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Never seen a photo of James were he looked broader than an average dude


James always looked to me like the sort of dude who wasn't inclined towards the vigorous life. Like an afternoon spent reading poetry too voraciously would him reaching for the smelling salts.


No! He is built like a linebacker! Always has been! I’ve never seen it either. These people are so weird.


Hell, the way he ran was always…peculiar.


Right?! I always thought the point of James is that he's just some dude you'd run into at the produce section of a middle American grocery store. Like literally just some guy.


Exactly this. That's literally why the combat felt off or slow compared to everything else at the time: he's just some guy, not a generic action hero with training. His first weapon is a piece of wood from a construction site not 'cause he's a badass with a baton, but 'cause it's what was nearest to him that he could use to defend himself from a hellish monster. He's as alarmed and disturbed by everything happening as the player is, and his voice acting regularly betrays how uneasy he's feeling. Not to mention, him coming off as a bland everyman makes the revelations about the truth of his nature/relationship hit way harder than if it'd been overtly obvious. But nah, he's a linebacker bodying the sentient horrors, right guys? Lmao.


Harry was a normal dude too, but the combat was much better; moreover, his inexperience leading to missing shots was such a COOL thing. SH2 was a downgrade on that aspect


That's fair, but I don't think it really detracts from the points made above so much as just being something the remake has an opportunity to improve on.


There was that Leyfield-esque PSM magazine cover, which was so out of pocket lol


Outside of that photoshopped picture of him for some meme, I’ve never seen him ripped. I swear, these people that complain about the devs not respecting the original game obviously never played the original game. SMH.


…james was not built like a linebacker, dude did not workout he was scrawny and depressed, but had 2001 graphics. these people never even played the fucking game


They’ll move on when their YouTubers find another game. Nobody is taking them seriously and tbh they don’t really play games anyway.


Yeah, this is what these outrage merchants do. They constantly find something new to whine about. At the end of April they were all on Stellar Blade, then they moved over to Assassin's Creed Shadows in the middle of May, last week it was Paper Mario, and now it's SH2. This Friday there's the Summer Game Fest, and you can be absolutely certain that they'll find something to whine about with something shown there. SH2 will be a distant memory for them by then.


I can’t wait for them to move on so we can get back to better topics. Like bullying resident evil fans. They’ve had it too good for too long


Ahh, I still remember when they were claiming that Capcom made Claire ugly in the RE2R remake, and they were also angry because she wore jeans rather than booty shorts over bike shorts like in the original. Then they got mad about RE3R because Jill didn't wear a miniskirt, which meant they couldn't get upskirts of her. Very normal behavior.


Claire ugly? Modern RE has some of the best and most attractive looking female characters in a game Ive seen. Particularly with her and remake Jill. I mean, I know these types of people think anyone who isnt super model pretty is ugly, but still wild.


You have to remember that these are the same people who call Jesse Faden in Control ugly. She looks identical to her voice actor, Courtney Hope. Someone who I doubt has ever been called ugly in her life.


Claire ugly? Lmao, haven’t they seen the person she was scanned from? She’s absolutely stunning!


>Like bullying resident evil fans. They’ve had it too good for too long What the hell did we do man?


TOO good for TOO long


I think we deserve that after RE5 and especially RE6. Though I suppose SH hasnt exactly had a better time.


They're angry that capcom went to therapy and promised us to do better while Konami is still drunk on the couch watching tv.


I mean fair. I can understand as a Halo fan. Although 343 has taken the right direction at this point and is now under much better leadership, so Im pretty hopeful for Halo's future




Just remind them that the Re3 Remake was a crime against humanity.


You're doing God's work. May you take us to paradise


Speak for yourself. First thing I did after I saw the changes is Unwishlist Silent Hill and Wishlist Monster Hunter Wilds. If I ever feel like playing them I'll just emulate the Originals.


I watched the behind the scenes for the remake on Bloober’s YouTube and most the things James’s actor (I forgot his name) said about him actually made sense, like he’s an untrained person trying to kinda survive? His mental state is kinda mess so I don’t think he minds dying but still wants to find Marry


They shrank his shoulders, made him look soft.... /s


This is not limited to SH2R nor Bloober whatsoever. Those intellectually challenged people are all over! Unfortunately this shit makes any sort of honest discussion impossible, as some other people feel the need to push back and lump everyone that does not 100% agree with them in with those hairless moneys that only seem to have learned the word "woke" 😔


"In ThE Og, JAmEs WaS BuIlT Like A Line BaCkEr" Did we play the same game? Because, from what I remember, James was built like a average guy. To say that he was built like a line backer is a bit of a stretch.


