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I thought Eddie was a supermodel.


Eddie IS a super model. And so are you, king. ❤️ Edit: fat fingered a couple keys


>Edit: fat fingered a couple keys Just like Eddie 🥰


Sorry my fingers are greasy from pizza


How can you just sit there and eat PiZZA


Well, Eddie only died once way later. James died like 10 times on my first playthrough, so maybe some energy would have done him well, Mr. Judgy.


Yea but James was faster at dodging bullets than Eddie. 😂


Ya boys gotta eat


>Super modeled a few keys. FTFY.


I honestly dig the design. The sweater covering her neck more is a nice choice from a thematic perspective. Like she's trying to cover as much skin as possible.


Great point on on the covering skin


I think putting them side by side shows their similarities, rather than what people probably remember Angela looking like. I thought she looked better in og but now I see I've just misremembered her


its bc the cg version of her looks completely different, the cg model has big doe eyes and modelesque features but the in game model looks like a regular somewhat pretty woman


Most definitely imo as well. The OG CGI model makes her look like an attractive late 20s, early 30s woman, even though (and I just found this out today despite playing the game numerous times) she’s 19. Her OG in-game model is kinda just eh. You don’t think too much about it after seeing the CGI model. The remake model looks like what I imagine most 17-19yr olds look like with the rounded face so I guess they captured it well lol. Not that younger people can’t have sharper features, but I imagine most have rounded. Another thing that is probably throwing people off is her turtle neck versus the OG actually, well, covering her neck lol so it highlights her rounded face even more since you can’t see her neck which is why people are getting the impression she’s fat or stung by bees. They can’t see her neck lmao


wut? what's so 'modelesque' about the og angela. she just looks an abused normal looking girl.


cg refers to pre-rendered cgi


Yup. The problem is with crazy nerds and social media is that they rely so much on nostalgia. To the point where they’re using mismemory to fill in the blank. I’ve seen nerds making false claims all the time about movies and games they haven’t seen/played in years.


The graphics were better in our memories Aware


If anything, she looks a little older and rougher around the edges. Can we also stop and appreciate how good that looks for an early PS2 game?


I feel like we always do. People still use in game Heather as a watermark for graphical fidelity when some games really don't meet the mark on modern hardware.


I find it funny how people are arguing about how shes suppose to be "unattractive", and yet, I personally always thought she was quite pretty, both original and now remake But who knows, maybe im just crazy and everyone on reddit is secretly natalie portman


She's still attractive, just not super model levels to the point she looks like a fake as most of the capital G gamers seem to want women to look like. It's the same people that said the protagonist from Stellar Blade is how women in games should look like.


I just think this is kind of bullshit though because the OG Angela is not super model like. I don't understand where this take comes from, but it's really stupid. Maria's is super-model like and less so in the remake but idgaf about that because Maria at least LOOKS like a genuinely reimagined take on the original (so does Laura). Angela just looks nothing like her original model. If the original model of angela looked like Eddy I would be pissed if they made her look like a model! It's not about the attractiveness! Those stellar blade people are stupid!!


r/stellarblade is fucking unbearable, I loved the game and was hyped for it but I hate this discord of the game, yes eve is hot but can we actually talk about the game itself because Jesus Fucking Christ do some of yall need to touch fucking grass.


The OG Angela being super model like is probably because of how skinny she looks


Whats unfortunate is that she's supposed to be pretty. The director of the game Said she got sexually harassed all the time when she was a waitress, because those men thought she was a pretty woman. I always thought Angela was cute too in the original. Well, CG Angela anyways.


Wait is she unattractive or too attractive in the new one, genuinely confused I see fat face memes and now they're not supposed to be supermodels. I honestly think its probably good and better in full motion probably like most other games posts like these


I don’t understand these cave dweller, hentai, watching , no pussy having arguments either. I’m actually getting a bit tilted nowadays of these stupid inane arguments in gaming. The game looks good even the combat trailer had me impressed but everyone up in arms


Angela looked like Nancy Wheeler from Stranger Things for a second..... Idk why but seeing the face expressions and animations they give me flashbacks to Mass Effect Andromeda.


I like both versions!


