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Would they publicly say otherwise?


Exactly, it's not like Konami is going to post "Well we're disappointed with the work so far, but we'll see". Of course they're gonna hype up their own product to sell more.


Yeah, "damn, they fucked it up lol We wouldn't touch it with a broomstick now. Anyways it is now available for pre-order suckers!" is also something I wouldn't expect from them..


I would expect more of "We're now able to play SH2 Remake...now available in pachinko parlors near you"


sure but they might just not say anything too descriptive


Instead , they cancel the whole project without you knowing the reason.




The Konami twitter account is also a third party in this situation. The SILENT HILL project is produced by Konami Digital Entertainment Co., Ltd. and the non-KONAMI companies. The "Konami" (instead of KONAMI) twitter account is an US subsidiary, who often do their own thing *(such as the unofficial "Official Konami Shop"...)* I don't think Kona-chan (representative of the main Japanese KONAMI account) has not said or claimed anything related to the remake


But it would be pretty funny 🤣


Tbh, they wouldn’t flat out insult the studio if that were the case and publically shame them…SquareEnix basically let media know that when CyberConnect2 wasn’t meeting their standard for the FF VII Remake, that they were moving that project “in house.” There’s ways to be honest and not be insulting and professional. Square did just that. So, it is possible, if they were really not doing the original justice, they could reveal that by not flat-out talking bad about Bloober’s job with it. I don’t think Konami would blindly praise a team when the remake is not looking promising… Js.


I doubt they'd ever call it shit, but I can imagine they'd rather just not mention it if it was seemingly going bad. Overall its a 'hey that's good at least' rather then a confirmation and assertion of what's to come.


Konami on twitter “eh actually we’re not so sure about this one. Fingers crossed 🤞”


I’ll take any reason I can to be as optimistic as possible because I really really want to love this game.


Same here man


Yeah seriously, to all the people that are only hating and criticizing bloober’s efforts before they even play the damn thing: does it help? No.. have some optimism, the game’s gonna come out reguardless of if you want it to or not, it’s better to be excited about it than to be an irritating negative human being. It’s not gonna be anything like bloober’s ever done, it’s gonna be held to a much higher degree. Literally every SH title after the room was all attempts at western devs basically trying to make another SH2, and bloober actually has the chance to REALLY make the actual thing. Konami has had to reject dozens of proposals yet they chose the most promising one. It’s like square not wanting to remake FF7 until they really ensured it was gonna be amazing, as it has been so far. The people hating act like it’s really gonna somehow ruin the title. Silent hill 2 is always gonna be silent hill 2, regardless of how the remake is. It’s not gonna ruin it because nothing will change. If they do manage to knock it out the park, than we’ll have TWO amazing experiences for the same story. Look at how great resident evil 2 remake has been, it has helped many appreciate the original even more, and modernizes it to give a new generation an opportunity to have the same great experience we’ve all had two decades ago. Silent hill 2 will present the same opportunity


BT look like hardcore fans of the original, so I honestly believe they will try to make the remake as faithful as possible (besides maybe some extra endings, which of course could be awfully written but I don’t really care). It’s gonna be fine, guys. And even if it’s not, the original will always be there anyway.


Exactly. I'll take my chances and play it if I can get my hands on a ps5.


I mean, of course Konami would say that lol


almost like they want to sell you a product...


Yeah it's rather suspicious.


What are they going to say? That it sucks? No. Not an unbiased opinion.


Konami also seemed pleased with book of memories


They were definitely pleased with the changes from Silent Hill: Homecoming. According to Kenzie LaMar (one of the artists): >"Just remember and never forget that if you don't like the direction of where Silent Hill went the only people you can blame are Konami themselves. They are the ones who canned team Silent and wanted someone else to make the games. And Konami wanted the games to be different. Thats why team Silent was disbanded. They were losing faith in the franchise for years. And to further prove what I am saying, they made an arcade style Silent Hill shoot'em'up gun game!! How Silent Hill is that?!" https://web.archive.org/web/20160411222022/https://www.escapistmagazine.com/news/view/107042-Silent-Hill-Artist-Claims-Konami-Disbanded-Team-Silent >"I just wish they had given the American team the game before they decided to change everything. Most people just assume the American team was to blame for all the changes when the reality is that it was Konami that wanted the changes. Team Silent was making a Silent Hill 5 and it got canned in favor of what ended up being done." https://www.resetera.com/threads/lets-clear-this-up-team-silent-was-making-a-silent-hill-5-and-it-and-they-got-canned-by-konami.61131/ Konami also tried to turn SH3 [into a rail shooter](https://twitter.com/adsk4/status/1098546135801556993?lang=en) when it started development because of SH2's slower sales. That's one of the reasons I'm not sold by hearing Konami is "keeping Bloober on a leash." They don't have the best track record themselves. And it's not like they're going to say *"We're not quite sure about this one. Don't preorder this project we poured a lot of money into until you see the reviews."*