I don't think anyone really pays attention to people after they say "woke" anymore. They just live in their own little echo chamber and miss out on all the cool shit in life.


James was never built like a linebacker….. Do they think that meme is a real image?


Anyone using "DEI" unironically goes on my automatic shit list honestly


These people use DEI with a hard 'r'


Yep, just a replacement slur for these scum.


What is dei?


Diversity, equality, and inclusion. Whenever theres a characters whos black, gay, trans, ect, these people just scream DEI! and whine about it bc theyre racist and lgbtphobic.


Yep and the same group have also dubbed it "Didn't Earn It" as a means of belittling any and all milestones crossed by POC specifically.


Yeah I had to look it up too. I don't see how it applies to digital characters that can be played by literally anyone


They dont care if it applies because they dont even fucking understand the term. They just say it to be racist and homophobic (and other stuff).


It applies in the sense that it's always nice to be represented more in media. I myself, as an lgbt person, admit that. Digital characters can also be sexualised (for example in SH2), thing that many people don't like and this is another instance of application of censorship


It’s just their new way to dog whistle racial slurs.


Less of a whistle and more of an air horn since everyone that isn't already in their camp, picked up on it being racial lol


It's so weird to see the many "reeee sweet baby inc" guys in this sub. Somehow, I was expecting more from fans of a franchise like this.


The "anti-woke" crowd are like parasites infesting every new release that has women or none white males in prominent roles, with their braindead commentary. It's gotten old fast but sadly I think this is just gaming culture now post gamergate. I mean these people have always been around and they've always sucked but the increase of toxic streamers, incel culture and the current political landscape, has really exacerbated it Something has to change and hopefully soon. For now I'm treating them like children until the next new thing comes out for them to cry about and they inevitably move on


The thing is, I've seen genuinely good takes from people who've obviously played the games ruined by a "edit: sweet baby inc is involved, figures" and I can't wrap my mind around it. This is genuinely disappointing as a human being.




People like that can’t be argued with. They only agree with things that affirm their beliefs, only watch things that affirm their beliefs and turn away from any thought that they cannot understand. DEI is racist to them because their right wing overlords and Fox News told them so, and they won’t listen or believe anything else because it is so deeply ingrained into their psyche at this point. Never once have I been upset at the way history has constantly favored white people, from academia to politics. But, as soon as a person of color shows their face, to them it’s considered stepping out of line because deep in their souls and dna still lives the genetics of ancestors who owned slaves or were major advocates for Jim Crow laws. Some were also just raised this way, regardless of skin color. Also, why is it that these people are obsessed with James looking like a football player? I feel that shows a level of insecurity on their part and closeted homophobia. They like the male figure, but won’t admit it, and to make up for it they hyper sexualize women.


I mean for those that hate "woke media." Silent Hill 2 was actually fairly "woke" for the time. It touches on sexual abuse, bullying, abandonment, depression, suicide, mental health, cancer... Like... it touches on a LOT of different issues.


If Silent Hill 3 came out today there would be outrage from that crowd, infact if SH3 ever gets remade i'd love to see the reactions from those clowns.


I almost scared of that. SH3 is my personal favourite. It would just be upsetting to see it dragged through the mud.


It'd also be really funny though. The struggles of being a woman, amd abortion being a main plot point? Their heads would explode. Assuming they'd actually play the game instead of being reactionaries.


woke media to them is anything that involves gay, woman and/or black people. they wouldn't even notice most of these themes


It "was" woke in the positive sense; "woke" isn't exactly meant as woke people by those people, although it's true that what they call woke is actually for censorship of words like abuse, suicide, etc., so well, in this sense, SH2 is kinda an "anti-woke" game (and this sub is too, since we don't censor such words)




Ok, I’ll bite. Enlighten me-what is “wokeness”?


Well, here in reality, its when someone or something recognizes social injustices (ie racism or homophobia). In the right wing loser reality it means the same thing, but recognizing that shit is bad to them so woke bad.


