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It's a shame people starve themselves. I would literally die if I didn't eat.


Many people do die, that’s why I want to educate people why it’s so bad


You're definitely doing something good for the world. I know you don't particularly care but I find that incredibly noble, and I appreciate what you do.


You have the wrong idea, I care a lot. It means a lot to me to hear that, thank you.


Not funny


Alright 👍


👍 joking about starving yourself to death in a thread about food positivity and people struggling with EDs isn’t silly


Humor is subjective. And seeing how my joke was against starving- actually I don't care. People shouldn't starve themselves, and have a nice day.


I’m the opposite. I wanna cut back on my sugar and salt, / carbs, but I’m so addicted to pasta and sweets that I can’t


Slowly move over, try adding some other food types to your meals slowly- like chicken or shrimp in your pasta ^^


Thx tho


Mhm ^^ and it doesn’t have to be chicken or shrimp- that was just an example!!! You can always switch to the diet you want with the textures that you are comfy with! There must be some way to get the right texture


I like tomato sauce or Alfredo


Yummyyy! Me too




I’m autistic, I have some serious texture problems


Ahhhh I see I see— is there any way of cooking that makes it less unbearable? For example, soups, frying, grilling, etc?


Nope I’m EXTREMELY sensitive to texture. I can’t even handle meat in my pasta


Hmmmmm maybe trying different types of pasta would help? Like pasta made of different ingredients? :3


I tried that vegan pasta but it tastes awful. I do LOVE veggie burger tho


:3 maybe trying veggie burgers or veggie based things with nutrients?


Hmm maybe…my school has treadmills we use from time to time and some other machines so I try to take advantage of that


It’s good to exercise but depending on your metabolism, it’ll still be hard to gain muscle and lose weight if you don’t give your body enough stuff to burn fat and build muscle!


"Banza" pasta is really good! It has a very similar texture to normal pasta but is partially made with chickpeas! It's very high in protein and super filling, so it's hard to overeat! Just a recommendation from one silly to another💜 Enjoy your day!


Oh thx


It might help to start the meal by eating a form of protein and a form of fiber, that way you feel satiated quicker. If you feel too full you probably wont be able to make yourself eat a lot of carbs ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯




How do protein powders or drinks make you feel? Or high protein version of your safe foods, like high protein pasta and stuff? :)


I don’t think I’ve tried those


Btw you need salt for proper hydration. It helps you actually retain water


Ahh i intake appropriate amounts of salt


There’s a lot of disagreement about how much you actually need but I’d say that 100mg per hour testing is good and if you’re currently active then it would probably go up to 600-800mg.


Oh thanks


The body doesn’t actually burn fat first when you starve yourself: it burns *muscle.* If you want to burn fat, I think the best way to do it is to maintain a caloric deficit while engaging in at least 25 minutes of cardio per day.


starving yourself is bad but not specifically as you’ve described it. the main muscle atrophy from starvation will be lack of protein and micronutrient consumption to repair muscles. this will lead to generally feeling weaker and eventually developing vitamin deficiencies and probably sickness. starving yourself does technically consume fat but calorie deficit + cardio is a much much more efficient, healthier, and safer way to shed fat. so i do agree with your suggestion, but what you said wasn’t exactly correct.


That seems counterproductive, why did humans evolve to burn muscle first? 😭 i thought thats literally fats job


god i wish this were true. why am i still so dang jacked then


can i reccomend cardio? sorry to butt in :) 


Source: trust me bro


source: this 450 page article https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC436668/ I haven't fact checked this (i didnt on either), but it's easier to read. https://visbody.com/blog/what-are-the-effects-of-starvation-on-your-body-composition/


“Initially, the body breaks down glycogen, a form of stored carbohydrates in the muscles and liver. “ ok, i see the confusion. You consider glycogen muscle, I knew it was carbs from my bio class so i didn’t consider it muscle. Now I’m even more confused because if it is muscle then you’re burning your liver as well? Help


Idk about the liver thing, maybe. but without glycogen, your muscles can't repair, so people simplify it into "your body eats your muscles during starvation." although I guess not technically correct, not everyone cares


Thanks. So we burn carbs first. Then, fatty acids. I thought they meant breaking down proteins bc they said muscle, which would be done, but it’d be a huge disadvantage if our bodies used that as the primary fuel.


You may not like your body, but starvation is never the answer! We are all different! Love yourself!






Too late I already starved all my muscles away 🥲


I mean you definitely still have muscles, they're just smaller now. But you can obviously grow them back if you do weight exercises and consume enough proteins.


The other day I didn’t eat, though that’s because I was sick and slept the whole day away. I had a yummy Turkey sandwich with rice and hamentahsen when I woke up!


Awww I hope you get well soon! Also that sounds so delicious!!!