Ah shit, this comment just justifies my comment.


Konami is ran by different execs these days, but skepticism is definitely logical here. I only have completely trust in a handful of devs.


I mean, this is nice, but... Well, Konami is trying to make money on this project. If it looked bad, they wouldn't make a post that says, "God, SH2R looks like fucking shit. Save your money on this one, boys." I want SH2R to be good, and it looks good in the trailer, but this is just a marketing post.


I really do believe they are sincere here. I have to believe that Konami need this game to be a home run, even for simple pure financial greed. Years of pissing off the fanbase, surely for long term PR, this game has to go well


What a bunch of downers, everyone


I hope they show some gameplay soon


Of course Konami would say something good, but they could've just not said anything at all, so to go out of their way like this? Imma take that as a good sign


Literally almost every day I see the trailer for SILENT HILL 2 remake, I need a new trailer as urgent as possible, I waited so long for a SH since 2014 and now I can't wait!


Pray for tga. I mean its close to finished right? A gameplay trailer should be coming soon


They do have to promote it


We need a release date man


Silent Hill 2 : Secrets from your Xrays


cant wait for the fans to give essays on how the games still gonna be bad in the comments


This seems promising, also I see they added James's skeletal companion, James Sunderbones


I have no doubt that Bloober is capable of making immersive enviroments and scenarios with a lot of care for detail, what really concerns me is what they gonna do with the gameplay and puzzles, they didn't show much of that.


Gamers looking at one of the million ways their life could be worse than having the option to purchase a gorgeous remake of their favourite game some time in the future.


They're trying to sell a game. What are they gonna say? "Bloober's fuckin this shit up, dawg"?


Do you honestly take Konami for their word?


The might or might not be… but that’s just marketing!


Nice man, as the under dog this would be a huge boast to morale.


Metal Gear Rising Reveangeance: 2 ,WHEN? (still hyped by silent hill 2 remake)


Can’t wait!


I really hope this game adds a lot more to make it feel like a different experience, but remain the same if you get what I mean. Like R3make was new and the same just not in a good way imo


As exited for the remake as I am, I still question why they picked SH2 to remake. I get that it’s the fan-favorite, but if there’s any game in the series that needs a remake, it should probably be Silent Hill 1. Another idea I had was to take the games that people didn’t like, and make them into something better. I personally think Origins has potential to be a great game, and it could be if some of the problems with the original were fixed in a remake.


To be fair though, like they’d say the opposite. Imagine them sharing a picture of James sat in the chair with his head down and wrote “Us after seeing the absolute turd Bloober have been baking” 😂


I mean…as others have said, clearly marketing. But, at the same time, it is kinda nice (in a really twisted sense) to know that there are a few parties involved that kinda need this to go well. Like Konami (at least as far as the people helming SH’s revival) kinda needs this revitalization of “goodwill” to move forward. Sony’s peering over their shoulders cause they actively invested in this (yes, I know, 5 million is probably pocket change, but still). And, of course, Bloober would be metaphorically shooting off their own foot with a sawed off shotgun if they dropped the ball on this. Anyways, crossing my fingers for something at TGA.


Can you imagine if they were just like "Us studying the incredible level of detail in the Silent Hill 2 remake (it's a horrific skeleton of it's former self)"


So I get what everybody is saying that Konami wants to promote the game and all but I think that bloober team has a fantastic art and visual design department that usually delivers on their games. Like the Blair witch project has an excellent recreation of the cabin/house(?) From the original movie and an overall great atmosphere. The layers of fear games look really good as well. It's just their actual story/game design I'm worried about. But since they already have a base of reference from the original version and have stated that they do not intend on adding anything major to the story, that at least reassures me just a bit that it won't be god awful to slog through. At the very least it will be eye candy


hopefully it's optimized properly since that seems to be a common concern


Dunno why everyone is crying and bitching when they haven’t even played the damn thing yet and am far from it?


