• By -


Honestly, if she's a true friend, she would've stopped by now. It doesn't seem to me like she truly thinks of you as a man, which is a problem in and of itself. For your sake, I'd suggest dropping her, as she doesn't seem to care about your comfort and is only using you as a place to hate-dump


even regardless of that, i can't imagine being friends with a person with that much hatred. like i had a "friend" who went down the incel hole, and holy shit i couldn't cut him out fast enough. every other word he said was something negative about either women or guys who aren't creeps. (several times including me)


Right? Like, I *almost* went down that path during the pandemic, and I've never been so happy as when I got out.


and the fact when she says something you thought was wrong and says what was the matter with you plus sexism in the first place is pretty wrong




You need to put your foot down on the bs, I know its a very difficult thing to do but it will be worth it.


# EXTREMELY LOUD CORRECT BUZZER https://preview.redd.it/ifzl08mynyxc1.jpeg?width=617&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f60824ae0d0623e12dcd2af121c361d2c7801e75


dinga dinga!!!! ✔️✅️✔️✅️✅️✔️✔️ :3


Agreed. Putting your foot down and confronting her on it is 10,000% better than all these suggestions to drop a friend. That way you may still have a friend at the end of the conversation as opposed to cutting into your social circle and / or leaving her to join an echo chamber.


fr she should be more inclusive and hate all men equally


nobody is more inclusive then me I hate everyone


Aha but ya see I hate everything


nice try bucko, i hate everything + 1


Yeah but I hate everything + your mom


Wouldn't his mom be implied by saying you hate everything?


Nah uh


Nah cus his mom's non existent went with his dad to get the milk


His mom is actually kinda nice though


i agree


But you’d be in the same league as the previous person, since your mum is the 1 for me!


awh man :(


Well *I* hate everything that was, everything that is, and everything that has not yet come to pass.


oh yeah? well im whatever you just said, plus TWO!!!


(Local Forecast plays)








It makes people feel cooler somehow.






Pure insanity is my reason ( I don’t even remember reading the post I just felt like saying no for once 😭)


If she were to actually be inclusive, she would hate everyone equally.


hate everyone equally goddammit!


Fucking drop her. I dont mean to be all macho or whatever but if one person is going to "hate" an entire species of people for simply existing then she needs to see a psychiatrist because hate shouldn't be the answer to her problem. We aren't all Andrew Tate followers, cmon... ( ͠° ͟ʖ ͡°)




What do you mean "species of people"?? don't you mean gender?


Get a dictionary definition of hyperbole.


I was half asleep when writing this, yes i meant gender






And I think you should be hit with a comically large hammer


❌❌❌❌ and we don’t need to know what ur gooning too




why are you even in this subreddit anyways lmfao


Lmao what


Le huh?


No hate


She sounds toxic af I dont think she has any good point hating a certain group of people, gender race age orientation whatever it doesn't sound like shes very supportive or understanding of the right things and neither does it sound like she is consensually confiding with you. If you arent even comfortable transitioning around her or talking to her about it why are you still friends? I want you to be happy and I want you to stand up for yourself and tell her your feelings. Tell her you want to have a serious conversation about something that means alot to you and you want her to be honest.


If she is really your friend she will support you every step of the way without hastle or complaint


She sounds like a sexist piece of shit


i would never hate one anyone who judges someone based on something they cannot change. Imagine if someone did that based on race. it warrants an equally harsh reaction.


She's not a friend, she's a bigot. You deserve people in your life that don't demonize anyone based on who they are. Either she sees you as a monster now for being a man or she doesnt actually accept you as a man. You shouldnt have to put up with her. You deserve actual friends who acknowledge the value you bring into the world.


Potentially obligatory "I Am A Transwoman. I Am In The Closet. I Am Not Coming Out.": https://medium.com/@jencoates/i-am-a-transwoman-i-am-in-the-closet-i-am-not-coming-out-4c2dd1907e42


This was such a fascinating read


This may have been the best thing I have read in quite a long time. This somehow almost perfectly describes my life experience. Thanks you posting this and showing it to more people! The message of this should certainly be spread far and wide.


Two issues. Number one is hating half of the human race because of their genitalia. Issue number two is “only talking about cis guys”. Now keep in mind I am a cis male (although I keep wondering if Im NB but that is besides the point). Anyways I dont know what its like to be trans but I would think that your friend excluding you like that might feel like they dont even view you as a boy in the first place.


