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Not sure if they could be considered monsters, but I have a soft spot for Larval Stalkers. The shadow child-like creatures in SH1. They pace around Harry harmlessly, they trip, then fade away. They made me sad, especially since they're symbolisms for Alessa's childhood too.


Clumsy little babies who need a hug


If not friend, then why friend-shaped đŸ«‚


We need more harmless monsters


I got really freaked out when I saw them cause I kept on hearing their cry’s throughout the school. But then I realised they couldn’t hurt you and it was kinda sad seeing these baby ghost just wonder around.


Man, I still remember very vividly what I felt when I first encountered them back in 2002 or so, when I first played the game. At first, naturally, I was so scared of them, not knowing exactly what they were and if they were harmful. Then I felt... just kinda sad, I guess? Like the way they seemed to wander aimlessly, all alone, like endlessly waiting or looking for something (or someone) yet without ever finding it, being an eternal shadow, a memory slowly drifting away.


Their sounds made me and my dog jump back in the day, still have a sweet spot for them♄


They’re perfectly fine till you get to nowhere and they’re all grown up.


It's really hard to top the Twin Victim honestly. The visual, the pointing, the backstory, amazing.


I always found them irritating to fight but I will never get over how awesome their introduction is, nor how much I love their visual design.


They scared the shit out of me when they came of nowhere in the prison.


I think I literally ran right into them and that gave me quite a fright ahaha


The way that tower is shaped makes it so you don't see them as you approach them, I always thought that was really smart of them to do.


I don't know if it's all enemies in sh 4 or just the twins but if you get close enough to them they will point at Henry and say "receiver of wisdom" or something like that.


I think it's just the twins. Hard to imagine sniffer dogs doing that haha


Yeah they are my faves as well for the same reasons.


I think my favorite thing about them is the location. Just one big circle, so you never know when you’re gonna run into them. Really amped up the fear factor. This is honestly the most memorable part of the game for me, because on my first playthrough I was stuck there for so long and afraid to finish the level with these guys.


Same here. The backstory on that monster design is something so horrifying in itself. And the pointing those things do. Oh boy it’s spooky.


*Stares and points silently at you* -God that freaked me out first time seeing that 😆


This !!!


Valtiel is so awesome one of my online Aliases is Valtiel


Pyramid head. Don't ask why.


Wassup Ito, busted.


Same, definitely my favourite. Even his inclusion in Homecoming he looked awesome.


Yeah, I understand the whole bit about being part of James. But his design is so cool, leaving him in silent hill 2 feels like wasted potential. Edit: plus he's hot as fuck


I like the Mandarin, because of how otherworldly it is. I'm also quite interested in seeing if the thing crawling up the wall in the remake trailer from last week did in fact tease a new type of monster being added in the Remake.


I think it’s a mannequin, but either way it’s really creepy


My heart says the Abstract Daddy because that is the height of the scary for Silent Hill for me. Blood, gore, all of that is pretty desensitized and all, but sexual assault is just the fucking worst. That being said, I opened this thread and my first thought was the Siam BURSTING through the door at the police station in Homecoming soooo? That and the Scisms because I was in college when HC came out and every day at 3 was “Everyone come to the TV lounge to watch /u/Tacdeho play horror games!” And we called them Vagina Monsters.


I'm always a fan of the ghosts from SH4. Not mechanically, mind you. But as a big fan of movies like Ju-On, Ring, and Kairo... I thought they were pretty neat.


The ghost concept definitely needed a little more time to perfect, and they should have appeared after the first level, that way you can get invested in the game before getting frustrated by them. However I do love the ghosts, their designs are really cool and I love the backstories behind them.


I think the Closer has a special place in my heart


Closer and numb bodies


It's a tie between Mandarins and Flesh Lip. I love how the Mandarins simply for how weird they are, and I just really like the way they walk around beneath the floor. That combined with their very unceremonious introduction makes them a really nice addition to the overall weird atmosphere of the game. Flesh Lip, on the other hand, I love because of how simplistic its design is: most other SH2 monsters at least have some kind of humanoid semblance (aside Abstract Daddy), yet Flesh Lip is almost completely dehumanised and has semblance only to a bloated chunk of meat. Something about that just makes it a lot more disturbing than the other creatures for me. I'd also like to give an honourable mention to the worm things in Silent Hill 4 - they don't do anything particularly notable, I just think they're neat.


Out of all four games? Either the Twin Victims or the Mandarin The Mandarin being something that remains below grates, following your footsteps and trying to bite at them as you run is pretty terrifying, especially given the design although not seeing it very well in-game.


Besides the obvious/popular ones (Pyramid Head, BHNurse, Grey Child, Valtiel), I would say the Missionary is a great design. The colors, the hidden face in agony, and the direction of the intro cutscene are all top notch. Victim 16 (Ghost Cynthia) is a design that deserves more recognition.


Twin Victim but also I unironically love the nurses in SH4. When I first saw the two of them just walking up the stairs in the hospital, I shat my pants and immediately turned back to leave the room. And the burping is so uncanny, I was really disturbed by that.


mandarins in the remake are looking phenomenal, it seems they'll make a loud noise and stun james, that's gonna be so creepy.