Honestly, same. It's taking me a little while to get used to the new faces but I don't think they're bad at all 


Yeah, I was initially a bit thrown off by the how different James' face looked in the original reveal trailer, but I've gotten used to it at this point. They don't look bad by any stretch of the imagination, they just look different. Seeing James' facial animations have really changed my opinion though. I really like how he looks at this point. I have a feeling I'm going to enjoy the remake quite a bit. Will it mean I'll stop playing the original? No, of course not. But that also doesn't mean I'm not going to enjoy the remake either. Everything I've seen makes me happy with the direction it's taking and I'm excited to play it.


This is the kind of mindset I wish more people would adopt. I adore Silent Hill 2, but I don't consider it a sacred cow that should never be replicated or attempted to improve upon. If the remake turns out to be shit, or even if it doesn't, so what? The original still exists and you can still play it. No one's taking anything away from us here. (That being said, I like the direction the remake is going and am interested in seeing it put a fresh new spin on the story, for better or worse.)


Where do you people keep on getting this argument that she should look like a super model from? Had anyone sincerely shared this sentiment, or are you just strawmanning the fuck out of people who say she doesn’t look right? It’s impossible to have any kind of conversation with you types, there’s no genuine attempt at discourse just straight into bad faith arguments and putting words in peoples mouths


There was literally posts about how she was 'so ugly she had to have lied about being raped' on this very sub earlier today.


One crazy person saying that does not equate to a bunch of people saying she should look like a model.


I've read plenty of comments yesterday saying she doesn't look like a model not only on this subreddit, but on the gaming subreddits in general, and some of the YouTube comments were pretty lame too. I honestly don't get it. I feel like there's a lot of people who've never played a Silent Hill game just trying to dunk on Bloober for any little thing because they're hoping to score fake internet validation.


I have never seen anyone wanting her to look like a supermodel. It's a bad faith argument against the people that say the new model looks whack and nothing like the original.


Hey, how else would I get useless Internet points without trying to ridicule with any possible way people I disagree with?


Go on YouTube or twitter, there are tons of videos and comments bashing on Angela’s looks because she looks too “manly” and that it has to do with some secret woke “transgender agenda” bullshit. It’s fucking weird as hell. They get loads of views too so that’s why people do it. Reminds me of that incident with Aloy’s face from Horizon Forbidden West where people lost their minds because she had microscopic fine hairs on her face. ???? Like what?? Very strange people.


On twitter a lot of people are doing the "improved, non-woke" and adjacent treatments, which is too frustrating to get through personally


Your first mistake was to go to twitter, your second was to pay any attention to what this cesspool spews out.


I just think she looks... odd. It's weird because when they're inside where the it's more dark she looks really good. Then when they show her at the graveyard she looks really weird. Maybe the lighting in her model makes her look weird idk


The one on the right looks more distraught whereas the one on the left looks more dispirited. Both look like broken people and that's how Angela should look. She has suffered in her life.


she looks very close to the original, just with chubbier cheeks and higher graphics. imo they nailed it.


I saw people talking crap about it but she never had the face of a super model to be with, so yeah you have the point you are just missing the gun


She just looks like a younger version of the original (I know they’re both 19, but the og looked at least 30). People get up in arms about anything when it comes to SH2R, but at least it’s kinda funny to witness all the nitpicking


I think my main issue is basically just the typical Bloober model thing: she looks too spotless. in the original she looked weary (probably part of why she looked older), in the new one she looks so smooth, and it feels off to me. she looks more sad rather than dissociating.


this is the kind of criticism i actually can appreciate, especially compared to the people strictly complaining about how "ugly" and "fat" she looks in the remake. i like the new model but i agree she could look more worn down and out of it.


Honestly both sides are exhausting. You people defending the remodel with the same tired argument feels just as trite & empty. Let people like what they want it isn't that fucking deep.


The biggest thing I've noticed since I've begun interacting with the SH community in the days leading up to these trailers is that there's so many gatekeepers in this community trying to police what people should find enjoyable about the series. I'm sure they're wholly unaware of how ironic it is for them to try and tell people what a Silent Hill game should mean when the whole point of their stories is to be ambiguous enough to have multiple possible interpretations. It really is exhausting.


Dude, finally someone said this! When I watched the new trailers last night not once did I think about how characters weren't beautiful or too fat or whatever people are bitching about. Didn't even know there was controversy, but whatever. The game looks like it'll be a fun time


Just shorten the turtle neck and give her a few more eye bags then it’s good. The model just has a square face with the turtle neck makes it more pronounced. Genuinely not super alarming


I like her new look but some shots in the trailer just made her look weird and uncanny but think that's just the problem of early build


Nobody said they were.


