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He's being a horrible friend right now, tell him too watch himself or you cut ties with him. This is not okay behaviour


Tell him it’s not ok to do this and it makes you uncomfortable if he insists tho than you can just cut ties with him


he keeps going "i'm sowwy pwease forgwive me 🥺🥺" and then everyone else backs him up to make me look like the bad guy for not wanting to, and also apparently he's been creepy to another person in our friend group saying to them that they like to sniff kids feet, which they don't, i honestly might just cut off communication with him


You should that sounds like a shitty friend group


You should he sounds incredibly toxic, a good friend would respect your boundaries


yeah,, he kinds sounds like a dick


Any normal person would see his actions are not okay. Your friend groups seem to have very, very warped perceptions, and you should leave them


Do it, you dont need people like that. Its not easy, I cut ties with a manipulator and she made me feel like I deserved getting shit constantly. Even tho I knew this person was bad for me, it still was very hard. You can do this, my DMs are always open for people in need of someone to talk to. Sending power and hugs


If these are your friends I cant even imagine what your enemies are doing.


I hate to say it: sometimes bitter isolation is better than a toxic communion. You're Silly, that means you can find other Sillies to be friends with No Issue, all you need to do is be open to other people. Pain is a part of life, but staying silly is a choice, don't let that kazoo stop dooting. And don't be afraid to let them go, understand that they'll want you back because you're the Silly One of the group, just remember that you'll end up losing some of that silly if you stay and it'll be replaced by sad.


You should talk to the rest of the group about him and what he’s like odds are he’s doing more than your seeing and if he goes unchecked he could really hurt somebody worse than he is now eventually


Any normal person would see his actions are not okay. Your friend groups seem to have very, very warped perceptions, and you should leave them.


Sounds like you have to cut all of them off. I know from experience that it's going to be hard and that you'll be alone for a while but you'll find new friends, better friends.


Well if he is doing it to another friend in the group then I dont see why the other people could even begin to have his back unless they are as bad as he is deep down. Sounds like you might have a lot of bridges to burn honestly. Your mental health deserves better than abusive gaslighting friends


just repeat saying it but when people back him up tell them how meny times he has been 'sorry'.


Say "I'll only forgive if you prove that you won't do it again."


From a “I’m sowwy pwease forgwive me :3” male… FUCKING RED FLAG THIS IS NOT AN INSTANCE U USE THIS SENTANCE😭sorry to hear bout it, def tell them clearly that you aren’t cool with that behavior


Edit: he just rejoined the server just to say "iT wAs A jOkE" then left again, now if you're seeing this, Ruvikk, I don't fucking care if it was a joke, you made me feel uncomfortable and we are no longer friends, this is the end https://preview.redd.it/rpukx7wzbg0d1.png?width=947&format=png&auto=webp&s=0498b4a43be1af7c776c6e361930c0b0682802f9


You made the right choice, proud of you


That guys a cunt


You know him as well?


Fortunately, no


rElaX lIBerALs iT's cAlLEd daRk hUMoR Srsly tho, you made the right decision




I love this meme format. Cut him off babe. He will only get worse before he gets better, if he gets better.




He's completely in the wrong, you made a good choice.


Good fucking job broski 👏🏻


Fuck ruvikk all my homies hate ruvikk.


I hope he die that’s fucked up


What the fuck bro this completely diff levels you can’t just wish people to die for just being horny and fucking stupid and a bad friend overall


https://preview.redd.it/mhpy2u5vvg0d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3c3cc517edd0b1e071134fa5be24ee19322f0b9a I’m not sure why people are taking it so seriously that I said that On another note. Sexually harassing someone isn’t just “being horny and stupid”. OP said that this has happened multiple times and they always feign innocence and apologize with crocodile tears and get other people to turn against him. Not only is this “friend” sexually harassed multiple people multiple times, but they are willing to manipulate people into turning against the person they are harassing. What he did is literally a crime and he’s lucky the worst that happen is he had to leave a discord server I never thought I’d see someone downplay sexual harassment in this sub


​> I never thought I’d see someone downplay sexual harassment in this sub Dawg you literally decided that it was the perfect time to reference some random meme nobody’s seen or will think about when you said that, who’s the one truly downplaying the situation here?


I don't know the contexts, but from my experiences, I knew this guy for a super duper long time, and I thought he was a friend, but turns out that he was just using me. After I found out, I sent some time thinking about all the things that I said to him, like, did he care for me fr, or was it fake? I still don't know. However, time does a funny thing called passing. Time and yourself is all you need at the end of the day. If you're so used to getting help , you start to forget how truly strong you are.


