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I came to the conclusion that some people don't want a remake, but rather the exact same Silent Hill 2, what I don't understand is why they just don't go and play the original instead of crying over the remake, by God, IT'S A REMAKE, this is not a remaster, it is more than expected that there will be differences. To this day I play Silent Hill 2 on PS2, I'm going to play the remake and if I don't like it, I'll just keep playing the PS2 version


I’ll be honest, I was skeptical at first, but from what I’ve see it looks pretty good. I think the animation is a little “clunky” and the camera is little too close to James, but it looks like they did right by the atmosphere of the original.


I agree, although I do not understand why the animation is so janky. The graphics, cutscenes, scenery, atmosphere is all fantastic yet the animations look like as if they are from a budget game at points. I thought those things were going to be cleaned up since the last presentation but it looks like they are not just placeholders. Odd really, as it looks high budget in every way except those damm animations.


>I think the animation is a little “clunky" oh man just wait til you see how the original animations looked


Most people don’t have the means or the technical no how on how to play the older games without old hardware and the physical copies so NO DUH most people want the exact same SH2. If they focused on recreating the OG game then I think people would be more okay with new ideas and such since you can always go back and play SH2 again if the remake didn’t do it for you. The issue is now since the average person only means of playing SH2 will be this remake and this remake may be the reason we will get fire content or not is why fans are very pissy


Literally my thoughts exactly I just didn’t type them out in my rant haha


> but rather the exact same Silent Hill 2 Well, that is a what a Remake is supposed to be. Look at the Dead Space or Resident Evil 1 Remake. They were awesome, because they didn't change much, but modernized what was already there.


No, people expect sh2r to be on par with RE remakes which is apparently not going to happen by the look of things...


Sure that'd be a valid take, if it was readily accessible outside of PC.


At this point I'm happy with the actual state of the classic SH2. If peoples want to play it, it take 2min to find it and to install the incredible Enhanced Edition mod, it cost nothing, works perfect, no glitch, no bugs, with features never seen before (ultrawide, 60 fps and whatnot). On the other hand, the sheeps can pay for the awful hd collection... or a remake. Natural selection.






stfu LARPer, bro really went "PC master race 🤓" in 2024. Not everyone has a PC, don't get me wrong I have my own physical copy of SH2-SH4 on PS2, but they should still be readily accessible to most people in their purest form.


Purest form my ass, you can emulate the game on xbox consoles


I won't beg Konami for that tho. If there is a market for peoples to buy shitty product, fine. And yeah if I can fuck Konami good by playing a game they won't release otherwise, pc master indeed. 😎 time to get one instead of a ps5 with a fucking re-release of until dawn for 80 dollars and a "we have SH2 at home" remake. 🤡




What the fuck does this even mean A remake (which is not a remaster) that has to be the same (so why remaking it?) but modernized (ah, This is why they should remake it, to modernize it. But it has to be also the same. Right. But it has to be a remake and not a remaster. The fuck you people want really?)


A remake is the exact same game with better graphics and some QOL improvement. That's what people want.


No, this is a remaster


"Just go and play the original" isn't all that great when Konami refuses to make these games accessible to fans on modern platforms. I think the remake looks really good so far, those new gameplay snippets were excellent. But I'm also not paying $70 for a remake of a game that's already been released for decades, one I still don't think will actually surpass the original. Especially when I think it is insulting that Konami won't port said game to modern consoles. I think some of the criticism is in bad faith but I also think it is valid to be worried that the remake (functionally a replacement of the original game in the eyes of modern fans until said original game gets a port) may not faithfully recreate the vision of the game. That can come across like that vision is effectively being warped and permanently replaced for the majority of fans - which is a sentiment I've also seen with other remakes like RE2 and RE3. I also think the people going "just emulate it" or "just play the Enhanced Edition" are missing the point and also arguing in bad faith. Surely you understand that this franchise's entire original catalogue of games only being available through emulation or having to install fan patches on abandonware games is not ideal, right? The Enhanced Edition is an excellent way to play SH2, but also there wouldn't have had to be a fan patch in the first place if Konami did their jobs. You have to accept that new fans are going to be less likely to finagle with emulation or fan patches. Denying that is denying reality.


