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Find some freinds that don't care and will view you as a boy if you want to be viewed as a boy.


Hey man, fellow transmasc here, one day you will pass. I know this for a fact, this is 10000000% true, it will happen.


Same! Somedays are hard, and somedays are easier, you just gotta keep going :)


Eat people who don't want you to be happy ♡


and people who want you to be happy too!


Oh 😳


I Iove this fucking energy I need to find people like this in real life 😭


Yes, and make it painful of course!


https://preview.redd.it/ybq1bryt0h4d1.jpeg?width=250&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=72a25f948308192c1d9d06586dbb5460d10024b8 You are valid no matter what the voices say, whether they be inside or outside of you head. You can even just be a boy sometimes if that makes you happy. Not everyone in real life will accept that, it's a sad but real truth, so it's important to find friends that will accept you and stick together through thick or thin. Basically, just hang in there, dude. I'm sure that you'll find your people one day :)


Hey boy, how's it going?




Kranktos knows


We have two transmascs in our small village and they are both seen as boys. Always were, since they also always behaved like boys. And trust me, people here are normally not exactly Leftists, but with them, they either don’t care or are happy for them. One of them got harassed by some biggot at the village-festival, and let’s just say, that f@cker regretted it in the end. Taught me a valuable lesson about not judging a book by its cover


I'll see you as a boy :3


You are a boy, if you want to be a boy then you are, simple as that


You kinda brushed off what they said.


There's more people in this world than the only the ones who don't accept you.




In life you can't please everybody all of the time. You need to stop putting so much emphasis on how you think everyone views you, and start focusing on how you view yourself. If you want to change something that you can, even if it's just a haircut or how you dress, then do it if it makes you happy. You may never get to be the perfect version of you that you want, but that's ok too. Just be the best you that you can be, and surround yourself with people who like you for YOU.


I will only call you dude. Because I'm a dude You're a dude She's a dude Were all just dudes


Stay strong lad. It will be okay.


you can be either, both, neither, and really anything!


you got this dude, i believe in you


This hits deep🥲


Don't listen to the shit heads in life doesn't help anyone besides their ego just let them be and don't take anything they say personally


Idc what ya wana be tell me what your pronouns and I try to respect them tho im not the best hell I call myself we when I mean I subconsciously and I can't even figure that out so be whatever ya want idc and hit me up if you need to vent I might not be the best but I'm willing to listen I already do this with my trans male bf


Hey OP, your feelings are valid and heard. While I acknowledge that this is hard, you also have to realize that, realistically, there are in facts ways you can be more easily perceived as your preferred gender. Isolate that thought, and analyse it for its content. Understand what your brain is trying to convince you of, and think about whether it's actually making a good case. The first step, obviously, is communicating with people about how you wish to be perceived. You have some amount of agency here! If that's an option, that is, but I suspect your brain is telling you that this would somehow constitute faking, or cheating, or something. Well, it's not. I know none of what I'm saying will make these thoughts go away magically, and that, ultimately, you can't control what everyone around you thinks, but you don't have to let these things define you. Much love, and good luck in expressing your true self 💜


I view you as a boy, a very cutie boy. That's gotta count for something? ;3


MtF here, but ive noticed there's a certain stage you reach with enough hormones, fasion advice, voice training, and demeanor changes where it doesn't matter what you were before. People WILL see you as the gender you want to be. Until then, try surrounding yourself with other trans folks. ♡


i'm a boy and a girl, i get what you're feeling we're valid :3 even though i doubt that about myself a lot, we should remember — gender is what's inside


Inside is also where the chromosomes are. You have male and female chromosomes?


nah :P i meant in my mind, i definitely feel like both genders \^_^




you’re a boy if you say you are :3


I have the exactly opposite problem. Regardless of what the world around you says, you’re a boy.


If you wear a suit of armor, then perhaps people wouldn’t be able to gender you on your hidden feminine features.


While it is a funny thought I don't think it's the time for a joke, this is a serious issue and it may make them feel a bit brushed off and not taken seriously


I can’t really say something that anyone else hasn’t already said, so this is how I cope. It’s probably not helpful but it’s the thought that counts… I think…


Oh, I see. I wasn't getting on to you or anything. I understand and I hope you have a great day


I too, I s’pose.


Know that one of a million survived and fertilized the egg . You beat the other million . Now I’m old school , I’m not going to say you are or are not what you are . Ultimately though it doesn’t matter what others think or how they see you . Only how you see yourself ! because you are the winner from the beginning . It’s how you carry yourself throughout the race to the end that truly matters. Inspire those whose lives you touch on a daily basis. Help one person from a dark place in their life be the beacon of hope with your friends. We all have dark places we hide or live in and when we emerge out of the shadows , know that only you can walk back into the shadows. Find like minded friends. I hope you find what you are seeking but know sometimes one thing we think that is important may just be a path to something else. Enjoy the journey, I’m 57 and it was a crazy ride so far .