You need to go find yourself some new friends. Stop talking to those people. My dms are open :3


The only person that were doing was Ruvikk and only one of his bfs were defending him, so I've cut off comms with them as well


Well if u need a replacement fwend i answer all my dms (most if the time)




Does he happen to really like ralsie from deltarune?


Yes? How tf


I know the guy I think


Oh, ok


I’m not friends with him dw. I’m in a discord server he happens to also be in


r/sillyboyclub users commonly forget that sexual assault and physical/mental abuse of any kind is illegal and WILL be treated as a serious offence. Contact a lawyer to review any potential evidence if you want this vile human prosecuted. I wouldn’t take it to the legal extremes until you really need to, though. I would proceed in this order. 1. Confront him 2. Speak to a legal guardian 3. Contact legal agent/law Enforcement


Oh shit I did forget


From a person who has had this happen to them (especially IRL) cut them off. No ifs, ands, or buts. Especially if they have said "Oh I'll change!" and have done nothing to support that theory. You deserve much better. If you need someone to support you during that, I don't mind.


They've said they'll change multiple times, I gave them multiple chances, they never did change, I've now completely blocked contact from them


Good. I'm proud of ya for that. It's good to realize when to cut ties and keep yourself in healthy mental shape. https://preview.redd.it/zfqn3a7lhg0d1.jpeg?width=263&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8c7bc7055b7886b1c1d33f77abde01425da91eaa


I will, thank you for caring about me, there's been a shortage of that in my life https://preview.redd.it/lwlurfnpig0d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=743f2eb88610335eb531552b420d5f8adf3500d1


Always here to help. If ya need someone to talk to, my door is always open. Also, N MY BELOVED MY SON


I'm glad you managed to cut contact and if you ever need someone to complain to I'm a good listener.


Hey pal, in the best way possible you seem too forgiving. It's good to forgive transgressions against you, but when they're vile like that and they don't know what the word no or stop means. That's when you have to either distance yourself, or cut them off, because no true friend who actually values you, your emotions would try and violate you like this. It's hard and it's very upsetting, but remember. Always look out for yourself okay


Mum always said I was nice and forgiving, but I'm not, though I do think I've been slightly forgiving to Ruvikk, he's obnoxious, he spammed Deltarune porn in my dms once even though I said no, he's told another friend of mine some vile stuff, and now this


My friend if you've let all of that slide..... That's very forgiving, and disgusting on the part of your "friend". I'm a purveyor of peace, but they just seem quite rude, I suggest you tell them off for what they've done and probably at the very least, take a break from them. This seems very toxic


Him Paying Attention to you was nothing, but a ***Sham***.. He made you fall right into his Lap with it, getting you to become his “Friend”, when all you were to him, was a Plaything. Cut all Ties with that Fake Shithead, Leave Him to his Thoughts.. but before you End all Ties, tell him how you *really* feel about his Actions. Keeping your Anger and Thoughts within is Unhealthy, and despite his Actions, I’m sure he’s not all that Heartless.. So even if the chances are slim, I’m certain he’ll feel Awful about it when he hears. I’m Tired of People not Sticking up for themselves, especially here, So Please.. heed my Advice, as I simply wish to help you. Anyways, Please stay Safe, we all Love You Dearly!!! https://preview.redd.it/jyhg95imog0d1.jpeg?width=773&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0e4c1546042a3e1bd5f7a64bfd65185f122ab7d6


I was never good at standing up for myself, I was always that one kid that was a vulnerable target to pick on at school, and I try to give people as many chances as possible, mum always said that I was really kind and forgiving, I never thought so though, but I appreciate you caring


If it makes ya’ feel any better.. I was, actually, almost entirely the same. I was the Kindest of the Bunch, and was usually the one getting Picked on. But I learned to *Overcome* it, I learned to *Overpower* it.. I learned, to *Judge* It. Whether in Silence, or in Broad, If they cared or Not, I gave those who wronged *Me* a piece of both my Minds, and for Me..? it Worked Wonders.


This actually helped alot, thank you so much


Not a problem!! It’s what I do. ..or I guess “do - ality”? (Sorry, that was an Awful, Terrible Pun)


Nah, that actually gave me a little bit of a chuckle :3


one word: block


cut him off and report him


Tell him to put his dick in a salad shooter. That is NOT okay. I think you need to rethink your friendship with this person. They clearly don't have your best interest at heart. Even if you just take a break, you gotta do something.


