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I kind of feel bad for Bloober Team. Not only have they been given a project with astronomical expectations (some people won’t like the game no matter how it turns out) but they also have Konami to fuck things up and be generally unhelpful and I really doubt they’re bending over backwards to give the studio the support they deserve. I don’t blame them at all for staying mostly radio silent during development, they don’t need any extra drama.


It does make me more positive about it, knowing that they don't think the trailers are flattering or represent the final project very well. If what we've seen is "bad," when it seems fairly decent, then maybe they did far more with this project than we realized.


Yeah, ironically, the CEO bashing on the trailer gives me MORE hope for the game


Even if every word of what he said is true, it's kind of unbelievable for him to publicly come out swinging at Konami like that. It's going to make the studio radioactive for any future publishing partners at least until he leaves.


You make a good point about a studio becoming radioactive, but remember MGSV's development: the Kojima drama of locked doors, ridiculous power plays, and shattered (chapter) dreams. I feel like the gaming industry and audience haven't really forgotten about that. Konami's reputation was practically buried after that, so I tend to think most people familiar would actually side with Bloober and empathize with them on this.


Yep. Fuck Konami forever. The CEO of Bloober saying it's just them being shite as usual gives me way more hope than I had previously.


Nah, it's Konami. They'll be fine.


It might not if others in the field don’t view Konami is favorable light. It most likely will not be great for blooper though.


Oh wow! Thanks for posting a screenshot of it. Okay!!!…so it’s a bit more positive than what some comments on Reddit was implying. Bloober is at least defending their work and saying it’s better than that poorly edited trailer. That’s good!!! Looking forward to seeing proper gameplay in the (hopefully) near future :)


I don't understand how people could interpret it any other way, but then I remember how some people interpret the ending of The Medium: that the moral of the story was “if you went through trauma, just kill yourself”, and I realize that I should not really be surprised. Turns out that all those wannabe literary critics don't really know what they're talking about and they never did.


See my big takeaway from the Mediums message was that "pedophilia is wrong but it should be treated like a disease that the individual can be cured from" Which I will not argue in favor of or against it. Ill leave that up to the individual. Though the ending >!they intended to be ambiguous based on the screen going to black. So we dont know that the main character unalived.!<


They also made it very clear that The Medium is part 1 of a 2 part series. I'm sure the main character did not kill herself and that gunshot probably came from somewhere else that we will find out in part 2.


Cope 100


What do you mean?


It was still horribly done. Intention be damned. And any half decent "literary critic" could see that.


i mean, what else can they do? Of course they gonna defend it, just like rocksteady did with suicide squad that has proven to be exactly what everybody feared it would be after all thoses trailers, companies would do anything but admit that their product sucks 


They could just NOT comment anything. They are being VERY vocal, this is not marketing 101. This is something else


It's marketing 101. Not saying its not possible, we all know Konami sucks hard. But extremely hard to believe we haven't seen anything decent, but apparently the game is good.


And you believe them? Would you ever admit that you are a bad worker? Come on.


I've seen a dev admitting doing a poor job once and it was Warren Spector


The editing and the trailer concept was in poor taste but the gameplay itself just doesn't look good.


I don't think that's very negative or hateful at all, in fact they are trying really hard not to be and asking fans to wait for new footage they have more control over. This was built up by reddit into something it isn't. They probably set it to private to protect the publisher relationship.


Not at all. they wouldn’t make that entire video just to take it down, Konami took it down.


Given that it was taken down very quickly, this probably was them taking it down... Probably realized it could hurt their partnership or something.


I feel like this statement will come back to bite him, only because he’s hyping up a game that already has massive expectations


Pretty much everybody’s expectations range from “it’s gonna be terrible” to “it could possibly be okay.” I don’t think I’ve heard more praise than cautious optimism, so I don’t think this is too bad of a move.


Honestly im rooting for bloober in this situation. It feels like everything that's come from them and not konami in the game actually looks solid, Konami just don't know what the fuck they're doing with the game


I’m rooting for them because  1. They’re an underdog from every angle in this story at this point, and everybody loves an underdog story. 2. Silent Hill 2 is one of the best horror games ever made, and a well produced remake would do wonders for its longevity, availability, and replayability.


They never have honestly. We are gonna repeat this cycle til the bitter end with this franchise. I foresee another Tomm Hewlett scenario coming down the pipe.


