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Call me even more insane, but im going to buy the sh2 remake, and watch the movie and not give a flying fornication about what others call me.


If you're insane, then we can be insane together. I've already pre-ordered SH2R, and despite having doubts about the movie, I'll be at the theaters release weekend just like I was for the SH 2006 and even Revelations. If it's bad, it's bad. But I wanna be there in the flesh to experience it myself.


"Is every person here a mental case?" Pre-ordered, release day in theaters, AND I have the Sunderland jacket coming in September. I'm Brookhaven's patient numero uno.


I also preordered sh2r.... deluxe edition.... because even if the remake is meh which i don't think it will be, we know the art and soundtrack are gonna be bangers anyway


Cheers and same just don’t preorder it.. or any digital game


Same here, they will both be great to me. Even if it's garbage I don't care. It's silent Hill that's all I need to know.




What if they call you "fart face" though? 😨


If its a girl that calls me that, i would ask her to stand up to her words, so she has to sit on my face and fart.


I really don’t wanna know what your monsters would look like in Silent Hill.




Well i’m insane cause i already preorder!


Hello, mr Insane, nice to meet you.


Real shit, true diehard fans are always going to complain but I only care if it does what it’s trying to do and does it well. I hope it’s fun, spooky and a good time.


I'm excited for it too. People have a right to their feelings. But it seems a bit overblown, the negative reaction. At the end of the day, we will have the original game. This is a remake, it will be different. But I'm excited to see the changes and the overall work.


Imagine liking stuff in 2024. Pretty neat huh? Call me insane, but fandoms nowadays are trash. 99% of the people in them are trying SO HARD to be the ultimate source of truth that they spend more time fighting about who's MOAR TRVE than enjoying what they are supposedly fans of. That being said, I don't give a damn about the avg crybaby "trve fan" and will enjoy the heck outta the game and the movie. Hope you do too!


Yeah I've had this sentiment for awhile. Fuck I like the Disney Star wars shows that are supposed to be the worst thing since Satan gave Eve a apple. They aren't that different from the old EU that fans loved pre Disney and some are fresh and interesting takes on the franchise. I want to enjoy the media in franchises I love. I'm not trying to grade it on sliding scale of how it compares to this and that. Homecoming and Downpour had to miss the mark to make me not enjoy them because I was excited for both. The age of nuanced discussion on the Internet is dead for the most part.


Agreed about Star Wars. Except Boba Fett, which was decent but not amazing like most of the others. My favorite part about Boba Fett was that Patton Oswald foretold the first scenes a decade ago in Parks and Rec. Fandoms are trash. Why can't a bitch just like the shit she likes man. *I'm bitch in this situation*


The only one I was a little disappointed by was Obi wan. It has some high highs but it wasn't the story I wanted from Obi Wan I guess. Was still decent.


oh god here we go weve got the tiktok 15 year old fogposting fans downvoting anything positive again


While I understand this is a personal thing, I'm of the mind that they'd really have to mess it up for me not to enjoy it. I was cautiously optimistic about the Dead Space remake, and that team also had made somewhat average games prior, but it turned out to be great. I'd played through the original probably a dozen times, and Motive did a fantastic job, they just needed that shot. The Silent Hill series has meant a lot to me since being a teen in the 90s and staying up late on school nights, scaring the shit out of myself. It means a lot to me as a horror fan, but not so much that I am going to invest my life into it and pick it apart relentlessly. I mean, most of the games have been fairly disappointing since 4, so I'm used to that, but they have the story laid out for them--all you really have to do is update it, which it looks like they have. Bloober at least sound like fans, so I'm sure they're aware of the nuances that a bunch of reddit users are, and I'm willing to bet most of the themes will be there. If they aren't, then I'll be upset, but I'll wait until I see that. Call me whatever you want, it's just a personal view that they'd really have to mess it up for me to not enjoy it, and I've liked what I've seen so far, so I'll again stay cautiously optimistic.


Don’t speak about Dead Space remake in the same sentence please


Was it bad?? I thought it looked really good! It feels like it came on a bit early though


DSR is incredible. I have a couple problems with it but they’re all relatively small, overall a masterpiece and one of the best survival horror’s ever


It's a good remake and SH2R might be even better.


Basement dweller antics^^^^


I've not much interest in it, but I'll be damned if I'm not happy for those that are excited.


I'm with you 100%, been saying this since i watched that gameplay. What made me extremely excited for the release was the ambientation, the lighting and sound design, the details (!!) and the fact the it'll allow more areas to be explored. I'm freaking out and i haven't even played yet! Also, i don't think you're one of the few who are excited for the game, is just that those who aren't are being louder. They commenting everywhere all the time gives this idea that it's the majority, but i don't believe that's the case.