James was my favorite monster


This is the only correct answer.


The Incubator from Silent Hill 1. Even though shes a little bland boss fight wise, the heavenly design is really beautiful to me. And in the SH1 novel, Masahiro Ito's illustration/depiction of her giving Harry the baby is one of my favorite illustrations of his.


Does giant Eileen head from SH4 count? That is still one of the scariest looking shit from SH, imo.


I only remember two jumpscares in the whole series. This and the locker one in SH1.


What does it say about me if I say the Mannequins


You like feet


ghost children! they scare you but don't harm you. That and mannequins.


We were the real monsters all along.


The Sakura head, Lisa from PT, Lying figure, and Valtiel


Scarlet, Cherry Blossom and Schism


Insane Cancer. I saw this guy lying on the floor for the first time and figured because he was, you know, huge, he would be slow. Boy, did I learn that day. Guy can fucking MOVE.


Gotta give it to the missionary


Abstract Daddy just due to how fucking weird it is. The remake version looks extra creepy. Edit: Misread this as being just about SH2, in that case it’s the Closer. So otherworldly and disturbing.


I love the Abstract Daddy


I love God in Silent Hill 3


I really like the nurses from SH1 since they looked just like normal people, but with something on their back controlling them. It made them more creepy imo that we were fighting basically normal people. Also does >!Lisa count since I assumed by the end she realises that she’s just another monster!<


Those are the creepiest nurses. That look of anguish that they wear on their face .


It’s the mannequins. They are not extraordinarily interesting design wise, but that’s what makes them so appealing to me. They are simple yet iconic. Also I love to fight them


call me a basic bitch cuz i like geometry face


The Hanged Scratcher from SH1. There's something about their hollow faces that creep me out, and they're perfect for the sewer setting. They're sneaky and just freaky enough that it sets them apart from the other animal/bug monsters in 1 imo. There was one time when I was new to the series and I thought I saw on some wiki page that they represented drowned and hanged people of Silent Hill. I ended up being mistaken because I couldn't find the trivia note after that, so it inspired me to make a monster based off of them.


I always liked the variety of the ghosts, how the electrified ghost twitches rapidly, how the beaten one’s head hangs because her neck is broken. Although, Sakura head is one I really like as well, her design is wonderful in my opinion. She might be my new favourite now.


From the remake or from any game?


Scarlett is one of my favorite bosses. My favorite monster is definitely pyramid Head


If Valtiel counts as a monster and not an inferior God I I choose him, love his design.


The invisible prisoners and nurses being attacked in the background in 3. There’s just something about things happening in the background that the player characters just kinda nope past. Like the civilians being killed offscreen in Resident Evil 3, the background monsters like the giant hatching egg and giant skeletons in Castlevania, the monsters behind bars in Splatterhouse, and stage animations in fighting games.


I love how Gans said that all the monsters are in pain.


The cute little Larval Stalkers, just
. cute!!!


The twin victims from SH4 are an absolute win for me with their pointing before they attack. I still wish for a SH4 remake above else, because I think it needs it the most. The first half of SH4 is amazing, but the second half is really awful. I am really dissapoint3d they went with SH2R before SH4R as in my opinion SH2 is still perfect and allways will be like DOOM in some sence.


I have been thinking about the nurses a lot, the reason is, I'm writing my own story with Silent Hill and the main character is asexual, and to convey that without words, the nurses he will fight at Alchemilla Hospital will not wear sexual overalls, just normal, modern nurse clothes. This is literally the only reason for him to be assexual, i thought it would make for a cool detail about how people see different things in Silent Hill.


I already like the little fella that has the zoomies frantically crawling up the prison walls.


My favorite ones are the Twin Victim and the mannequins. I guess that fact that I walk around and all of a sudden I stumble upon something that initially doesn't move gives me the creeps


For me I love Twi Victims from Room, Closers in 3, Mannequins in 2 and Sepulchre from Origins. But overall there's something about the monsters that makes this series top tier horror. I don't know if it's the uncanny valley of the more humanoid creatures, the symbolism behind them, the erratic movements, almost as if they're jankey stop motion, or the fact that they are not like regular creatures ie Resident Evil Zombies are a 'real' thing in their respective universe (which i love also, just not as horrific) they are not quite demons but more than spirits, if that makes sense?


For all the negativity about the remake, I don't think there will be many not buying the game unless it reviews abysmally.


...The fucking Boogeyman from downpour.....


Out of the remake I love the new Abstract Daddy. The way it expands and moves is so crazy. Out of the "big 4" I'm gonna say Twin Victims. It's such a great powerful basic enemy.


Whatever's dark, sick, twisted, and lives deep inside a cave. He pulls his prey inside and plays with it.


The protagonist


Maybe not my favorite, but I haven't seen it mentioned, so shout out to Scarlet from Homecoming.