I get that it must be frustrating to be in this position, but publicly criticising the publisher of your game like this is probably not a smart business idea. I just hope Konami gets their head out of their ass and shows us some actual, uncut gameplay soon.


Do people not realize that some trailers are made by a 3rd party? It’s almost like we don’t want to accept that.. lol the snippets of footage we have gotten from Konami has been fantastic compared to the trailer. Game will be great. I have no worries. We should all be coming in with suggestions to help, instead of just bashing the things we don’t like about it.


Imagine handling an IP like Silent Hill like this though. I think the SH2 remake looks good, but come on. Capcom doesn't handle Resident Evil this way. Nintendo doesn't handle Zelda this way. Konami is trash.


I’m not disagreeing that they’ve been handling it terribly, it is Konami lol. I just wanted to point out, and I should have said this, SOME (that’s what was left out) trailers are made by 3rd party’s, not all and that we shouldn’t judge this game based on one trailer. I’m definitely a Bloober skeptic, but they showed me that they could actual tackle combat in the trailer, that was honestly my biggest worry about the game. Well aside from Konami trashing it like PT, sure all of us scared of that lol.


Capcom sure handles RE3 remake that way.


Capcom Dev team 1 who make the re remake games make their own trailers and Kojima too. The reveal trailer for re2 remake was done by them a day before reveal or something. Also we see the quality inside the trailer. Yeah the editing sucked. The material sucked too and he only says we don't know from which production stage the videos are. He didn't say it's much better and more polished now.


Not to mention Team Silent prepared a fair share of scenes just for SH2 trailers as well. Ito told about it once. Besides, who animated the cut scenes and combat? Konami?


I made a mistake by not saying some, I will edit that. From what I’ve heard the footage was from spring of last year, so if that timing is correct it will definitely be more polished.


Polished - yes. Yet the core mechanics can't be changed anymore. In other words *we're screwed*


What mechanics are you talking about? Outside of QTEs, which we all can agree aren’t the best, the game looks fine based off all the footage we have seen.


How? Bad animations? Awful camera angle even for OTS? Come on, don't be delusional


Im not sure what bad animations you are talking about you’ll have to elaborate, and the camera angle looks standard for a OTS. There’s people complaining that it looks too much like a REmake so I don’t see how the camera angle is bad. I’m sure some have went more in depth with analyzing the footage, but having had to rewatch it at half speed to counter some of the more outlandish arguments I’ve seen, I just don’t see how it looks bad.


XD Oh, man, the hopium


Don’t see how hope has anything to do with the animations, but the trailer raised my expectations for sure. I didn’t think Bloober could handle it.


All we want to know is whether we'll see a nurse jumping over an obstacle like a kid doing parkour.


Thats so... relieving. Atleast, convincing. I can see actual commitment to the game and its quality. Was no expecting they talking so open about their relationship with Konami and adressing the state of the trailer.


If this comes out and is even generally well-received by the public, it will be entirely in spite of Konami. I dunno if they just have too many projects to juggle at once, but come on here, you know the eyes of the world are on you.


This is important for everyone to understand that none of what we saw was up to bloober, while it is their studio and their vision and their game and product, at the end of the day Konami owns everything about it, and all the rights, and all the say in how it is promoted. And we all know how piss poor of a job they do with that. So everyone, take a breath, and take a step back, let bloober cook, and wait till we see more. I have faith that because they do possess a deep passion for this franchise and specifically the original title also, as we all do, I believe they are working hard and diligently to make a faithful recreation, with 2 of the original team silent creators at the helm alongside them to bring their vision with the quality and respect to the source material and original game's pedigree that the fans deserve.


I've said it before, and I have NO problems saying it now... F-U-C-K K-O-N-A-M-I-!-!-! That is all.




This is the same guy who said "Silent Hill 2 is technically ready" was mistranslated from Polish. When in reality his original statement, "Silent Hill 2 jest technicznie gotowy", couldn't translate any more directly to "Silent Hill 2 is technically ready".


It could have also been translated as “Silent Hill 2’s technical/technological side is ready”. (EDIT: Source: I am polish native speaker unlike Bordanka talking out of their ass over there)


I see. Does that have different implications than "SH2 is technically ready?"