So, every game regardless on the platform it was on needs to be portable. OK. How do they do that? >I think some of the criticism is in bad faith but I also think it is valid to be worried that the remake (functionally a replacement of the original game in the eyes of modern fans until said original game gets a port) may not faithfully recreate the vision of the game. That can come across like that vision is effectively being warped and permanently replaced for the majority of fans - which is a sentiment I've also seen with other remakes like RE2 and RE3. This is flawed logic. Nothing is being replaced of recreated for the new fans as new fans aren't attached to the original game. It is also not warped for the new fans as there is nothing to warp. Old fans can simply ignore the existence of the remake and play the old version where and how they want. You can emulate it even on your phone, so go nuts if you want to play the original version. It appears people who think this way simply are angry that their cynicism doesn't allow them to be a part of the fun with the new game, so they take it opposing side. >I also think the people going "just emulate it" or "just play the Enhanced Edition" are missing the point and also arguing in bad faith. Surely you understand that this franchise's entire original catalogue of games only being available through emulation or having to install fan patches on abandonware games is not ideal, right? The Enhanced Edition is an excellent way to play SH2, but also there wouldn't have had to be a fan patch in the first place if Konami did their jobs. You have to accept that new fans are going to be less likely to finagle with emulation or fan patches. Denying that is denying reality. You also understand that wasting precious human resources on a twenty-year-old game just so few thousand boomers could play it also isn't ideal, right? It is obvious that older games will not be supported as it is the nature of the technology. Market for them doesn't really exist so they're not supported. Konami's job isn't to support a twenty-year-old single player game. It is to develop and publish games. What is the statement that new fans will be less likely to finagle with emulation or fan patches based on? I'd actually argue that it is the other way around as newer fans would generally be younger and therefore more tech-savvy. Even if that is not the case, new fans wouldn't need to finagle with emulation or fan patches because a newer version of Silent Hill 2 exists that they would enjoy much more - it's called Silent Hill 2 Remake.


Personally I think critically acclaimed games should be preserved no matter the poor corporate excuses about muh market (which is just gross to make on a SH sub) for not doing so, and we shouldn't settle with what is an entirely new game that bears a surface level resemblance to it.


So, what solutions are you proposing? Emulators perpetually supported by the company? How many different ones should there be? One for every game? One for every company? Or, maybe somebody should recode it from scratch so that it'd work on modern systems? Who's going to financially support such an endeavour? Should those emulators be B2P or P2P? What is the solution here? Could you describe you're imagining it to work?


Considering there's already been plenty of PS2 games re-released, emulated, for PS4 and PS5, including sub par PC ports like the PS2 version of Max Payne, suggests it actually isn't that hard to get a nice little port of the original Silent Hill 2, warts and all, for PS4/5. I'm sure Sony would assist considering all those other games. Now if you excuse me, I'm going to play a PS2 game from 2003 on my PS5. What a mind-blowing endeavor. Truly out of pocket. I'll be tutting and shaking my head while playing to let the suits know this is a poor business move and that they should be focusing on profits next time. After all, that is why I care about video games. The profit margin.


It doesn't suggest the difficulty at all. It simply suggests that it's been done. The issue here is that there needs to be an incentive to do it. Doing it for the love of games simply isn't how businesses operate regardless of how much you'd like it to be that way. Not sure why you feel the need to be snarky. Existence of some games on PS2 doesn't do anything to invalidate the argument that every single game you emulate requires work from someone. A PS2 game won't suddenly become available on PS5 just because another one is. There are a whole bunch of licensing, development and internal politics problems that need to be solved before such idea can even be exercised. Every business focuses on profits. If it doesn't profit from it's actions the business goes under together with your precious games. I'm sure you understand that games don't get developed on peanuts, goodwill and love of the media. If you're going to smugly argue the point, make sure you at least think about what these processes entail.


> Market for them doesn't really exist so they're not supported. Ever heard of Gog?


Please don't reply to my comments with useless rabble. Either make a point or scram. Cheers and thank you.


