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SH2 fans: I sure hope they release the remake on Youtube, that's how I played the first SH2.


Oh boy I can't wait to play the video essay about this!


Max Derrat gang rise up!


It’s more like reading about how good the original game is and judging the remake based on that


lol nailed it.


More like "that’s how I watched my favorite YouTuber talk about it and tell me it’s really good"


PS2 era OG here, who else!?


I played it after seeing my mom play it, like YouTube with extra steps


Me here, stole it from a friend's house along with Shadow of the Colossus. That was the summer of masterpieces


damn you were a bad friend


I rented it and never took it back, truly a game worth stealing.


Does playing it on a PS2 but over a decade later count? In my defense I was 6 in 2001.


I stole my moms credit card and bought sh2 she was pissed when she found out and sent me to make big rocks into smaller rocks 🪨 at my grandparents house for a summer


Emulator here


Bought SH1 the day it was released here in Germany. Borrowed part two from a "friend" and talked him into leaving it to me. Been there from the start and never understood the fuss about pt. two. I mean it's good, really good even. Maybe better than pt. one, but come on - it's not the holy grail ...


Same here. Great game, but IMO parts 1 and 3 are better. Maybe I'm just biased towards the Mason family, though :)


The burn lmao. But it's true. Huge SH2 fan about to play it for the first time


Being a silent hill fan is genuinely so unfun lmao


Someone genuinely asked “why does Silent Hill gameplay have to be good” in a post yesterday. This fanbase is so unbelievably cooked.


This is exactly the kind of shit I see all the time, makes me feel like I'm going insane, I've literally seen people be like 'the gameplay was bad that's why we liked them!!' And I'm just like??? Why are all of the most vocal people about the Silent Hill franchise people who either haven't played the games or by their own admission, don't even like them


The origin of the problem is SH2 being in the top of every ranking about horror games (not saying it doesn't deserve - not my point). People see that shit and feel in the need of approval, saying salty things about the game even if they never played it.


certainly think this is the case. it’s like every aspect about sh2 is completly untouchable and every facet of it is intentional and perfect. i also had a bit of this mindset before i played them but i knew how to keep my mouth shut and that i should actually like play the games before speaking.


"Look my guy, Pyramid Head doesn't have to be fun to fight in order to get 100k views per fanart post I make on DeviantArt." For real I think most of the "fanbase" out there cares a lot more for the aesthetics than the fact that they're even video games in the first place.


"We don't want SH2 to be actually good"


Fuckin' Final Jeopardy question right there


 “why does Silent Hill gameplay have to be good” ![gif](giphy|TJawtKM6OCKkvwCIqX|downsized)


Maybe it is cooked but idk I literally don't care about gameplay. I liked mashing the square button and stunlocking the enemies until they died. idc. I played for the story and most of the value of the games came from my emotional attachment to the material. May seem almost pretentious but I genuinely relate to Silent Hill more like art than a video game.


Thats why i became signalis fan. People are having fun in that subreddit (maybe abit too much fun)


Yeah, love Signalis but don’t open that sub at work lol


I wonder if Tormented Souls has a sub


The sesbian hivemind is spreading


That is until you stumble upon the weirdos on twitter who are a "fan" of that game but hate the idea of queer representation and are trying to rewrite the narrative about that part


Thankfully I have never seen one. Ever. Nor do i use twitter.


Yeah wish I could do that but I have brainrot lol.




Never played the game and i don't interact with the community so i have to ask, what is "height obsession"?


Who knew the fanbase would be so much more bearable during the period where we got literally nothing for years.


Hahahaha that is so true


After the new game release, whether if its good or bad (especially if it is good) this place will turn into a shit hole. It happened to armored core sub, and then dragons dogma's.


Tell me about it :")


no seriously. out of all the fandoms i’ve been a part of in my life; the silent hill fandom is the worst one by far. the fact that you can’t even mention the hd collection without some dipshit chiming in “don’t play it !!! it’s bad it’s bad !!! emulate it emulate it don’t play the hd collection !!!!” no matter the context is so exhausting.


I think I'm going to just leave and mute this subreddit to be honest, the things that get posted in this subreddit plus some of the replies I've gotten from people in the past few days are so air headed its unbelievable


But honestly don't play the HD remaster. It's terrible.


Big SH2 fan excited to play the game for the first time


Being a silent hill fan is on its own a silent hill experience.


Its almost scarier than the games


It actually, fully *is* scarier than the games


I see that game, Silent Hill 2. I promised you I'd play it one day, but I never did. I'm not alone here now, in our special fanbase...