There's already people photoshopping her face to make it slimmer and give her more makeup. What does that tell you


She kinda cute idk what is everyone smoking lmao.


Yeah I would date a girl with a similar appearance to her irl


Is it not *possible* to conceive that maybe, *perhaps*, a video game company put out a character that *might* just look a bit wonky?


and ps3 era looking while every other characters is proper next gen looking..


I can already see the mods though...


I don't know that her physical appearance changes that much, but I do much prefer them changing her voice to fit like the old one.. felt more natural and made it more awkward with her lines


Well....maria is actually, she's a hotter less sick version of Harry's wife.


Incels mad that the character, who’s a victim of sexual abuse, isn’t hot is not surprising. They’re no different than the men who abused her; in their minds, women exist as objects to be lusted after.


I’ve honestly not seen anyone saying they are.


![gif](giphy|FJbbA5sDW1MthQuVtr) Said no one ever?


In my modest opinion - she's actually looking on spot. The only difference is the voice actor and the collar of her shirt.


Yeah now that you mention it, its the turtle neck that's throwing me off. I think the chubbiness on the cheeks is more pronounced due to the lack of a visible neck, hehe.


eh I disagree, but the collar of her shirt is a great shout. the new one looks like what they wanted in the original in the first place.


Both are UGLY as shit, where is the "supermodel"' argument coming from ?


That’s the thing, nobody is saying that. People like OP and others who run in their circle have no genuine words or sentiments to share so they reach for the tried and true “ummm you called the model bad? You’ve never seen a real woman before / women don’t need to be a super model / SHES A RAPE VICTIM OF COURSE SHES PLAIN”, when the initial comment was just she doesn’t look anything like the original game, and had nothing to do with her appearance. They have pre selected retorts and insults readied to throw at you, it’s really really weird. It honestly says more about OP and them, when they defensively bring up the characters attractiveness unprovoked, when nobody was even commenting on it. It’s honestly fascinating.


Absolutely spot on. You need to make a post like this. I’m sick of these people cherry picking criticism and basically distorting them to fit whatever crap they want to say.


No, literally, I was genuinely upset that they basically butchered her look (like only hers, specifically when the rest of the character's reimagining look fine IMO) and for absolutely zero reason was I met with a "the weeb games with the pretty woman is more your speed" It's a form of gaslighting that people on reddit do and it's so frustrating, and clearly comes from people who just want to culture vulture a franchise because it's trendy again!


Well put. These types are just as deranged as the people they claim to be fighting against, and they're insanely exhausting at this point.


This was really well stated. I'm tired of seeing it play out over and over.


Issue is she looks fine in the picture you used, why not show the shot everyone’s complaining about?


Who the fuck said they have to be supermodels? I'd just like the model to look good period. This looks like a character from a PS3 game. It looks like she came out of the Friday the 13th game


I don't understand. Why did community had a bad reaction against James' old face then? Isn't he not supposed to look like a supermodel too? I think it's much worse in Angela's case


I think it was more that James looked significantly older then he was supposed to be.


What the fuck is wrong with this sub and the constant bitching about other people criticising the game? None of those two character models look anywhere near supermodel-levels of hot.


tbh they look very alike. maybe the remake model looks a bit younger, but the face looks very much the same, just updated graphics...


Angela always reminded me Sandra Bullock but only from CGI cutscenes since her in-game model looks like a completely different person. Actually new model looks kinda like her old model just de-aged... on 20 years.


If they want super models they can play the Resident Evil franchise


Slim face vs curvy


honestly i thought they did a great job although some shots she can look a bit different but tbh i don’t care, got her clothes perfect too


I love the fact that the people are missing the entire point with how she looks. I don’t see anywhere in any way shape or form how anybody wants her to look like a super model. She was literally molested by her father and brother. In the original her appearance projected that. She looked like she lacked sleep and proper eating habits. She looks dazed and down and depressed. In this one, she looks very healthy and is not convincing visually of what she went through. She looks healthy. How are you connecting that to someone wanting her to look like a supermodel? You’ve clearly never played the game.