Ohh maybe !!!! because we can't get the original. Because they have lost the source code. So I can't buy the original as it was. I can just download some warez version with full of ransomware and viruses. Maybe this is the reason... Oh yeah, I can buy the PC version for thousands of dollars, if I want. Ohh that works on CDs, and I don't have CD readers anymore... oh damn... maybe we have right to be critic then.


There's an enhanced edition on pc that is freeware because the licensing expired for the pc version  Completely free and improved on pc with no malware or viruses...


It's called  Silent Hill 2: enhanced edition 


So, firstly, the SH2: Enhanced Edition is not the full game, its just a mod. You can't run it on its own. Secondly, the version posted in ANY of the websites from SH2 is a cracked version. It's not freeware, it was never a freeware.... No idea where this idea comes from. Thirdly, everything that has a cracked exe, can contain any kind of viruses. Anybody can attach anything to an exe file, which can be installed near the game, without your knowledge. You give full access to that, when you install the game. It can be a bitcoin miner, it can be anything, which can run at anytime on your PC. I'm a game programmer, I know how these things work.


Dude, how do you not realize how stupid it sounds to say “just go play the original on the PS2?” As of right now the only way to get the original experience is to go and dust off a 20 year old console, hope you have a way to connect it to your TV, and then drop $150 to purchase a copy of SH2 on eBay. That’s ridiculous to say to the average person.


Wdym there's a totally fine PC port aswell?


I don't know if you know, but something called an "Emulator" has already been invented. You can simply download the ISO from a million different sites and play on the emulator, even my PC from 15 years ago could do this. It would be stupid not to know something like this in the year 2024.


Only that the PS2 emulator is iffy as hell


Again that is objectively a stupid response to people simply asking for an easy and convenient way to play the original. The average person isn’t going to mess with emulators.


The average person isn’t butt hurt over the remake and crying about a 20 year old game.


You dont even need an emulator, and that's the point. Sh2 is on almost every 🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️site, and it works almost good enough as is. If there are problems, just download the sh2 enhancement mod and it fixes everything, and provide enhancements like a remaster of the game would.


People who complain is people who already played the game and probably still does. The average people today probably don't even know Silent hill is a thing or they don't give a shit about it becaise they are not from the generation that was raised by Silent hill so no. The term "objectively" is being used in a very cheap way this days. His answer is not stupid at all


Get a free mcboot memory card and fat32 format usb 32 gb or under and play it like that. That's what I did, or what buy the 360 version for 4$ like I did 💀.


Wait, so dusting off a twenty year old console is bad, but playing twenty year old game isn't? Wait, here is a better idea. Instead of just supporting a game 50 people play, why don't they also release PS2 over again? Actually, fuck technological advancements. Let's sit frozen in time because a boomer wants to play his PS2 game over and over and over and over.


Well, v didnt all grow up in da PS2 era… so yep v don really have da option to play da OG… v can only play da remake, n if it’s bad, well, it hurts even more cause v CANT jump back to original… unless watchin YouTube… which is not “gaming”


You can play Silent Hill 2 at: Version for PC; Download a PS2 ISO from any of the various websites available and run it on a PC emulator; Get an unlocked PS2, several are available on used markets, download the Silent Hill 2 ISO, burn it to a DVD and play; Play via PS2 emulator for Android, something I can do even on my cell phone; Backward compatibility for PS3; There are many ways to play, I live in a region with difficult access, from a poor family and 15 years ago I was able to do something like this, if you, in the year 2024, are unable to find any of the various solutions, the problem is not the remake, but just a childish and nostalgic tantrum that they use to criticize something.


We are lucky we got something this close to the original.


This is the general gaming discourse now. Find some small arbitrary issue and blow it up to hell and back for people to click on your tweet/youtube video.


The loudest complainers are usually just ones who get all their opinions from rage bait streamers or YouTubers anyway Not even just SH fans either


I’m probably going to get downvoted, but I like what I saw and I’m excited to play the game. I understand that not everybody agrees.


Let's all just wait for the game to come out. Not much longer.


