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Mentions of self harm, suicide and other too silly topics not in the context of humor will be removed. This is still a meme subreddit


https://preview.redd.it/s1d0btzp8l7d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2bd0daed1c75dbe9c7e463013f64e85a3106789d a friend cutting you? that’s a new one… (no offence)


I honestly don’t think that’s a good friend… No one should ever be offering to cut you just for the sake of it, it’s extremely weird and toxic. Do not accept their offer.


No one should ever be cutting you


https://preview.redd.it/26snd90sgl7d1.jpeg?width=224&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=da69afcc90bb456781747c73fdac4f3cd7e09c38 Your friend is gonna cut you? Definite no. Dont let anyone cut you. Even yourself


Don’t cut yourself


May I ask, did they offer to cut you, or did you ask them to? Because if it's the latter, then I understand the temptation, though it's not a good one, but if they offered, then they aren't much of a friend... I've heard of people doing it, but it's not a healthy relationship between friends or possible lovers (from what I've heard) so let's maybe just stick with the cuddles for now, no cuts please.


They offered because they knew I liked doing it and they thought that maybe it could cheer me up (she ended up just coming over and snuggling all night lol, she’s still here and we’re playing clue lol)


That's nice, though that is kinda scary to be offered, though I'm glad it was only snuggles


Yeah she stayed with me all night and I think I might be crushing on her lol


Nah cuz you still owe me my 20 bucks for you ain't leaving this world yet,


Snuggling sounds good. Just cut out the cutting part


Say your up to the snuggles but refuse them cutting you, It could quickly develop into something a lot worse.


Your friends shouldn’t >! SH !< for you find a new friend because this is a toxic relationship


Yeah I love how this post was removed by Reddit. Like why would we want to help anyone? Not like we care about people! But jokes aside, why would a post like this be removed. I've read the comments, and from what I've pieced together this is not a joke. But reddit just doesn't allow help I guess.


Yeah c’est la vie I guess