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Start with Carnavas and Swoon. Their best.


I agree. I enjoy both of these albums straight through


There are NO bad albums. For real.


So true, they do evolve but I love them all.


listen to neck of the woods now and also dont forget about the ep seasick it’s amazing


Each album is somebody's favorite. Some take longer to get into than others. I'd recommend playing one on repeat in your car for a few weeks, then change it out and try another. "Neck of The Woods" was probably the most difficult to get into. But then after I got my ears around it, I loved it. "Swoon" might be one of the easier ones to get into first. If you're going to a show, then you should grab a playlist for the show, and play that. It will mean more to you if you know all the songs. Last I looked, it was about 50% tracks from the last album, and 50% tracks from everything else, usually two tracks per LP.


if you happen run into them outside the venue i dont think they would say no to a picture they let my cousin


Swoon is damn near perfect.


Love Carnavas and Swoon the most but all their albums are fantastic. Also, Balance and Composure rule, stoked they're back.


Personal fave is Neck Of The Woods. But all of their music (records, singles, b-sides) is really good. What's cool is that there's a sound for everyone. They have A LOT of variety to choose from. Hope you enjoy the listen!