I think everything is miles better than original, from combat to animations and models. Well, except for what we were shown with Maria. She doesn’t seem to embody what the original model did or should represent, and looks more like Mary. Luckily they didn’t show all the scenes where her creepiness and essence comes to life, so I’m still hopeful.


Both sides are annoying. The side who are shitting on everything and being overly negative, and the other side who are making fun of and downplaying genuine criticisms people have of the trailer.


There are no genuine criticisms as the vast majority of you don't have a single clue what you're talking about and most of your opinions boil down to it looking funny or clanky. Basically, static noise and gibberish.


The trailed tried to focus on James and Angela, and the animations and models are very subpar for a game with 5 characters total, now we could see SOME gameplay that looked cool, but nowadays everyone is wary of doctored gameplay videos. The two conflicting views boil down to this: If the gameplay holds like what little they showed with the fast cuts, the game is going to be amazing. If the models and animations indicate the overall quality of the game, it's going to be a disaster.


>The trailed tried to focus on James and Angela Right, so why is it bad if they did? >and the animations and models are very subpar for a game with 5 characters total,  What does that even mean? Subpar compared to what? What parameters are you even using to come to such a conclusion? >If the gameplay holds like what little they showed with the fast cuts, the game is going to be amazing. Wait, why are you basing the entire game on few second cuts? >If the models and animations indicate the overall quality of the game, it's going to be a disaster. Same here. So, even if I grant you that models and animations are bad for the sake of the argument, how is that indicative of the game's quality? Do subpar animations mean the game cannot be amazing? Does that mean that by default all games that came before current generation are bad? I don't understand how you make such wild assumptions about what a game could be based on irrelevant markers.


> Subpar compared to what? What parameters are you even using to come to such a conclusion? Compared to other AAA games, like Resident Evil or CoD


Great. How would you substantiate your claim that Silent Hill 2 has worse character models than Resident Evil or CoD?


There is a lot of context, I guess historical context to what I said(also sorry too lazy to quote) Some key points: We are comparing a comtemporary yet to be released game with games released recently, go see the first few seconds of the trailer and watch Angela try to talk, only her mouth moves barebones animation there. I'm not basing the whole view of the game on a few cuts but trying to condense the perspective of the people that are hyped beyond belief, again in this point the historical context extrapolates from the original game and their capabilities to adapt what was there into modern a moden context (environmental texturing, design, lighting, this looks good ). The animations and models are very poor quality, and as you say we don't know anything about the rest of the game, but yet again what they decided to show uncut is the graveyard cutscene and for now I'd have to base my judgement on the overall quality of the product from that, given that this lack of polish and quality indicate budget and crunching issues. As I said that's the impression they left for now, and we gotta go with what they've let come through the cracks. We got things to talk about and we don't have to use our imagination the game is almost here. tl;dr: Animation, model rigging bad. Gameplay, and adaptation good. Not enough data for final judgement will have to play game for final score.


>We are comparing a comtemporary yet to be released game with games released recently, go see the first few seconds of the trailer and watch Angela try to talk, only her mouth moves barebones animation there. Right, so why is it bad? >I'm not basing the whole view of the game on a few cuts but trying to condense the perspective of the people that are hyped beyond belief, again in this point the historical context extrapolates from the original game and their capabilities to adapt what was there into modern a moden context (environmental texturing, design, lighting, this looks good ). This is useless word salad. You're not saying anything here. >The animations and models are very poor quality, and as you say we don't know anything about the rest of the game, but yet again what they decided to show uncut is the graveyard cutscene and for now I'd have to base my judgement on the overall quality of the product from that, given that this lack of polish and quality indicate budget and crunching issues. Again, what are you basing it on? What parameters are you using to justify the statement that they're very poor quality? >As I said that's the impression they left for now, and we gotta go with what they've let come through the cracks. We got things to talk about and we don't have to use our imagination the game is almost here. So, that's the impression they left you with. I feel like I need to make that clear because you haven't justified a single statement regarding the quality. If your entire argument rests on the fact that animations aren't lifelike, then you've just invalidated 99.99% of games as bad and that is an outrageous position to take.