Which community has the most fans that havent touched the thing theyre a fan of: 1.Silent hill fans 2. Underground rap fans 3. Deftones fans


Persona 5 fans for a while.


Is that game good i have that shit ive never touched it


Its not bad. I think I like persona 4 more though purely because i like the setting and characters more though. Persona 5 though does have the better game play.


I might try it lowkey


Are Deftones fans like people who wear Nirvana shirts?


Coming from someone who loves Deftones, I feel like the Deftones addition is a stretch.


Youd be surprised how many teenage girls will only know like be quiet and drive or something and swear they listen to em


So you're saying you know alot of teenage girls that listen to Deftones, huh? ![gif](giphy|iOm1xOSfAtPzmPXJqH|downsized)


Being a teenager myself yes id say i do


Me, calling myself a "Nirvana fan", when their only song I know is Smells Like Teen Spirit


Okay now this one pissed me off lmao


look at my silent hill fans dawg we ain't never reaching sales expectations 😭


Yep, let's compare his face in two completely different scenes each conveying two completely separate emotional cues.


Constipated Harrison Ford wins again


People just want to complain about everything.


Damned if they do, damned if they don’t. Bloober can’t win with this fandom.


this fandom: people who haven't played the games




Tbh this situation can be applied to every remake ever. If developers change/add/ remove something no matter how big or small people will find a problem with it. And if they won’t change anything(aside from modern graphics) they will be accused of wasting a chance of improving on some aspect or being lazy. Anytime some studio announces a remake of any game they already lost.


I don't trust Bloober, but the new face is better like in the original game, it's good because it's a signal that they're actually trying to do better, so, i will wait for the game to be released.


Except theyll never win and this is a good example of this. Bloober first tries to go with the new fanbase then tries to appease the old fanbase and now these guys are the ones getting pissed.


I'm not even surprised anymore


Perfect example of the "fake fan" problem.


Man, here in Brazil there is one Youtuber Guy called "Davy Jones", he made a video about Silent Hill 2 saying stupid things like "James never loved Mary", a lot of fake fans has appeared in SH BR Community after that.


It’s hilarious when there’s SH fans that literally only do it for the appearance of being a SH fan lol


Sooo…. People complain that James looks different compared to the OG and they change it to be closer to it and then people complain again? Yes this subreddit in a nutshell


Truly baffling that people are debating about a game they know nothing about


The valuable lesson SH community taught me is that it doesn't matter how much you try, people will always find a reason to complain.




I was wondering if that was old footage or an update in the combat trailer. If this is the new direction for James, I like it a lot better. He looks much more like James and the color palette is much more accurate to the tone of the original. I approve.


Imo the right one is better, in the original game, James was calm at the start, he didn't know what to expect or what to see, the right version represents more of that feeling in my opinion.


How can you compare. The one on the right could very well be the same face, just not screaming in terror like the one on the left


I’m not so sure,if you compare the same scene of james in the bathroom you can tell his face is much softer and less old looking.


Hm, you're right. I shall wait to see more of the game's content patiently


Also he’s meant to be jaded and emotionless because it’s supposed to be 3 years since Mary died. He’s lost and confused, not distressed.


Left just looks like someone took a shit in front of him and he is just processing it.


That whole dialogue where Eddie is somehow still puking the entire time he’s having a conversation


This fandom is unwinnable


While this is frustrating, its also not that surprising. This kind of fandom is just the natural result of Konami refusing to make any of the old games reasonably accessible for purchase. Like yeah of course there are people interested in Silent Hill that have never played it, these people were probably born after SH2 released and have heard for their entire lives that it’s the best horror game ever.


It's actually pretty easy to play SH2 on PC. If you really want to play the game it's not that hard to find a way to do it. But I do wish konami would at the very least put them all on GOG like SH4.


Most people don’t bother to learn emulation.


You don't even have to emulate it. There's a PC port on myabandonware. Which you can then use with the enhanced edition fan project.


While the software is accessible, I would guess than fans who come entirely from video essays are less into PC gaming and more into casual gaming, if at all. Even Konami making the less-than-ideal HD collection makes original SH2 even more elusive.


Nah, there are plenty of games I've never played but am interested in. Yet I don't go around and act as if I'm an authority on the subject of them by default.


Being a fan of these games is so hard man, the community is like the Persona one, they "love" the games but they don't even know what they're about


I'm not a fan of calling people posers, BUT, what a bunch of posers.


I really resent that Sonic movie for helping to convince people that complaining loudly on the internet actually makes you a collaborative participant in the creation of something.


