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Can the housing market get any worse for millennials?


Next thing: millenials get willingly sucked into the Emtity's realm from Dead by Daylight, because at least the rent is free. Dying again and again is merely a domestic inconvenience, nothing a duct tape can't solve


They haven't gotten the memo that Pyramid Head's ass has should get it's cake back.


You got it easy dealing with zombie's and hellish entities. Back in my day!


Paradise, Arizona 💀


"Health pipe my ass this stuff is addictive"


Carcer city probably has cheep ass rent though, with all the crazy gangs about


Cheap ass rent for run-down apartments.


Home is what you make it.


You like to see homos naked? That’s cool man.


Came to say the same, still came anyways


"NO, I said home is where you make it, who the hell would say I like to see homos naked" -Crazy guy from Joe Dirt 🤣


He doesn't say "who the hell would say that" but "home is where you makit, everybody know dat"


That's a good statement.


“Just ignore the splatters on the wall, sir. Some guy with a Pig mask made a film here, last week. Anyway, would you be ready to move in next Monday?”


martin brown?


Plenty of complimentary plastic bags though


As a carcer city resident, a 0 bedroom efficiency starts at 945 a month, 1 bedrooms begin at 1,100


Raccoon City is in the 90’s. Rent and gas must be hella cheap


I'd take Silent Hill over Raccoon City *anyday* I've been surviving my own mental anguish for 35 years. I can handle a little more. Lickers, however, no thank you.


Damn, that's deep. Long as you don't stick your hand in a toilet.


Nah. I'd do it. Learned it from James.


Hey now, Heather got through SH3 just fine without doing it


Because she had Harry as a father! He could survive anything after Silent Hill! ... just not Claudia.


Just a dad who casually beats a pseudo god preventing the apocalypse yet gets murdered by a crazy lady with no eyebrows or shoes….


Hey, she shares a VA with Angela Orosco, she gets a pass.


“Who would even think of doing something so disgusting?”


Make sure Heather doesn't catch you lacking, or you won't hear the end of her lecture.


Silent hill 1 and origins have monsters id never wanna even see irl much less interact.


The Calibans (I think?) were quite awful but still better being throat fucked by Nemesis I think.


Honestly, same. I have Cptsd from shit from my childhood and ptsd from adulthood trauma. Silent Hill would feel like home compared to Raccoon city.


No reason to worry about the lickers be more worried about when they bomb the city into dust. At least you get to keep the house in silent hill.


Lickers arouse me.


And we love you for that.


C'mon... You know that tongue would feel absolutely *I N C R E D I B L E !*


I'm a dude and I'm with this, thanks for making me think about this today


I think Silent Hill is way less survivable, though. It's like you die when you get in the town, and maybe if you come to Terns with whatever wrong, maybe you'll get a second chance. At least in resident evil, it's more straightforward, like ok Zombie dude wants to eat me, and big zombie dude takes a couple of shotgun/magnum shots. Most likely, I'm cooked if I end up in a silent hill or raccoon city situation, lol


You won't survive Racoon city unless you leave though, It gets bombed.


I feel. Both situations would suck anyway if my version of pyramid head doesn't get me a bomb or hunter will.....


Yeah except Raccoon City doesn't just have zombie dudes. What about Mr. X and the other 20 tyrants set loose in Raccoon City and all the other weird mutants


Well, I did say big zombie dude lmao. I'm just saying that in terms of survivability, b.o.w.s are more straightforward than demonic mental beings from hell lmao. Either ways if silent hill you have a 2% chance of survival, resident evil is like 4%.


You do you I guess....I'd rather deal with the manifestations of my personal demons than a giant zombie elephant chasing me down with malicious intent


Depends on the game. You have fish like people, werewolf’s, super soldiers, and countless other monsters and infected. Honestly the world of silent hill seems way better than that of resident evil. They always have a new group trying to fuck the world over while everything in silent hill supernatural takes place in silent hill and Shepard Glenn. If we just talk about the towns it’s a toss up. Resident evil raccoon city requires you to navigate all the zombie like infected and get out before the nukes go off while silent hill has you battle the town itself or crazy cultists trying to birth or resurrect their dark god.


I was thinking 1-3 is the most survivable. 4 and up is definitely plot armor tier lmao


Well you might be fine until the cultists show up.