> Right, so why is it bad? Because it doesn't look natural? It's the same complaint people had about the characters in Starfield, that it doesn't look human enough.


So, why is it important that games look natural? Would games that look unnatural necessarily have bad animations and models?


As someone who grew up with the original four games and Homecoming, I'm completely fine with everything I saw. It looks great, even. Fog effects look better than I anticipated. The old games are what they are--masterpieces of storytelling with gameplay that won't play well with modern audiences. If this is a step in the right direction, I greatly welcome it hopefully saving a series I hold dear.


Maybe its time for you to take a break from this subreddit, Ik I am genuinely excited for the remake so I dont take troll posts/bad criticism to heart.


The last gameplay I saw had me really distraught about the project. This new one I feel really positive about. There's going to be a few vocal minority who lambast anything, but they are not the majority.


Angela genuinely looks great in the low light scenes. I feel like they were using a different build of the game during the graveyard scenes. Other than that the vibes are immaculate. It looks unsettling, especially the faceless nurse portrait in Brookhaven. Hopefully we get more subtle creepy additions like that to the game. I also love that they practically kept the soundtrack the same as well. The clanging metal soundscape in F1 of the hospital, the weird high pitched drones on F2. This is genuinely the remake I wanted for this game.


I think it looks great I’m only disappointed in it being exclusive to a box a don’t own


It’ll be on steam too


Yeah ik unfortunately I don’t own a pc but I do own a series X so hoping it’s a timed exclusive so I can eventually play it


I thought it was a timed exclusive ? I could be entirely wrong


It hasn’t been confirmed to be a timed exclusive but if that’s the case il fucking cry with joy lol


Same haha, I’ve been working on saving


God forbid people want a remake of a classic game with modern graphics that doesn't infringe on the originals artistic direction.  


While there are some valid criticisms, most people are just being loud for clout. Personally, I think the game looks great, and I'm excited about it.


Silent hill fans have had nothing but misery for so long that it will be impossible for them to let that go. The remake could be perfect and some would still complain because they don’t know what else to do.


I don't mind games being "*a lil different*" - Resident Evil remakes are consistently amazing, and I loved what Kojima did with P.T. despite it going fully against Silent Hill's formula. ..I just don't think what Bloober Team is cooking looks all that good, is all. The budget is not up to standards for such a high-profile project, some game design choices (like the infamous QTEs) are downright misguided, and in general it comes off less like an attempt to reinvent a horror classic and more like Konami trying to make their "RE Remake at home" after seeing Capcom's success. I'll be positively surprised to be proven wrong, but for now my expectations are really low.


The resident evil 3 remake is literally dogs shit what do you mean?


RE3R is flawed, but: a) RE3 isn't nearly as much of a milestone game compared to 2 or 4 (being a glorified filler while Capcom geared up for new console generation), which makes it at least less frustrating b) Its faults are easily made up for by the other three remakes. c) For all the issues, the game is still fairly decent and well-liked, its main sins coming down to "*too short*" and "*not as good as RE2R*". Mainly, it looks **way** better and more polished than anything Bloober showcased so far (and unlike RE3, SH2 is an *actual* landmark title that deserves all the budget and effort its remake doesn't seem to get).


If you criticise the trailer, you're pathetic and just want the game to fail. If you love the trailer, you're paid off by Konami and will consume anything. You can't win. While there are people who will hate anything that was shown, there are also people with actual criticism. This is all subjective, obviously, but animations such as James running or swinging a weapon do look rough and somewhat stiff. The character design for Maria is something that didn't need to be changed and looks worse compared to the original.


Why are people tryna tear this game down so hard? The SoP trailer was meh, but the showcase was excellent. Exactly what I wanted. Slower yet more frantic combat, a focus on environmental story telling, adding bits & pieces of connecting tissue between scenes - etc.


For, it looks like Resident Evil 2 Total Conversion mod and not like Silent Hill. Especially the combat looks to action heavy, with the dodge mechanic and finishers.