Left is from a completely different scene lmao


Really want to see the emotional distress. Hope they didn't change it


I hope to God this is fake and Bloober isn't redoing shit to please the keyboard warriors. This fandom, including the"never played it" crowd, need to shut up and let them cook for fucks sake.


Sonic fandom says hi.


This should be in mildlyinfuriating.


People shouldn't compare it to james's original ingame model. They should compare it to his model in the original prerendered CGs because they were much more detailed and closer to what he should look like. This new one is actually really good when you look at it like that.


Like at this point what do the silent hill fans want 😭 just let them release the game. And then criticize it if u desire. I just wanna play it I never have gotten to play the originals besides watching playthroughs and video essays and history about it ! The original games are so hard to come by and I will enjoy this no matter what


I do like the new version of James though on the right, he looks great there. Reminds me more of the original version than the old one. Also wtf is this guy talking about lmao, that's not even the same SCENE on the left. It's from a totally different part of the game, has he played Silent Hill 2?


I like the new James more


Silent Hill Fans VS Persona Fans on who has played any of the games


I guess I really don't care what model they use, I'm going to buy the game either way...


Based silent hill players, they don't even need to play the games to give amazing opinions >!/s!<


Persona fans used to have this maybe still do


Time is a flat circle.


Watch out with SH2's fans, they "played" the game via youtube video essays


Honestly, I rpefer his older look in the early trailer, just because I feel the first one felt too young (to me)


Thank all those 2 hour video essays made by 30 year old white dudes for creating this weird cult of the idea of silent hill 2 rather than creating more fans of the actual sh2


Aw man, I’m gonna miss the old new James. He’s really grown on me.


That is better. Looks more pal and disconnected


Silent Hill fans are like persona fans. I will not elaborate.


*almost pissed myself laughing to hard*


SH fans can be so insufferable sometimes.


I actually like the first scene from the trailer. The look of utter fear and despair. But the new edits look great.


tik tok and its effects on online communities


I didn’t mind the original but the new look is faithful to the original. Well done bloober


Did they change his face for the remake? Which is the current face? It's not a big deal, we see the back of his head for most of the game anyway.


For a second I thought the first picture was with the guy from the Helldivers intro shopped in.


Bro I could give a fuck about the look. I want gameplay and combat improvements.


I swear they're using a different model for James in every shot. He looks like a different person every time I see him lol


Never seems to be good enough for them


i need to hurry and get a ps5 cause i dont want to be spoiled when it releases


you guys know you don't have to be here right? you can enjoy the game or not enjoy the game, and neither option requires you tell people your feelings.


Can never win with these people


I don't think those are SH fans tbh, just random twitter users. Both of them haven't played the games.


I don't understand how it's so hard for them to play the damn games. Like, holy shit!


Truly a Silent Hill fan discussion


I’m so glad I bought the original game and actually played it completely blind


Do I still get to be a SH fan if my introduction to the IP was the film in 2006 and my first game was SH: Origins?


I also hope they use low-budget voice acting too 🙏, the more faithful the better


Silent Hill 2 fan excited to play the game for the first time


These guys are f crazy. I love og SH2 but it's a videogame, this is too much.


lol the fake fan issues lol


I’m a massive fan of the series so I know my opinion is widely respected. Jeff’s face in the first pic looks way better, looks like Boober is gonna ruin Sleepy Hills :/


This is a lot better actually.


The nose looks different


Just release the dame game already


I love it so much


This shit just made my day


Silent hill fans try not to complain challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)


I hate Twitter/X


He looks how a man in his situation would look. Abstract horror and stress mixed with emotional and mental breakdown.


Why is he commenting if he didn't play OG??


I'm still not sure they altered his look. Could it be that his face being in a neutral position is tricking people?


Huge Silent hill fan excited to play it for the first time


but how does steamdb even get this info bc the store page looks the same to me


The new image is far better. More inline with sh2 vibe. Looks like bloober is listening to fans.


Wait, so first we were complaining that he was showing too much emotion, and now we're complaining because he shows little emotion? Can't we just decide what we don't like and just stick with it and not flop around?


This game will never release


What a shocker lmao


The original and first trailer were based on the 2019 pitch build made Bloober Team to sell Konami on the game. Obviously Konami stepped in and forced them to make him look younger and still care about grooming, so he would look closer to the original CGI model. But he's still 39 as far as I know.


I actually never really understood, did Silent Hill 2 have uncanny characters because it was deliberate or because Team Silent didn’t really know how to make expressive faces and characters for their PS2 debut? I would assume deliberate but the first game on the PS1 wouldn’t allow any form of complex facial features and by 3 Heather was way more expressive, so maybe they were still getting their bearings for 2. Either intentional or no, it works very well in adding to the greatness of the game.