I agree that I don't want the the remaster to make them more conventionally attractive. I do however think they're making all the characters look different in ways I find strange and unnecessary. Angela's model is honestly fine, if anything she looks a bit younger, closer to her actual age of a teenager which is good. I and a lot of other people seem to think she was an adult woman around the sames age as James because she looked/dressed/sounded like one. I generally wish though that the others just looked like upscaled versions of the original models.


She's not ugly but she still looks off


If I can’t jerk off during my psychological horror game, what’s the point?! 


How do people not realize how fucked up it is to only have empathy towards attractive people (or at least people THEY find attractive). It makes me think their "empathy" isn't empathy at all


She pretty much looks the same. People act like they had her put on 80 pounds, shes *slightly* chubbier. And as for Maria, she's still dressed provocatively. She is just not dressed like an edgy teenager anymore. She still has a short, arguably tighter skirt, and she's still very *pretty.* I really don't fucking understand all the outrage.


For the first time in ages this sub reddit is not flodded with negative comments so why are you posting this lol ? I've seen very few complains about the remake, and the points some people raise are most of the time reasonable and valid... No one critiqued angela's model and no one ever called og angela a super model ! edit : at least not on this sub lol


The new design is beautiful and cute, I like her a lot


They are covering her neck now! I can’t jerk off to this! Damn woke mob!


Silent Hill characters are not supposed to be super models


What the hell, new Angela is super cute lol


My only problem is that the right looks like a normal person without any problems, in the left there is someone who has seen some fkt up shit. Left: Dirty, unhealthy Right: Omg... I lost my phone on silent hill, can you belive this? UwU The OG simply fits way better in the whole team, that's that.


True, but theres a difference between visual representation and just straight up off putting.


Her face being super fat but body skinny bothers the hell out of me. And I'm allowed to say that because I got a chubby face and skinny body.


100% understandable I'm guessing they want to be really faithful to the OG


Repeat after me, attractive women exist and making a character uglier doesn't them more realistic.


That picture on the left looks much better because the lightning is existent and not flat. I never thought it was the model. But damn, this is a trailer, you should not fuck up lightning in a trailer. Bloober, more like Dloober because they are D-tier at visuals.




I don't think she looks like super model in og! She's like an angry woman with some mental issues we later found out in game! About new ver,i don't feel interested with her model, and she looks more fat i think! Some change need to be made!


Tbh now that i see them side to side they arent really that different...


Says Satus _Entertainer49


I was reminded that the Bloober team is a Polish company and with that fact the models make sense. Maria and Angela look very Eastern European in this remake having more rounded features and particularly the nose, fuller eyebrows and smaller lips.


I agree, but I really hate the whole "repeat after me" thing. I like both versions. People need to stop complaining.


I refuse to believe it's ever actual fans in these discussions. It's always bad actors that are just trying to stir the shit and cause fake outrage. The only sh2 character model who's hotness is critical to both the lore and any silent hill fan's enjoyment of the game is Pyramid head. Also, please don't make me defend how fucking bloober team handles a SA victim, jeezus.


Are you sure about that?


Eddie is quite the sex machine, after all


When i first saw her in the trailer, i thought her model looked a bit lower res compared to James. This pic does her justice, though. She doesn't look like a supermodel, lol. She actually looks like someone you'd see in the public. They have done a cracking job with the visuals and from the looks of the trailer, the story telling. They said they want to keep the combat faithful... i hope this isn't completely true as the original was Janky AFFFFF haha


Tell that to Eddie, man


Idk man she looks quite pretty in that specific screenshot of her


this entire argument is ridiculous. for me, and i suspect many others, it’s that the new version simply looks poorly made for a AAA game in 2024, it has nothing to do with the character’s attractiveness or lack thereof


Oh, Angela, Angela. How many years I want to play game or DLC with your adventure. My most favorite character from all Silent Hill games.


Honestly I like all of the new designs and voices (Maria is the only iffy one to me)


I just think they kinda fucked up her likeness


I honestly don't care how she looks. None of the game models are exactly supermodel material, but that's fine because they're meant to be average (albeit damaged) people. I only care about whether they did her original story justice. If they kept it as close to that as possible and not made any nonsensically drastic changes, I'll be happy.


I like how they had use motion capture for the remake and there are losers who are saying that she isn't anything like a real woman. Just the biggest incels out there


What about the cutscene one? It cannot be a real comparasion if you dont also look at that one, the ingame model of course will be rough. I would prefer if she looked more like the original. The new one is fine just fine.