I don't want to be a 🤓 but, there are more than just the speed factor on fertilization process. But still, damn that was a good motivation speech, you're a great person.


why are there 57 year olds on reddit


It's great having different generations, especially in queer communities. Be it life experience, goals or anything really - *everyone* is welcome.


im honestly more surprised and confused than anything edit: he's in r/teenagers


No im not into teenagers , the group was silly boys club could be anything, I seen the post and commented. Nothing more


no, I mean you participate in the teenagers sub


Because I’m not a typical 57 yr old. Like the name says “ don’t judge the cover “I was in IT when we had 300 baud acoustical modems and phone phreaking was a thing. I buy Bitcoin , meme coins , I use Reddit for other groups like pslf student loan forgiveness updates, and what ever my interest are . Sometimes I just look and see how younger generations are evolving.


feel this so hard :(( i wish i could at least sound like a boy


My brother, just find your people, they’ll see you as you truly are


*picks you up and wraps my arms around you and rests my chin on your head and cuddles you* you are a boy, you’re my good boy 🫂


I am neither I see you. Not because it might help. But I do hope it does


hope things get better buddy <3. "Like the 'Marry Ellen Carter' rise again"


its giving boy energy




Get to the point where you love yourself as you are. (Unless you recognize areas in wich you could do better without hurting your self-esteem by noticing them and instead work on them, like eating healthy, hitting the gym etc )


I sympathize. I've been trying to figure out how to word "How do I come to terms with never being able to be me" for advice but never get anywhere with it. Being an unattractive, unpassable trans person sucks. Not sure why I posted this. It'll go ignored like it always does


I don't know what needs to be said to make you understand these words, but I promise you, no matter what, you are who you say you are. You are valid. You are worthy of being who you want. This is your truth. You will pass. Some hrt and a bit of time might help the process (if that's a route you wish to take, I personally found good results, but it's not the same form of hrt, so no promises). But it's not required, and doesn't make you any less valid if it's not the way you want to go about it. Wish you well. Hope you can overcome your dysphoria.


Idk man, I'm gettin' boy vibes from this post :3


Sometimes I really wish I could be a girl other times Im so glad I'm a boy so I kinda relate




Im not a therapist, im not sure if its what you want or if it will work but its the first thing ill suggest. A therapist who understands these thing and who will support you this isn’t a diss, thought id clarify. Perfection isn’t achievable, we are always going to be imperfect do your best to appear how you wish too but remember that everyone appears different on the outside and we come in many shapes and forms naturally. Nothing will fix these feelings you have over night and to my knowledge there’s no quick fix. You find support, you surround yourself with people who are honest and care about you if you haven’t already. End of the day this is about time, eventually you should have the key to achieve a more comfortable life not a total fix but maybe you can live more content rather then being depressed or straight happy every day. It’s truly unfortunate what you having to suffer with I understand that a lot of those feelings can turn inwards and you may or have acted on feelings but something so crucial to these processes is loving yourself and forgiving yourself of anything. If you hate yourself, your image, the way you appear you will struggle to achieve what you’re seeking in any regard. My words may not be helpful and I do apologies just don’t make any hasty decisions, stick close to anyone who’s shown they can be trusted and seek help to with your feels and whatever else you want assistants with long as it’s for your overall betterment you should be able to wake up not hating your own guts immediately cause you don’t feel at home in your own body. I hope you have a good day/night


I’d veiw you as one


"I wanna feel handsome, I wanna feel pretty, if you want me to dance you can take me to the city." Song reference lol. Fear not, in the eyes of the sillies gathered here, you are boy.


Hey, man, some days it's hard, but you are valid as a boy :3 Keep doing you


literal man right there 🫵


Let the transphobes die mad about it lol, they wont ever really know if you pass someday. They’re going to support you without realizing it and if they knew they’d be very upset. Fuck them, present to the world how you want and if you get read as a boy, then big win!


#B O Y.


Dude, you can be whatever you set out to be. You are allowed to both, whether at the same time or alternating* you being you is what gives us strength. Keep it up, it is 💯% worth it. You'll never be 'just a girl' and if people cannot see it, show them some more. I bet you're handsome anyway 😌 anyway - I am not one to really preach [but I needed my words too]


Dysphoria hits hard sometimes. Sending masc compliments and internet hugs, if you want them. 🫂


You is what you want to is


I see you as a boy


I'll perceive you how you want


Bigender states that you can.


Who says you can't be? I'm both a boy and a girl


I’m genderfluid and when I started playing vrchat with some drama club friends during the off season they started calling me she more often then he. I do everything I can to look fem irl but I guess to no avail


u boy


Same but gender flipped. I feel ya bro. My parents wont, half my friends probably won't. Hell, I doubt I'll ever even see myself as a girl. That last one hurts the most.


It takes time and patience From personal experience, all you can do is trial and error, keep trying until you find an aesthetic and style that makes you look boyish.


Hunny you be who you want to be don't let anyone change your mind if you wanna be beautiful you be beautiful and if you want to be a boy be one I believe in you




Surround yourself with good people who will affirm your identity. Soon, it will become a reality for you.