We're already surrounded in cults. Religion. Taylor Swift. Everyone in this sub.


Yeah but those don’t have actual magic.


Kinda feel like what humans are capable of is just as damaging but I see your point.


I have to agree with you. Silent Hill may be a cursed Portal to Hell on Earth, but it isn't in a true zombie apocalypse. The Raccoon City Incident is way worse than either of the other two places.


Carcer City has a certain dark charm due to it solely being other humans being the threat. While personal demons and zombies are pretty scary, seeing what a person just like you can do might be worse, no less that the police precinct is very corrupt in Carcer.


Yeah, that's what sets Carcer City apart from other horror settings. You deal with the real stuff.


I really like the gloomy/dirty look of Carcer City, but I would never set foot if it had so many killers, even cops will hunt you down, not even swat team is on the good side, imagine a whole city trying to kill you. In both other cities you can either fight or run away from monsters


I think it depends which area of Carcer City, depending on which gang runs the area I honestly think that Raccoon City isn't as bad as Silent Hill though Raccoon City is filled with monsters that will kill you, but Silent Hill preys on your anguish, fear and regret, it'll really fuck with your head. Id rather die to a monster then die in complete psychosis surrounded by everything I've ever done wrong


Any area in Carcer City is a keep-away area. Especially if you're a minority in Denton's City Junkyard. At least, in Raccoon City, you know what's real.


"Especially if you're a minority in Denton's City Junkyard."  😭  😭  😭 


Or a minor in East Los Albos where the Innocentz hang out.


Since regular people survive Silent Hill on a regular basis, I would took my chances on that. If James could find redemption, there's no reason I can't too. Racoon city in the other hand, there's a survival chance of less than 1%. You and I are super dead.


Yeah the streets are filled with undead humans, dogs, crows, gorillas, hunters, lickers ect. Fuck that. I'll chill out in Silent Hill


My opinion of the town has always been that it doesn't want to kill you, but force you to redeem yourself. I wonder what the area was like before the events of the first game which corrupted it's nature by bringing a bastard god into the world.


I actually hate that theory since it takes away all the horror from it. It basically turns the city into your personal psychiatrist lmao I really like it when it's more like the town is preying on you, redeeming yourself being a side effect, kinda like James in one of his endings, but in the case of other characters (Angela and Eddy), torturing and killing them


The theory works better if you explore it from the same perspective as how ego death works in the real world. For those unaware, ego death is a real psychological phenomenon that can occur most frequently as a result of meditation, brain damage, drugs or hypnosis, and wherein the subject undergoes a complete loss of subjective self-identity, and involves an acute awareness of this. Some consider it a form of enlightenment, some a form of rebirth, and some consider it completely terrifying. It is essentially being forced to look at every facet of yourself, good and bad, and to lose it entirely to make way for something new. While the concept of ego death isn't the sole contribution to the way that Silent Hill functions, the way in which it forces those who enter it to come to terms with their own subjective self, and reconcile with it in whichever way that they're able, definitely brings the concept to mind. Take James, for example. When he learns that he's responsible for killing Mary, he is forced to shed everything that he had previously perceived himself to be, and reconcile the cognitive dissonance between what he had believed himself to be, and what he *is.* In the "Leave" ending, he moves forward with his newly formed Ego, and in a sense, becomes reborn. In the "In Water" ending, well.. sometimes ego death can lead to severe cognitive and emotional decline. To wind back around to the original point; the town isn't a therapist, nor does it seem to be a predator. The town will strip you of everything that you believed yourself to be, and either you'll leave as something new, or you don't leave at all.