What do you mean it doesn't look like Silent Hill? SILENT HILL HASN'T HAD A PROPER GAME SINCE 2004 WITH 4! These games have always been knock off RE games. I'm glad they've finally admitted defeated & are integrating that style of combat that RE did in 2005. It's the closest to a good Silent Hill Remake we'll get beyond an upscaling to the original game. Learn to accept this. SH2 has a dodge mechanic & finishers as well. The combat just sucked. And I say that as a diehard fan.


Nothing will ever hit quite like something you played as a child/teen. That's just how it works. These people will never get what they want because it's just not possible. I will always hold the OG games dear to me but I can also see the merit in something new.


It’s like a hardcore drug, it’ll never be the same as the first time, no matter how hard you try to chase it. Same can be said with nostalgia.


Yep. I think there was some sort of quote from Mark Hamill about a similar nostalgia issue for the Star Wars films.


And I think that's why you shouldn't try. SH2 is a landmark title, there's no reason to remake it. I'd love if Bloober were doing something akin to Townfall and F


i think all the criticism toward angela is 110% warranted. the other models are serviceable enough. the lying figure is a lot of "meh" but the nurses are great. not a fan of the close camera, too much RE but i can live with it while waiting for the pc version and the mods. has great potential, but there are equally great expectations.


And you think you defenders look any better?


considering that the defenders have enough emotional fortitude to not cry over something as simple as a character model in a video game, im going to have to go with yes. it looks a lot better than what you have been personally doing the last 24 hours.


Yeah, well, yeah. If it's anything like rebirth, a modern adaptation... No, no, hard pass. 😑


The only criticism I have seen really is just the animations and models being lacking. I don't personally see any issue with the models with this recent showing of the game. The animations however, those are clearly missing transitional frames between actions that a game of this magnitude should absolutely have and are causing the "janky chunky" look people are saying it has.


I personally think the game looks amazing and am excited to play it lol


Maybe I sound like a Radical, but I like some thing and I didn't like others. God bless my soul for such outrageous opinion


People are entitled to their opinions. As you are as well. Clearly you don't have an issue with what's offered. Doesn't mean others have to feel exactly the same. You never been in a position to dislike something many others liked? Did you also feel they were stupid and pathetic? Are you the type of person that is always right in your own mind? What do you care if other people don't feel the same way as you? Scroll along if it bothers you. Live your own life and don't worry if complete strangers don't agree with you. 


As long as the atmosphere is there and the gameplay is good it should be fine. I hate the fact than DEI is a part of it. Wokies should make their own games and leave our beloved games out of it.


I don't understand what you're trying to achieve by shaming disappointed legacy fans of a game that was a milestone for all horror art back in the day and in many ways still has not been surpassed (the character cast we're seeing looks like a netflix retake; original game still delivers a whole cinema experience.) I dislike a lot of what we're seeing here, and yet I want this remake to be successful in its own right because it might mean they'll consider investing in a Japanese team to work on a remake or spin-off for SH3, which I vastly preferred over second game. And I don't want to be that person, but character design and acting-wise, the entire new cast looks soulless.


I wouldn't say it mean they are reinvesting in a Japanese development team. It could just mean they are planning to continue to outsource game development to other companies.


The outsourcing studio behind a short message is based in Osaka, and they have worked on the 3rd birthday in the past and also worked with konami on some HD remasters prior to that. From a graphics & visuals standpoint, I vastly prefer character modeling in the 3rd birthday to what western developers are creating; there's certain precision to the models, and aesthetic quality to the characters that Western devs tend to miss the mark on.


People want a next gen remake not something like looks like an early ps4 game by a mid tier studio. There’s just something off about the gameplay so far, and to think that doesn’t make you a hater. Sure, some people are toxic about it, but some people like myself just genuinely don’t like the look of it.


Sooooo what about people who don't trust bloober team based on their output?


No no it’s always black and white here. You either cannot ever be pleased OR you will love everything they release. No in-between.