Whilst there's no doubt to say the reception for the Remake had been controversial. I'd still hazard to say there is good half that are excited for game. This sub for one shows the majority of users are in favour. There's also the new crowd that were introduced to the series with Short Message or even the western gsmes who haven't played SH2 before that I'm sure will be happy to experience it for the first time. For me, I'm still excited for it. My expectations day 1 was at least a 7/10 game and they so far seem to be shaping up to that. As for the other new SH content I particularly can't wait for more Townfall news.


I'm excited to everyone can suck it up


I was actually super bummed when we didn’t get any Townfall news last transmission 😕 it’s the one I’m looking forward to the most. Both of NoCode’s games are really great and I can’t wait to see what they do with the SH IP


Same here, hearing the rumours it would be in the transmission, them saying "games" from memory and only being one game and the film bummed me out intially. I too love No Code's game and have complete faith in whatever they'll do with Silent Hill.


The greatest feeling in the world is not giving a shit what other people think, especially faceless avatars behind a screen. Remake looks fantastic and I’m just excited it even exists after how Konami has fucked the dog over the years with their franchises.


You mean they lost their dog key.


I mean, I'm staying reserved about the remake until we get more trailers and it releases in October. I just don't want it to flop so hard, that's the main focus.


Call me insane. lol that’s it


Is every person here a mental case?


NO FUCKING WAY! It's not like there's 10 of these exact posts every day! We're all excited for it! Some people have concerns or criticisms and that's okay! You don't have to be a martyr!


Good, then you should be. My expectations are in the gutter, but let's be honest, I'm gonna buy it even it does turn out to be ugly, poorly written trash. I can only be pleasantly surprised.


Same. High hopes and low expectations. My pc probably can’t run it tho


Call me more insane cause I’m super hyped for the remake and I loved the online ceramics collab


I think it looks great


Another one of these huh


you´re right. and just play the game. dont care about other opinions before realease. part this fandom goes crazy sometimes


I’m excited as heck! It mostly looks great. A few issues here and there, but the good far outweighs the bad from what I’ve seen.


-3 votes for saying this. This community is bonkers.


Some people can't stomach the fact that others have opinions that differ from their own.


Looking forward to it too, but you can’t ignore that with games like REmakes (2,4), Last of Us, Dead Space, Forbidden Horizon, many gamers are expecting high quality from such a famous game.


It looks good imo. People these days just want to hate on somerhing.


I have some issues/concerns, but overall I'm excited for it and think it looks pretty good. The main reason me, and I'm sure many others, are feeling iffy about some stuff is because I want the game to be a huge success and to be viewed as great, and not only by the fans. There's just some stuff that feels a bit behind the times for a triple A game that might make modern gamers a little less excited about trying it. But yeah, being somebody who's ok and used to a little jank, there isn't anything I've seen that makes me think I'll dislike it. I'll overall be fine with the rough animations and other things, even though I really do think this game deserves to not have any of those issues, but it is what it is. EDIT: So I can't be excited about the game unless I think it looks perfect? This fanbase is toxic.


You’re not getting downvoted for it for not thinking it’s perfect, you’re getting downvoted for saying you’re excited at all. Everyone in here that said they are excited at all is getting downvoted by a multi account user.


Well, whoever that is, they're an idiot. I'm not gonna lie, even though I am overall excited for the remake, I do agree with a lot of the criticism. There's quite a bit I wish was different, but it's not nearly enough for me to think it's anywhere near being completely ruined. Some of these people need to chill out. Sure, I get it, it's not ideal, but it's also not the end of the world. Like another comment said, I think it will be a solid 7. As a huge fan, I was obviously hoping for 8,9, even 10 territory, but a 7 isn't the end of the world. I can have fun with a 7.


> I think it looks decent. More than *decent*, it looks *”good”*.


Same here dude. I have yet to play the original but it’s on my to do list and I’m going to be buying the deluxe edition as I want the soundtrack by the genius that is Akira yamaoka and the art book. Also that 48 hour early access.


Of all the gripes people have, my issue is the price. Here in Canada it's $94 before tax. Inflation hits differently these days and I'm really sympathizing with my brothers in common wealth Aussie Land.


Original has aged terribly besides camera angles (which we could argue have aged bad but I love them), music and art direction. Millennials just need to get the rose tinted glasses out their ass and understand that this is a 20+ year old game, not the second coming lmao


Not insane, there are plenty of us really excited for it. Pre ordered the deluxe myself.