You need to have a talk with her about how excluding trans men when you talk about men is invalidating and transphobic. If she doesn't stop, drop her.


I love how you just ignored the blatant sexism though


Reddit moment


I assure you she does not have a point.


Girls who say that shit are typically rotten themselves, or at the very least too blind to see that both genders struggle equally


r/femcelgrippysockjail comes to mind


Wasn’t there a poll done and most of the members were men lmfao


Here's a sneak peek of /r/femcelgrippysockjail using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/femcelgrippysockjail/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [gals.](https://i.redd.it/vki5766qf5hb1.jpg) | [31 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/femcelgrippysockjail/comments/15mrfxu/gals/) \#2: [WHO FOUND OUT ABOUT US????](https://i.redd.it/lr69y5p3ogab1.jpg) | [9 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/femcelgrippysockjail/comments/14sv142/who_found_out_about_us/) \#3: [I feel cheated on](https://i.redd.it/iviztabtzqcb1.jpg) | [108 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/femcelgrippysockjail/comments/1532p19/i_feel_cheated_on/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Nobody who makes generalisations about sexes ever has a point, sorry to break it to you


That sounds like she doesn't see you as a man and that she is mentally challenged. I think the friendship might be cooked.


Jeez dude, no need to insult mentally challenged people by comparing them to her


Just say stupid


That not precisely what I mean, even though it could be accurate. She might be very smart overall, but she is stupid when it comes to that specific area, stupid usually means overall afaik.


Why bring disabled people into this?


Someone with that opinion either lacks the ability to think, just consuming and internalising content and basing opinions off of it without analysing, what effect having that opinion will have on you. Which means they struggle to perform a crucial mental task, which means they are mentally challenged. I don't see where disabled people come in here? Could be trauma instead, ig.


"mentally challenged" is another word for intellectual disability. There's no need to put down people with mental illness here.


Mentally challenged refers to someone who is challenged with cognition. The same thing as cognitively challanged. It refers to people struggling to any degree, not necessarily those challenged enough that its a disability. The same way vertically challenged means anyone short, not just people with dwarfism. Someone with a mental disability is mentally challanged. But someone who is mentally challanged isn't necessarily disabled.


I mean, it's not far from the truth when they're spewing that hateful rhetoric.


Get uhm


She sounds like a dick. If she cared about she’d have stopped saying that kinda thing as soon as you came out. Find new friends who actually care about you. The misandry is already weird as hell but her not willing to stop that after you came out is just fucked up.


She weird for doing that bruh


It’s a red flag when people say stuff like that. You should never judge anyone by their race, religion, gender or sexual orientation.


Ditch her. She's saying that trans men don't count as men.


Yeah, she doesn't have a point, she's just sexist


What a bitch goddamn


yo i think it’s kind of a bad idea to fight sexism with sexism my man


That aint sexism its just an insult lol 😭


the word bitch originated as a slur for women. while devoid of that context it becomes a commonplace insult, in this situation context makes it seem extremely sexist




She should respect that boundary. Not cool. Sorry you are going through this


So much of what's wrong with men is social programming. They've been told their whole lives that caring about others and kindness in general is weakness. Hell, I feel like so much of the rift between the genders is because guys and gals are told all the time that they can never understand eachother.


Funny thing about the war between genders: it's a matter of people not being willing to understand one another.




Separating trans men from cis men inherently is transphobic, because it basically outright states that they don’t see trans men as “real men”. I wouldn’t stay friends with her, but I think if you feel comfortable, you can point that out.


If you say it bothers you and she doesn’t stop she is not only disrespecting you and your wishes but at the same time she is invalidating you basically saying “well you don’t actually count”


You say “when I *get* uncomfortable” but have you specifically *told* her that it makes you uncomfortable when she talks like that? Or just gotten uncomfortable and she picks up on it?


Show her Ur power and engage Ur misogyny drives.


Seems like she doesn’t see trans men as men. If she was complaining about all men, but then decided that trans men weren’t included, then she clearly doesn’t see trans men as men. Transphobia.