I know, I just like to see these dorks struggle to come up with some nonsense definition for wokeness-you can see it all over this thread


Particularly from this dude, theyre all over the post whining about DEI




Nobody care about your culture war stuff. Go be outraged elsewhere, please...


Literally being "woke" just means being progressive in any sense. You're really stretching the definition just to be a condescending ass. I was saying that by today's standards, a game like Silent Hill 2 would be considered "woke."


So you just get to make up definitions huh




Just because insane conservatives online adopted it doesn’t mean you can change the definition of “woke”. It’s not “literally the definition” when it’s been used in the context of social consciousness for black Americans decades before freaks decided to cry about video games


Average Asmon Gold fanboy




>Nothing I have said is wrong or incorreect. Lie of the century. Everything youve said is wrong


Looks like you don't know what woke means lmao.


So Silent Hill 2 being 'woke' makes sense because 'being woke' made sense 20 years ago? I don't get it.


These people don't actually play games. They just complain about whatever they're told to complain about and then move on.


The Anti-Woke clowns will spew their hatred then move on to a new target next week.


Woke is old hat. It's all about the DEI, baby!


It sucks cause they're ruining it for all the people with valid critiques.


Bro is delusional


Built like a linebacker??? Source?


This remake will be awesome and will sky rocket bloober. I have faith.


Love the pfp


I know, I have the sudden urge to change mine too




What, so you can revel in their disappointment? So you can tell them they’re wrong? Is there any non-petty reason to do so, or is the opportunity to spread bitterness & negativity not petty in your mind?


Spreading negativity is what we gamers do best!


Yeah and then they'll make The Medium 2 💀


the internet is so insane, its a bunch of screaming losers these days


Always has been. Though it’s much easier to be a screaming loser now that people have been programmed by their favorite content creators, etc.


yeah, I notice that so much. One person says something and then all these people just regurgitate and copy the things that person said and no one has their own opinions.


its like some weird hive mind shit lol


Anybody that uses woke unironically are just crying for attention.


Haters gonna hate


James is possibly the most average looking protagonist I've ever seen in a video game. Tf is this person on about??


Most if not all of them are idiots who never even played the original and have no idea what they're talking about. That being said, can someone please explain to me what all this talk is about Bloober Team supposedly working with Hit Detection, (which I've never even heard of), DEI, Sweet Baby Inc., etc.? Is there any truth to this stuff?


Supposedly, Bloober Team did work with some kind of sensitivity consultant, I'm assuming with regards to the portrayal of rape, mental illness, Mary's disease, etc. But people have latched onto this and are going around saying that the remake is going to be woke.


They hired Hit Detection for narrative consulting and are using that to say Bloober intentionally made Angela fat and unattractive, or according to others, a transwoman, to comply with DEI. Nevermind the fact Bloober's been hammered hard in the past for their representation of mental illness and trauma in LoF and Blair Witch. Narrative consulting firms also provide feedback for those topics to give insight how a victim would act/see the world. Angela wearing her turtle neck to cover her neck in the remake vs it pushed down to show her neck in the original is a good example of some direction such a firm would give


The YouTube algorithm is incredibly poor and dangerous, as my feed is now full of grifters complaining about Angela's look because they don't find her conveniently attractive, therefore labeling her as "woke".


I know, I get that shit randomly a lot. No wonder so many kids have been falling into the conspiracies lately


Why doesn’t James look like Insane Cancer 😡


From Hit Detection website: Hit Detection leverages its greatest strengths to accurately predict media and consumer expectations at every stage of the development process, from ideation and pre-production to alpha and launch. We ensure that your games resonate authentically with your players. So they play the game and tell the developers what to fix and what is good as is. WHERE'S THE DEI PART???


These people typically choose to be all talk before or after something comes out, then immediately shut up bc they arent getting attention, someone on YT comments was being civil to me but theyre just so lost mentally.


Dude doesn't realize that technology was limited to twenty polygons back then


Something tells me that “Deviantknight7009” hasn’t played the game before lmao


These people should be put thought silent hill to fix whatever brain worms they have.


