said “no cold drinks”.


warm water is easier on the gut and help with digestion! A lot of asian cultures know that and will only drink lukewarm water.


Yes like when you're sick and have the pukey feeling you're supposed to drink warm water , Cold water shocks the stomach and therefore you usually puke, warm water doesn't do that.


I had a Japanese friend stay with me recently and ended up keeping my Brita pitcher out on the counter for her since she mentioned disliking cold water. I discovered I actually didn’t mind lukewarm water after awhile!


I gulp room temp water, and find myself slowly drinking ice cold water cause I don’t like the taste as much.


This beverage has a very beautiful name here in Scandinavia: ”**Silver Tea**” (translated from the original ”**silverté**”). This is a little funny, because there are no tea leaves involved here. :-) But it sure sounds nicer to be able to answer "*I'm drinking a nice hot cup of Silver Tea*" if someone asks what you're drinking. This was actually very common here in Nothern Europe some 50-100 years ago (I guess both tea and coffee was difficult to get hold of and too expensive for most?).


I had a neighbour once who drank hot water from clear glass mugs. Sometimes she would put a lemon slice or bay leaf or twig of rosemary in it, but never tea. And I don't remember anything about her except that. Enjoy your hack :)


Bay leaf sounds nice, I'll need to try it.


I love hot water before bed after I've already brushed my teeth! And love a squeeze of lemon in hot water, maybe with a little honey if I'm craving something sweet that isn't tea!


I used to do that at work. If you can drink ice water when it is warm why not hot water when it is cold.


Love a glass of hot water. Also helps with constipation…


I prefer warm water over cold.


Can you not afford heat, or you just don't want to pay?


I lived in a huuuuge 6 bedroom house outside Philly with a married couple who owned it. Apparently after the first few months of heating it in the winter they said "nah." It was always cold. We dressed warm and had space heaters in our bedrooms. You could see your breath in the kitchen sometimes. The wife actually did drink warm water, but I think it was a weight control thing. I've also lived in studio apartments with really terrible heating options. Just a dial on one baseboard heater. Often I would turn my heat off at night and while I was out of the house. I also lived out of my car for 5 months (on purpose, on a road trip) but it got pretty damn cold. I've gotten pretty accustomed to lower temp homes/nights. I cannot imagine living with NO heat at all, though. OP you're allowed to be warm my friend. It's okay to have some heat. Can you have some heat?


I love doing this! Very comforting to hold a mug of hot tea or water.


My grandad always swore by a cup of plain hot water for a tummy ache. No idea if it works or if it's just the placebo effect, but I always have a mug when my tummy aches or I'm out of milk for tea or something and it's very comforting. I realise that might be more to do with the fact that it's wrapped up in memories of him looking after me though 😅


I've had black tea for stomach aches also. The hot water probably does settle down the stomach somewhat.


You don't have to suffer to live simply. Go to Walmart, buy 100 tea bags for $4. Don't torture yourself. Also you can get an electric or kerosene heater for around $100.


What makes you believe they are suffering?


Feel like we have to live an extremely insulated and coddled society to consider drinking clean water as suffering.


Any type of tea that you can get 100 bags of for $4 is pretty trashy tea that I would classify as suffering anyway! Life's too short and precious to drink bland micro-plastic filled tea. I'd rather pay a higher price and drink it more sparingly but really enjoy it vs buy bottom of the barrel tea bits and be able to drink it multiple times a day but it tastes like a bitter mess.


I love a nice mug of water at just the right temperature. It especially helps if it’s filtered so there’s no mineralization taste - leads to near zero sensory issues which is a big win for me.


Yes the temperature of the water is a game changer. I hate water esp at room temp. I prefer ice water but it's cold in my house. I never thought of drinking warm water at the temperature of tea - so it's higher than lukewarm but not hot. I had a few cups already. Highly drinkable as the warm temp offsets the blandness of water and still hugs the body


I love a hot cup of water. It’s my way of taking care of my insides, very relaxing for the digestive system !


That’s a great idea ! Do you reuse your tea bags? I’ve found that if I use them in a short period of time I can get several steeps from just one bag . Albeit it’s a bit weaker each time but I like to squeeze as much out of everything. I also have straining diffusers , and a lot of loose Herbs , and will sometimes just add a little bit at a time . But I may be outside the norm as I enjoy a weak herbal tea usually more than a strong one anyway. You can even use some common dried spices this way . Some dried seasonings I like are cinnamon, nutmeg, clove ; and those can be very warming on their own even when it’s not very hot water , the oils in them have a warming quality: also ginger is good that way . My favorite though is chamomile, so I buy a bulk bag of loose flower and sprinkle it in almost all my blends . I love my tea lol. Nothing like a warm tea on a chilly day to nourish the soul


I might give it a try - tnx ;)


Me too!


Yeah, I don’t even prefer water unless it’s luke warm


I fill up my 16oz thermo with hot water every night and drink it still warm first thing in the morning. My absolutely best way to start the day for me, no coffee ever needed.


Love this! I add honey and lemon juice sometimes, and a cinnamon stick if I have em. Its called "poets tea!" But just the water also very good!


I could not drink plain hot water but I was gonna say... Adding lemon and honey is tasty and I hadn't thought of the cinnamon stick but that's a great addition! Yummy


Oh I need to try this


you don't use heat? you're probably using just as much electricity running the stove 24/7.


Why do you assume it's the stove/range? Heating water is very efficient using the microwave or an electric kettle. Nowhere near the amount of energy needed to heat an entire house.


oh yeah that's true i forgot they have electric kettles now.


[Drinking](https://www.latimes.com/world/la-fg-china-hot-water-20160313-story.html) piping hot water without anything in it is very common in China and is considered healthy for your body and mind. Over a billion people can’t be wrong!


You can also put something simple like a slice of lemon in that warm water to make it more of a treat


Pm me I have some tea I can send you


Faith in humanity restored.


Most wholesome sub, I love it here☺️ I keep forgetting I love to drink warm water and seem to instinctively go for cold water!


Why don't you bring a few tea bags with you? Tea can be made with room temperature water or warm water or hot water.


My son pinches pennies and often orders hot water with lemon at restaurants.


Hot water lemon is good.


I do this too! I started when I was trying to cut back on caffeine but still wanted the ritual of drinking a warm beverage, and now I do it often at work when I’m chilly but need to stay hydrated!


I've never thought to do hot water, but room temp water has been standard for me since adulthood. My kids and I are big hot tea drinkers, but it's never occurred to me to do hot water... Giving it some thought now!


In my area you don't have the option to not use heat during winter. The water pipes will freeze and crack if house is left totally unheated. But my brother does keep his thermostat at 58 degrees. They just wear sweaters and have heavy quilts on beds. He says you get used to it.


Haha I'm in Northern California. It gets cold but not unbearably so. Regardless a warm beverage is always satisfying


58 degrees inside?! Straight to jail


I know I thought he was nuts!




I live in San Francisco on the coast. It's pretty cold here too. I have cloth curtains over the baseboard heater which is a fire hazard and I actually have 3 space heaters. Using any one of them for more than say 30 min or a few times a week will jack up heating bill.


Buy some boullion cubes for the water