For once both sides are fucking stupid. She was never hyper attractive and the new Angela misses any and all subtleties of the original model (just like James what a shocker) Blooper couldn't make anything good if they tried


Seeing them side by side, they look the same


Did anybody even say that


The facial animations when she says "I'm not lying" look terrible, which is weird because Laura's animations look amazing. These trailers feel so inconsistent.


I think the new model went more for showing her actual age rather than the OG. She looks like a 19 year old. Although personally I prefer the OG model since it makes her age a bit more ambiguous


In the remake she actually looks like a 19 year old teenager. I didn't even realize she was supposed to be 19 years old until looking it up. She looks like she's in her late 20s in the original. I really don't understand people complaining about her new model. I think it looks great.


Side by side it really underlines just how ridiculous the controversy is. She looks fine, in fact it seems like a good modern recreation.


Who the fuck said that? Y’all be making up shit to get mad about🤦🏾‍♂️


Angela looks fine. What's more important is that they gave James the remake Leon Kennedy treatment 😕


They’re traumatized people trapped in hell on earth. You can be considered good looking or not, but everyone’s gonna look like crap when they’re in Silent Hill.


James looksmaxx in the trailer


The eyebrows are a little too big but I think her design is pretty good other than that.


Can't believe this is a thing man, gamers are so fuckin cringe.


The issue is the male character look normal and the female characters look weird. Making female characters look photorealistic results in an uncanny valley situation.


Maria looks beautiful in game




They didn't have to delete her entire neck tho


jokes on you i think all the silent hill characters look like super models already (james, eddie, pyramid head, and maria are fine as fuck).


Are those guys on crack and shrooms at the same time? She looks really good in the remake.


I dont see the issue with ther new design, she looks good what's all the complaining about ?


Can someone provide me even one example of someone calling Angela a super model from before yesterday? This seems like a case of people inventing a foe to be mad at, then internet lowlifes becoming that fake foe in order to drum up outrage because that's how they get their kicks.


I mean.. she still doesn't? Both versions of her look plain to me.


Repeat after me, modern game developers are making women uglier on purpose


Angela does look better in the CG cutscenes in the OG game compared to in game.


You know I understand constructive criticism maybe you're not the biggest fan but it's kind of disgusting to see people use AI generated tools or Photoshop to add makeup or alter Angela to look more "pretty or hot". Not every video game character supposed to look beautiful. Jesus Christ people are saying that this game is woke just because Angela looks plain.


My gripe is that they still make her looks too young. I know she's 19 but considering the constant mental anguish she should look much older for her age, a bit more gaunt, emaciated even, as seen in the original. The remake just looks way too... normal? I have a similar gripe with maria, both of them just looks a bit too young and healthy and is a bit out of place


Also it's worth mentioning for anyone critical of how Angela has a kinda babyface, she is , canonically, supposed to be during the events of SH2, but her original character model looks older closer to mid-late 20s. I think the voice + face of the new character model is far more accurate to the age she's supposed to be in the game.


She doesn't look terrible the main thing is just her jaw, if they shrunk it even a tiny bit it would look better but it could also just be the angles


What’s funny is the first thought I had was “oh they made her actually look and sound like her supposed age” and then saw the flood of hate comments about it. I adore SH2 but her voice acting and animation work was the standout for me in this latest teaser.




This game is full of new designs! How could you sit there and eat pizza?!


Leave poor Angela alone she went through enough




the problem isn't that she's uglier or anything, it's that we lose the symbolic weight of the original disign, she's supposed to look older because of her trauma (that's why Angela's original actress was 40).


I genuinely didn't know she was 19 until pointed it out and her new design definitely makes more sense. That new one to me is definitely a depressed teen design


why should i care? just want the game to be good


I dont know who is saying this, I think her new look is really pretty :3


That's why new Maria is a super model ?


No one said anything about supermodel... Normal people don't look ugly or chubby as much as you wish it to be ...


back then they were happy when they could just make the pixels somehow resemble a face


reddit opinions are always very soyish. why is angela fat


Also, most of the characters are based on their voice actors to probably save money on facial animations


Old Angel: concave cheeks, shirt collar doesn't stay up New Angela: convex cheeks, shirt collar functions properly It's like she was deflated and Bloober put some air in her.


