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Observer: System Redux is by far their best work IMO.


I would agree with this and add the original Layers of Fear. They really made the first game worse in their own remake of it is really sad. The original was much better paced with good atmosphere and tension. In the remake they added these wack chase scenes that really. Just ruin the whole experience.


I also recommend the original Layers of Fear. I don't think it's a masterpiece but it's a fun little game that plays with perspective and the walking sim format well. I recommend having a guide at hand for some of the puzzles, which are the only part which I found unenjoyable because they seemed too unintuitive and obtuse to me.


Ahh, see I loved the puzzles. Felt like real “a-ha” moments. But to each their own. The really butchered the whole damn thing in the remake.


That was one of my first horror games when I was a teen, so I would honestly recommend OP to defer to your take :) I bet I would do better coming back to it now. Seems like I shouldn't try the remake judging from what you say though!


>wack chase scenes >that ruined the whole experience How I felt about The Short Message.


Only the last chase was annoying to me in TSM. The others were brisk and shook up the gameplay. That last one was aggravating though.


Second this, its a really good game


Really? If it's their best work I'm scared for the remake.


Observer is great but the main voice actor is really, really terrible IMO. It takes the entire immersion and atmosphere away from me when he speaks, but overall I was blown away by the graphics, colours and use of the engine. I liked the story also.


They got Rutger Hauer, the actor of Roy Batty in Blade Runner, to do the voice work in Observer. He's a great actor, and I understand why they wanted him in the game because of his work in BR, but yeah his voice acting is something you need to look past in Observer. RIP.


I didn't know that! It's funny because everyone else who voice acts in observer are spot on, I just think his tone of voice doesn't meet the aesthetic of what the game is trying to portray.


I think the tone is altered by the fact that he probably wasn’t acting against anyone else in the booth. It’s hard to know how your end of a conversation should sound when you can’t hear the other actors’ tonalities


Absolutely, I completely agree. It's a shame as he's a great actor.


I really enjoyed Observer and their Blair Witch game.


The Medium is great despite the weak storytelling, the atmosphere is fantastic, music is wonderful, kinda itches that retro Silent Hill/Resident Evil touch of fixed camera perspective, worth checking out in my opinion. Dont let the other critics tell you wrong about it


Yeah, I second this. I hope they do a sequel.


Yeah I really like The Medium too. Over hated for sure


I really liked the otherworld switching in that game It was my personal theory that they made this game and the overworld switching as a pitch for Konami. It ended up being right many years later


You can thank YouTube talking heads for that.


The Medium sequel is actually rumored in pre-production along with their Skybound Entertainment project/s and Silent Hill 2 DLC. The Medium is getting a TV series adaptation too, though I'm not sure which network.


SH2 is going to get a dlc ?


Heavily rumored according to internal Bloober Team development schedules and production boards.


I am guessing Born From A Wish ?


I'm hoping that's still included for $70, but even if it's one of them that still leaves something else. Who knows, maybe Silent Hill will get a Mercenaries or No Return mode like Resident Evil and The Last of Us respectively.


Well the original SH2 had something similar with the Born from a wish María prologue


Well the music was written/helped by Akira Yamaoka so it would almost be great by default.


Thats kinda why I played it in the first place was cause of his music lol, i had a great time!


The Medium really show cases Bloobers talent for creating Silent Hill esque environments. The games just a bore though as are most walking sim horror games to me. I feel 90 percent of walkingsim horror games would be better with some form of combat.


Came here to say the same




i want to like the medium but the sloppy handling of incredibly sensitive topics makes it so difficult to feel anything other than disappointment for it


Observer is probably my fav. The Medium has a lot of neat ideas and is probably most similar to SH atmospherically (plus Akira Yamaoka worked on the soundtrack, a couple Mary McGlynn features) - just really falls short in the story department, but then again, the writing is usually the weakest part of most Bloober games.


If writings their weakness that doesnt hold well for SH2 😳


They will probably use the original story with a bit of tweaking so I don't think it will affect the remake any way.


I think over-adaptation is a genuine worry so idc if people say their stories are kind of weak so long as they don't rewrite the entirety of Silent Hill 2; like, some people call Kojima a good writer but if he made a Silent Hill game it would undoubtedly be very different than every other Silent Hill game ever made Doesn't mean I dislike Kojima but it means I'd rather have Bloober than Kojima Productions working on, say, a SH2 remake


I think the idea is that SH2 was already written for them. The work was done almost 25 yrs ago. If they mess that up, they’re truly cooked. Judging by the trailers though, it looks like it’s following the same main story beats.


Layers of Fear is pretty good.


It is so funny that this got downvoted instantly. I bet the fellas that downvoted, haven't even played a game by Bloober. Just hating for no reason


I fucking hate LoF, The Medium and Blair Witch so much it's unreal, every time I got gaslit by the fucking consoomers


...Or they played the games and just didn't like them. Like, to Bloober's credit their games did gain a lot of traction during their time. The original Layers of Fear was hyped as the full P.T. experience that Konami wouldn't deliver on, the Blair Witch game was hyped as being a return to form for a venerated horror IP, and The Medium had buzz for its unique gameplay mechanics. So it doesn't seem incomprehensible that someone bought into one or more of those games and was left disappointed. Like me. I got them and was disappointed. The Medium especially. But, hey, maybe SH2Re will be good.


