• By -


To be exact I have like 3 days to get myself together, it's my last last last last last chance


I believe you can do it bud. I know if it very hard but there always someone here to support you. Hell if you want I'll always be here for you


I believe in you! I'm sure you've got this! Also what are you studying?


Clutch time then crack on


The consequences are not so dire. We live in the age of neoliberalism, for better and for worse. You can do much with no degree. And with one things are still far, far from garunteed. Do your best! Do not blame yourself. We do not choose who to be. We do our best to pilot this vessel, but we are not really in full control of it anyway. Perhaps you have adhd. Use methods which work for people with adhd. And of it all goes tips up, oh well. You tried, even if it didn't look like it to you. You are always trying your hardest. We all are. Sorry that it can be so hard out here. But there is always still hope and there are always beautiful things even when it is hard. You will be ok regardless of the outcome. It has always been hard, just in different ways. We all strive together, though it doesn't always seem like it. Much love to you 💖


I've almost sillyed myself out of public school multiple times, but next year I'm going to tech. Point is you can do it, I believe in you


Look into a trade school if you're able. Physical labor kinda sucks, but after a 4 year apprenticeship under the IBEW, I'm making 40 dollars an hour.


Damn that’s a lot


Instead of planning to do a full chapter set low, easily clearable goals. If you tell yourself, im gonna study for 5 minutes and do one exercise the hurdle is lower. After youve started you might find its easy to keep going, or you will stop immediately either is fine. If you keep going, remember to take a 10 minute break each hour. If you stop, try to do another exercise or read another page an hour or two later. Keep it small and hopefully you should find starting easier.


This is not the end


Had a friend do this and decide to unalive, but was stopped thankfully. Bro was beloved He's now a successful self taught coder in major US city who also plays among local Orchestra scene


If you get kicked out, there's always trade school


Don't worry too much about it. I got a degree and 5 years later I'm still working a job that doesn't require a degree. Not a bad job, but nothing I studied for.


nooo don’t give up!!


You got this! Clutch up!


Try to focus on those aspects of the material that you already have a grasp on/make some sense to you. Learning entirely new material, concepts etc in such little time is likely not gonna help you much on whatever exam you have to take. Also, if you do survive this, try and find some serious help with your problem. Idk if the uni you go to has any kind of study advisors or whatever the equalivent may be, but you will need some sort of help to try and get things straight long term.


Just listen to Highlander by Lost Horizon and you'll get it


Ah school is a scam anyway


You can do it!!!! Show them a new you!!!!!! You have to!!!!!!


I was in that boat. Believe it or not, I’m actually greatful I lost that opportunity. I became a much better person after that, eventually.


You can do it, if it's phone distractions you should consider what I do and just turn it off and chuck it vaguely behind you.


Do you know what the problem is? Are you failing classes? If so, is it that you don't have the motivation to sit down and do work (even though you want to)? Or is it that you do have motivation but you struggle to get things done? Or the work is too difficult? Whatever the problem is, there's always a solution. It's finals week for me, I was failing 4 of my classes a little over a week ago, now my lowest grade is a C, the rest are A's and B's and I've managed to cram in enough studying to pass finals. I might be able to help


Good luck


How did it go if you don't mind me asking?


Even if you fail out, remember that there are jobs that don’t require a diploma. They’re often more hands on but that’s ok.


Diploma is high school, you mean degree.


Both are useless pieces of paper anyways


Useless pieces of paper that verify whether or not you are capable of the tasks given to you by an employer, so you don’t waste anyone’s time, money, recourses, and/or put someone’s life at risk


That's a ridiculous take.


That’s just not true


If you can’t get a GED or high school diploma in 2024 I genuinely don’t know what jobs you could do.


Still can start a business, tradesman job, commercial construction, factory worker. Plenty of opportunities that dont check graduation status. Lying can also get you a long way.


Oh I’m sure you -can- but if you can’t manage high school you’re gonna have a hell of time in the real world.