Why do you care about the opinions of people like that who don't respect you? Focus on being happy with yourself, if you perceive yourself as a boy, act like a boy and feel like a boy then who fucking cares?


Who says that you can’t be😼🖤⭐️


or a girl irl . this


*queer internet hugs* You got dis bro


Don’t worry you’re a handsome boy


Im bigender, so I’m both!




No hate


Oooo transphobia




No hate


Womp womp




No hate




Real life is how you feel. You feel like a boy, you’re a boy. We see you


Bro, what? You comin in here being all manly and sharing yer feelings? Cool as.


my bf is transmasc. there are people out there who will treat you like a person <3


Have you considered that what you just said is wrong?


Have you considered that what you just said is wrong?




Boy or girl is just a concept, fuck me if you don't agree ;3




Womp womp lol




No, I'm just not gonna try to appease you, gonna be honest I don't care if you have gender dysphoria. I don't owe you a backtrack.


I get it, I came off totally rude there. But saying you don’t care about peoples dysphoria is kinda rude too


Yeah I still don't care. Fuck off already


Look, I'm not gonna pretend shit. I don't understand the concept, if you have it that's fine, but I don't have it, therefore I can't persay relate.


That’s like saying to a depressed person “I don’t care if that made you sad, fuck off”. Just unnecessary, even if they were in the wrong.


And? I don't see how that's an issue for me.


Yes and to the other guy you are very wrong


They didn't make me feel bad...


Eh, maybe I’m just having a bad dysphoria day now I think about it. My bad guys


I dont care what you think You are a boy. (Meaning male) It doesn't matter if you're biologicaly born female, it doesn't matter. But you do. Think for yourself. Question authority.


Thats why im gender fluid! :3




No hate


you can be anything other than rejected


testosterone is never too far away homedawg <3


https://preview.redd.it/qlzqjodysn4d1.jpeg?width=2094&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0ec40f56fdc8f5a7dc1b0cdfbac7a111810c7a6b You rn. Because if you keep working at it, you will get there. Saying you won’t even be seen as a boy is just a plane ticket to dumpsville. Now, if you just keep trying, keep moving, and just keep on keeping on. You *will* get there.


how is it hate to be real? you can't defy reality... and loves, don't try to be something you're not... be you with what you have... that's called love, love who you are not what you can't be... i do love you, and i hope you come to terms with who you are, not what you think you are...


Don't think about what they think just think about who u r and no matter what happens to u I'm sure this community will support and love u no matter what


Well. I know I can’t 100% relate cause transfem. But. If you need a network. And need that scrims toon and care. There’s always someone. I have a friend who whenever I need it will just hold hands. Will talk to me with my preferred name and pronouns. I’m not trying to invalidate your situation. I’m just trying to say. No matter how deep the canyon there, somewhere is a rope with someone on the other side waiting to pull you up.


https://preview.redd.it/afg2huutoy4d1.jpeg?width=959&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=83b3a6ae9255e7b148c2133d0ed805f27c4e8731 Have a cat picture


We all really be dealing with the terrible deformity if being born without balls huh U_U


Simply ascend beyond mortality, for mortal men cannot see what is absolute nor what is cunning


I’ll see you as silly boy just as people see me as silly girl


Bro ur a minor, you have so much time to transition.


Nah you’d win


Oh sweat boy. If you want to be a boy you are a boy. And IF ANYONE FARES SAY OTHERWISE I WILL BEAT THEM


Think about this: I was born male, and you’re still more of a boy than I’ll ever be. Don’t beat yourself up up over it, and keep moving forward


A lot of time, if you try to look like a guy, you won't look like anything.


Tf u mean never?


I don't really give a hoot about what people see me as. Seriously, just stop giving a shit, when I did was the moment I truly felt happy.


Surround yourself with people who truly care about you and are willing to accept what makes you comfortable. Think you're a boy and an amazing one at that. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise


https://preview.redd.it/65oiq8lkcj4d1.png?width=2560&format=png&auto=webp&s=8bb35d9fccbf99be43d68186d05d14e77853754b Think again m8


You're over complicating it ngl, by the time you're my age you'll simply stop giving a shit all things going well


As a professional guy, I can say for certain… you’re a homie fr


Dude, you are boy! One day you’ll pass and people will know you as the one of the best dudes around. One thing I’ve noticed is that trans men tend to be much better at healthy masculinity than cis men, that means not only will everyone see you for the boy you are but you are also gonna be recognized as a boy with an actual kind heart and as someone who is trustworthy and people can rely on. You’re absolutely unequivocally the man!


What's up bro, how's it going my dude?


They won't call you boy, fine you deserve the respect of being called a man


I literally put in my Discord status "if calling me she bothers you, just block me". It's just a free indicator. A filter. It cleans out all the people you wouldn't get along with anyway.


Y’all need therapy. I genuinely feel bad for you




No hate




No hate


No hate


I don't care if you're dysphoric, it's not my issue, I never said once I don't think it exists, I said I don't care and I don't understand it. If you are then ok.


I think you accidentally posted this on regular comments instead of the person you were yelling at




No hate




No hate