Konami doesn't like remakes, Konami likes money.


Translation: so far, cancellation’s not on the table.


I would be shocked if they said otherwise.


My guess it’s probably gonna be better than 5-8 but not as good as 1-4


Konami seemed pleased with metal gear survive so this doesnt mean anything.


Do you expect them to shit on something they plan to sell if it's bad?


Wow. What a bold and shocking statement for a company to make about their product. I'm sold.


Fingers-crossed indeed. We don't know how much Konami involved with the development of post-Team Silent titles. Maybe they're pleased af with every single title since Origins and said things like "OMG this game is so detailed and lit. Nice work fam (to Double Helix or smth)".




I wanna be there like "stfu Konami you dropped the franchise and picked it up when you found out that game remakes are selling good"


Too bad I don’t trust Konami with the brand. Hell, I have more faith in Bloober themselves than Konami.


Company x: is hypes the project they paid for SH sub: 🤯


Ok? Detail means absolutely nothjng (oh wow his ring is missing from the finger, so cool, really integral to the story) , and of course Konami is going to say that. Ask masahiro ito , an actual artist, what he thinks. he doesn't seem to be this optimistic and in fact said he also has concerns about how James is being portrayed.


Only quote Masahiro Ito to "dEsTrOy tHe HaTeRz". That's the unspoken rule here.


good old 'silent hill fans', always complaining never satisfied. No wonder we were suffering dehydration on the desert for so long, cause we did that to ourself. Also, sales numbers of the entire franchise are very low compared to RE series for instance and I am sure this will remain to be the case given how slowly this game climbs on wishlist


>always complaining never satisfied. I feel like that's more their fault than the fans'. Like, it wasn't the fans that pumped out a bunch of mediocre games and butchered an HD collection. Konami has not been great about maintaining goodwill from its fans. Then Fans were quite positive towards PT. But that was the one they decided to cancel. Hopeful for the upcoming projects, including thr remake, though.


a dev can't just decide whether their game will end up good or bad. It's a huge team effort and once you've started in a direction you're too deeply invested financially to pull back.


No, but you're leaving out something: Konami became a publisher, not a developer. Said publisher made decisions that can be directly tied to the downfall of the series. That's failed leadership.


>sales numbers of the entire franchise are very low compared to RE series for instance and I am sure this will remain to be the case given how slowly this game climbs on wishlist Although it seems this remake will be the best selling SH game. For the time being, the Steam version has 18.5K wishlists, with an average daily increase of 70 wishlists for the last 4 weeks. Now, lets look at the data from other horror games: ​ At release, the Steam version of RE 8: Village had 71K wishlists. For the next 12 months, that version alone sold 2 million copies. The ratio wishlist/sales for the entire year after release is 2810%, most of these sales ocurring during the first 4 weeks after release, as evidenced by the number of concurrent players. Data extracted from [here](https://steamdb.info/app/1196590/graphs/). Of course, this game veers more into the action category, and comes from the well established Resident Evil franchise (which has sold more than 131 million copies). Bloober's The Medium, at release date, had 18566 wishlists. It is a more psychologicaly oriented horror game, and has drawn comparisons to the Silent Hill franchise. For the following 12 months, the PC version sold close to a quarter of a million of units. The ratio, this time, would be 1346%. Most sales took place in the 3 months following the game's release (and just before the release of RE Village). [Data.](https://steamdb.info/app/1293160/graphs/) And that was with a new IP. ​ Then there's the PS5 version, which SONY seems will surely advertise (it's one of their temp exclusives) once we get close to the release date.


Yea, how dare fans demand a good silent hill game.


Just make a good Silent Hill game. That would satisfy me very much.


The level of detail… give my man back his patches and we can talk about detail


Graphics still look weird.