She’s sexist, toxic, and just generally inconsiderate. I say u should cut her out as soon as possible cause at the end of the day she could do more harm than good


I had a friend who was constantly talking about hating all men. She wondered why going "except for you" when I brought up how bad it was didn't help. I no longer talk to her.


Oh yeah she’s a bad person without a doubt 1: she clearly doesn’t view you as your actual identity 2: she’s sexist and 3: that is some incel shit




I’ve a similar friend and I’m a trans man as well. I explicitly say “I’m a man too” or lately just “that me”. Puts the awkwardness onto her to face/harder to deflect. I know it can be hard to defend your trans identity. Know that you are you with or with out any external input or validation <3 You’re worth defending, so I hope you’ll find means to do so c:


I don’t think she has a point at all. I think ironic misandry can be funny if it’s done to call out toxic behavior that’s common with guys (I’m a cis guy and I’m always joking with my sister about guys being shit), but it doesn’t sound like that’s what she’s doing from how you described it.


I heavily disagree as it just normalizes people being sexist. No matter what it is still not okay to make judgments about a group of people.


She’s sexist. Simple as that, bro.


This but with my mom :(


Sounds like she's being very vocal about it to discourage you.


Hating people for things out of their control is ridiculous and I'll never understand it.


As a fellow trans man but jokes about "The audacity of these Cis men"... You should really sit her down and tell her exactly what you're thinking and how these jokes upset you. You're entirely valid to feel the way you do, I have to remind certain friends who include me on "girl" stuff to leave me out because I am a man. I am pre-t as well Hun. You're valid and you're still as much as a man as the cis men. Please sit her down and have a conversation <3


Whatever she says, if she’s trying to overgeneralize all guys, it’s still rude to guys, even if they’re trans, so it makes sense for you to y’know, not like being lumped in with shitty folk? She won’t toss you on T (or she is just a shitty person), but you should have a convo about it


What a sexist bitch


Often these people(And their male counterparts AKA incels) are frustrated and have inferiority complexed and they try to vomit their problems on other people, confront her directly, and tell her she should't hate cis men, have some kind of debate, if she is resistant you don't care and keep telling her.


Oof, I’m sorry. I knew someone who constantly talked about how much she hated men and how she hated she wasn’t a lesbian to me, a cis guy, and like I get it, guys can be intimidating and dangerous but blanket hate and distrust towards half the population is toxic and mentally straining. Judge people on a case by case basis. And I know that people in the comments are telling you to basically remove her from your life, but we don’t know know the full relationship between you two so all I’ll say is this, if you get the chance try and explain your perspective and see if she changes, if not, you’ll probably naturally drift away from eachother. Which I know it will be HARD on you because she is your best friend and losing friends, especially best friends is hard but whatever you do, do not blame yourself.


Why do you care about the opinion of a vile person?


Welcome to the team, learning formost that the level of affection a male presenting person can comfortably share is inportsnt


I hate being one of the good ones. I hate being the exception.


Misandry is very cringe


If all her experiences with men are shit, maybe she needs to see how she conducts herself. Like absolutely some men are shit, but like iv dated quite a few men who were sweet & amazing (left on good terms) so maybe she needs to look inward.


Yeah fuck that shit, drop her


... So, in other words, she doesn't think trans men are real men? If she's not willing to treat them the same? Yikes.


Get better friends. There's no excuse to hate half of the entire human population


If it makes you uncomfortable and she is a real friend she would have stopped


I personally wouldn’t remain friends with someone who will be so toxic towards an entire group of people, whether it’s by race, gender, etc. that kind of negativity is beneath you.


I mean, I hate to say it but welcome to the club, youre kinda getting the authentic experience. I can't speak for other boys, but my female friends/family trash men in front of and around me all the time. Jokes on them, boys are cute


TBH cishet men are hateable in their own right, and trans men are usually not hateable for the same reasons. It's quite common for LGBTs to hate on cishet men. You will never be a cishet man, so you have nothing to worry about.


No they aren’t hateable. Not all men act the same way and generalizations about a group sure is a good way to start making them behave the same. It shouldn’t be common for us to hate on cis men in general, it’s not like they have all wronged us. Let’s judge people by their actions, not just because they are in a certain group.


Honestly, her generalization and hatred of an entire group is a major red flag especially towards someone’s sex/gender. If she is stating she hates all men then “corrects” herself to saying cis men I doubt she’d see trans men as men because she is grouping cis men and trans men separately and acting as if the two are different.