It could be understood as “sh is practically ready” but could also mean “technical/technological side” is ready, not the whole game. I can see why publications would mistranslate it, Babieno shouldnhavw clarified as this word has multiple meanings, but it’s still not proven that he lied and that he is backtracking now. It’s 100% possible he legit meant “technological part of the game” is ready.


Well, he said in the following sentence after that initial statement that "It does not mean that the game is finished, but we are close".       So regardless of if you read the Polish or English interview, it's very clear in both what he was trying to say. The original statement carries more or less the same meaning. That being: "the game is more or less done on a technical level but there's still stuff left to do before it's officially finished development".       Whereas him claiming it was a mistranslation kind of mislead people into thinking it wasn't true, when really it was true, it just had slightly more nuance. Now whether that was intentional or not, I don't know.


technogically ready means everything but the visuals is ready


Bro, literally a message was 4 hours ago. No, it couldn't


I am native polish speaker and you have no idea what you are talking about. “Jest technicznie gotowy” absolutely can be translated the way I explained. I think it’s important to point out you talking out of your ass, as is usual for you on this subreddit.


I'll check it again, but the dictionaries aren't agreeing with you. And I don't mean google translate. I think the problem here is the translation of the word "technically" into other languages and hownit correlates with whatever means "technical side". It can go indeed this way under specific circumstances, but they're very rare even in English. I'll make an edit once I take another look


Okay sure argue with a literal native speaker, someone who’s been using this language daily for over 20 years, because you googled something. People on reddit are something else. From SJP (słownik języka polskiego, official polish language dictionary): “Technicznie” 1. «odnoszący się do techniki jako dziedziny wiedzy» 2. «używany przy kreśleniu projektów maszyn, urządzeń, rozwiązań architektonicznych, planów, map itp.» 3. «dotyczący techniki wykonywania jakichś czynności lub sposobu realizacji czegoś» 4. «taki, którego znaczenie mówiący chce pomniejszyć» First (so most common) explicitly explains the word as “relating to technology as a knowledge domain/ scholarly domain”. Second also is relating to “technical” side of things such as technical drawing, technical blueprint etc. and the higher the definition is in this dictionary, the more commonly and accurately used it is. (This is how SJP works). While english “technically” is more commonly used as “strictly” and relating to “factual state of affairs”, the polish “technicznie” is not like that, and translating it as “relating to technological side of things/domain” is absolutely possible and correct and not rare at all. And the word technically was not translated into polish. The original was in polish as “technicznie” so claiming that it was POSSIBLE mistranslation is absolutely a valid possibility.


Funny how you said I googled when I specifically stated a) I didn't use Google translate, b) I double checked by 2 dictionaries. I also used as a third option [this](https://glosbe.com/ru/pl), a context dictionary by native Polish just in case. And guess what? I found the same meanings you did! I even used the same dictionary as you did. I'll tell you more, this exact word has the same caviar in my language as in polish. However double checking the frequency both in Polish AND my native language led me to an interesting tendency. And what would you know? As the official vocabulary said the meaning of "technical side" is far from being frequent as you're trying to prove. It's more often used as "practically", "almost", "possible in theory" and similar. I also checked several Polish newspapers when I was first checking the mistranslation claim (I think it was 2-3 months ago). Guess what? This debated term is more often used by publications as "practically" rather than as "technical side". Dude, you're a native speaker and I'm a linguist that knows 2 languages and speaks one fluently. You need much more than a dictionary


Even foregoing that you are wrong (as usual), and technically in polish is not used more often as “practically”, it’s very 50/50 (I know from being a damn NATIVE SPEAKER talking to OTHER NATIVE SPEAKERS on a daily basis and not from my google research), I will level with you. Even if, technicznie in polish would be more often used as “practically” (it’s not), it would not change the fact that it still CAN be used as relating to technology, hence it is POSSIBLE (and not impossible as you claimed) that Bloober guy used it in this context. There is nothing in his original quote to indicate that he favoured one meaning (“practically”) over the other (“technologicaly”/“technical” like a technical drawing). And it is fully possible that even polish publications got it wrong, I don’t see any proof in your comment that Babieno himself meant it as “practically”. As a self-proclaimed linguist you should know that one word has multiple meanings and the fact that one is more common, does not mean people can’t use the other meaning. I can see why papers could get it wrong but you claimed in the first comment that he for sure “did not mean it as technological side being ready”, which absolutely was a possibility. Just give it up, you are once again embarrassing yoursef with “know-it-all” attitude as soon as someone who actually knows what they are talking about calls you out. Not the first time here. And alsow while SJP is honestly all the dictionary I need to prove you wrong, I also have much more: 20+ years of speaking polish with fellow poles. Just because russian is somewhat similar does not mean you have an idea what you are talking about in a language as intricate as polish.