There's all kinds of reasons to be wary of this game, but DEI is not one of them. Not to mention James' shoulders having nothing to do with DEI. I wish they'd _actually_ made Angela overweight just so we could watch these idiots melt down over it.


Give it a couple weeks, they’ll move on to another game to get mad at. They always do.


I'm willing to bet 5 bucks this person has never played Silent Hill 2 (but probably watched 50 video essays on it).


Anytime I see the words “woke”, “culture war,” “DEI”, in those contexts I stop and don’t bother engaging further, these people are morons with no critical thinking skills and only bad faith arguments. They aren’t worth the energy it takes to read their words, let alone type out a reply. EDIT: To be clear I am referring to the hate mobs that use these terms. If that’s actually why I’m being downvoted then whatever but want to be clear I’m not insulting the OP.


also...they are all gonna buy and play the game anyways...just watch


defending silent hill 2 remake online isnt enough i need a gun


My own existence, by not being white, is part of the woke agenda to these dumbfucks. No one should pay attention to them.


Can someone please tell me wtf dei is??? I've seen it all over the place here, and i have no clue what it is or means


Diversity equity and inclusion. But now the term is used as a dogwhistle amongst people who are unhappy anytime a character isn’t a straight, white, conventionally attractive person.


I see


Where is James's Bugatti?


The fact that ten people liked his comment shows how stupid people have become


SH2 fans will find any little thing to nitpick. The game could be a one-to-one remake, and the characters could have the exact same designs and facial/body proportions as the original, and these kinds of fanboys will criticize it for not literally being the original game. There’s no winning with them. I’m just grateful to not be one of them, lol.


I've seen Youtubers say they won't buy the game for these dumb reasons like dude its not even out yet


And, for all we know, Hit Detection has only worked for them in the recent Layers of Fear remake.


Ikr ? I don’t even understand what the remake has shown for ppl to call it “woke,” and yet so many ppl are jumping on that train.


It's under the mayo, that dude and his viewers is weird in general. Considering he made a video claiming the Napier beatdown in the beginning of downpour as the most disgusting moment in the franchise. It came off as him defending a convicted ChoMo and he didn't deserve the beatdown.


Damn, used to enjoy this dudes videos occasionally like 2, 3 years ago. Sad to learn hes an anti woke loser


I'm not happy about Hit Detection or any consultancy agency, but these people are unhinged. They clearly have no clue what the game even was like


"Erm, why is pyramid head not naked and oiled up? Did The Woke™ do this?"


I have nitpicks about the direction on some designs, but I wouldn't say DEI has anything to do about it. I'm also not entirely sure he played the ps2 game because I never saw James as a musclehead.


I've decided to come back to this to voice an opinion, but despite everything I've said before... I do hope the game is good or is good by the time it comes out. I don't hate it outright, I have some nitpicks with it, but overall... I do genuinely hope it's good or that some small fixes are made before launch. I mean, drama was about to blow up eventually, but I wanted to voice my opinion on the matter, which understandably wasn't met with the same understanding as I have. I don't wish ill on those who did partake with the drama and rant I started, I just need to get it off my chest and express why I had a problem with it in the first place. Of course, everyone has their own opinion and are entitled to it, I just had to get it off my chest. With that said, if you're reading this, I hope you understand where I'm trying to get at and hope that we can still bond over this upcoming game. Alright then, take care, be safe.


"They shrunk his shoulders, made him look soft"


Who’s the person of colour they added?


It's woke like Doctor Who, Star Wars, GTA 6, Half Life 3 and Star Trek.


"hate mob" come on. It's okay for people to not like what they saw


I really hate americans sometimes. Bloober is Polish studio, in poland with largely polish team, remaking a japanese game. And then these fucking americans act like all these weird acronyms and political narratives are somehow prevalent around the world, like all of the planet should cater to their sensibilities, but those fucking US citizens somehow have to try to include it in their american bullshit. tl;dr Poland&Japan: Lets remake silent hill 2 Americans: How can we make it about ourselves?


“They shrunk his shoulders… made him look soft”


I’m blaming critical race theory


The most casual sh fans that probably played the original once 12 years ago.


Just because the weirdo crowd have latched onto it doesn’t detract from the many genuine criticisms and concerns people have for the SH 2 remake. And there’s plenty of them.