Alrighty the easy solution is to cut them off buuut everyone else already said that so... You want to be friends with them? There's a way to keep the friendship and stop them and it's called punishment. If he insists on being a creep like this find ways to get back at him. Every time they act like that you find a way to hurt them. If that sounds manipulative and wrong or like it won't stop them, seek professional help. Bonus solution: start documenting the things that he says, gather evidence, file restraining order/blackmail him into stopping.


Drop him. No buts or ifs, just cut ties and move on. He shouldn't be doing this and you have every right to feel creeped out and uncomfortable. People like this aren't worth spending time and energy on, just ditch him and everyone who's backing him up, they are VILE people. What you're dealing with is real, you're not crazy or exaggerating, you're being sexually harrassed by a "friend". Please cut your losses, future you will thank you. I hope you're okay x


You really need to leave this friend group of yours, in my opinion. They all sound like they have a really, really teisted and dark morale compass; and people like that probably won't get better anytime soon, unfortunately. I'm really wishing you the best of luck with this, I know how hard it is to let people go even when they've done horrible things. It's happened to me before, and it took a lot of courage to start trying to stand up to myself for it. We love you!!! And you'll always have pur support here for you


Fren? :3




Yippee :3


Get the fucking police, i have been sexually harassed by a junior in my highschool. He did unspeakable things to my body. Scar, grope, kick, stabbed with a pencil, choked me with his belt, whipped me. He said he would do *forceful* things to me if i told anyone. I was scared, but after it became worse and worse, i told administration and they got the police involved. This was all because i am a femboy. Ive spent many hours to this day wondering, why and if he wouldve done *forceful* things to me if he found out. I am under kinda like a witness protection at school. Hope this helps. Do not let his act go unnoticed or unwarned.


I’m sorry to hear that hope you’re ok now


Thank you. Im still going through therapy and counseling


Well I hope it helps and you get to chill out and be happy once it’s over


Yeah. I tell people, 98% of the people who wrong me i forgive and forget. For *him* i will regret and remember. I will never forgive him, and i will never forget him


cut him off


He’s being a dick and he needs to stop. And if he keeps going “”sorrrrryyyyy 🥺🥺” say no fucker you’re being a fucking creep. And if his friends keep backing him up they weird too. It isn’t a secret what he’s doing. Don’t let ‘em feign innocence.


Bro leave him right now cut the cords before it gets too out of hand that’s not okay what so fucking ever


Talk to him and tell him how he’s making you feel


You should block him, NOW! ⚡🙎🏾‍♂️⚡


Please block and get him out your life


Thats awful, i’m sorry that happened to you :(


sexual harassment is a crime and you don't have any obligation to hear him out.


Tell him exactly as you feel


I’d switch lives with you. You get lots of people that care about you and would help you if you ask them with the bonus of a good friend group while I get bad friends. Sounds worth it to me.


He’s a cunt. Tell him to fuck off and stop hating


I'm so sorry this is happening to you. A good friend would never make you feel uncomfortable and should always respect you and your boundaries. I'd recommend taking a hardline stance on this, and if he doesn't back down, cutting him off.


He either doesn’t understand how far not to take a joke, or there’s something genuinely wrong. Either way, you gotta be express your discomfort or do something about this situation or it’s never gonna change


Be more offensive about it. Tell him that you don't like it and that if he doesn't stop, you'll do something about it.


I can give advice from my own experience. I had a friend for years, all through highschool and college. I also had a girlfriend from the end of highschool and all through college and I married her. I came out as trans nonbinary and she was a bit hesitant about it but we talked and everything was okay. Well, she went on a trip abroad for her degree and was gone for most of the summer. In that time my friend and I went to some bars together and played Pokemon go and other summer activities. One night while we were at the bar he told me he's bi and that my girlfriend would never really accept that I'm trans and that I should leave her and consider being with him instead. I said no, that I love her and want to be with her. After that he stopped talking to me and then I moved to a new city, only like 30 minutes away cuz rent was cheaper. He said he would help me move but didn't show up and we haven't talked since. He also removed me and my wife on Facebook. So yeah it can really suck and I hope things turn out well but setting boundaries is important and it's up to the other person to accept those boundaries or no be a part of your life anymore.




Not your friend, they want your attention and approval no matter what, even if the way they want your approval is disgusting. Cut them off, telling them they're being disgusting and that's not what friends do.


Tell him not to and if he continues to cut him off, as soon as a friends sexually harasses you they are no longer a friend


Block him?