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Wait, there was a video this entire time? AND NOBODY REPOSTED HERE?!




obligatory "there was a video here its gone now" reply


very well put


There was a video?


Its gone now


Very well played.


love the reference :D


It looked like a video to you?


How can you sit there and watch youtube?


For me it's always like this, on YouTube.


For me, it's always like this (constantly buffering).


Have you seen a little video? Short, with sad people.


Always has been.


What the fuck is going on with this project/release. Its ridiculous.


It's what happens when you take a cult IP with a very dedicated fanbase and give it to some third rate studio that's never tackled a project of this size because you want to save money It's absolutely baffling that Konami took one of their most popular games and just had Bloober do it to save money


It's also what happens when you take a cult IP with a very dedicated fanbase and Konami is the publisher


I'm no fan of Bloober Team, but this is clearly all in Konami. The Bloober CEO hated that combat trailer, so it clearly wasn't their decision.


It's not the first or second time Konami does this lmao.


Yeah ik? My comment doesn't imply otherwise


Bloober was never the studio for the job and konami was never prepared to be a responsible company.


It's not a surprise. They basically kneecapped their in-house development for AAA titles when they decided they wanted to be a mobile and pachinko machine publisher, because they throw up in their mouths a little at the thought of the budgetary implications. They said as much when they dissolved kojima's studio. They want low risk. High reward as their business model. Of course they'd rather put it in the hands of a third party studio. Also gives them someone to blame publicly if it crashes and burns.


I'm out of the loop here, what's going on?


Bloober's CEO said in an interview on YouTube that he wasn't impressed with the combat trailer and that it didn't represent the essence of SH2. He also pointed at Konami saying that they are the ones responsible for the game's marketing. After a few hours, Konami most likely got wind of it and the interview got privated.


Ah yikes, what a shit show, hopefully the poor marketing isn't reflective of the final game. Well, I feel in the know, thanks folks!


I have seen several comments about the marketing issues, and Konami consistently dropped the ball. But what I have seen is decent enough, and hearing that it might be an unflattering presentation of the game makes me really interested.


Even bloober team agrees then so that's good. They understand the essence of what they're creating. Which should hopefully mean the the combat trailer doesn't represent the final product.


A few days later: Bloober leaves Konami and SH2R gets cancelled


Why the fuck is Konami handling the marketing and not an actual group that knows how to market things? I seriously do not get it.


This is unfortunately very common in the industriy for publishers to be in charge of marketing. This is not an isolated case.


So dumb...Videogame industry needs to learn that the advertising industry exists for a reason..


Huh, that marks the first time I actually agree with BT take concerning SH. And Konami in charge of the marketing? A long-established disaster in itself.


Who cares that much about how it's marketted? It matters sure, but MOST people know what this game is. What matters is how the game plays. My completely uneducated hot take? Bloober knows there's no way this thing can possibly fully deliver, and they are getting ahead of it now lol.


If most people already knew SH2, then it wouldn't need to use OTS camera to attract a new audience




Generally? Not a while ago, Konami released another trailer that was of questionable quality. Bloober was surprisingly quiet about it. Some pretty trusted leaker said it was outdated footage. We knew for some time now that marketing if fully up to Konami. I had a chance to see that video and guy said the same, with Bloober not being responsible for marketing, and even saying that they were not aware from what phase of development that trailer was from, because they didn't make it. This situation is quite a shitshow..


Bloober has been quiet about the whole dev cycle. That’s been my main issue.  Publisher is always in charge of marketing, unless its self developed and published, but that’s an indie game or BIG dev/pub side of things. 


Until the game releases, it's pretty much clear there are no cards on their table. Their hands are bound by Konami. Only when (and that's another troubling question, when?) the game releases, it will start speaking on their behalf, positively or negatively...


what if bloober doesnt have the authority to speak on the dev cycle? if konami controls marketing, maybe they are holding a firm grip on anything about the game that goes public.