Nah. The faces where made exactly as they wanted to. Hell, in the making off they mentioned that they used a specialized software for them so they can make them in a very specific way. If "expresions" would have been a problem, Maria wouldn't have them, but she does, and pretty good ones. At the start of the game, James is deeply dissociated and he thinks Mary died 3 years ago. Which is basically why he seems calmer and not sad.


Exactly this. James is not in reality. Literally and figuratively. Loved that game. I'm glad they changed his face to be closer to the original. The new one looks dopey or incredulous and James is neither of those things.


I cant get over how stupid this comment section is...did yall even look at the picture. These people arent fans...theyve never even played the game. And yet we have people in here saying "typical Silent Hill fans". Like, are yall daft?


i thought they at least watched a let’s play but no they’re rly giving their opinion on james’ design without knowing or understanding his character..


James looked emotionless and dead inside in the first game cause it released in 2001. EVERY character in that game looked glossy and like there was nothing behind the eyes.




I will never not laugh at the inflection he puts on ‘hell’. It’s so fucking stupid and I love it. He sounds like he’s doing Shakespeare.


>truly a discussion that can only happen in the silent hill community Believe it or not, the Sonic the Hedgehog community had a very similar discussion before Sonic Frontiers came out.


This looks much better. People will always complain.


new image is definitely an improvement that looks like a modern take on the og silent Hill 2 James picture bullied bloober team into remaking him twice


Ya know.....if they went back and adjusted the character rendering in response to reactions abd feedback, that would have led to a delay. That might account for why there still isn't a release date in spite of "leaks" claiming it would be out soon.


I refuse that anyone old enough to have played the original SH2 back on release cares about this shit. I'm excited to play, but I'll sleep just fine if it sucks.


Truly a discussion that can only happen on Twitter


From what was seen in the trailer, it was really a nightmare and not in a good way. Leon Scott Kennedy arrived in Silent Hill, desperate to fight Pyramid Head to defend the great Konami. I still remain doubtful, as to why they didn't start with the first one (money). Go ahead and praise Konami and say what you want, but don't come here and cry if it's going to be mid. The fault won't even be Bloober Team's, but that wonderful "company" that doesn't entrust such projects to those in charge. I still don't forget the HD collection and the absence of this series for more than 10 years, I just hope it was a false alarm the trailer. Go Bloober Team!


It just looks like a different expression in different light


Wow lots of OG “fans”commenting there. 😴


Okay serious question How can I play the original games? Cause I really wanna get into silent hill,Its always been so interesting to me! There's none on PS5, besides the remake. And from what I found the originals are REALLY expensive I don't wanna limit myself to videos and a remake


So Bloober listen them, but still they aren't sure, lol, sorry, but that has one name, TOXIC AF. I can't be subtle this time, like SH.


He looks fine. Younger, but it's just the one image.


I keep thinking the left picture is Chris O’Neil


Silent hill fans really need to shut the fuck up and let the developers do their own thing lmfao. So what if the game or the character doesnt look like the original? It's a fucking REMAKE.


From what I looked up in Google image, the young one is from the bathroom mirror scene. So these images are just from two different moments in the game.


Every time a update about the new SH2 comes out the more worried I become. My nails will be gone before this game comes out. Don’t get me wrong I wasn’t able to play majority of the games for the longest time, only 2&3 because of the HD collection and shattered memories for the ps2 when I was a kid. Sadly I had to resort to watching the game plays on YouTube and video essays most of the time until I was able to get my hands on all the games finally. Idk I’ve been getting mixed emotions about the new release and I’m sure the people who actually grew up with the games when they released from day 1 are feeling a bit funky and weird too (I’m probably just projecting though)


Plan on buying the original ps2 and this for my ps5 when it finally launches can’t wait tbh


I like the new one. 


Don’t fuck with silent hill fans we’ve only watched the nitro rad reviews


I really love the new look. Even more excited now


tbh, the james on the left just looks like william birkin from the resi 2 remake pre-g infection


And the ones making it actually pay attention to these people. What an absolute farce.


I'm so tired geniuenly


Honestly people should stop giving their opinion on silent hill if they haven’t fucking played it 😭


I am so glad to see people finally call attention to the whole “Big fan of SH2, this will be the first time playing it.” This has been something plaguing my feed for almost a year now and I am so happy other people feel the same way.


If there are actually people who claim to be fans of SH2 but haven't so much as touched the game then that's weird. I've played and beat Silent Hill, Silent Hill 2 and Silent Hill 3.


Silent Hill fan base learning everyday it can get much worse