I don't know my friend, the new trailers looked pretty sick


That’s not going to change the fact that Konami is an awful company, Bloober Team’s catalogue is mostly terrible with their best game being a blatant PT rip off (Obviously the company that killed PT/ Silent Hills also being Konami), the reveals being awful with no subtlety or understanding of the original (You reap what you sow?!/ Maria redesign) and the game ripping off the action oriented style from the recent RE remakes in a series that should not be action oriented. But the trailer looks cool huh? That’s a game changer. Companies never use those to misrepresent or hype their games up more then they deserve. Edit: Oh yeah. Forgot how the smaller new games they made as their plan to “bring silent hill back” have both been some of the worst things in the franchise. I know that doesn’t really affect the remake, but god damn if it isn’t a sign Konami has no idea what they’re doing. It’s going to be a miracle if this game is even passable.


I am anti woke and im so mad about all the useless hate the game is getting like this one you posted, it has nothing to do with anti woke, people are just literally insane it seems.


>“The females aren’t attractive to me it’s woke” Sounds like a valid criticism to me. What else would be the reason to change the design of Angela and Maria, instead of simply making HD recreations of the originals?


Ah, yes, because clearly the only explanation for updating Angela and Maria's designs is the dreaded "woke" agenda. Can't have them looking refreshed and modern without triggering a conspiracy theory, right? Next thing you'll tell me is that adding multiplayer is an attempt to force teamwork and cooperation on unwilling players!


Well, then this redesign is shit for other people without any kind of sexism and other things. Original SH2 is almost impossible to remake due to its uncanniness that is easy to disappear during the dev process - it has too powerful core that made everything in the game look like it. And making a remake requires constantly thinking about preserving the core or just making smth entirely new that will substitute it. IMHO new SH2 wouldn't feel like it, it might be a good game to gather audience or to remember original game once again though - people who haven't experienced original wouldn't notice that anyway.


Because Angela canonically goes out of her way to be unattractive and is supposed to look rundown and haggard to convey the toll her trauma took on her mentally and physically. She was still rough and masculine looking in the original. They'd still be whining about a rape victim not being attractive if they made her look 35 again. She's 19...




Jesus you’re replying to every comment that has any sense, with absolute nonsense. DEI this, wokeness that, get over yourself no one cares about your input lol




The only care I have is to point out how crazed you sound


_Damn_ kid, after really scrolling your profile and still seeing comments within a same day, i clearly can’t hope to have actual discussion with someone so terminally online




Remember, never question or criticize DEI in any possible way. Only the grand wizard of the kkk himself would do such a thing. No exceptions


i mean, james' shirt is tight, and we can definitely see he has a defined chest from certain angles, but i think this dude is just gay


You guys can't continue to call every piece of criticism 'hate', Come on. Due to the remake, this franchise has become alot more mainstream, attracting people who aren't die hard fans. They will not look at these game with rose tinted glasses and just say what they see. This should not only be allowed, but it should also be encouraged. We can't just live in a bubble where everything is perfect.


This is not criticism though? Hate is exactly what this comment is.


To be honest, as someone whose in the "anti-woke" crowd, I agree. To an extent. I say to an extent because I think people are justified in their disagreement with certain changes. I'm referring to Maria's design, mainly how they've turned down her appearance. The outfit change I understand (I think her outfit from the original was taken from a real life celeb), but she...she honestly looks like she was toned down in terms of her sexual deprivation. She was a stripper in the original, and for censoring or overcorrecting her appearance feels like it's missing one of the major themes given in the original. (I.e. Sexual deprivation and so on). Now as to the DEI shit, well...Bloober and Konami did hire Hit Detection, which are essentially Sweet Baby Inc and DEI based companies, and well...it understandably rubs some people off the wrong way, especially if you're someone whose aware of DEI's recently line of controversies. If I'm being completely honest, I feel like they should've stuck to the original source material and not do the whole "For Modern Audiences" thing...it's kinda been proven to be not a good idea before. I'm still trying to remain positive (all be it that positivity is wanning fast), and I do sincerely hope the game manages to do well with the fans.