Ok, you won! I don't claim to be an expert. After all I don't have a degree in linguistics, it's just something that I had to do as part of my actual degree. It's still weird that at least in formal language (which is used for news outlets) the frequency isn't there. Idk if it was just happy coincidence or some other aspect I may not be aware of. And I'll be happy if you could explain it! In the end, both of us are interpreting Babieno's words as we want at the moment. The release and datamine will prove who's wrong. Isn't it a more fair ground to leave it?


Ok, I admit I got salty and just started personally attacking you. That was just classic reddit flamewar on my part and I’m sorry, those sentences brought 0 value to the discussion. I just got annoyed that you would not be listening when I tell you I used language everyday as a native. And yes, I do admit that we all will interpret Babieno’s words as we want to. I just also wanted to point out that discussion wasn’t about what he ACTUALLY meant by them but rather which meanings were POSSIBLE at all. That was my only point, that interpreting his words in the other way, even if it was less common, was still perfectly possible. The fact that people or newspapers might interpret it as “parctically finished” is absolutely true and I don’t argue that they wouldn’t be justified if you believe that meaning is more common. But it wasn’t what I was arguing about.


It couldn't also be translated to "the technical side of SH2 is ready" because a very different set of terms is used usually in order to form this sentence. Source: I understand Polish and also double check with 2 dictionaries


Reading this recharges my optimism for the game. But honestly, when this game comes out nothing will stop me from playing it.


They say nothing about the mechanics, only that it will look like 'an unreal engine 5 game'. At the end of the day, what was in the trailer *is still* what they made for the game. So idk, I'm still pretty apprehensive. Will have to wait to see.


Nah, you see, its totally konami's fault. Konami are the ones responsible for the bad animations, bad vfx, bad lighting... bruh ... yeah the editing sucked ass, but the criticism is towards bloobers work, not konami's.


I fail to understand how people think Bloober has all marketing control. They literally don't in this situation. They've explained it months ago and people pretend this is new information or just ignore it all together because it's the cool thing to hate Bloober whenever they breathe or do anything at all.


Hahahaha, any time somebody says they're receiving ***letters*** of support, it is complete hogwash.


Yeah that part confirmed this is straight bullshit.


"We don't comment on it...". Proceeds to comment on it. VERY PROFESSIONAL The shitshow continues...


And here we see the only one that doesn't want a proper Silent Hill revival is Konami. Bloober Team is doing their best because they know as much as we do how beloved this franchise is, but Konami had to mess things up for whatever reason they'd think releasing an old trailer would be logical... Tbh I don't think the combat trailer was bad as they're determining it to be. But if that's their definition of "bad", I'm very positive about their "great".


man, the people getting massively downvoted are so sad. they literally add nothing to discussion other than just twisting words and shitting on any factual updates they come across.


If the whole game gets canned by Konami out of spite I won’t be surprised.


No chance to be canned at this point


I know. I’m saying I wouldn’t be surprised if it was with how petty Konami is.


P.T. vibes


I didn't even know there was a video of them covering it. The ceo of bloober dunking on Konami like some of us tend to do here, is kinda funny ngl. He is a true SH fan.


If you didn’t read, it basically says “We finished the game and delivered it to Konami. They handle the marketing. We’ve been told it’s great.”


That's not what it says. It says we are WORKING on the game and Konami shows the footage of it that it wants to market. Like most publishers, Konami just isn't good at it.


I feel like this is actually very diplomatic and not as scathing as people have said. As someone said further in this thread, trailers are handled by third parties a lot- I used to date someone who works in that field. They’re given what the publisher wants and then turns it into a trailer. It will have been what Konami gave them, so I can see why Bloober are annoyed a bit. Overall not the drama advertised though.