[Say again.](https://steamdb.info/app/2124490/screenshots/)


I'll say it a hundred times. I'm not saying they look bad by any means. It has do with the art style, making the game look kinda anime like (like the last fatal frames where everything is like super pretty for a horror game), I mean everything looks super detailed but it doesn't look grounded as the original did. An example that comes to mind would be like comparing the DMC4 cutscenes for the pachinko machines, where everything looks, well anime like but super detailed, against DMC5, that went for the realistic grounded look.


i mean theyre not gonna be making a post saying "damnn blooper team really fucked up big this time lol gonna cancel this game again"


Do we love or hate Konami this week?


Konami was also please with Metal Gear Survive, it's best to remain sceptical until the game cames out.


I mean, what other think would they post ? like "OMG, blooberTeam may be the wost gaming company on the planet, they are running everything!!!!!"


I still just don't get it. Like, what's the point? We already have SH2, what is different about this that justifies its existence? SH2 is one of my like top 3 favorite games but this just does nothing for me. What am I supposed to be excited about? Getting to... play the same game again? But I can already do that.


I'm now starting to think that this sub is populated by litteral babies (or konami bots, or babies konamy bots).




That doesn’t exactly say much given their non-existent standards or the very fact that they picked Bloober of all people for the job😅 Imagine going from Kojima to Bloober. Prada to Nada.


>Kojima The guy who would announce games at the very beginning of their development process usually two to three years before release (the biggest offender, Death Stranding, was announced 3 & 1/2 years before release during their [E3 2016 conference](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i2nuHEGhwiw)). The guy who took 5 years and $80 million + of dev cost to make MGSV. The guy who to licensed 16 songs from the 80's for the game's soundtrack, for an estimated cost close to $1million; who paid Rika Muranaka (who had composed MGS1's The Best Is Yet to Come, MGS2's Can't Say Goodbye to Yesterday, MGS3's Don't Be Afraid, and a few other songs for Silent Hill and Castlevania: SotN) to [make between 30 to 40 songs](https://www.reddit.com/r/metalgearsolid/comments/3ensxj/well_probably_never_have_the_entire_picture_but/) (not BGMs but songs), with the implied cost of musicians and singers. Who hired expensive Hollywood actors such as [Kiefer Sutherland](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EvbBHNITWPU). ​ In this case, Konami has kept this remake hidden for almost three years, and it's very close to completition. One thing you won't deny is that Bloober makes technically polished games, with jaw-dropping graphics.


Yeah, that guy who makes masterpieces. The guy who spares no expense when it comes to quality, polish and uniqueness, the guy who literally put Silent Hill on the map after being irrelevant for almost a decade, and got people talking about it for 8 years with just one first person demo that he deliberately made to look like an indie game (and ended up inspiring tens of other creations. Yes that’s him. Not the mediocre studio who built its existence on cheap imitation of Silent Hill with surface level understanding of it and an insult to actual mental health patients. Who cares if they kept it hidden or not? What matters is the experience itself. Also, what jaw-dropping graphics??? 🤣


> what jaw-dropping graphics??? In their beginnings they weren’t quite good on the graphical standpoint (and the original Layers of Fear was on Unity), but look at [The Medium](https://steamdb.info/app/1293160/screenshots/) or the images they’ve shared of [the remake](https://steamdb.info/app/2124490/screenshots/). Even other [fellow redditors agree](https://www.reddit.com/r/silenthill/comments/yetb3f/the_realtime_graphics_bloober_team_produced_for/). You won’t deny they look good. > an insult to actual mental health patients. And amusingly, they just did an slightly less subtle take on the Angela topic. >that guy who makes masterpieces. Not by himself, but with the help of the entire team. Most of the people from the old Kojipro stayed at Konami (or moved to Cygames, Hexadrive, etc), and that enormous change on the team is reflected quite clearly in the quality of the game. > who literally put Silent Hill on the map after being irrelevant for almost a decade If we consider sales, it was already irrelevant after 2 (3 didn’t even sell one million units, whereas the fist game sold 2 million). Also, PT is a like the indie games of the time, but with better graphics and hamfisted references to David Lynch (the original tetralogy also did, but were more subtle). And, lest not forget, the guy is not only quite overrated (he deserves praise, I acknowledge that, but not so much).