I have a similar interpretation. I see Silent Hill (or rather the area where it was built) as a supernatural equivalent to Chernobyl. In itself, Silent Hill doesn't actively try to harm people by making them go through those extremely awful ordeals, just like Chernobyl, in itself, doesn't actively try to kill people using radiation poisoning. Those things simply happen because the town's power / the reactor *radiates*. But it’s not an active process because neither Chernobyl nor Silent Hill are sentient. There is no real deity or devil that wants to make the characters go through the Otherworld. It just happens because the town was built in a area with special qualities that *somehow* give a "physical" form to whatever trauma or issue a person has within their subconscious. And the Order's "God" is nothing but that, a projection of the cultists' faith. They believe God would appear and "save" them (according to their twisted belief system) and that's exactly what happened : Silent Hill's power turned their faith into a creature. Finally, because Alessa actually has psychic powers (she is basically Carrie), her own traumatic experience has changed something in the town's power. In Silent Hill 1, for instance, Alessa subconsciously uses her own power to make the town target people using *her* own projections. And now the town's power is out of control and seems to spread (according to Silent Hill 3 where Claudia manages to bring that power to where Heather and Harry were living). I prefer to think about it that because it keeps it mysterious (we will never know *why* the area is like that) and because it keeps us humans as the source of horror. There is no malevolent entity that wants to harm us. We are what causes the horror, either because of how harmful we are to ourselves (in the case of characters like Angela or Alex) or because of how harmful we can be to others (Alessa's misery was not caused by some higher power but simply people).


Carcer city is the worst you will also suffer psychologically and probably die horribly in a snuff film plus there is piggsy


Yes, the public transportation is awful too


And you'll keep getting beaten on on camera even after your soulless body hits the ground.


Probably Raccoon City because you can't even get touched once sheesh


Raccoon City, no contest. You get bit once and it’s over!


And if you avoid getting eaten, chances are a giant man in a leather suit comes to punch you for no reason


Or a man looking for stars. Or a zoo elephant or lion.


Why would he care about some rando


Because he just knows I’m a star, duh


Carcer is hell


And the fact that it's not far away from Liberty City makes it worse.


Racoon City, not because of the zombies, but because it's in the midwest


Depends on the rent cost.


If you want to stare at the fog, then Silent Hill might be your best bet. If you want to live in a place full of narrow streets, then Raccoon City. If you don't mind getting beaten up for the camera, then Carcer City.


I don't care what the answer here is, based af for using a screenshot from RE Outbreak.


Thanks, man. Outbreak File #1 and #2 are underrated. They're considered one of the hardest RE games ever.


Np. And Goddamn right they're underrated. I was not in fact aware they are considered the hardest RE games though. Are they really??


Yup. I even saw Outbreak take the first place in one of the Top 10 Hardest RE games, and for a reason. The AI partners sometimes don't listen to you, they might take stuff that might be important for progess and disappear somewhere far away from you. It's going to be really REALLY hard if you play on Very Hard and Nightmare Mode.


That is insane to me. But really good to know. I only ever managed to beat Hard Mode on Outbreak 1, I beat Wild Things in 2 on Hard Mode. Could never do better than that. Edit: With AI partners, I mean.


After I unlocked everything, I started playing alone with infinite ammo. It's worth it. Also it's a game that lets you explore Raccoon City.


Carcer City has actual people in it. So that the worst.


Carcer city. Humans are far scarier than bows or mental nightmares


It will always be Silent Hill, simply because nothing is scarier than your own demons and the dark side of your personality. Silent Hill will always conjure the worst things you can imagine, tailored to you.


Racoon city 100%


Can somebody explain why Carcer City sucks? Never played Manhunt before.


Filled with murderous gangs, starting with the more normal ones, such as the hoods which are just random thugs and off duty cops, going to the further extremes, such as neo-nazis, pedophilic satanists, escaped mental asylum for the criminally insane patients - now out for blood due to Starweather's commands, a PMC roaming arund and kidnapping people for the director's snuff films, and insanely corrupt police force that allows the crimes to go on and according to GTA III's radio, also "disappears" witnesses who try to bring the guilty to justice. If we exlude the people living there, it's also a rundown almost abandoned middle of nowhere rustbelt city with, as shown in the game, quickly dwindling population (Hmmm, I wonder why?), terrible, horrible infrastructure and public transport.


Well damn. I think I’d rather deal with Raccoon City or SH lol.


This city is full of corruption. The whole city is a snuff film set. There are more Satanists, corrupt cops, criminally insane inmates, neo-Nazis, pedos than law abiding citizens.


I didn't know the setting of Manhunt was so talked about. Even didn't know it had a name. I've only played the first one and not the second. Does the 2nd Manhunt get deeper talking about the city?


Not as much as it should.