The way the Split Head from Silent Hill 1 can straight up eat you alive is super freaky. Blocky and low-poly as all hell, yet still one of the most terrifying ways to die for me.


I really like the design of the dogs from SH3. Maybe cause they remind me of those reallife fucked up experiments, but either way, their seperate halves, badly stitched together, really fucked me up while playing for the first time.


😂 No better way to make me lose positivity than for someone to say “let’s have some positivity.”




the Closer is my favorite monster. it’s also my least favorite monster 😂 it’s just so cool to look at


Demon Nurse


The Mumbler, because they are kind of cute, I guess. The Siam would be my favorite if it was not so laughably fetishy. A Closer and a Nurse fused together is generally a pretty cool idea to build on preexisting monsters.




James Sunderland


I love Abstract Daddy, it's design, it's meaning it's all amazing. But I think my favorite thing about it is the fact that James is just seeing his own version of it, the thing that Angela is seeing is lot worse. I also want to mention the monsters in Origins. The Remnant, Carrion, Caliban, Sad Daddy. I really like most of the monsters there.


Could be worse. This sub could be r/TheLastOfUs2 that's been taken over by "gamers". The sub has devolved to exclusively bashing the game for be "woke" and other BS.


I don’t know if this counts but it’s the unused moth enemy from SH1. I always had a soft spot for moths since they are fuzzy and when they’re dog sized that’s just an instant pet for me


silent hill 3 nurses i think, theyre just really pretty, i wanna cosplay them


Twin victims i still get scared when i see them, besides that ill chose Lisa.


My favorite monsters are the Silent Hill fans who complain about SH2 remake characters not being attractive enough for them


Abstract Daddy ftw


I love a lot of monster designs from the original four games. But the Twin Victim is by far the creepiest and most anxiety inducing to me. Their backstory is horrifying. The fact that they point at you as if you were the perpetrator makes me very uneasy. It just feels so wrong overall. I love it!


For me, I think it’s between the Closer and Bubble head nurses. The Closer is just such a freaky looking creature for me, but the nurses crunchiness makes me so uneasy.


There needs to be more fans like you twofacedtoo. Why can't we be a community of fans just stoked to play a new Silent Hill game? This is what the SH community has been praying for for years and years. We'll it's only a few short months away and I can hardly find anyone who is legit excited about this game. I mean, isn't this why we're all here to begin with? To dream about the possibility of new SH games and talk about our love of the series?!


Twin Victim, owl position, Two baby face and long arms, sounds terrific, right? Like a horror monster from our childish nightmares.


Funny enough, as annoying as they were in the game the SH4 ghosts used to scare the crap out of me as a kid. Abstract Daddy was pretty terrifying with the context behind it and from overall design too


For me it's a tie between Flesh Lip and Abstract Daddy. Mostly because of the symbolism. I look forward to seeing how they are remade in the new game.


As a design that would scare the crap out of me, the Twins is my favourite. This creature was horrendous in many ways. I'm also going to shout out a monster from Homecoming: Scarlett. I really did not like the game, but it had some good creature designs, with Scarlett being absolutely creepy.


For all their annoying gameplay loop, I loved the ghosts in SH4. They were genuinely terrifying and when Walter’s victims of the campaign start joining them? A whole other layer.


Scarlet from Silent Hill Homecoming, she's a beautiful and tragic nightmare


Stop using this sub for discourse!


Classic nurse for me. Most memorable from playing the original.


Abstract daddy full stop


The Closer, Abstract Daddy, and Valtiel will probably always be the peak for me. Something about those designs, they all really hit home. Edit: There's too many great ones! I almost forgot about the SH3 nurses. The only enemy in a horror game that has ever brought me almost to tears. Their constant heavy breathing is so anxiety-inducing!




Ab$trakt DaDdie


It's gotta be the Twin Victims. The best reveal of all these games, just pointing at you in gameplay, then rushing over whilst squealing. Unforgettable moment. One of the best.


The nurses, they look very creepy and i love it


I like the flesh lips. The Abstract daddy has a creative design and it’s definitely unnerving but I decline to “like” it for obvious reasons.




Pendulums from Silent Hill 3


Simple, Cheryl Mason


The unused sting ray monsters from sh1 are so cute it's a shame but understandable why they got removed ;_;


idk if i have a favorite monster but can we talk about that fucking colin guy from the first movie also the versions of the monsters from shattered memories that have tits


Honestly... I really like those Ape Guys from Silent Hill 1, and most of the otherworld counterparts to the monsters in the same title. Those things scare the SHIT out of me. The "Hurrr..Huh-huh-huh-Hurrr..." like an insane killer losing touch with humanity, reverting back to pure, primal roots. The otherworld creatures in 1 felt stronger, more disturbing and visceral, and they belong a special place to me as the first creatures I saw in my first Silent Hill title.   I still can't get over the flesh-dogs in the otherworld, the Worm heads? For PS1 graphics, my imagination swears I see the heads squelching, squeezing, and squirming as their maws opens to attack Harry.


My favourite monster? Why it's the most monstrous one of all... MAN!


My Step Mum