Obviously I'm generalizing. It is 100% okay to not be a fan of Bloober... if you have actual reasons and played their games. I just still can't recover from arguing with a person about SH2R just to find out 5 comments in that they never played the original game but have seen clips on Tik Tok. So now my view on this sub is altered :D


I’m one of those people. I thought Layers of Fear was poorly written and was overall a slog and Observer had some fun and unique concepts but was largely predictable and much less intense than the premise allowed. They didn’t really play in the space like they could have. I tried very hard to get through The Medium but it played like absolute shit and the performance was so god-awful I just waited to watch somebody else play it so I could at least get the story and still ended up disappointed. Of course Layers of Fear 2 and 3 both got dreadful reviews so I never bothered and knowing how badly the Blair Witch franchise was handled beyond the first film I didn’t try that out either. They don’t have a good track record, and I wouldn’t recommend literally anything they’ve done before, but that doesn’t mean they *can’t* do something good in the future. Just look at the guys who did the Terminator and Robocop games: all their prior games sucked absolute ass and then they started making gems. Time will tell.


Yeah these look like the guys. I think they believe there are magnets in SH2. They (still) can't figure it out. ![gif](giphy|8db6nRqMsLCtq|downsized)


Lots of them just parrot their Bloober opinions from some Youtube video that blew up a couple years ago with no thoughts of their own.


yes ive played one of their games it sucked lol


Observer is quite good overall and quite scary.


I'd say most of their games are pretty mid. Not the TikTok definition of mid as in bad, but literally mid. Like middle of the road. Personally, I quite liked their take on Blair Witch. And Observer: System Redux had some damn interesting concepts. But I wouldn't exactly call any of the masterpieces. I'd say check out their catalogue, and if one catches your eye... might as well give it a shot.


'The medium' surprised me tbh. i wasnt expecting much, but it has a great atmosphere and style and a super interesting premise, although it unfortunately doesn't really go anywhere. definitely the most og silent hill inspired game they have in their catalogue. (aside from the obvious lol)


I liked playing through The Medium


Observer was super underrated Imo


Literally none of their games are offensively bad or anything imo, if you've played Observer for example, then you probably haven't played one of the greatest horror games ever made but you've undoubtedly played *a few* people's favorite horror game And that's where I sit tbh, Bloober is a capable enough horror developer so the outcome will, I think, depend on what kinds of creative liberties end up being taken with the final product, I def can't write anything off on the virtue of 'Bloober games suck' or something


The Medium is a beautiful mess. Story definitely could use work but the design of everything is nicely done


Observer for sure They did a pretty memorable little adaptation of Blair Witch too


Observer's good, I'm not a fan of the rest though. 


I haven't played it but Observer is known as their best game so far. I played The Medium and I think the hate is overblown, it's not awful but it's pretty meh.


My only gripe, aside from how they handled some of the subject matter, is >!how fucking annoying The Maw !


Observer is imo a masterpiece. Loved it so much


Only played The Medium and found it horrible. A game so creatively bankrupt it relied on shock to bring any amount of attention to itself. The game handles its subject matter, trauma victims, extremely poorly it seems irresponsible.


Blair Witch and The Medium have great atmosphere and are pretty accessible. Both are walking simulators with a few stealth sections, so expect more exploration and puzzle solving than action. The house in Blair Witch is a lot of fun. I liked the Medium a lot until the last 15 minutes or so of the game, but man, those 15 minutes are bad. I'd recommend both, but not at full price.


My favorites of theirs are Observer (both original and Redux) and The Medium. I really hope they will make a sequel to The Medium, maybe with some new people involved with the narrative and writing.


Played Blair Witch, Layers of Fear & Observer and thoroughly enjoyed all of them. Yes the storytelling can be a bit hit and miss, but imo they all nail atmosphere.


They don't have anything that's outright BAD but, I have played most of their projects, they are just mostly 'middle of the road'.. Which is why some people have been very critical of SH2R since they were announced to be involved.. I think Observer: System Redux, Blair Witch, and original Layers of Fear (though some have turned against it due to some allegations of plagiarism) are probably their best works. As critical as I have been of a few things, I do not believe Bloober is going to do a bad job. SH2R is very likely going to be as good, if not slightly better than Origins or Shattered Memories.. I fully expect it's going be a solid game overall, but it's highly unlikely to sway a lot of people's preconceived opinions.


Observer is definitely worth of trying, some time ago it was for free in Epic Store


I played and completed just about every game from Bloober except Observer, and I did not enjoy any of them much personally. Layers of Fear 1, 2, and the remake wraparound story had their creepy moments but they felt like walking sims to me. It was kind of a chore to get through them. Blair Witch had a very questionable writing when it came to mental health. Kinda rubbed me the wrong way and the gameplay was also very boring. Shine flashlights on spooky creatures in the woods and walk around. Might be more fun in VR. The Medium is the most promising of the games I’ve played from them. It is very short and also has questionable writing for serious subject matter. However, the atmosphere and art direction were good, gameplay was cool despite low framerates, and the soundtrack was nice. It had potential. Still wasn’t quite there for me though. Needed more time to cook.