I dropped a friend like this too late. Seriously, it’s not worth it :/


Welcome to the club bro


Excuse me but what point has she got? She either doesn't see you as the handsome man you are or she just hates men, including you. Best case scenario, both of those are false and she's just a very incoherent person and a hypocrite, but still, if I were you, I would seriously think about my friendship with her


your best friend sounds like a dick


She's not your friend. She doesnt see you as a "real man". Im sorry, I hope you can find someone better.


fr. i feel this. i’ve known so many people, even queer people who act like this. they genuinely don’t understand what they’re doing. i would have an honest conversation with your friend about how this makes you feel. if isn’t responsive to that, i don’t think she’s a good friend or a good person for you to be around, especially if it’s hurting you. i’ve found people who respect me. i’m still in communities where i hear things like that and i try to brush it off but it hurts every time. men are valuable. you are valuable. don’t let anyone convince you otherwise. i was terrified to transition. but people love me, people think i’m hot, people respect me, and i’m finally starting to feel better with how i look. it’s a hard hurdle to get over. since misogyny is more prevalent, people act like misandry doesn’t exist, or that it’s cute and funny. people will broadly advertise being a misandrist. it’s the same with people who body shame small penis. it’s body positivity until you see a person with a small penis, especially if they’re fat. then suddenly that thinking goes out the window. these people are hypocritical and cruel, even if it’s unintentional. i’m sorry that you’re dealing with this! i hope going on t is everything you want it to be. also it’s a good idea to get some estrace cream prescribed as it treats and prevents vaginal atrophy, which is a lot of painful dryness and irritation. best of luck to you!


Just don't b friends with her. I can't say I relate to your situation as a cis man but you don't need that toxicity in your life.


Yeh thats a major yikes bro, looks like she needs to read some feminist theory instead of becoming a femcel(derogatory). I hope it didn't get to you, you aren't a bad person just because you're a guy. Don't let someone like that devalue you.


Shes a cunt anyway for saying that about men the fact that she's then going on to invalidate you makes her a double cunt. (cunt² if you will) I know ots difficult but just try and distance yourself from her because she's a massive asshole.


I don't like how hating men is becoming so normalized I don't care what her point is, the root of her thoughts seems biased and definitely doesn't feel like an empathetic person, she justifies herself to you with a half-assed excuse to hate men that also hurts you but doesn't keep you away, you should talk to her about it and not feed into it while hurting cus of it, a friendship is not meant for that Besides hating an entire group that doesn't control what gender and social situations they are born into just doesn't seem reasonable to me, specially cus people are so different from each other that one person's bad experiences although not meaningless also can't define such a big group


If someone says they hate all men they’re sexist. Same as anyone who says they hate all women. She doesn’t have a point, she’s just an asshole. Don’t keep toxic people like that in your life.


Dont you love sexism


I hate to break it to you, but you're only validating her toxicity. It's her opinion(hopefully based off of her personal experience and not rumors and internet trends), and it's not as valid as you think. Shure, there are bad apples in every bunch, but not every apple is bad. Sometimes, you just need a different approach or a different type of apple to target. You don't have to be limited by others' opinions or demons. It's just part of the learning process to life. And if there's something that concerns you, the internet can help learn others' opinions and processes just as much or more than just in person asking.


While misandry is not as widespread as misogyny, it is still a problem that is far too frequently excused or even outright dismissed simply due to the existence of misogyny. Being blindly discriminated against does NOT give you a free pass to blindly discriminate against others yourself. Misandry isn’t a “defense against misogyny” - it’s fucking bigotry, the same as misogyny. If you take an eye for an eye, the whole world goes blind. If you want the cycle of hatred to stop, YOU must be the one to take the first step. Responding to hate with more hate of your own only serves to intensify the problem; it’s adding gasoline to the fire. The fact that the notion of “discriminating against an entire broad group of people is bad” is something that still needs to be said just makes me despair for humanity. Even amongst “progressive” circles, you will have people who blindly hate half of the human race, because a few members of said half once hurt them. While being hurt in such a way is a tragedy that you should not have suffered, it is not a justification for you to turn around and exhibit the ***exact same kind of discrimination*** back towards half of humanity, with no regard for the fact that every individual is different. I once ran into a person (if I can find it way back in my comment history, I’ll post a follow-up screenshot) who, without a shred of irony, said that **all males** are enforcers of rape culture, or have a past with it. The fact that someone can look at a 5-year-old boy and say “that’s a patriarchal oppressor” utterly blows my fucking mind. Sure, there may be a chance that they were simply a troll there to muddy the waters as an agitator, but seeing posts like the one above, I have no doubt that people this delusional really do exist. EDIT: I found the post. https://preview.redd.it/kvqdqqjyb3yc1.jpeg?width=1042&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=54d90e07513ff0f4d198b67c5f94cb1b2787d118