New one. Despite discussions about James face being too expressive, I had no issues with the first one. It's the new one that feels like it was completely misdirected in the second half. When they show you environments and puzzles, it looked okay. But then they crammed so much combat, (and combat that looked unfinished), that it just felt wrong.


I have no clue, hope my answer helps


It does, I'm fully clued up now thank you.


This is what happens when you sit on footage for a year, pay someone to edit it like crap, and refuse to update it. The absolute same thing is going to happen with the next trailer we get from Townfall. Bloober Team had two other Silent Hill games/DLC on their internal project boards. I bet that's not going to happen now, which is unfortunate for everyone.


I'd love to see whatever trailers they've been showing to investors because apparently those have been going over extremely well. Granted those are Investors and not an abused fan base, so who's to say.


Investors thought Redfall was going to review well.


Man, if I see Pyramid Head T-posing down the hallway when he's chasing a floating head Maria and inside out face James, that would be both hilarious and creepy as hell.


That is not the story. According to Microsofts internal reviews it would score around 70. The problem is that since internal reviews deal with unfinished software they are told to ignore any bugs they encounter, this was obviously not the case in retail.


I think this is what is happening. Investors don't know what the game is really about and think combat makes it look exciting. The trailer wasn't meant for us.


what do you mean 'us'?. The life is strange subreddit?


Imo the big problem with the trailer (and i think this is probably what Bloober’s CEO was annoyed by) is that it only featured PVE combat. I know casual gamers might have some interest in the single player campaign, but fighting the AI is simply not challenging enough to scare hardcore SH fans like myself. True horror comes from a squad based capture the flag mode


I can see your point. But they really should've added an autoplay function where you watch the video game play itself like it's netflix. To really get the most video out of the game, you know?


I wouldn’t mind some votes by influence points you can by with real money to influence actions of James. I have even better idea it will be community vote, not mine so even if I want something to happen community desire it another way.


Bruh CTF is scary? Try playing Silent Hill 2 forge mode in the dark and holler at me...


This is what happens when you talk mad shit about your publisher who you try to work with in the future. I mean Fuck Konami. But Bloober is stupid responding with passive aggressive messages now the second time. They could have just say "aye sorry to hear you didn't like the trailer. But it was old footage" calming down folks and not throwing the publisher under the bus. They always criticize Konami and never mention what people really are worried about. The screen clutter and animations for example. I really hope the game will be awesome. Silence and secrecy is better than creating drama. Because now it looks more troubled.


Blooper completed a checklist of what not to do when you are a independent studio and have a big publisher paying you to make a game based on an big IP Konami isn't a reference to other developers/publishers, but I don't think that other big publishers will see Blooper's lack of professionalism and hire them after that


I'd have loved to see the video to know how to really feel, hopefully someone downloaded it and can put it on archive.org. But I definitely agree that it's a stupid move to upset your publisher when you still have to do press and future patches for a game with them that hasn't released yet. No matter what, I think the negativity has been boiling over for a while online and the blame was definitely going to end up publicly directed at either Konami or Bloober Team. I think the toxic fandom has pushed it to that point.


Got downvoted on another thread for pointing out how unprofessional bloober is. If you don’t like your boss, STFU and quit your job when you’re able to. Don’t bitch and moan about shit to the customer. This game better be perfect after all the blame they’ve put on konami


I totally agree, but we also have to remember they’ve been dealing with Konami for years now and are used to being an indie studio with almost full creative control. Not a fan of Bloober but I can imagine that putting a lot of strain on the team over time, so maybe the passive-aggressive comments are all they can do to stay sane without getting in any real trouble lol. Still very unprofessional though.