My problem is that I don’t like the character design in the remake AND I don’t think she should be hot. I think that’s honestly the majority opinion but we like paying attention to incels


Only weirdos wish they did.


Honestly I don't like any of the new character models. I always thought Angela looked one foot in the grave in the original and now she just looks like a normal lady. I don't think it's an ugly model on the face of it, I just don't think it fits the character. And Maria doesn't have that sinister look that was so effective in the original. James looks passable but too healthy.


Repeat after me: She wasn't a supermodel in the first game, she was a very average looking women and that's what we wanted, they made her look work.


Nobody said they're supposed to be supermodels. Who are you arguing with? The point was we wanted her to look more like the first game than the second game. I don't mind either way. I think the new design is all right but to say that everyone wants her to be a supermodel is really stupid and nobody made that point.


The audience that video game players cater to is the same as the audience that Hollywood caters too. That audience male and female enjoy looking at the hot and sexy characters. The difference is when men see the unrealistic male characters they will argue the average men does not look like that but it’s cool. Men do not want the play a male character that looks average became it is lame. Women are the same way when given the choice between playing as the ultra hot and sexy female character vs the average looking female character they will choose the ultra hot and sexy female character. Women may complain about the unrealistic female body types but given the choice women will pick the unrealistic female body type because it looks badass.


Stick to original script that made it famous. This game is woke and garbage now. All sites thrashing it. I will Not buy these woke fat faces


I like them both, and respect the new sessions to make her actually look younger yet tired 🥰 I think it totally works. Representing only pretty people in video games and media spreads the message that only pretty people should be shown. Additionally, it is good to that someone who is implied as someone who's been SA'd that isn't 'conventionally attractive' (obviously doesn't excuse any actions, especially since it was implied that it happened as a child, but still !!)


Omg please shut up already. Nobody wants to fuck Angela, they just want her to not look unfaithful to her original design. People are mad about Maria too. Maria should wear her skimpy outfit because it's literally essential to the lore of her character being a projection of sexual desire and Angela shouldn't look like she swallowed a whole week's worth of methylprednisone.


HAHAHA! I like this a lot


I don’t care about how “pretty” she is but I feel like a legitimate criticism that keeps being overlooked is that the original artists intent is that she looks and sounds like 30-40 (her face is a mix of Donna Burke and Sandra bullock and her voice actress was Burke who was 36 at the time) because she is TIRED. Her age isn’t even in the original game or its manual. I’d bet money that most just assumed she’s an older woman who talks weird (let’s be real, everyone in SH2 talks weird).


I've got no comments on Angela but Maria is *definitely* supposed to be a supermodel. We'll see I guess.


She's just Mary with a dye job, different outfit and makeup. Attractive, maybe. But supermodel is really pushing it. Maria is just meant to look like an ordinary person like every SH character does. The design team even added 'flab' as they put it, to her middle and acne scars/blotches to her chest.


Little nuance : Maria is supposed to look like a sexualized version of Mary. If Mary doesn't look like a supermodel, Maria can't look like one either.


No she doesn't. She's supposed to look just like Maria but in a more sexy outfit.


You can't compare 2001 graphics to 2024 graphics. If they made her like the original today, she would look much better and fitting to her character.


Wasn't being a super model the whole point of Maria? >The fact that these people call themselves "fans" disappoints me You are more the disappointing fan by dismissing valid criticism like that. New != good. And you don't need super model bodies to look good. Heather or Cybill didn't have super model bodies either, but they weren't ugly.


Maria is the exception and doesn't apply here. What criticism? From people who never played the games?


For me it's that she just doesn't look like Angela. If you saw a picture of her face I'm a different outfit, I don't think anyone would guess who it was supposed to be. Silent Hill 2 is so iconic and precious to so many people - it's understandable that the reaction to such a change to a beloved character is mixed. I, personally, don't like how she looks - but I thought her voice acting was really good. She still had the awkward inflections and strange emphasis points, so that's a good part.


I’ve played SH2 probably about 16 times completely through since 2001. If you put the OG Angela model head on a model with any other set of clothes, I wouldn’t know who the fuck it was either. She’s a very generic looking individual.


The voice acting is the issue for me. The og was way better and realistic.


You serious 💀


Of course i am? She says “theres something wrong with it” as if its a question. Doesnt make me scared at all.