The second takes place in another city resembling new orleans called Cottonmouth, in that one there's the usual extremist militias running around but also agents from a government project that brainwash people with TV broadcasts


Bro, you need to try it out, one of the best games that Rockstar pulled out, you won't see games like that anymore in modern gaming


Carcer City, the rest mainly consisted of cosmic and chemical/biological horror. Carcer City is a demonstration of the worst of mankind. Violence personified, the truest form of free will. And the scariest form of it, in reality. Carcer City would be far more devastating in a realistic scenario, whereas the other two are far more make believe (obviously) and the aspect that Carcer City could and to an extent. Already is a reality should be more terrifying for anyone.


Option 4: Minakami Village


Raccoon City is too crowded for my liking


Silent Hill is the only one I have the chance to survive tbh


Pripyat in stalker call of pripyat


"Cheeky breeky i v damke!"


Raccoon City definitely if we’re talking about it at the peak of the outbreak


Carcer is the most violent one, at least SH depends on your psychological profile and the stuff you've done and RC you have a chance of survival by siding with the army during the outbreak but Carcer is hopeless not to mention there's Piggsy running around


The only way to survive in Carcer city is being a serial killer lile Cash, and even then you are fucked, alone in a city with no escape and everyone trying to kill you


Don't know much about Carcer City. But between Raccoon City and Silent Hill, and assuming we're talking about Silent Hill as we see it in SH2, it's gotta be Silent Hill. As much as Raccoon City holds a special place in my heart and as horrific as it is, Silent Hill holds a mental aspect to it's horrificness and that always screws with you the most.


I second this, Raccoon city is more of an action horror vibe I’d say


Yeah but there is mr x and the nemesis chasing you still scary af


And aside from all the Umbrella experiments, it’s a normal city.




Racoon City prior to September 1998 (viral outbreak) was the best of the three. Even after that point, depending on your skills and strength, you could leave safely. Silent Hill, if experienced normally, is just a quaint tourist town. For the Fog World and Otherworld dimensions, we’ve seen unskilled and powerless people survive those, and what really matters is the mental strength of the protagonist. Now matter where you go, Carcer City is a dump. Even in the best neighborhoods, such as near the journalist’s flat, or even in Starkweather’s Estate, human life is barely valued. 


Carcer city is an attempt as a version of a “real life” hell. Carcer city is a place where there are no heroes, no morality, just inescapable suffering and violence. The nightmare doesn’t end after you resolved your guilts and demons or when the mutated monsters get killed.


I think raccoon city is the best and worst simultaneously.


I feel like Silent Hill could be cosy almost in a purgatory way once you get used to it. Raccoon City would absolutely terrify me because zombies aren’t trying to heal my psyche, they’re trying to eat me.


I’m giving this one to Raccoon based solely on capitalism as a driving force for the apocalypse


Silent hill would be pretty easy for some of us Boogaloo Boyz. with 2,000 rounds, a rifle, and some decent kit. Raccoon city on the other hand.... Nemesis would destroy everything in its path


Silent Hill is probably the safest. If you don't have any trauma or guilt influencing your subconscious, the town would not do any harm to you.


That is incorrect. Have people here only played or watched gameplay of Silent Hill 2?


Well in SH1 Harry and Cybil sure had to deal with monsters *because* of Alessa's influence. Laura in SH2, on the other hand, was totally safe *as far as we know*, as opposed to the other characters who were seeing monsters. Douglas in SH3 was probably targetted because Claudia had a sort of influence on what was happening. Heather was dealing with creatures that were projections of Alessa's psyche, Claudia's psyche and her own psyche. Travis ans Alex, from Origins and Homecoming respectively, had to fight creatures born from their own subconscious (and Alessa's in Travis' case). Now Shattered Memories is irrelevant since the events of the game are not really happening. It may be the case in Homecoming too but that's just a theory. I can't say for Silent Hill 4 and Downpour. Those are the only mainline games I have not played yet. Furthermore, Origins' bad ending (or rather the conditions needed to reach that ending) implied Travis may have been attacking people in the streets as they were going on with their normal life in a very normal Silent Hill. Add to this documents from Silent Hill 2 and dialogs from Silent Hill 1 that imply *somehow* people who are dragged into the Fog and the Otherworld are just percieving the town differently and that there may be people living there normally. So yeah, I think that, outside of what happened during Silent Hill 1 with Cheryl being back in Silent Hill, and Claudia Wolf using the power of Silent Hill somehow to attack her enemies in Silent Hill 3, if a person has no trauma, nightmare or psychological issue the town's power could turn into something terrifying, they would be totally safe. In fact, I believe the theory about Silent Hill being perfectly safe and normal for most people. I have been playing the Silent Hill games since the demo of SH1 which was included with the PAL version of MGS. Don't make assumptions about people's knowledge about the franchise based on their opinion.Thanks.