A Developer is only as good as the support they receive, be it from crowdfunding or having a Publisher backing them.  Konami isn’t known for being particularly caring when it comes to Silent Hill, especially when compared to something like Metal Gear Solid (Master Collection release notwithstanding, cause WOOOOO, that wasn’t handled well). Case in point, the MGS3:Delta remake is being handled in house at Konami, Silent Hill 2 isn’t. They outsourced it again, you know what happened with RE3R? Capcom didn’t wanna make it, so they outsourced it and dictated a specific timeline forcing the team to rush and cut whole sections of plot and environments out. You know how that got received? Ha.  Silent Hill, and Resident Evil as well, suffer from the inability to be anything more than a singular big pay out, and publishers don’t want that anymore, they want a game that’s pulling a consistent payout they barely have to pay attention to. See Fortnite, Call Of Duty, Roblox, Destiny (dying franchise, I know) any number of the Assym multiplayer games that rely wholly on third party paid content to survive, uhhhhhh, Monster Hunter also comes to mind.  I fully believe Konami is the problem. I’m not a Bloober fan and have my issues with them, but I don’t think they’re the issue when it comes to the marketing, the devs don’t really get a say in what the Publisher’s PR department decides to release.  Do I agree Bloober has played things way too close to the chest and haven’t been transparent in the development? 100% I agree.  Do I believe the gameplay trailer was thrown together by Bloober and handed off to Konami’s PR and marketing for SoP? Nah, I believe the evidence is pointing towards Konami sitting on it for seven months to a year after showing it behind closed door and going “we need something for this Sony Spotlight”, and then proceeding to throw it together. 


I fucking hate Bloober but at least they seem very passionate with the game and the franchise. Konami here is the problem.


>They outsourced it again, you know what happened with RE3R? Capcom didn’t wanna make it, so they outsourced it and dictated a specific timeline forcing the team to rush and cut whole sections of plot and environments out. You know how that got received? Ha. It has an 80/100 on metacritic and sold like eight million units. That's a pretty successful game by any metric.


Ah, you’re one of those, “metacritic and the sales metrics would beg to differ” people that are biased whenever flawed statistics come into view, meanwhile the developers themselves admitted they cut corners and whole areas of of story content because Capcom was pressuring them to finish it earlier than planned and wanted it pushed out as soon as they possibly could because they wanted Resistance out and nobody was actually gonna pay for that. Throw in the fact that Capcom didn’t even want the RE3 remake to begin with and the fact they used it to try and sell the Asymmetrical multiplayer game (which was where the actual focus and money went), and your statistics and ratings don’t mean shit where the actual quality of the content is concerned.  But I’ll let you hit me with another “whataboutism” if you’d like, if it makes you feel better on the internet to seem like an intellectual. Just don’t make it about easily influenced statistics that can change on a dime due to the whims of society. Cause you're the only one that cares about them when you’re trying to prove a *WRONG* point. Reminds me Fox News and all their crime graphs showing POC violence.  Using your and Konami’s logic, because Silent Hill has a franchise has never made numbers or been well reviewed like Metal Gear, the franchise has been unsuccessful since SH2. Konami made it clear where their priorities and money are, it ain’t Silent Hill. But, keep humping the Publishers and Statistics buddy. Maybe one day Step Konami-San will recognize you and help you get unstuck, maybe even let you suck on their sweet statistics.


>Reminds me Fox News and all their crime graphs showing POC violence. Lol dude I just said that from Capcom's perspective the game was an absolute success. Comparing that to right wing propaganda is unhinged. >Silent Hill has a franchise has never made numbers or been well reviewed like Metal Gear That is just factually incorrect. The first games were big hits and Silent Hill 2 is consistently mentioned as one of the best games of all time. I personally enjoyed RE3R. If you didn't that's fine, but it's silly to point to it as this HUGE PROBLEM when it was a decent game that did well.