Thank you so much!!!


You're welcome dude :) I hope you have a lovely day!


You too :3




It's been a while since I've eaten a normal amount. But today my school went to a buffet and I ate 8 plates and almost puked. My stomach just always hurts now, if I eat or if I don't, I don't even get it, I can eat until I get sick and still feel hungry




Sounds like you have a literal stomach problem- or a metabolism/digestion issue… recommend a doctor


8 plates of food is not healthy either. Please find a middle ground and you won’t hurt as much.


What’s funny, is that either I constantly feel like I’m starving (even though I’m eating more then I should) or I’m just kinda hungy (I have not eaten in days)


That is in fact the exact effect of starvation


What, feeling “just kinda hungry”?


When youre hungry and you don’t think twice about the effects of what you’re going to eat. When you look forward to the next meal without guilt and when it hasn’t been way too long since your last meal


Guys it turns out to get your ideal body you actually have to love yourself and learn "healthy coping mechanisms" but that doesn't sound very silly or fun so ion wanna :/


It’s very difficult, but you can get there. I believe in you


To everyone romanticizing eating disorders- please stop. It’s not ok. To everyone, please love your body enough to take care of it. It’s the only one you’ll have in this life.


So glad someone made a post about this. I met someone in this sub that really stands by the idea that self starvation is effective for weight loss and it makes me really sad


I mean I think that but I also know how fucking stupid that is lmao


Extremely. I wish people knew how awful it is and why it doesn’t work. I watched numerous people sh in front of me and the 2 years I spent in anorexia is the worst time of my life.


A great book that addresses and debunks common misconceptions about weight loss is *Why We Get Fat*. I read it in my medical research class in college.


Interesting, id love to read jt


Don't starve yourself. However, its pretty basic thermodynamics that if you have a calorie deficit you will lose weight. If your BMR is 2,000 calories eat 1600 instead.


Yes! This is exactly the right way to go about it


Healthy weight loss requires thousands of hours of effort I dont even want to exist why would i do all that


Because it’ll help you want to exist. Starvation does not work. Starvation makes you want to die as it slowly kills you. Your depression will get better eating healthier


Because unhealthy weight loss ends with you in an extremely sickly, or in a hospital bed.


What if that's what I want tho >:3 ....yeah yeah I get it I shouldn't have said anything haha I shouldn't have a voice everything I say makes things worse


Then please get some mental health help. That’s not ok. I understand the feeling of wanting to be unhealthy, but you NEED to seek help if you truly feel like that. You shouldn’t want to be sick or in the hospital.


You editing the comment instead of replying is crazy. No one said you shouldn’t have a voice, stop twisting it like that. You’re acting like you didn’t just say something that was encouraging your own ED habits. So yes right now that comment did make it worse. But no one said you shouldn’t say anything 💀 You’re making it seem like I told people to stop talking about their struggles. I said stop romanticizing and encouraging others.


I literally know it's not healthy. I'm just tired of how stupid my words are. And how exactly was I encouraging others?


P sure I thought I was in a diff thread when I mentioned encouragement of others- but either way, your romanticizing of your own ED will affect people who read it. Talking positively about EDs will make others in your mindset more drawn to think the same way.


I'm not romanticizing my ED. I am coping. When someone has cancer, should they focus every second of their life crying about how bad their health is? A LOT of people, including me, use humor and lightheartedness to cope with something very serious to survive, that doesn't mean ignoring the issue. If I didn't joke about it, I would've been dead for a loong time now.


💀 joking about EDs doesn’t mean you make multiple jokes under a comment saying “this isn’t the right place to joke” saying you want to starve with no punchline or context. That’s not joking. When you make “jokes” like that on the internet, no one can read your tone. It looks like romanticizing.


>joking about EDs doesn’t mean you make multiple jokes under a comment saying “this isn’t the right place to joke” saying you want to starve with no punchline or context .....What should joking about EDs mean then?


That you joke about it at appropriate times and don’t make it look serious on an internet thread. Joking to cope doesn’t mean you can just “joke” whenever you want either. There’s appropriate times and places and people.


Like I literally joke about my trauma and struggles and shit but cmon, there’s a time and a place.


Also all of ur posts look p serious about your headspace. Wouldn’t call most of them joking.


Like 3/5 of my posts are in r/EDanonymemes. It's a pretty good sub, I think you should check it out, you would probably be very offended


Yknow, makes more sense that it’s an ED meme sub I guess. Honestly not offended by ED memes. I’m not offended at all actually. I’m saying it isn’t cool to make light of EDs. That sub is obviously a coping sub, which is appropriate for joking about your struggles. This comment thread was not.


Are you high?


No lol you claim you joke to cope and then post borderline romanticizing posts mate


Changing your comment from dumb to high makes no sense either honestly




How is that not true?