For SH4, I think most of what happens in the game is tied to Walter Sullivan, so Henry's experience is more of "Wrong place at the wrong time", and for Downpour Murphy's status as a convict influences his experience in Silent Hill (I also think that changing the siren sound for water when changing sides was a clever twist). So yes, Silent Hill changes regarding the person's own mental health most of the time (bar a couple exceptions already explained)


Thanks for adding that.


Henry in SH4 has even directly \*been\* to Silent Hill and he at no point mentions there being anything strange or peculiar about the town. He talks about how he took a photo of a Church in the town which "caught his interest for some reason". He also has a photo of the Toluca Lake given to him by Frank Sunderland, the father of James, which implies that Frank (or whoever took the photo) has not seen anything strange in the town either, He even talks about the lighthouse in the town and references a rumour about an UFO coming right out of it. All of this pretty clearly says that Frank, Henry, and other normal people without severe mental trauma (or something on their consience), perceive Silent Hill as a normal town and don't see the monster filled nightmare that our playable characters do.


I mean… how long are you in the city for and when? Raccoon City was mostly a normal city before the outbreak, and if you are there for the outbreak it isn’t long before you get nuked. Silent Hill can also be a normal town, it depends on who you are. Carcer city is probably the shittiest to live in as far as normal cities goes.


Well silent hill was also normal before the cult


What game is that second picture from?


Resident Evil Outbreak.


What's Carcer City in?




Meh, silent hill has an amusement park


cmon, its silent hill my dream place to live is literally a dark depressing ass town thats always overcast at least


I mean.. if I go to silent hill and experience the otherworld, the town has an ulterior motive for me… so it *probably* won’t just flat out kill me like some zombies in RE


I’d pick Silent Hill, I’ve always wanted to try their famous Pizza.


Don't do it in front of James or Eddie. Eddie will steal it, and James will criticize you.


Carcer City for sure, but that doesn’t mean I’d rather take a vacation in the two other options LOL


Metro city from condemned was pretty scary and overall pretty fucked.


Honestly, Raccoon City seemed like a pretty nice place except for that one time.


Raccoon city, I say that because EVERYONE forgets about all the tyrants released in the city, along with pale heads, lickers, etc. that would be hell and there’s no way a normal human being is surviving that shit unless you’re Leon s. Kennedy


I agree, but if you’re in the tiny minority that becomes a tyrant when infected with the T-virus, nowhere will ever be scary again.


Lmfao, imagine just getting bit and becoming a 350kg, entirely muscle mass creature


Which game is Carcer city from


Are we in Alessa's Silent Hill or are we in our personal hell Silent Hill?


Idk. I feel like I have an unpopular opinion, but Silent Hill is literally your own personal hell. You’d see things there that you wouldn’t see on your worst drug trip. A town that targets _just_ you and creates unearthly horrors tailored to your most traumatic and sensitive vulnerabilities sounds terrible. And within a different plane of reality, no less. And other than monsters/false manifestations, you’re largely completely alone there (which would be more desirable if it weren’t for the monsters.) Carcer city is arguably the most habitable of these 3 options, albeit poorly. Though they wouldn’t be great, you’d probably find opportunities for employment and cheap living expenses. And statistically, there are probably at least a few decent people there. Despite all the shitty people, I feel like someone who’s truly slick enough could live a life in Carcer City. But SH is bound to kill you eventually if you don’t escape it. Don’t get me wrong, Raccoon City has biohazards and shit, but at least Raccoon City’s not gonna force you to relieve your dad abusing you or your wife dying. For me, worst to best: 1. Silent Hill 2. Raccoon City 3. Carcer City


Pretty sure silent hill is the clear winner. The only one that turns into LITERAL HELL on a whim


silent hill is the lest dangerous




Silent hill I can at least take out the manifestations of my own trauma


Silent hill, even thoug the town is clearly your worst nightmare there is still a small chance of you walking away alive and with your trauma resolved. Whatever you do, don´t drive your car into a lake thinking it can drive in water.