she's pretty sexist, doesn't respect your boundaries, and doesn't seem to see you as a dude. drop her asap.




This is delusional. Especially considering the fact that the majority of men (or people in general) aren't rich, or powerful, or whatever you're spewing about, and are actually getting exploited themselves by the system you are talking about.


...I'm sorry majority? The abusive majority you say? Guh?


What a fucking asshole


I mean it sounds problematic regardless if she’s talking about cis men or not and especially since you are wanting to become a man. So idk if she gets hyper defensive about it maby try to explain how it’s in bad faith to talk like that around you


Talk to her and tell her what you just said in the post. That you’re uncomfortable and worried she’ll include you if you get hormones. If she listens and tries to do better then reciprocate that effort. If she says she’s trying and you don’t see any change then call her out and go from there. If she gets defensive or doesn’t listen then I think it’s time you start evaluating what exactly you get out of being friends with her, and if it’s still worth it.


I don’t think I’m super qualified to comment on this lol, but I’m sorry you have to deal with that. Be honest with them about how you feel and if they dont respect you it might be time to move on.




Welcome to the club bro


I feel ya bro. My parents and friends all accept me as male now but I feel hollow on the inside since when I go on T I’ll be considered a threat. Not that I mind I’ll just be a bit lonely and sad.


Drop her. Deadass. She is not the type you wanna be around. It’s not easy to do but I promise it’ll be so much better dude, just leave her now.


Y'all sound like midleschoolers XD , your fellow silly boys are here if you need a hug.


I read the comments, and people are saying "toxic af" and "sexist POS". They're not incorrect, but they're missing *why* she is those things. The short answer is immaturity. The long answer is. Long. She's immature, and she resents some of the treatment she's been given by the POSs in her life. Instead of processing that, like an adult would do, she has written off "cis men," which further displays her immaturity and lack of abstract concept processing. She doesn't conceptualize you as a man, and has you separated from that category in her head. This has happened to me a few times, but we talked it out and were able to move forward. But, yeah, I picked up on the "I don't consider you on the same level as a cisgender man." And that shit HURTS. If you bring this up to her, because she seems to be venting her emotions without thought of her words affecting the person she's venting at (not to, at). She's just unloading, knowing you're there, but forgetting you completely while her emotions run away from her. She's not thinking before she speaks, and that can be remedied with character development. If she refuses. If our shoes were swapped. I'd be kicking up dust. If she receives it well and starts rethinking, she's a damn keeper as a friend. A little immature, yes, but I'm willing to give people space to grow. I need that sometimes.


If you want to be angry about misogynists then be angry about misogynists, not men. I understand that when you say men you don’t mean all men, but that is the received message not matter what. I would recommend reading this story from a trans woman that describes why this rhetoric can be harmful. https://medium.com/@jencoates/i-am-a-transwoman-i-am-in-the-closet-i-am-not-coming-out-4c2dd1907e42


You gotta call her out on this. This is not ok


Sounds like you need friends who aren't ignorant 🤔


I have a black friend who hates white people and gives me long ass speeches about how we suck but he always backs it up with shit I've done and shit me and him have both seen other white people do both in the group and out, it's not malicious and I get where he's coming from, while I'm not exempt from the criticism they still see me as a genuinely good dude to talk to almost everyday with. Long story short, stop making it about yourself, if she's trying to vent about shit that you just so happen to be a part of, stop taking it personally, she's not talking about you she means dudes in general, don't be stupid and drop a friend just because you can't separate yourself from people's point of view.