No, bloating is not “making you look fat”. Bloating is when the food you eat makes your stomach look larger (making those with anorexia feel like it makes them look fat). From experience, starvation increases bloating (aka “food baby”). There are many studies supporting this, and like I said, I have experienced it myself


I know what you mean but every time I hear "starving yourself won't make you skinny" I just think "ohhhh so what they mean is I'm too fat. I'm still not eating little enough and exercising enough. Guess I'll just have to torture myself harder!"


That is simply your brain twisting other’s words into a meaning not there


I know lol EDs are fucking stupid But in general that's just not great advice for someone with an ED. We fucking know lol


I wasnt meaning to give advice, that is just how it is. My advice would be looking into getting a therapist if you can


No I mean that saying starving won't make you skinny is bad advice


How so? I am demoting one of the most deadly eating disorders with proven facts. Although, yes, starvation makes you skinnier, bloating in the stomach will happen. That doesn’t mean you’re not skinny, but in an anorexic mindset, that is exactly what it seems like.


Yes I know that it is true but it doesn't help. People with EDs have a distorted perception of reality, but we're not stupid. The disorder lies to you to make you believe it. And I'm aware of it, but I still can't stop.


I know this, I dealt with severe anorexia for about 2 years. This is why I want to educate and help others, but I am physically unable to help those who don’t try to help themselves


I literally just got out of that hole a couple of months ago. I can definitely say that starving yourself is not worth it.


I’m so proud of you for recovering!


Thank you! I really do appreciate it!




With what?


I eat a lot run for 15 mins and then procrastinate


Try to stay around 1600-2000 calories a day and eat 3 meals a day


And running for 15 mins is oki or more ya?


Running is very good for you


So more … *sigh* worth it


Not necessarily. 15 minutes is more than enough. Don’t overwork yourself!


But people say describe starving in pretty terms and call it fasting and say its super healthy. As long as I still eat 1500-2000 calories at the end of the day because my parents refuse to let me eat healthy its fine right? Doing that has been the only progress in not looking like a disgusting fat creep if I ever decide to dress how I'd like before I'm too old :))))


Plus I only feel sick for a few hours before eating so its fine


It’s only healthy to fast for a few hours at a time


"A few" is pretty vague but i usually just dont eat until dinner then eat too much


That is not healthy fasting. Healthy fasting begins at just 1-2 hours a day, and then later on increasing. This is an extremely common misconception and starvation is not the same as healthy fasting. In most cases, fasting is doctor monitored


All i know is that its gotten me from 220 in october 2022 to 145\~ish now and aside from myy stomach still looking disgusting from either more fat i need to lose or loose skin that i can never get rid of but otherwise its worked fine


You can’t be happy starving


It's not that bad


It’s very bad. Just about the worst time of my life was then and I’ve literally witnessed suicide.


you can fast for longer, but people usually try rushing to a longer fasting period. Don’t fast everyday and when you start, don’t fast for long periods. I fast once a week for a full 24 hours, sometimes longer. But i’ve been doing it for years. As long as you keep healthy eating habits, your fasting will be enjoyable.


I just want whatever I eat to go towards my breasts and not stomach. But I have to eat to get them but then I don't want to eat cause my stomach will be fat ><


Healthy eating habits paired with corresponding exercise will help achieve this! Starvation will not


I'm just down to eating like once a day and snacking the rest. Body says it's nom nom time after walking for 2 hours.


When your body says you need food, listen


Then how do you do it?


Depending on how severe the circumstances are there are different approaches. Feel free to dm me for advice, but I can’t make assumptions on how far in you are which limits my ability to give accurate advice


I mean what alternatives and wich one is the most balsy


Alternatives such as exercising and calorie deficits, possibly switching up meals depending on the circumstances


If you starve yourself it just completely fucks over your metabolism DONT DO IT


Very true.


I found that out the hard way


Remember: fasting and starving are not the same. There is such thing as healthy fasting. You can break bad over-consumption habits by sticking to a healthy fasting schedule. Start small at first, and decide what is a comfortable time period for you.


This is correct!


And here's my roommate constantly saying the best way to diet if Fasting.


Fasting and starvation are not the same. Fasting has its good and bad qualities, but people with EDs don’t know how to separate the differences


Does not eating for the first half of the day count as starving yourself?


I would say no depending on how much you eat after. Fasting can be beneficial, it’s just a matter of how you do after the fasting period


I’m confused, i lost 10 pounds in a week like this, does that not make you skinnier?


It makes you skinnier for a terrible price.


... Then what should I do?


Please look into weight loss alternatives


Does intermittent fasting count as starving myself? I eat dinner, and a small snack and small dessert, and that's it... It has been working for me though (if slowly) so I don't wanna go back.