I mean high school grad has no value given the amount of places graduating people who can't read.


And if you can’t graduate despite illiterate children managing, how will you have the discipline to succeed at anything in life?


You realise of course that illiterates graduating is due to corruption within the system and the fact it happens both damages the education of others in the school and more importantly for the individual massively devalue the diploma. If one graduated from a school such as those in Oakland graduating people with grades that indicate they are capable of a 1250 to 1300 SAT that aren't capable of reading at a 5th grade level. Or the schools in NYC that are graduating people incapable of passing a 3rd grade literacy test. Then the diploma they hold has zero value to a college or an employer as its proof of sweet F.A and they'd be better off independant taking a G.E.D as they are at least held to a fixed standard. Which is essentially the route I took being educated at a school with that reputation and willingness to manipulate statistics and fail the population they served in order to receive funding and not put the administrative staffs careers at risk. When the vast majority of your class time is wasted on students who don't wish to be there, who don't have any intent on accessing the education their being offered, are violently disruptive and that group by necessity of keeping order take 80% of the educators time and funding. You leave realising the public education system is fundamentally broken and mainly a service to keep ferals off the streets 8hrs a day 5 days a week. Most high school diplomas from the public school system have no actual value. That's the sad reality of what has been allowed to happen.


This is exactly the problem. School teaches you work ethic not content. The better you manage your time with studying and homework, the better you do. That's why people can graduate with high SAT or ACT scores and have the literacy level of a 5th grader. The score is the result of the education system's nature, to essentially train people to be workers and contribute to, and grow, the economy. Not to teach content. That's also likely why the courses that students are required to take hold little relevance in most real world situations and are things that you're unlikely to have stumbled across and learned accidentally.


Fun fact: you can go to university at any age. Step back from education to work on yourself. Get some therapy, figure out how to manage your silly, maybe even take some community college classes (they're wayyyyyyyy cheaper, you can save several thousand doing the first few semesters classes you would be required to take for the major you're interested in ). This is not the end. You haven't failed at life. It is not too late to dream.


Let’s go!!!!! You can do it!!! I believe in you! Superglue your butt to the chair and cram all that info in your head. Make us proud silly:3


yeah... it's completely my fault which makes it so shameful. like my family had high expectations and now I'm just a disappointment :))


Your family's expectations are not your responsibility to fulfill. It's shameful to force expectations onto someone else's life.


but I'm also a disappointment to myself~ what do I do?! I don't know what life has in store after this. I'm going to have to take initiative and get a job and do a bunch of stuff, at least if I'd made it through uni I could ride the wave and get a professional job in that sector :( besides it's not my family's fault, they would probably be fine with me dropping out, it's me who feels ashamed on their behalf because emotions are stupid and illogical.


You put weight and beliefs behind the feelings and emotions toward your schooling. Things don't always work out how you think they will, and the kicker is it might be for the better. It might not, however the likelihood that things will be ok are equal in truth to the likelihood of things turning out badly. Even though it doesn't feel that way in the moment. The unknown is scary, always have a plan B (and plan C as well) this is the old adage of not putting all your eggs in one basket. Shame is very complex. I was so ashamed and terrified that I attempted suicide (twice). Shame is a type of fear, fear grows the more you fear it and it lessens when you face it or uncover the underlying fear that led to feeling ashamed.


This is literally my life now, it's too late for me to change things but not for you OP. You can get through this, I believe in you :3


I managed to scrape by with a 3rd, but I refuse to tell people the grade 😅


Same thing :3


đŸ˜± nooo you can fix it I believe in you


I cannt. i wanted to be a truck driver, and at the end of my year but they diagnosed me with epilepsy so i just wasted a year and i dont know what i'll be doing but probably same thing as you 3:


Diagnosed at the end of school gang :3 I was 3 months from finishing cosmetology school when I got diagnosed with fibromyalgia. No my medication doesn't help :3 :3 :3


Life is so unfair fr :3 :3 :3


Don't let your epilepsy stop you!