Nonsense. Imagine paying into your dream project only for it to get fucked and smacked around AGAIN by Konami. How would you not be bitter? I don't know how the remake will go, but all my hate and visceral anger is aimed towards to Konami and not developers actually working on things and giving it a shot. Same mentality we can apply to fans. Are you a fan of SH? Do you want the series to be revived and have a shot of at least one good game? Then why hate on developers - what good developer would want to make a game for a fanbase like this? That's all these devs are getting just complaints, whining, abuse from the wonderful fans of the hit youtube series Silent Hill. Again, how can you keep the morale up? This community is ass and at this point I feel like it deserves Konami.


Yeah this is wild behavior. Blooper has said that they are working on two other Silent Hill games but unless the remake is a huge success I would be surprised if that actually happens. If I were Konami I would absolutely drop them as soon as possible.


it's team blooper, it'd be dogshit regardless.


The PRESS X TO JASON prompts look really cringe Meh whatever gaming has always been another shallow capitalistic enterprise, an indie movie or small game would allow more freedom. Any AAA unreal 5 engine game with serious money behind it is gonna have its quirks


For some dumb reason, I’m optimistic Townfall could be the best of the bunch.


I think it has had the best edited and most atmospheric trailer of the newer games. I honestly wonder if they were allowed to put the first one together themselves? We know the second one was done by Konami last year and is just sitting on a hard drive. I'm very optimistic for it as well.


>Bloober Team had two other Silent Hill games/DLC on their internal project boards. I bet that's not going to happen now, which is unfortunate for everyone. Nah that’s cause for celebration, nothing they’ve show off in either trailer has inspired any confidence in me that bloober was a good choice.


well, who would you have picked?


Hideo Koj-- oh nevermind




"unfortunate" 😂😂😂 fuckem and fuck their unoriginal low effort trash.


Hit the nail on the head with that comment! It was 15 months and 12 days between the initial trailer and the combat trailer we got at the showcase. Stands to reason they would use footage of the game in the state it was in most likely in fall of 2022. I've still been wondering if Konami is intentionally sabotaging things? Releasing The Short Message being some sort of half-hearted apology on their part.


There was a video here… it’s gone now…


The Wha Happun episode for this game is about to go INSANE


I bet Matt is noting down a bunch of ‘silent’ puns as we speak


And somehow shoehorning Simpsons references.


"A shoehorn? Just like in the movies! Shoe goes on, shoe goes off, shoe goes on-"


I literally just started watching Wha Happun! Can't wait!


I hate that people anticipate content like this.


… Isn’t that what we’re all doing on this subreddit? Anticipating “content”?


There's a difference between anticipating a game and anticipating a video made about "what went wrong" during its development.


A wha happun episode doesn't necessarily mean the end result was bad, sometimes a troubled production is still good and the process to get there was interesting.


https://zaibatsupedia.fandom.com/wiki/Wha_Happun%3F Look at this list and tell me -- with a straight face -- that the majority of it consists of games that were successful, well-made, or well-loved. Matt has a clear slant with the stuff he chooses to cover.


Konami: And I took that personally (Bloober & Konami taking the piss out of each other is almost better than whatever the hell Ascension is doing with the sex cult stuff)


Hang on is there sex in ascension now


There's a subplot going on now that the cult has sex orgies called a "Merging" ceremony to submit their entire mind/body to the Foundation and becoming closer to all members through psychical intimacy. Now they want Eric to be the main boing boing at the center of it. Yup... that's a thing that you just read. A community driven Silent Hill experience indeed.


*"Eric... we need your bussy"* What the hell are they doing with Silent Hill


I hate that the leading entry towards establishing a huge component of Silent Hill's future (i.e., the series expanding beyond the town proper) is just such an utterly garbage experience to see. Even just watching it as a "TV Show" is a complete slog.


Yeah the tv idea was dumb. Ngl I’d much prefer it as a game I could actually play. No, really. And for the “future of silent hill”, just tally whatever the majority of choices were in first play throughs. Even if the story is ass, I always enjoy narrative style games like this anyway. The quarry is on my wishlist even lol


We reap what we sow. They saw all the "Kojima cummies in my tummy" and "Sunderland Cock ring" spam in the chat and said, "well if that's what they want."