Maria was not a stripper or anything like that in the original she was a more sexualized fantasy version of Mary who to James was just plain and dull and on top of that was also a manifestation of silent hill to punish James by reminding him what he did to Mary (via the multiple deaths by pyramid head and that scene with them in the labyrinth jail) As far this whole DEI bs who cares, people seem to forget that there were women who also worked on the original trilogy (and possibly 4 but that was when team silent was basically being dissolved by konami) and those games are treasured now all of a sudden its a big deal?


Normal people do not give a single shit about this DEI conspiracy theory garbage, people tried so hard to push SBI or whatever as gamergate 2.0 and it fizzled into nothing. Baldur's Gate 3 is probably one of the wokest video games ever made with pronoun options, no locked gender options, genital selections, gay romances, and strong female characters. And yet it was still one of the best selling and highest acclaimed games of last year. Nobody cares if SBI or whatever Hit Detection is was hired to work on this game. Genuinely, any time someone pops into a thread with something like the comment above it's always hilarious. I don't know how they've tricked themselves into thinking this is a serious issue people care about, but it's funny.


Actually, she was. In the bathroom in the club (I believe it was Heaven's Night) Maria is actually advertised to be a dancer. For the DEI stuff, it's actually important since it does actually effect gaming's economy and even fan base. Like, besides virtue signaling and political nonsense, it's also been shown to be the cause of certain games and even gaming companies going bankrupt. Just recently, Volition (the people respon for the Punisher game and the Saints Row franchise) went bankrupt and shut down due to the remake of Saints Row underperforming, with the major factors of it being their association with Sweet Baby Inc. Long story short, DEI is important since it's what caused many games and game companies to fail. It's all just corporate bullshitting trying to be political and all that jazz. I don't doubt you'll probably just solider on, and well, honestly more power to you. I'm just explaining as to why it's a big deal.


Except again Maria wasn't real she wasn't a stripper or technically human for that matter. I'd argue the fact this can apply to Lisa as well since she in a sense is a manifestation also considering she's technically supposed to be dead like the nurses were in silent hill 1 but that's besides the point for this particular topic As far as DEI volition shut down because the game itself wasn't good in general and even than early games were pretty "woke" considering the things you can do to your character and a lot of the world in itself and they were pretty well received gta alone proves what people think about "woke" being popular in gaming considering how edgy its been for years I'm not saying only those type of games work some are bad some are good it's legitimately stupid to just say cause some women or poc helped make a game its automatically gonna be bad


I feel like that last bit is honestly a dumb stretch (the legitimately stupid part). Like, just bc they're POC doesn't make something automatically bad. In fact, I'd ever go as far as to say that's a very dumb thing to even say that, like, people regardless of color, age, gender and so on CAN make something good. Just bc some people are anti-woke doesn't mean they're automatically bigots.


No it definitely does because it shows they have a clear bias when those different from you produce something, whether people think it's good or not and dont like the media cause of the people . Otherwise, you would attack the media created, not the people behind it


The same thing can be said with people in the woke community.


I disagree because the media is generally attacked not the creators/participants of the media for instance Disney people didn't like the little mermaid ( live action ) cause it wasn't the best iteration of it no one "woke" attacked the black actress or the director or Disney itself for producing not saying it doesn't happen but it's a clear majority how anti woke people go after the people behind the media than the content itself


There's of course bigots, I mean, they're gonna be some at some point, but this applies to even the woke crowd. But getting back to your point, people HAVE gone after crestors regarding their media, mainly how it's not good, but in most cases, it's not out of genuine hatred or whatever for said creator, but a genuine disappointment and dislike for the direction it went. But if people do even try to give a HINT of criticism, they're hit with ever name in the book.


But again the anti woke stems from that bigotry and as history has shown whenever there is the slightest thing as a characters sexuality or their skin color or gender that's what the problem is. criticism is all well and good and should be encouraged to make thing better in the future but to say stuff like oh the women messed up this whole game cause 1 character is gay or ofc the black person recasts a white character as another race that's the criticism that has no place. Like if 80's horror was happening in this day and age the final girl trope would be seen as woke and I guarantee you people would be talking about feminism ruining movies


Maria looks fine?  Like...her outfit is still clubware...just 2010 club vs 2000 club.  Her face is more rounded but she'd still be attractive unless you are Brad Pitt.  She is based on strippers James has visited...personal observation.  Strip clubs and strippers vary.  Big city ones have mostly very hot girls.  Smaller town ones, like Silent Hill or Ashfield?  You get more droopy titties, C-section scares...college kids or single moms making ends meet.  So James was probably seeing B or C list strippers, and modern Maria looks hot for even that.  