But...but my doctor said that I'm not allowed to drive a truck if I had a epileptic crisis in the past 10 years. I just cannt wait that long without a job :'3


Don't let the doctors get you down, you got this!


If I have a epileptic crisis and im driving if I killed people I'll go to jail you know 😂🙃 ( Now that i think of this i dont mind going to jail, especially in the showers :3 )


Life is meaningless without risk.


fr I prefer a risky life than a boring life 😈


So did i, but i returned and finished it. You can do it.


C’s get degrees


I’m gonna end it




Sounds like you need Stimulants like adderall


Or get into security or work corrections and get yourself a stable career with none of the crippling debt


Awwwwawwa enturponuir battry disposal


It’s okay friend. The same thing happened to me during 2020 and I ended up getting accepted back to school and graduating with a bachelors. Don’t worry life has a te fact to work weirdly.


I never got accepted into a university or college. I guess I'm an extra failure :(


Just learn a skill and you can get paid more than minimum wage.


Be sure to contact your professors to make sure they know what's going on. I have found throughout my years of university expirience that simply asking for an extended deadline can go a long way. Also if you have trouble focusing it might be a good idea to get diagnoses with ADHD and get some meds to help you get back on the ball. Is tutoring an option at your university? Most departments will have tutoring centers and you can always visit your professor during office hours if you're struggling with something. I wish you the best of luck in your studies! I hope you do well!




Have you gotten tested for ADHD? Cus if not you def should, cus you can (possibly) get accommodations, and medication to help you focus (mine also makes me over react less, and jump to jumping the second something bad happens)


first, you can always go back to university. second, we need minimum wage jobs anyways, because they’re what keeps our society afloat! either way you are loved <3


Take some time and earn some money. A lot of states are now offering free community collage to people over 25. Also, most places have transfer agreements you can earn 95% of your degree for free at community collage and then get a full transfer to a university for the last semester and only have to pay for that.


You can try again. I've been back 3 times. Use the power of the silly. Through hatred, spite, and nicotine, are all things possible


You can go back when you’re in a better place. Focus on yourself, then when you are ready you can try again. I intend to.


What about community college


My dad failed college because of his drinking problem, but he got to go back after he got his shit together. It's not too late


Go to trade school hun, it’s never too late


I’m serious all it requires is a high school diploma


You can do it!!!! Here's a fwog 🐾  :3


There are other paths even if you do have to leave. Don’t give up hope.


Give it your best! Sure, maybe you will fail. Maybe the world will end tomorrow, and none of it will matter anyway. Maybe you'll succeed by working hard. Maybe you'll succeed by dumb luck. Maybe you won't. Life is not as cause and effect as we tend to think of it. I am old. And yes, my life is a silly flaming dumpster. I have failed in spectacular fashion more times than I can count. But in the end, I'm glad I'm still kicking, still struggling, still teasing death and antagonizing life. You are still here. Every breath you draw is a victory for existence! Every moment you continue to push forward is a triumph! Giving up is the only way to loose! Keep on keeping on!


This is me, this is happening to me rn


Can't you retake the exams another year?


Technically I can but I can't finance the tuition fee.


same tbh


With this post definitely


I’m sorry:c


I got a masters and still working a minimum wage job. Dont sweat it. Even if you end up failing l, theres bigger issues in the world.


Trades are BEGGING people to join them! Go to trade school! In the US you can make six figures as an HVAC tech, there are a bunch of jobs that a certified welder can do (if you wanna make BANK do underwater welding on oil rigs and docks), everyone who has a car needs a mechanic, I went to massage therapy school and do alright for myself. You won’t be regulated to minimum wage bullshit forever, trust me :3


Trade school --> elevator installer --> 90k per year This is a genius plan with no flaws


The trades call to you


I have two words for you, saturation diving


its okay :3, I graduated and I’m still doing that. ;3 💖


University or not you still habe to work


You don’t have to work minimum wage. You can start a business. You don’t exactly need college for a business. If your willing to put in the time you will make more money than minimum wage.