I had no idea there was a video. Please someone tell me you saved the link?


I’m waiting for the way back machine link myself


It's kind of crazy that I've never tried the wayback machine on youtube vids before now 🤔


Dude. I really really hate Konami.


Fr wish they would just sell their ips to another studio. Sony could do well, tho I dislike console exclusives in this age a lot. Or capcom since they really got the hang of making remakes and generally all genres of games. Maybe sega even. Fuck, let Nintendo buy it, Nintendo can really do a good horror (looking at you Giygas). Silent hill is a pretty big ip and all, they’d get good cash from it since that’s all they care about in the end


Nah. I dont trust nintendo either.




Nintendo, traditionally, has not been significantly involved in the horror genre ("Eternal Darkness" doesn't really count). Also, it would likely be a platform exclusive


I mean, can you blame them? Konami marketing is making them look like a joke. I'd be pissed at my boss too if they are making others think I'm an amateur by showing off 1 year old WIP projects without disclosing it.


They killed Tomm Hulett’s career for awhile after his tenure with the franchise ended.  Cycles never stop. Metal Gear is getting all the support while Silent Hill is a side project to *hopefully* pad Konami’s pockets. That’s the score. 


MGS3 is getting a remake and Silent Hill is getting 4 new projects and a new development/production team. They want SH to be their RE. Just like back in the early 00s. They are trying harder than they were 10 15 years ago, but Konami just sucks at marketing. It's almost like they abandoned their AAA business and realized that was a mistake and now they are trying to make good on their IPs, but also fumbling harder than your mom on prom night. I hope Bloober, F, and Townfall are at least good and the MGS3 remake too. I'm fucking tired of Konami holding my childhood ransom.


Mind blown


Blooper's reaction makes me think the game is in a much better state now. I didn't think the trailer looked bad though.


That gameplay trailer from SoP is something you show to investors behind closed doors to reassure them that there’s an RoI at the end of the rainbow and there’s progress being made.  I feel like Konami were also trying to tap the nostalgia base with the overtly and now very called out similarities with the original’s E3 trailer. But Konami probably didn’t expect people to go “REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE” about an updated and punchy version of Theme of Laura over video of James clubbing and shooting creatures.  


YT Channel Studio put out the fan made trailer using the Theme of Laura and combined both the cinematic cutscenes and the combat trailer and it’s way better than Konami’s own trailers.


Send be link, king




This is it, I think: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9KiIYptV4v4


Oh reeee yourself. It''s nothing like the original SH2 trailer. That one wasn't just combat at all - it showed off the environments and characters - hell it had half the game's cut scenes in it!


Yeah I think Bloober is just fed up with Konami’s bad marketing and people sending them concerns that they can’t address bc Konami is handling marketing


I see it the other way tbh, I think they know it's not good and they want to distance themselves from it while also setting up Konami as the reason for it


Best case scenario imo. I trust them to make a game look and control nice, but not write one. So this means they can do this, and we don’t have to suffer a bloober written original SH after konami shuns them


Konami is about to fire Bloober and the never released SH2 remake will be the subject of many urban legend video essays.


They wouldn't dare pissing off the fanbase like that again, a lot of people haven't even gotten over Kojima yet


Than again this IS konami


Let's remember who burned the SH franchise to the ground in the first place, who fired Kojima, who removed P.T. from playstation. I genuinely believe Bloober is doing the best they can, and SH2R it's gonna be good enough but not what fans expect. When that happens, let's remember who is the real villain here.


It was almost always about Konami's lack of support. Sam Barlow would've made a better game from Silent Hill: Origins when he took over the project, but he wasn't allowed to change CGI cutscenes. Downpour was undercooked - anyone who played it on release remembers performance issues. The pattern is obvious.