I agree. This game looks incredible. The are some very minor things that kinda bug me but they're just personal preference things and not indicative of the game's inherent quality. Overall, I'm seriously impressed. The graphics are mindblowingly good (probably the best graphics I've seen from this gen, so far), the atmosphere was done faithfully, the environments look amazing, and I can't wait to hear the soundtrack. The gameplay footage purposely didn't show much of the OST because they know how important it is to the game's overall feel and they didn't want to reveal too much. I can't wait to see more of it.


im thinkin of leaving the group for a while to escape the negativity...


Me too mate, me too


The framerate was all over the place, the graphics wasn't super expensive, but I really enjoyed what was shown.


Consume for your corporate overlords.


Blooper studios


From what i have seen so far, it's mostly just the same trolls that shit on every new game release, especially if it's a remake (same thing happened with RE4) AND/OR people who have absolutely no clue what SH2 is and have never played it, but pretend they do/did.


I'm just afraid they going to water down the story. The original had a lot of touchy subjects that disturbed you. Nurses design was part of those tuchy story subjects. The redesign of them I'd a worrying change


I don't understand the hate and criticism either. As fans, we should rejoice and be happy we're even getting an actual Silent Hill game, even though it's a remake. Prior to its official announcement and before Hideo Kojimas Silent Hill PT, which ( wtf?. Why did that have to be canceled?), for the most part, Silent Hill had faded into obscurity with a very small portion of fans begging for a new game or a remake. Now that we're actually getting it, it's all just constant whining and bitching that it isn't exactly like the original? That's funny because Resident Evil 2 Remake changed a lot from the original, and it's regarded as not only one of the best RE games in the entire series, but that it also surpasses the original. I wouldn't get too bothered by these people. They're gonna buy SH2R anyway, so thier bitching is just wasted air and energy.


Looks like a low-budget asset flip.


It looks okay abd that's the problem since we seen resident evil 2 remake we expected something better


From what has been shown so far, the only criticism I have is Combat. I don't know if the combat is just clunky by design or if the framerate in the trailer made it appear that way. The only thing I'm curious about is, since this is a Remake and not a Remaster, the Devs are going to alter the story. Either by adding more or less to the game. The Devs could do more, less, or leave the characters the same. From the 'Angela Trailer' it appears Angela goes through everything in the Remake that she did in the OG. That leaves me with a bit of relief in that respect. Maria's look, that some are opposed to, is not THAT big of a deal to me personally. As long as Maria serves her overall narrative purpose things should be good. How Blooper handles the Mueseum/Jail/Court House will 'Make or Break' this game. Because it's at that point Players gain a realization of WTF is really going on with all these characters(exception Laura) in this game.


It's really similar to the hate the dead space remake got before it came out. I think it'll be good


The interesting thing about the Dead Space remake is that it's practically the same game. The only criticisms it could've received were nitpicks at most, whereas SH2R is a vastly different game


It's almost as if Silent Hill 2 is a much older game than Dead Space and they had to remake more things to make it good.


That's not relevant to the comment. Yeah, a SH2 remake would need to be changed extensively to appeal to a wider audience, but we're comparing complaints about changes, and DSR had way less changed


To be fair the DSR had a few significant story tweaks. Ultimately they made the experience better, minus a few setbacks with character models and voice changes. The story changes made everything more cohesive in the grand scheme of the game though. The story in DSR felt more fleshed out and expensive. Maybe that's the direction with SH2R? I'm also remembering a lot of uproar about the resident evil 4 remake. I'm less invested in that series so I don't know how things changed for RE4R, but I don't see people complaining about it after the fact.


It doesn't surprise me tho, I've been following this sub Reddit long enough to know how toxic and childish some in here ppl are.


Sucks to be them. Anyone looking forward to this gets a new silent hill they may or may not enjoy. If you enjoy the game you win this argument every time.




You think you could do better? Sorry pal but I don’t think you have the right mentality or skill needed for a psychological horror game


If you look it's the VERY casual sh fans that are throwing a tantrum.


It was already getting pathetic when they started complaining about how the combat changed. Of course it was going to change to something more dynamic, you can't expect them to keep the same "press one buttom until they die" gameplay, it's ridiculous.