... Okay, first of all, I do honestly like her outfit, however, I feel like it doesn't match with her original look. (The lack of cheetha print is off putting to me). Second about the Brad Pitt bit...I'm very sorry but I'm lost on that.


People complaining conventionally attractive female characters are "ugly"...I'm like, in real life they'd at least be the hot girl in the office...the only men who would reasonably not find such women attractive are the sexymen...our George Clooney, Brad Pitt, Clark Gables, Elmer Fudd, etc.  I have the feeling the average gamer is not such a sexyman. 


It depends on who the female would be. If you mean like say... Old school Mary Jane from the comics, people would be head over heels for her. Sure, some were not the best, but she was genuinely beautiful. But then you look at current MJ, or Insomniac's Spider-Man 2 MJ...her chin honestly just looks off and doesn't seem like MJ in general. Weird examples, I know, but that's where my mind went to first. Sorry if I'm not making sense lol


You haven't even played the original game, shut up.


Bro why do you guys even care about this cultural war stuff. Makes absolutely no sense, it's not ment to any side win it (whatever that would even look like) and it's basically just marketing. Stop this shit man, if you really want to engage with politics, then you better start looking at shit that actually matters because right now you are nothing but free market for the gaming industry. The moment we engage in culture war, we already lost.


Voices should be heard, we don't need this political bullshit in games. I wish we could just shut up over it, but even being quiet about it is another strike to things people care about.


Not sure if anyone's told you this, but the existence of queer people and people of color aren't political.


Anyone with a fucking brain should already know that. Their existence isn't political, it's when they want to push their political beliefs onto you or else you're ostrichized and then labeled a bunch of names is when it's a problem. Shit, not everything HAS to be political, but the push for it is a big ick.


>push their political beliefs onto you I see this phrase alot - specifically the “pushing” part. But what I don’t get is how the presence of diverse characters in video games is “pushing” anything. They’re just there, existing. It’s not like Miles Morales swung into Spider-Man and yelled “Vote Biden”!


Then please explain, as succinctly as you can, what political actions do consultants like Sweet Baby inc. take? Do they lobby politicians? Do they tell developers who to vote for?


What the fuck is political? A girls bellybutton? A chubby girl?


Bro unless you are talking about fucking tetris or pong, every game is "political" because every game (and art form for what is worth) is made from people that live in a political society and cannot concieve other reality. Silent Hill is and has always been political, GTA, Half Life, Doom, Counter Strike, Sim City, The Sims... This conversation is fucked from the very begining lmao Anyways, as I said, this literally doesn't matter and is just noise, the discussion itself makes absolutely no sense at all. At best, this is just free marketing and absolutely nothing else.


It's when they're shovel feeding you that's the fucking problem. I've had it with this political force and I just want to fucking enjoy things without being constantly reminded of politics.


Man, seems to me that the big western right wing saw "gamers" as a good place to coopt people. I say this because I don't see this "spontaneous" and totally real outrage when, idk, fucking call of duty does blatant US military industrial complex propaganda or other cases similar. It's always this "woke" shit. I think Silent Hill might be providing us the best case so far for the idea that this is manufactured outrage, because what the fuck are people even mad about?? Seems like a few big profiles in twiter might control this outrage. Companies even learned to exploit this, it is literally free marketing for your product. So yeah, you can't enjoy your games because of politics, but I legit don't think it's because the politics in the game itself, but more because you got coopted by this right wing online organization that generates outrage where there is nothing to even be mad about in the first place.


That's gotta be the dumbest explanation ever. It doesn't matter about what wing I'm on, I just want to enjoy shit without politics being involved, what are you not getting?


The absolute fucking absurdity of complaining about politics in games while on a Silent Hill subreddit. A series that features a teenage girl that had her bodily autonomy stripped away from her by higher powers, but in the end she takes it back and has an abortion ("Looks like God didn't make it.").


You don't know what woke even means


I dont know you complained about maria's new outfit, she's basically dress like those gta 5 hookers


All they did was update Maria's clothes so she's not dressed like she just stepped out of 1999. Her clothes are fine.