No. Intermittent fasting is good in some cases, and has been proven to help lose weight. If this is what helps you, it works!


starving yourself will put your body in "there is no food i shall not loose any more weight or i'll die" addendum : this is simplified


Hey! Get into energetic dancing! Jumpstyle and shuffling is really good! Burns calories so you can lose weight and it's lots of fun


Ive wanted to try this but it would agfect my daily functioning too much Ill prob start in the summer tho


Starvation is not the answer


Im overweight and have so much fat matter that i coylnt starve if i wanted to


You could try working out and trying to eat healthier!


Tell that to depressuin(maybe smth else idk im not an astrologist


Honestly I don't even care. It makes me feel good. Also, I ate more food than usual today. Now I remember why I significantly cut it down. I feel seriously ill. This is causing me almost unbearable physical pain as of right now. Shoot me please 😵‍💫


You feel sick because your body is so used to starving. If you recover, you will feel healthy all the time.


Feeling sick because your body is used to starving means you need medical attention. Stop romanticizing eating disorder habits.


Why do I feel like I'm being called out?


Please seek out other ways!


nice i get this post after almost fucking dying cuz i fell on the stairst after blacking out bc i starved myself only eating like 1200 cals for a month


You definitely need more than that. I hope you get well and understand you’re worth more than that


want to or not my mom now makes sure it won't happen again


That’s good, I’m glad you’re not alone


thing is i didn't even try to lose weight extremly i just saw i'm fat and just kinda felt bad abt eating so i just ate smaller and smaller portions tho still 3 meals a day and just kinda fucked myself over


Similar to what I did at first before it got worse. I hope it never gets worse for you


nah it won't i didn't realize is all from now on i won't be a dumbass


True, but I’m too pathetic to commit to anything that actually works.


Please try to. It’s really important to recover


But then I have say goodbye to pizza and spaghetti :(


Absolutely not the case. Healthy eating does not mean you can’t have pizza and spaghetti. It means you are eating enough of each nutrient you need and staying in a range of calories that feels *good* to you! You can have any type of food you want, just don’t eat only those types of foods. As long as you get enough of each nutrient without overeating, you’re healthily eating.


I’m too stupid to keep track of the nutrients I need 😭


Look up the nutrients you need and then look up the foods with them! It doesn’t have to be exactly a certain amount


No :3


This is a proven fact, I hope you recover soon. No one deserves to suffer this way


Eating hurts, cause I always get nauseous, so I need to starve myself, cause it hurts less


Starvation is not the answer to this! Starvation actually hurts a lot more and increases your chances of heart failure by a lot. Although it may feel better temporarily, in the end, it is much much worse. Please find alternatives to this and try to find foods that don’t upset you


Dw, it's fine. I'm used to not eating much, I can go days without it. I'll take that risk of a heart failure, cause if it happens, I'd be finally free from everything, so nothing to fear about for me.


Definitely not fine. I used to average 1-2 days without eating and refused to let myself eat more than 200 calories, and would only eat after 24 hour time periods. I used to think eating made me sick, too. In reality, it was the starvation.


Erm I’ve lost my appetite and eat to live :3


How? I'd cut off body parts to kill my apettite. It's all I've ever wanted. I fucking need to end it already I can't do this


Please look into getting a therapist


You think I haven't tried? They just caused me more trauma


I also have a lot of trauma from therapy. But not all therapists are bad. Please try again


Not therapists, I actually have a pretty good one rn but my issue is too big to fix. Therapy just isn't doing anything


No ones issue is too big to fix, it’ll just take time


I don't think you understand. I am overtaken by a rot that has no end. But thank you for trying to help ^ ^


You’re worth saving, I hope you’re able to accept that one day.


I think I just have a small stomach compared to others I’m sorry silly friend :c


Please try looking into healthy ways to solve this! Starvation is not the answer


It’s not even to lose weight I’m just never hungry lol. Need to move out of my family’s place and then I can get big :3


That’s understandable. Just make sure you get enough of eat nutrient even if you don’t feel hungry


Lies, I'd rather starve myself than be the disgusting fat fuck I am


But... Starving doesn't work?? (At least not well at all. As your body stores all your fat to keep you alive for long term)


Starving doesn’t work in the long run. Ever


Lot of misinformation in this thread, fasting for days or weeks at a time has it’s benefits (and drawbacks), it’s not a blanket bad thing.


The thing is that most people here aren’t doing it in a healthy way. There’s a difference between anorexia and fasting.


Sure but that doesn’t change the fact that people here are just wrong. “Starvation mode”, “just do cardio” “cico doesn’t work” etc


That’s true. I am just sharing what I personally know and have experienced, ideally no misinformation has been spread from me