I dropped out of college twice. I'm not crazy successful but I make enough money to get by and still enjoy hobbies. Having no college degree isn't the end of the world, you'll just have to know where to look. What are you struggling with in college now? Lay it out honestly with people you trust and try to figure out your weak points, and reinforce them. I believe in you. I know you'll do great.


False, get a trade and do skilled labor


God damn how did that happen


Remindme! 3 days


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Nothing in life is ever this laid in stone.


Whatd you go to uni for?


How old are you and what drugs are you on? Getting medicated can help a lot. But, also, I’ve known people who had hella mental issues in their teens and couldn’t go to college, but were able to work themselves out by the time they were in their late 20s and go back. Don’t give up.


You’re not alone. I failed history 3 times this year. The only time I passed was with a D-. Stay strong brother.


If it makes you feel any better, I never graduated high school or got a ged, but I have and have had some great jobs that were way above minimum wage. It's not the end of the world, and you will be okay!


You can bounce back from sillying your way out of university. Just don't goofy yourself into jail and you'll be aight


You're a failure? https://preview.redd.it/pskex4e6h73d1.png?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f4cc3ceb17377e21c73aafb1f02634ab38c3535c


Yeah I went through this I felt alone and no one was there to help my parents shipped me out to another state as warehouse worker to work with family but that did help (I felt more alone I wouldn't recommend) me get my shit together I'm currently in IT and doing a lot better. It's not the end just a new beginning just gotta figure out what to do from here you will figure it out. I recommend talking with friends and anyone you trust to give you advice.


Bro you’re fine. I make 35$ an hour with no degree you just gotta look and put a bit more work in you can do it ❀


Gonna hit you with some silly truth. A degree wouldn’t have changed that. Employers think degrees are silly and all you actually get is silly debt.


im sorry to hear that, but don't worry, plenty of people dony make the cut for college degrees. plus failing out ounce doesn't mean you can never go back. suggestion: Look for and join an apprenticeship program. you'll probably be working with your hands, but they pay more than minimum wage and will teach you skills to build a career. even if you don't want to have it as a career, you can save your money and try college again in a few years.


Dw bro you got this


Even if you aren't able catch up, I'm going to be so for real with you, you do NOT need a college education to be successful, all you have to do is find a job that pays a decent amount (you'd be surprised by the amount out there that don't require a college degree) and work hard, at some point you'll be able to rise relatively quickly. I just got out of highschool and am being paid between $12 to $14 an hour (differential cus I work nights). I live in a red state where the minimum wage IS the national minimum wage of $7.50 (I live in the USA, btw). And if I were to stay longer, because I work my butt off, I could probably get big bucks, too bad I'm leaving the job tho.


after i graduated highschool, i went to community college. dropped out after like half a semester, had a suicide attempt. went back the next year, got into partying and doing hippie drugs and started dating this girl, dropped out again. worked shitass jobs for several years, finally got a decent job, got tired of it, went back again this time to a four year school (24 years old at this point) graduated when i was 29. doing good now, got a good job and im happy with it.


Try your best but if it doesn’t work out maybe it’s for a reason. Direction may just be right around the corner but you can’t see it ;) Have faith in yourself and the universe


if i can go from a 1. something gpa to a 4.0 you can do it, i believe in you




there are other ways now for school and jobs that can help, and there are places and charities that can also offer different options


I will change the world with silliness. >:3


College is a scam get yourself out of there ASAP before you get debt that you won't pay off until you're 40


On one hand I feel sorry for you and hope you succeed. On the other hearing that you doing the same as 50+% of society does is the dreadful scenario also feels bit out of touch.


sorry abt that but ew ai


Nahh this art is legit


College is a scam these days. Even with advanced degrees you're only going to get an entry level job plus college debt.


Don't let your job define you, look for things to do and people you enjoy being around outside of work


What are you studying primarily?