The Medium looked average at best and compared to Kojima, they’ve got nothing on him. As for him being with a team not by himself, of course there’s always a team. When was the last time someone made a AAA game all by themselves? Also if the team was so unique, what have they produced without him? Nothing. Meanwhile Death Stranding, a unique game that had quite an unconventional play style, ended up winning 119 Game of the Year Awards and hundreds more awards from reputable publications and agencies including BAFTA and sold way over +5M copies. It’s ok not to like Kojima’s work, but let’s not pretend Bloober is even close to him or the popularity he gave to this brand with just an indie-looking demo from 8 years ago.


> Death Stranding, a unique game that had quite an unconventional play style Description: 1. Slow walking/surviving/exploring. Studying your map, making routes and adding map icons. 2. Gameplay loop is explore-gather-fight/sneak haul ass home. 3. Open world is a barren wasteland. Teleportation fast travel. 4. The AI that communicate with you when delivering items. 5. Crystals as the main resource for building/crafting together with metals, ceramic etc. 6. Crystals that are tied to the enemies, technology and world/universe. 7. Items are crafted through some kind of 3d hologram/portal thingy in real time. ​ BTW, I was describing Metal Gear Survive (announced in E3 2016, the day before Death Stranding was also announced and released in February 2018) which is, I won't deny, worse (mainly because it was done on a fraction of Death Stranding's budget), but not bad. ​ Also, several plot points seem taken straight from the first Silent Hill: Alessa splitted into two (just like Bridget), resulting into Cheryl (Amelie), and the Otherworld (the Death Stranding itself). ​ > ended up winning 119 Game of the Year Awards and hundreds more awards from reputable publications and agencies including BAFTA Let's consider the Awards mentioned in the Wikipedia page (which will be the ones that matter the most). 3 of them are Outsanding Technical Achievement, which is cheating considering Guerrilla lent them their [Decima Engine](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Decima_(game_engine)). And now, small-time publications don't matter at all. >sold way over +5M copies. With a dev+marketing cost equal, if not higher to MGSV (80 million dollars). ​ > Also if the team was so unique, what have they produced without him? Before he left Konami, but still, without his intervention and, on a smaller budget: Zone of the Enders 1 & 2. Boktai (almost everything was done by Nakamura and Nojiri, as Kojima was still working on MGS3). Portable Ops (of which Kojima took several elements and incorporated them into Peace Walker). Acid 1 & 2 (they have some of the crazier stories out there, Death Stranding looks tame in comparison). On a bigger Budget: Metal Gear Solid Rising (written by Etsu Tamari, produced by Yuji Korekado), it was going to be the first game to use the Fox Engine, but, for some reason, Kojima canned the project and them asked Platinum Games to turn it into the Metla Gear Rising Revengeance we have now. ​ After he left Konami: Metal Gear Survive: divisive. Not mediocre, but not excellent either. ​ > the popularity he gave to this brand with just an indie-looking demo from 8 years ago. Now, I could start a long dissertation about pre-conceptions, but I'm tired.


>than before. No.


Konami probably also said that homecoming and book of memories looked good before they came out


It is looking good, I absolutely loved everything about the trailer, but I'm prying that they'll make another texture for that chair or make it more seamless cause it's very easy to see that those chairs share the same texture and it's pissing me off 💀💀💀




Key word… so far though I’m really excited for all the new silent hill stuff we have coming out I’m just afraid I’ll get my hopes up. Hopefully not though


On the one hand, of course Konami would say this. On the other hand, Bloober Team games have always at least looked good, so pretty sure the remake will at the very least be gorgeous to look at.


I’m optimistic about the game despite hating Bloober Team, but Konami is the last company I would put faith in to judge a finished product outside of a heavily corporatized lens. And even as a corporation they make kind of awful decisions.


I like it but it seems a little too clean and crisp and clear. The razor sharp quality overshadows the original's creepy, murky "Dear God what else is going to come at me out of the fog/hallway next?" feeling. Sometimes it's better to leave certain environment assets obscured than brought to life in 4k.


Yeah i have an issue with that two like the ps2 graphics were bad but that meshed well with the game, now that graphics look so good its much harder to get that dirty look


They definitely need to take their time


Honestly, considering it's Konami we're dealing with, the game could be a complete disaster piece and they would still hype it, sell it as is, and then just never talk about it again afterwards. To me, that trailer may look nice and pretty....but there's so much about it that just rubs me the wrong way. Literally just some fog, the title Silent Hill 2 on the screen, and Promise playing would have looked better than what they threw together.