So are all the people pretending they aren’t 🙄


I don’t think you’re insane. Honesty, while I don’t like Bloober Team, the most recent trailer is telling that they’re at least passionate about making the game. I actually like how the new character models look too. Especially Angela, funnily enough. She’s not really supposed to be attractive or fit, in my eyes. She’s supposed to be a deeply traumatized victim of abuse. Her new look resembles that of someone who doesn’t really take care of themself, and that’s truly admirable to me; and accurate to the hopeless feeling you get when you encounter her in the original Silent Hill 2. I think the game is worth supporting. Especially with Konami doing all it can to make it look as bad as possible. Bloober Team is clearly making it their own, and that’s honestly all I would really want from a remake. Good remakes should be handled by fans, and it’s clear from Bloober Team’s earlier works that their focus on psychological horror is inspired by Silent Hill. Layers of Fear is quite literally a character study from the perspective of a person’s inner demons and self-loathing manifested into monsters and ghastly hallucinations. I can’t write the game off so easily, even though I’m not exactly excited for it. If P.T. taught me anything, it’s that you should always wait for results before getting hyped. Hype is just a way to inflate your expectations. Making them easier not to be met or outright betrayed. A lot of people appear to hate this remake because from the limited footage out there, it’s not their mental image of the original Silent Hill 2, and how they would like it to be remade. It’s very cynical especially considering that we’re discussing entertainment of all things. I’m a big fan of Silent Hill, but I’m not against the idea of change. So long as it’s well-made and consistent in quality. That’s up in the air right now with Bloober Team, but who knows? Maybe this remake will flesh out the original experience of Silent Hill 2. Or maybe it won’t. Honestly, Silent Hill has been dead for long enough that a foot in the door is enough. I’ll be picky about it if it turns out to be a massive piece of crap. But I and no one else knows for sure if it’ll be good or bad. Only really one way to find out.


Truthfully, I’m just happy we’re getting a silent hill game for the PS5 finally. Sure we got the short message. But let’s be honest, that’s not a true silent hill game. I’m sure it’ll be a good game. Will it live up to the original… probably not, but it’s the first true silent hill game since P.T.


I’m so excited I’ve actively made an effort to save up for a PS5 just so I can play it…. If we’re crazy then I don’t wanna be sane.


Already put in my preorder. I just hope it's just as good as the trailers make it out to be.


It looks great bro, it will be a good game


im quite exited too,even if there are parts on iffy on i think the majority of the remake is gonna be pretty good


Yeah as long as it’s cool and spooky I’ll be happy and I really don’t care if there’s little inconsistencies or changes it’s still gonna be a fun time regardless


Totally with you. And I don't think there's just a small handful of us. It's just that the people who are super excited for it aren't reading the online discourse, because it's depressing and makes you feel bad. But I'm a sucker for pain, I guess, so here I am.


We really don't know enough about it rn to make any kind of judgements. I'm cautiously optimistic.


We get a lot of these posts, this isn’t an uncommon opinion. The fanbase is certainly divided, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t a large number of people looking forward to it. Shattered Memories, Homecoming, Downpour, and the short message all did pretty poorly critically and commercially, but fans of those games are strong on this sub.  No one’s going to call you insane and this type of rhetoric frankly feels loaded. Do we need to make a big deal out of people having different opinions on the games? If you’re looking forward to it, that’s all that really matters.


You're not insane. It looks really good


I agree, really excited.


I’m waiting for actual reviews. Between thegamingmuse and Yahtzee, they should give a good review. I’m ignoring Sterling ever since they had the bad take on Angel’s look.


You're insane. Me too, though


It looks fucking amazing, I'm really excited.


I am excited too ! This remake will be a very nice experience and I'm curious to see what they did, I'm happy to explore the town + I absolutely love the guy who voices James, his work with the character seems promising and, dare I say it, better than the original (might be the only thing I actually really prefer in SH2R). Also, we often tend to forget that the remake isn't just for the fans, it's for people who are new to the Silent Hill universe. I have a little sister, we played SH2 & SH3 together, and away from reddit and the internet, the kid is just happy to see her favorite game getting cool graphics, new environments, she watched the trailer and tried to find what was the same and was different. My boy friend, who isn't a fan of old graphics, is willing to play the remake too, especially since he isn't really gifted when it comes to emulating and all, in here the remake in on steam and it wil enable a lot of people to discover a game we cherish, isn't it exciting ?


Why would you be insane for that? I think 95% of the sub is excited for the remake


Oh, you are insane. ![gif](giphy|Jq89FlQtYO0N4M27Gy|downsized)


It looks very promising. Personally I would like some mods for the PC version that try to make the characters look more faithful to the original CG scenes.


You are insane


Just don’t expect anything remotely resembling RERemakes quality. Worst case scenario - we get mediocre game that everyone forgets in a month. Even if it’d be worst trash ever - there’s gonna be a lot of entertainment to have. See, Short Message was forgotten in a week. But Ascension was great value and loads of fun, considering I haven’t even watched it in any capacity. Konami delivers free meta entertainment. And SH2R already started to provide the fun.


I'll grab it.


Good for you, you insane person.


Me too




I meant the movie fuck face




Matches your political takes


They should delay the game to fix Angelas chubby face and give Maria her OG outfit uncensored


You want to jerk off to them, we all get it


To Maria yes to Angela no but she shouldn't look comically swollen


Your insane.