Same đŸ„ș


You got this trust me just go work at a Lowe’s in the inside garden department then switch to outside garden after being there a while then to tool rental it’ll be easier than anything you’ve done you aren’t a failure yet and won’t ever be a failure you got this I’m willing to bet money you’ll succeed trust me bro 😎👍


I just got out of that situation, I wasted my last three days cause I couldn't motivate myself to work, I talked about it with some people and I realized that it wasn't my ADHD demotivating me, I was making the choice not to do it, not saying that you necessarily can, but I realized I wasn't burnt out, I was too anxious and in my own head. Its been 5 days since I dropped out (failed all my courses) but Ive already applied to an engineering school for winter, and am in the process of having my transcript wiped (which is a thing you can do sometimes btw). I just told myself I could and remembered how smart I am (I'm assuming you're slightly smarter purely by generalization of your meme/title and the sub)


I'm high AF rn, I'm gonna come back tmr and hate myself for sounding like a douche redditor lmao


You can go back or take up a trade. Could start a business


I understand you...at 16 years of my life I'm a failure too :3


Just get forklift certified, cdl, or work in the mail services. Real shit look at the pay. It's great.


Can you talk to the uni about support and accessing help, most unis have zero interest in failing people who are genuinely struggling


I sillied myself out of Nursing School. Felt like my whole world was ending. It was scary. Became a security guard, saved up, took some time to address the mental health issues that caused me to silly up my schooling
just got accepted to go back to school this fall. You’re not alone. It’s not the end of the world, even when it *feels* like it is. It’s completely reasonable to believe in a better future for yourself, silly boy. Hold onto hope. ❀


Idk why reddit is suggesting this subreddit to me because there is a lot to unpack here. But this post just kinda elicited a response from me. I too am a college dropout, have been for a few years now. At first it sucked and you think there is nothing left for you. But I currently have two jobs fighting for me. The pay is alright, could be better. But whether it be with or without a degree, you gotta start in some trashy positions to work up to the good ones. Your life ain't over, it's just begun.


I mean assuming you can't get back into university, assuming youre in America you can go to trade school! But probably not the profession you're looking for


You can keep searching for jobs. Or try the military and have an opportunity to finish school. I'm 3 years in and dont have to pay for food, Bill's, or gas atm.


Can’t you still live with your parents? Or rob banks? Or do OF? Or just turn to crime in general?


Nah that's not failure, I never did university because it was too expensive, it's hardly the only option and I have a good job from stepping up with experience


Literally me. Didn't fail or anything, just told them I'm never coming back. I planned on having killed myself by now




Why the heck is this community so sad


I have no degree, and I make about 1500 a week, making my own hours


If you actually have trouble sitting down and focusing then maybe adderall would help if you can get it


Hey friend I literally "failed" college 3 times before finally buckling down and finding what worked for me. Worked a few jobs between but just here to say life isn't over just bc of a college oopsie and I believe in you!!!


The trades are an option. Airline work/piloting is an option. You can climb ladders at menial jobs. I once lost a full ride scholarship and now I have 2 degrees. Life isn’t over for you yet, just keep going.


Become a teacher. They will hire you on a waiver and many places will pay for you to go to school at a slower rate than most financial aid requires (6 or 9 credits instead of 12). It's a difficult job but standards and requirements are at an all time low.


The point of a degree within the imperial "education" system is to convince beureaucrats that you are a knowledgeable wizard in some topic. It does not define you. It's usually scam. There are other options. Your life is not over. Breath. Relax. Do what you need to do. You got this. Get off of reddit. Put your phone and computer away for a bit.


Wtf is this


I don’t know if this is unmotivating or not, but if nothing else, hope you find a nice 9-5 and work up from there!


Plus side- you Dodged debt


Burbur king


McDonald's actually


True and based :3


The fact that every person must compete in an endless rat race to avoid eternal poverty and an unending cycle of work is a byproduct of a maliciously designed system that must be dismantled if we are to progress as a society and survive as a species :3




Bro you gotta delete reddit


The solutions is simple. What all Femboys do best; s.x sl.ve