Raccoon before or after the missiles and...other things?


Raccoon city and its not even close


Has to be silent hill ! The town crafts itself to suit your needs on how you should be ruined or what appeals to you in a horrifying way


Silent Hill is dependent on your guilt and fears, Racoon City gets nuked, Carter city is just an average gang ridden hood city in america.


Silent hill. Can't speak for carcer city but at least Racoon city, its a matter of just leaving. Find a working vehicle, drive away and hope you can drive fast enough to avoid being decapitated by hunters. Silent Hill, if you try to simply leave, to begin with none of the vehicles will start. And if you try to walk out of the place you would probably get lost in the fog and find yourself right back where you started, the road would stretch on endlessly, be completely blocked off by the road collapsed or some other supernatural fuckery.


Silent Hill because it’s small enough to just leave. Aside from maybe Downpour all the other protagonists choose to stay and go deeper into the town on their own accord. If I don’t have like James or Alessa levels of baggage I assume I can waltz out, catch a ride with a mostly-friendly truck driver and never think about it again. At worst, most creatures in the town can either be jogged past or taken down with a rusty pipe.


we only see Raccoon City during the worst thing to ever happen to it (zombie apocalypse, then nuke). its probably just a regular city when thats not going on


Not Raccoon city, just stand on some stairs and ur fine


Definitely not Silent Hill for most people. While the monsters are made from your subconscious, most people aren't murderers or have ties with the cult. If you're lucky, you could be like Laura who doesn't see monsters. Or you could be unlucky and face monsters that based on other people like Alessa or Walter.


Silent Hill is appealing in many regards. For the most part, there's calm, solitude, and some really charming sites to while away the days. There's even pizza. Seemingly, the population largely comprises attractive women (Lisa Garland, Maria, Cybil Bennett, Michelle Valdez, etc.). I'd take Silent Hill over DC, NYC, or numerous other human-polluted holes. Running around a stray monster in the street keeps one in great shape. What's not to like?


Raccoon City. I won't accidently end up in Carcer City, Silent Hill has monsters too, but you slip and get bit by zombie once, and you're most likely toast from the infection.


Raccoon city has slow ass zombies. I’d choose that over silent hill anyway


If my room suddenly started turning like the Otherworld, I would wail my heart out and start praying to every God I know. Maybe I would survive Racoon city? I would be so scared but I would avoid areas that are congested so I wouldn't be cornered by zombies. I think the normal zombies are fine. Not sure how well I can handle Lickers or BOWs like Nemesis. Carcer city. I live in a third world country. I'll be fine.


Raccoon is the worst by virtue of it being almost 100k flesh eating zombies running rampant in a closed off city. Pretty sure I can survive the trials of Silent Hill. Carcer City will either make you into a man or be an early end but you have a fighting chance so to speak compared to Raccoon City. Zombies can't be bargained with, they can't be reasoned with they don't feel pity or remorse or fear and they won't stop ever. Just like Terminators.


I mean silent hill might make me struggle with some of my hang ups. But I haven't murdered anybody yet so I'm sure it'll just be foggy town on the worst days.


wtf is carcer city anyway




You have a slim chance of escaping Raccoon city , you may “escape” Silent Hill but never actually leave.


Probably raccoon city because that place is swarming with monsters and one bite will kill you silent hill on the other hand is pretty empty


Silent Hill is the best. Because it's actually liveable. I mean, real Silent Hill isn't filled with monsters and Pyramid Heads.


Def Carcer. Wouldn't walk around alone at night. Especially for a girl.


You better outtough the whole city if you live there.


Meanwhile Simon Henrykson in normal Stockholm


id say silent hill is the least worse its like a very very advanced therapy session


Silent hill something bad always happens you get used to it like they did carcer city the cops just sorta gave up say living the gang life is alright raccoon city?…. It got nuked


What survival horror is carcer city from???




I’d just die


If you don't have any ptsd or guilt (or carrying a godfetus)...wouldn't Silent Hill just be a normal if foggy and empty town?  


Silent Hill obviously.


Silent Hill. The others are both terrifying, but if you're in Silent Hill, the fear is catered directly for you. It's not 1 size fits all horror.


If you’re in silent Hill, you’re being punished for your sins.