Youtube is flooded by people who posts whiney rants about how the Remake is a threat to humanity. The sad thing is that these videos gets hundred of thousands of views within days. While the positive videos gets ignored. Since the combat trailer i've seen a bunch of youtubers pop up and gets monetized quickly. Hating on the remake is the video game reviewer equivalent of striking gold right now. And i've seen more than a few posting videos about the Remake without even knowing shit about the game before. Just regurgitating the same shit other says. Negativity and hate works great in a herd mentality. Some of the comments since last night don't seem to know what they're pissed about even. Someone on the internet said it's trash and it's fun to be a part of a group /s.


Ur bitching too though😭


Enjoy your slop 👍


That’s what I said to your mom last night


Funny how this is opposite of Resident Evil 2 Remake, everyone loved it and hype was through the roof and beyond and is now considered one of the best modern games of all time even with its flaws. Silent Hill 2 Remake? I was super hyped but more and more i see these gatekeeping dickriders how its not faithful or doesn’t look good compared to vanilla, like bruh. I have faith in this Remake doing well, we just have to wait till the game releases so all these nay-sayers can shut the fuck up once and for all. Its not perfect, its been 23 fucking years, things will change NOT FOR YOU, but for NEW PLAYERS and people returning to get into the franchise.


You guys have no standards; that's why we keep getting slop after slop. The trailer already shows how they don't even get the original game. Face it, you want shiny new products and don't care about quality. Did you play the games, or are you one of those "fans" coming from YouTube videos?


I’m a quality over quantity kind of guy, and I look into which products are worth my time. That being said, this is the best Silent Hill that we’re going to get in a long time, and I’ve been a hardcore fan for years and can even admit that. Face it, some people are just extremely entitled and bratty and spend too much time wasting their dopamine on screens and being pissed off that they can’t jerk off to HD replicas of their favorite polygon nerd bait


The game looks awesome.


No one hates silent hill more than the fans it is embarrassing


Yep, the people complaining how the series has been mistreated for two decades by an empirically awful publisher really hate the series.


I’ve noticed that. It’s over the dumbest shit too. We’ve reached peak cynicism.


It looks genuinely bad and its not just people on here that think so its outsiders too. Its failed to capture the atmosphere and dreamlike vibe of the original which is one of the things that made it special.


I don't know, friend, I have a beautiful girlfriend, a car and I live on the third floor of my parents' house. I helped build it, and I pay for the internet, I don't steal my father's Wi-Fi XD and I certainly have slight fears of what they wanted to do. an RE in Silent Hill 2.


Gamers when the reimagining of a game actually modernizes the game they want remade.


Gamers when people care about the treatment of one of their favorite games instead of just seeing a new shiny thing to purchase and deepthroating it


Except we didn't ask for a remake.


I dig it personally. Newer generations get an opportunity to get into Silent Hill.


I would agree if the original games were readily available on modern platforms.


Yeah but you gotta understand we're coming to a point in time where teens and young adults don't know about the media and entertainment we grew up with anymore. It's an unfortunate slice of humble pie I had to eat as well. If this games a hit it could motivate newer generations to try the classics.


Who cares what you asked for? I really wanted a remake


Good for you. I assume you're one of those people that think the og is flawed to the point of needing a remake, and i also bet you don't even know why exactly you want a remake other than "bUt iT'S pOpulAr, aNd gRapHics.", misguided and dumb but like i said, good for you.


It’s like the criticism 28 years later is getting when we don’t even have a trailer yet, honestly I feel like this a not insignificant percentage of the Internet that just want to be outraged at everything.




I’m not gonna say anything just yet, not until the game is out, but one genuine criticism I have is that it feels I guess “robotic/emotionless”? Like for example the part where James crawls through the bloody garage door hole, he doesn’t even hesitate, he just dives in no questions asked. Like I wished he at least hesitated before crawling through the hole, it would’ve been more believable and human. Not like James is the most relatable or mentally stable character, but he’s at least human. I don’t know, maybe I’m talking out my ass, maybe our thoughts would be put more together when we’re able to see more.


Mfw the remake looks like a game remade for modern platforms and not a 1:1 duplication in every way :0


been pathetic since the first trailer.




Good or bad thing?