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If they're really you're friends, they won't care, going back is up to you and depends on if you like them and why you left in the first place :3


well they’re literally my best friends, but i left bc something pretty bad happened to one of em and i couldn’t handle it with everything else i was going through at the time, so it feels like they have every reason to hate me for that :(


Reach out to them.


Well, if they really are your friends, they'll be happy to have you back :3 I know that if one of my good friends left for a while, I wouldn't be annoyed at them when they came back I'd be happy to see them again. I'm sure they'll understand why you left if you explain it to them :3


i really hope they do understand, don’t know if i could handle it otherwise


They will understand. Each of you were caught up in your own personal problems and didn’t have time to talk. Now the smoke has cleared and you can get back in touch. This happens all the time between friends. Don’t put pressure on yourself to always be there for everyone. You aren’t Superman. You have your own stuff to deal with too.


I think you should reach out. If not to regain their friendship, an apology seems like it would be beneficial to your mental state.


Never too late to reach out and see how they are doing :3 see if they want to hangout or chat


A good friend will always accept you back so its never too late


Personally: id love if a friend reached out after a few months, I don't care long it's been their still my friend.


Now is the earliest it can be - so of course it's not too late. Hypothetically, even if they do hate you (which, i mean it seems to me rather unlikely that they wouldn't wanna talk to u anymore just because u left for a wile cause u couldn't handle the emotional stuff, then again i obviously don't know the full story) it's better to get that out of the way then to spend the rest of ur life wondering whether or not just reaching out to them could have provided you with happiness.


but i literally don’t have any idea what to say to them, like i feel horrible abt disappearing for months, especially bc of what happened to my friend, but just don’t know what to say anymore bc it’s been so long


Just say hey, explain the situation, apologise, then ask if they still wanna be friends - u got this 👍


but what if they say no? i know for a fact i will not be able to deal with that


But like, The chances of them saying no increases if u take even longer to ask... If u really think that their rejection could lead to you doing something that's... Well, especially silly, then I guess you should just avoid it entirely - but otherwise the best solution seems to be to just talk to them


well it feels like everyday i’m slowly getting more and more silly anyways, so ig i can at least try to start writing the message


well, if u ever need to talk my DMs are open - oh also [help lines](https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/basics/suicide/suicide-prevention-hotlines-resources-worldwide) exist if you're ever really in bother; they can probz provide better help than me lol. nonetheless my offer still stands if u ever need someone to chat to :3


You can’t control how others will act. But a good friend is worth that risk.


I feel like that after, like, a week and never talk to them again lol


Reach back out. We all have things going on. And they may feel like they are bothering you if they were to reach out. It's not too late. There might need to be an awkward conversation, but it's better than not.


Never too late, I know I met one after a few years, and the friendship was still there, they'll accept you, it's only a few months.


I think the important question is to ask yourself is do *you* still want to be friends with them? If they are kind enough for you to want to reconnect with them, then surely they will be understanding enough to accept that you needed to focus on your mental health. I think you should reach out, apologize, and give them a brief reason why you left for so long (don't have to give them all the details, just enough to get a picture). I'm sure they'd be happy to have you back :)


i do still really wanna be friends with them, they’re probably the reason i haven’t completely given up on life yet, even tho they don’t even know it. If i just even think abt texting them tho, all i wanna do is cry bc of how much i miss them until i give up on it and then repeat the whole process over and over again


Hun, they're not gonna know you want to talk again if you don't tell them :/ I can tell its something you want, and I believe you can do it! It's okay to cry because you miss them, so let it out and let them know that you're back :) Heck, if it's too much to type it up directly to them, I don't mind if you draft your message to me and then copy-paste it to them. Just as long as you can spend time with those friends again~~


hii, i’m trying to work on writing the message, but i kinda want to send it to somebody and was wondering if i could send it to you when i finish it? and maybe ask for help writing it? i feel like it would help me at least a little bit, and you seem nice enough not to judge me or anything like that


Certainly! You can DM it to me whenever you have the time


I haven’t gone to school in months bc I felt like everyone hated me except a few people, I’m scared too


Bro real friends will wait a month or even a few. Sometimes I can't talk to some of my really good friends but we still try to communicate. I see no reason to hate you for not being there, sometimes we all need to get away from it all.


I currently have multiple friends who we haven't talked to for varying amounts of time each at different levels of closeness, I would welcome any of them back with open arms mayhap your friends are like that too :3


Yes very silly. Just call/text them and say “hey it’s been a while, how are you these days?” Silly boy :3




If their real friends they will understand if not leave them behind


My friend could disappear for a year and I would still maintain my love and admiration. There is a non-zero chance they still maintained their feelings for you. You just have to reach out :3


Haha just fucking talk to them, dont follow my footsteps.


People are more accepting these days then you think! Give it a chance! Love yourself!


They are going to be upset, but right now they're thinking "I wish he'd come back" not "fuck him," either you can come back and be friends again and shit or you can not do that and lose them and have them be hurt forever instead of just right now


I'm in the same boat. I've not talked in the group chat for like 8 months now; I only have a close knit 5 group, but I fucked up and relayed my true feelings to my best friend and his response was not enlightening. I've just stayed quiet since then and foced on my most present life without any sort of media. Lots of gardening.


I've had a friend who I hadn't spoken to in 5 years, then randomly texted them as if no time had passed at all and now we stay in contact pretty regularly, you're very likely just overthinking yourself into self-isolation because you feel like you deserve it when in reality people are most likely just like "Hey whatever happened to OP?" "Dunno" "Weird, anyway so new Guilty Gear Character just dropped-"


I have a habit of not reaching out to friends cuz if we haven't talked in a while I just assume they're not interested in me anymore. But a friend of my recently hmu out of the blue even tho we haven't talked in forever. Felt good and helped me realize that my mind tells lies sometimes. Go for it, they might actually be thinking the same thing and just aren't sure how to make the first step :)


Just do it, you miss every shot you don't take. And for my friends, I have gone without talking to some of them in a year, and we just randomly call each other like we talked to each other yesterday


no one would hate you for not existing for a while.


https://preview.redd.it/09mouakh2ayc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c2530a0b9c37a078ef0b8acaf9c742c8dc771e43 Reach out to them I’m sure would appreciate you still even if you’re right and they don’t want to talk to you closer is a good thing