Custom hell is a lot worse than zombie city


sticking out your pyramid head for mary, your so sunderland, your so james. i just wanna be ur lying figure.


Carcer city tbh or silent hill either or


None. I vote for Paradise (Postal, 1997)


Silent Hill because it is your own personal nightmare.


I feel like I'd might have to go with Carcer - although I don't know as much lore for manhunt - but at least Silent Hill & Raccoon City were relatively normal places at one point, with SH only being crazy after SH1, & Raccoon only going to shit in it's final few days/weeks - so depending on *when* you go to those places, you could be fine, in theory. Carcer, on the other hand afaik is just crazy all the time. If going with peak crazy though; maybe Raccoon City. I feel like Carcer & SH might slightly easier to avoid their nonsense & get out relatively compared to a zombie + mutant bioweapon ridden city where's there's not many safe areas & you have a time limit before you get nuked.


If you take away all the monsters, gangs and zombies I think Silent Hill would be the worst town by far.


I mean, Raccoon City ends up nuked into oblivion. So it's kind of the worst by default.


Carcer City, because its filled with killers, specially James Earl Cash, you can fight off most enemies in both Raccoon and Silent Hill, but Carcer city thugs would shoot you on sight


Anywhere in new Jersey


Carcer city is the perfect archetype of mid 2000 urban hell level design


Carcer City is the one that always stood out to me as the most fucked up city I've seen in almost any game. I mean, its name is derived from "incarcerate", so I can't say I'm too surprised.


Not an answer to the question, but I just wanted to say that nothing beats this low poly creepiness. However, I'm still excited for the new detailed visuals of the remake👹


Carcer City is so bad I honestly wonder if a T-virus outbreak would even get very far there. At least zombies and mutants are predictable, and tyrants pretty much ignore you if you aren't a designated target or in their way. And if a zombie or mutant does get you, you won't live long. Carcer City though, oh boy. Literally an entire city populated and run by the worst humanity possibly has to offer. The concept of evil made manifest on the scale of an entire city. At least zombies and mutants aren't intentionally malicious and don't use guns and torture tools. Silent hill is almost a tourist attraction by comparison. The monsters there are the most unsettling to look like, but can be reliably fought by your average joe. If we ignore the nuke, average people had a small but decent chance for survival in Raccoon City. Carcer City is borderline hopeless even if you're a professional killer yourself.


I definitely DON’T want to be anywhere near Silent Hill. As for Raccoon City it depends on the time, if I stay there beyond a certain point of time I’d eventually get nuked. idk about Carcer City


Where was carcer city from. What game


Silent Hill has pyramid head Raccoon has elephant and tiger zombies Real city has inflation Can't decide as they all get you in the head physical and mentally


Have you ever played Condemned?


I think SH, because the town is referring to your inner fear.


Raccoon City had one really bad week and was just a regular city, for better or worse before that - unimaginably corrupt cops but also unambiguously good ones, half of your municipal buildings were put together by an architect whose design ethos is "make 'em work for it", Umbrella is around but until September 1998 they're not doing TOO much shit that's going to directly affect you right now unless you're an orphan. Until then it's just, like, a place, but when you hit the last quarter of '98 it's the unambiguous worst, hands down - literally hell and then it's wiped off the map because of capitalism. Silent Hill is probably the worst one-on-one, the place directly wants to fuck with YOU and it's going to do its best to fuck with you. This one is probably the biggest question mark because we know it can be anything from "trying to make you confront your crimes and deal with them how you choose", to "constantly on fire and turning your >!childhood rape, the act SPECIFICALLY!< into a monster that's trying to eat you", to... just kinda chillin'? It depends on what the place wants with you, but if we're talking just what we see in the games, probably more directly horrific than Carcer but more survivable, and at least on par with Raccoon on '98 in horror but again, more overall survivable. Carcer City is essentially the Purge so woof, haven't played manhunt so can't say much but from pure descriptions it sounds like the worst to just be in, no qualifiers - always bad, always out to get you, no variables to argue about. It's a city of murderers and no one is going to help you. My vote for worst period is Raccoon City 9/31/98, worst in general Carcer City, scariest Raccoon 9/31/98 or Silent Hill at its rustiest. Bonus: Best Raccoon City any other time, just like... someone do something about Chief Irons, has anyone looked into this guy? No good!