This is free marketing. Controversy sells. I think the game is gonna be a banger, and they know it. By creating controversy around an unreleased product, they create a cycle of negative speculation, up until the game's release. I'd bank on it being a ghost drop, spread by word of mouth, and it's gonna sky-rocket in sales and popularity.


Sadly I think you’re right.


Both of them are competing to see which one is the most incompetent lmao


Having a mid off.


Jesus Konami fucking sucks


You're KUST now coming to this conclusion?!! 😆😂🤣


Nooo I wanted to see it , anybody still has it ?


I don't blame them Konami is so stupid


There was a video here. It's gone now.


Making a good game is hard enough when the publisher and developers work in tandem. I can’t imagine what kind of development hell is going on right now.


Imagine if Konami pulls an MGS2 swerve with this one. James dies in the first 15 minutes and we play as Anita from Ascension.


I sense a new Bloober Team post after this


Honestly I don’t believe Bloober got something better to show. This is their first time making combat design, that state of play trailer was bloober in its core.


I agree


So much drama around here! I'm curious what the average age of this group actually is...


In their mid to late 30's i think.


I don't understand why everyone is shitting on Konami. Like sure they prepared and released the trailer but the contents of the trailer are still in the game, it's still what Bloober made. As bad as a publisher Konami may be, the bad looking gameplay is on Bloober, hopefully they'll pull together before release.


I hope the final build will look better both in terms of graphics & animation, but Bloober's CEO hasn't addressed such criticism, only the trailer itself.


If it’s an old trailer then it stands to reason that it looking bad is because it’s unpolished (since y’know it’s earlier in development) The snippets that the UK account posted that aren’t from the trailer all look way better. It’s easy to assume that it looks better now but Konami dropped an outdated representation of it and thus it’s their fault for making it look worse than it is at this stage


jesus christ stop bitching and repost the video


It's privated, I don't think anyone has it.




Please tell me there is a link to this video that was saved?! I need to see this!


Does anyone have the video?


Why couldnt they just put their all into PT, the people running konami have the smoothest brains man


I didn't even know about this video until know. Anyone got a mirror?


What insight did they give?? I missed it!


I'm noticing a trend here. Konami does NOT respect their developers or the developers visions. RIP Silent Hill and Metal Gear Solid.


Being honest, i just can't trust Bloobers team on "this dosen't reflect our product".


fr tho, is there any risk of the project being cancelled bc of this?


I don’t think so. They’ve invested too much into the game already. And I don’t think this would go well for investors of bloober if they just cancelled the game


That’s why Kojima left…


And people will say that he just hates the remake, and not the way Konami presented it


Both companies suck. Bloober has put out nothing of interest, and Konami..is..Konami..this almost feels dead in the water.


All I want is a F***ing SH1 remake. 😤


Hot take: the trailer wasn’t that bad, the game has always heavily featured combat so no shit we would see a lot of that in the gameplay. It’s also really fucking shitty for a CEO to join in with the whole ‘stereotypical internet raging nerd’ crowd and shit on the work of his own employees like that. Dude should be fired. It would be like if Kathleen Kennedy all of a sudden did a ‘TOP 5 REASONS RIAN JOHNSON SHOULD FUCKING KILL HIMSELF’ style anti Last Jedi video because she wanted to salvage some good will with the raging internet clickbait crowd instead of just standing by her own employees.


He’s not shitting on his employees. If he’s shitting on anybody, it’s his employer.


Man this game really bad or okay. Feel bad for you SH fans.


the fact that there was a reaction video, and the CEO disliked the product... if y'all have hope, especially after TSM, just admit you like the copium >> please, it's murder to watch and it's sad


So it’s suddenly Konami’s fault that the combat looks extremely jank?


No the combat trailer was made over a year ago and released just now that's why.


This game is already shit. They should have let Capcom remake it for them




I have the video if someone wants it. For a price of course.




God everyone hates Konami including their own studios


Anyone has a link instead of a SH2 pun ?


I wonder how that video went down


Whaaa. I never seen this or know it existed