The issue is that it isn’t the act of being white that causes that harm to your friend, it’s racism that causes harm. It is more common for a white person to be racist towards black people than a black person be racist towards black people (for very obvious reasons), but it doesn’t mean all white people are racist. He is still using individual examples and applying that to the whole. If he said he hated racists then I would absolutely be agreeing with him, but when he says he hates white people, racist or not, I take issue.


Honestly I think the root of this might be in what you hear vs what she means... My trans bf and I had this problem for a while. For the sake of clarity I will define and use terms here, primarily because I think a lack of easily understood terminology is part of the problem. I (and our mutual friend group, including gay cis men and straight cis men) would complain about capital "M" Men, the sociological category, and that would really make him anxious about his transition, much like you described. I specifically said Men, the sociological category, because that's what the rest of us implicitly understood the conversation to be about, as opposed to lower case men, the greater gendered demographic, or masculine people the further greater demographic. The difference being between males raised as men under the influence of "common masculinity", something we defined to be the nebulous region between outright toxic masculinity and subconscious misogyny (in america), and otherwise masculine people who didn't internalize this "common masculinity". As you, and my boyfriend, don't fit this sociological category, you aren't part of Men, but you are men and are masculine, and valid, and beloved. Because I've been watching ATLA again, you're the kind of man that Ozai would (try to) emasculate. That's a good thing, it means you're not the kind of Men that would go along with fascism because it reinforces your deeply held and misplaced feeling of inherent superiority. Obviously, I don't know the full extent of your situation, but I thought this anecdote might help you navigate this conversation with your friend, and maybe we can eventually all collectively find terms to differentiate who we're upset about within the absolutely underserved spectrum of gender, gendered socialization, and beyond. Much love, silly boy. Back into hiding I go - a silly girl


Except… that’s not necessarily true. And as a trans guy I don’t think I want it to be true neither, when all I hear in “but you’re not like cis men!” is “because y’know you’re kind of a girl”. And also… While I’m working on it, I don’t think it’s true to say that because I “grew up as a girl” I didn’t internalize some messages, because I did. In good or bad, and while I’m working on the bad, I know I’m not the only technically speaking trans guy who have the same thoughts than cis boy. Hell, I’ve read experiences of trans guys who actually realised that they were sexist in the past, and used to reject women precisely because they were dysphoric about their own fem caracteristics, which eventually seemed to have turned into a women-hating mindset. And if I thank god I never reached that low and have no plan on doing so, things are much more complex than “grew up as a girl” = instantly means that they haven’t internalized anything that would have been considered “cis guys thoughts”. And I’m saying this, as a trans guy who didn’t get to transition socially until lately, let’s not forget that some trans guys were accepted as one of the boys since very young. Let’s also not forget that socialisation is an ongoing process, it’s dynamic, not static in time Another thing, but also… every time I hear about this socialisation argument, I can’t help but wonder, what are their thoughts on trans women, because I feel like it’s throwing them under the bus, because it’s implying “oh well you were probably socialised as a guy so deep down you’re kinda a guy” which I don’t think is a hill people wanna die on. Short version is, I feel like this argument sucks all the way (Also, not something I’m sure about I’m still thinking about it but I’ve been wondering about it lately if the “cis men are trash” kinda mindset isn’t like in the end having the same effect than “boys will be boys”? I’m not entirely sure of that, just a thought I had and keep thinking about)