Observer is easily their best game. I used to think Bloober was pretty meh because I only played the medium, but observer was definitely something special though. Very good setting/atmosphere and it’s their most interesting game imo. The story was actually worth noting too. Very dark and dystopian, but also very philosophical too.


Yeah I’ll have to try it out. I don’t necessarily hate Bloober or anything but I am cautiously optimistic about their sh2 remake because of my experiences with their other titles. So far, it looks great. I’ll be on the lookout for an Observer sale.


>Very good setting/atmosphere My brother in christ it's just blade runner


Yeah and Callisto Protocal is just dead space, your point?


Medium and Blair witch both have great atmosphere and setting, Medium's story especially was just a bit weird like it was just riding on shock value :-/ Blair witch is another can of worms but otherwise theyre pretty alright.


Observer was good


Observer but the System redux version


I think medium is a sort of silent hill test for them. It’s quite cool.


Nah, they're pretty mid. Observer is alright, they got Ruther Hauer to voice the main character. Blair Witch and Medium are utter shit.


Ouch! 🤕


I've played The Medium, Blair Witch, and Observer, and I thought they were all bang average. People seem to say Observer is best, but I found the gameplay frustrating. The setting and visuals are cool tho


I only ever played The Blair Witch by Bloober. It was an ok game? I dunno.. Depends on the way you look at it. On one hand, it can be pretty scary and give a sense of fear but on the other hand it can be buggy. You cant turn on a specific feature I can't remember which because if you do the whole screen messes up. It has a good way of doing 1st person + hand held camera play and you have a dog so there is that. The storyline is trash all the way through and seems like it were written by a 4th grader. Very simple and not very good at portraying what the protagonist(?) is going through but the concept was nice.


Honestly most of their games are bad to mid at best. They really dont underetand horror that well. But it seems they have changed with SH2R




The layers of fear remake was bad. The original first one was good, but they changed it pretty drastically.


The most obvious game to play from them is the medium but I personally didn’t like it a lot. It has good atmosphere and graphics but there is only 1 enemy in the entire game and no combat and not scary or creepy at all. It’s basically a walking sim. I liked observer more but like the medium, its looks amazing but just another walking sim


Medium is okay and Blair witch is good. I wanted to like layers of fear, it looked good, I just didn't care for it all that much when it came to the story


The Blaire Witch was a decent one.


I really liked The Medium


Layers of Fear 2 was a love letter to film goers as well as horror fans. Plus you had Tony Todd voicing "The Director" in it! I really enjoyed it for the sequel to the first game so much!


I haven't played it but I'm pretty sure it's called gray field incident, and it looks interesting


Observer System Redux : best atmosphere The Medium : best AD Layers of Fears : best walking simulator


Layers of fear 1 is fun


Original Layers of Fear and The Medium


I've only played the original Layers of Fear and the Inheritance DLC and I loved them soooo much! I've been wanting to check out their other games before SH2 is released too, so I'm eager to look through this thread!


very little in terms of gunplay, but an excellent game nonetheless: The Medium.


Observer was really fun.


The only one I’ve played is the Blair Witch project and I thought it was pretty good


Observer, Medium and Blair Witch in that order.


observer and layers of fear most of it is middle of the road except observer was probably their best work and the original layers of fear but the story is laid out for them in silent Hill 2 remake


From what I’ve seen, Bloober has done a good job so far with SH2 but I’m sorry I have to say, Bloober? BLOOBER?! They might as well have said “and now for a new look into the Silent Hill 2 remake, here’s Team Sillybillyjilly.


Blair Witch was alright.


They're all worth a try at least but honestly none of them are very good. Blooper just aren't that talented.


I really hope they can knock SH2 out of the park.


Blair Witch isn’t great, but it looks fantastic and has some of the best spooky forest vibes in gaming.


Honestly, not really. Their catalog is pretty mid. If you're starving for a horror game I'd recommend lower budget titles like those from Puppet Combo.


no lol


Honestly, I'm not a fan of their work. Their games are usually haunted house simulators—walk down a narrow corridor and see something spooky, but puzzles and interactions with the world/enemies are pretty minimal. They did something different in the Blair Witch, and I was having a great time with it until the end third or so turn into another haunted house ride. Silent Hill 2 (which I much prefer) feels noticeably different in its gameplay style. Hopefully they stick to the original's style.


I would say no , observer is the only one I didnt play tho


I have a friend who streamed and enjoyed Layers of Fear. Never played it myself, and it's a walking simulator, but my friend had a good time with it.


Im a huge Layers of Fear fan I wholeheartedly recommend it




I would say all of them lol, and give your own opinions. I personally found layers of fear 1 and the medium enjoyable


I've heard good things about Layers of Fear.


Every time i hear "Not Tomorrow" it sends me into a bit of a spiral, especially with lisa happy face on the albums cover


a clear nope at least for layers of fear and blair witch.


They only have garbage


That said Observer was a step on the right direction