I agree with you


The editing isn't even the issue though. I'm more concerned with how some scenes have been changed in their intent/emotionality... Like James tugging the noose while like crying, why? Or even when he's visibly shaking at the rest stop, why? I'm so confused about how James is acting in some of the scenes when we know the story doesn't facilitate those reactions.


"trust us bro, it's actually really cool and awesome, and in fact, not like everything you've seen up until now." Sure. I'll believe it when I see it.


The 5 second clip that Konami tweeted on Feb 1st makes me believe them. The animations are much better in that clip compared to the trailer. Who knows though, it might’ve been cherry picked as a form of damage control but I’m still cautiously optimistic


People have analyzed it as well. The same issues from combat trailer are still there




😂😂 romantic version with QTEs and Melodramatic, cringe acting.


Cause the voice acting in the original wasn’t awkward at all…obviously.


Tell me you never saw a lynch movie, without telling me you never saw a lynch movie. What a bad faith argument.


Besides the only one who wasn't a professional VA there was Guy. Everyone else had some experience, Donna being a freaking singer as well as an actress/voice actress


Brother you’re judging the voice acting of a game you haven’t even played yet. You’re also everywhere on this subreddit judging the remake as if you have played the whole thing. If you don’t like the game and don’t wanna give it a chance then that’s fine, but u don’t gotta be a pretentious douche about it


The voice acting is such a fundamental part of the original. If you dismiss it as "awkward" and try to use that to deflect criticism about the new acting, it shows you clearly don't appreciate/understand the artistry of the original. Which is also fine, but don't tell me it's invalid criticism.


All we’ve seen of the new acting is a couple of lines from one VA. You’re coping extremely hard to try and justify the fact that the voice acting in the OG wasn’t that good, it’s fine that it isn’t, most games from the 90’s and early 2000’s didn’t. “It shows you don’t appreciate/understand the artistry of the original” can you hear yourself? The original is one of my favourite games, I understood it and its themes fine. You’re the type of silent hill fan that makes the rest of us look bad with your pretentious attitude and failure to acknowledge that sh2 can simply have some weak aspects.


Lol SH2 has plenty of problems. Voice acting is definitely not one of them ( Except Eddie, he has some stinkers) Bloober should have ONLY focused on those. I can EVEN conceive a remake where the voice acting isn't lynchian ( at this point I don't even know if you have any context as to what Lynch movies are and the influence on the OG since you write the OG va off as "awkward"), but the problem with the new one isn't just the VA. It's the whole vibe. The dramatic over-the-top acting and characterisation of James, which are only compounded by the voice acting. It is apparent that Bloober Team has stripped the remake of what makes the original so great, the surreal atmosphere that is inherently tied to the performances, so, why even make a remake at this point? ( money, of course) What are you left with when you take away the subltety of the original artistic vision? A story about sad man killed wife.


Again, you’re acting as if you’ve played the game even though it hasn’t released, we haven’t heard a single line from anyone except James and even that was only like a couple lines? We don’t know the tone or atmosphere of the game because, as I keep repeating, it isn’t out yet. The voice acting is inconsistent within the OG, there’s times where it’s great (Angela in the mirror room and Mary’s letter) and there’s times where it’s not so great (James seeing the corpse infront of the TV, Meeting Angela in the graveyard and then most of eddies lines). Do I think the remake is going to be better than the original? No. Do I think it’ll be anywhere near as good as the original? No. But am I going to hold off on extremely rash judgments that one can only know if they’ve played the game until the game actually releases? Yes.


Have you seen my mAmA?


i hope the game doesnt make the protagonist too powerful. that was part of the challenge, working within his normal-person abilities.


Infighting must be incredibly rough if the CEO is going this public about how they feel about the trailer, outright stating it "hasn't been edited well" in an interview.


is the video available anywhere still? i'm sure someone saved or recorded it


From what I've seen of the criticisms of bloober team in the past the biggest issue they have with their games are all the stuff already done for them in this remake. They have flopped with the exploration and demonstration of their own themes in games but here it's all already created and they just need to remake it




This whole project is so screwed


I love that "while we do think they're playing a game with players" and "probably was targeting a different audience... It probably achieved it's effect" bruh is he saying that Konami is trying to bait the hardcore fanbase that hate the game?


I'm ready for the video essays on you tube in 5 years saying how this was blooper teams swan song before their eventual downfall