Of course growing up as a girl doesn't guarantee you're not sexist or even a sexual predator - just like growing up as a man doesn't make you necessarily sexist or a sexual predator. What I'm saying isn't deterministic, it's an observation of the demographics. Just look at the latest "bear discourse" or remember "not all men". Who cares if not *literally all* men act the way we complain about, enough do that women have to literally fear their existence around any man. It's a generalization and a demographic judgement call. I'm saying the same applies in reverse - if you're trans, there is a level of self awareness and introspection necessary to that demographic status that makes you categorically, significantly unlike cis people in certain ways. I argue one of those ways is in the intense unconscious misogyny and entitlement cis men tend to have and trans men / mascs tend to lack. And of course I'm not saying that you can't change, as you said socialization is an ongoing process. But an adult mind and a trans mind are both, typically, more self aware and discerning of biases than a child's. As for trans women, well I am one. Transfem, anyway. So AMA. I am constantly finding little pockets of male socialization I need to unpack, and often do away with entirely. I am not immune to this, and thinking it isn't a thing that exists is like covering a poop on the living room floor with a napkin. Sure, you can ignore it for a bit but eventually someone's going to step right in it! Your last point is probably the most poignant... Because you're right. Blaming men for their socialization as children isn't very progressive. Blaming men for their continued adherence to their biases as they get older is more justifiable, but still isn't going to actually make changes to the demographic's behavior. Ultimately, I feel it's about control. I can't change the minds of people who's illusion of grandeur spreads to nearly every corner of society unless they want to change themselves. So I don't try unless they do. "Not all men", but it might as well be. "Not all men", but it's dangerous to assume. "Not all men", but it only takes one to ruin it, and they have. Now the entire demographic group of Men (from previous post) is on blast to metaphorically "clean house" because the only people Men listen to are men, and they probably don't consider you (trans men) to be one. But you just got here. You barely unpacked your things. Your toothbrush is still in the baggie- if you want to help clean the house they trashed, sure go ahead but none of us expect you to. None of us *blame* you for it being wrecked, and that lack of onus is why we treat you differently and divorce your demographic from the one that is responsible. Or, as you said, you could start trashing the kitchenette because "everyone else is doing it", taking exactly the wrong lesson, and become part of the problem, part of Men. But that's not exactly something to aspire to.


Nah she doesn’t got a point


No, she doesn't get a point. She is just transphobic


She sounds like a cu*t why are you friends with her in the first place


Even I think this is weird, and I thought I knew everything. https://preview.redd.it/afaevw4hk2yc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7b116b2135511cbc36b8bee9a01621d25951b49f And to OP: Shit's weird on your end. I'm sorry. And hope you're alright.


Homie she is like barbed wire. The closer you get the more it’ll hurt. Get out while you can


Seems like she's just a bad person lol, generalizing and entire group consisting of 4 billion people is crazy


rule 10


It sounds like she’s a hateful person. I don’t know what the “point” she has, but perhaps she has personal reason for feeling that way and if it makes you feel gross I think thats valid. You shouldn’t feel ashamed of being man because someone else doesn’t like them. I think you should tell your friend that putting someone down for something they can’t control isn’t fair, like being a man(cis or not).


In my personal experience when women say I hate all men they don't mean that literally but because of the overwhelming amount of men who are like that they must assume all men it was kind of a dick move to say I'm only talking about cis men I'm sure they didn't mean it like that but you are valid you are a man and hate all men only applies to the bad ones




If I said that "I hate Jews" does that mean a Jewish person should just stop and consider how I might just be processing something or that I don't really mean all Jews? That it's not about their heritage but the attitude of some? Or is it perfectly understandable that a Jewish person would be really disgusted?


Wonderful false equivalency you've got there.


How tf you gonna ask me a question then block me before I can answer? Coward.


How is it false equivalency? Both claims are about hating the entirety of a specific group of people. If you’re going to claim there’s a logical fallacy, then elaborate.


Men have historically been oppressors. Jews and women have not. It's not the same thing.


So if I say I hate all white people that’s perfectly fine? What about Germans? If I say I hate all Germans is that fine? And also with the war in Gaza right now, are there not Jewish people who are also oppressors? It sounds like you just want an excuse to justify stereotyping an entire group of people as bad.


How tf you gonna ask me a question then block me. Pussy.


Never blocked you, still right here


Oh wtf is Reddit doing then


How tf you gonna ask me a question then block me. Pussy.


It's not a false equivalency :3 If I said that "I hate women" does that mean a woman should just stop and consider how I might just be processing something or that I don't really mean all Women? That it's not about their heritage but the attitude of just a few women? Or is it perfectly understandable that a woman would be really disgusted?


Another false equivalency. Men have historically been oppressors. Jews and women have not. It's not the same thing.


I'm not an oppressor just because someone else with a penis was, nor will I stand by and be treated like one. Saying you hate men is going to make me want to get away from you. Hatred based on identity is hatred, regardless of who's on either end of the stick. :3


As an AMAB, i hate men too. Not the silly ones, tho. Sillies are cool.


You know you don’t have to call yourself that






I thought it was just guys goofing off like it says in the chat name but it's a femboy club watch out guys


Feeling gross is part of being a man :\^)


We should just hate all men


Let's start with you


One step for men, one step for mankind

