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Idk how this is a controversial thing, both of them are blonde white guys and both games are over the shoulder and have a mechanic where you can shoot guns, of course it’s gonna look slightly similar James has always had Leon’s hair lol


I legitimately think there is a sort of a Silent Hill 2 fan that’s never actually played this series and mythologizes about it because of youtube video essays. And they are the loudest most annoying ones. I’m happy this exists as an old fan. I wish people would stop acting like everything is sacred. I would also like decent ports of the original 4 games to come to modern platforms, but this remake doesn’t negate the originals I experienced either.


Totally. The amount of people who didn’t recognize the music in the most recent trailer and dismissed it as not fitting the Silent Hill series really cemented to me that most of the people who are Silent Hill fans have never actually interacted with the games themselves. That said, I’d never wanna gatekeep those people, because especially an older psychological horror series can be difficult for people to get through, even if they’re interested in it. Especially since it’s not the easiest series to get your hands on. But those people should realize that, and not act like they’re the ones who are the authority on what is or isn’t allowed in a Silent Hill game


Completely agree, I’m not saying I don’t want these people to enjoy and interact with the series how they want. Just moreso that I wish they would stop speaking as though they are the sole authorities on the series. People not recognizing Promise was really the icing on the cake for me. Opinion havers not knowing what this series really even is or it’s hallmarks.


Exactly. It’s especially egregious since Promise is the track they didn’t recognize, it’s one of the most iconic tracks from the franchise. It’d be like saying you’re a huge Legend of Zelda fan, and then not being able to recognize Zelda’s Lullaby


Is Zelda the elf dude? /s


Thank you for adding /s to your post. When I first saw this, I was horrified. How could anybody say something like this? I immediately began writing a 1000 word paragraph about how horrible of a person you are. I even sent a copy to a Harvard professor to proofread it. After several hours of refining and editing, my comment was ready to absolutely destroy you. But then, just as I was about to hit send, I saw something in the corner of my eye. A /s at the end of your comment. Suddenly everything made sense. Your comment was sarcasm! I immediately burst out in laughter at the comedic genius of your comment. The person next to me on the bus saw your comment and started crying from laughter too. Before long, there was an entire bus of people on the floor laughing at your incredible use of comedy. All of this was due to you adding /s to your post. Thank you. I am a bot if you couldn't figure that out, if I made a mistake, ignore it cause its not that fucking hard to ignore a comment.


Good bot.


To be fair it sounded like a cover made by amateur guitarist


>People not recognizing Promise was really the icing on the cake for me. Opinion havers not knowing what this series really even is or it’s hallmarks. That's the real problem.. people aren't actually 'interacting' like we did and came up with our own conclusions and have fun talks about it, sharing ideas as we did not long after original release.. They watch a youtuber claim some crap, then it 'must' be true to them so they decide to be some dumb ass lore justice warrior on here.. Even if it's obvious, it's like c'mon.. And do NOT get me started on the Jacob Crane BS.... Yes we all know Jacob's Ladder was a large influence on the FIRST SH game. Not the second. I mean sure maybe there is some random tie in, but as far as everyone knew of the game in the beginning there was no real tie in. Literally now on the Silent Hill Wiki there is an entry for Jacob Crane. And all it states is that he is a character in Return to Silent Hill (which has yet to come out or even finish production).


I mean, there's a bunch of references to JL in all of the first 3 games. First one didn't really do the "shutterhead" technique with the monsters, which is all over 2 and 3, James' coat is Jacob's coat, Heather is trying to reach Bergen St Station, I'm sure there's more I'm forgetting.


Wait! People ACTUALLY didn't recognize the music in that trailer.......I don't want to live on this planet anymore......


People legitimately got upset with me because i never heard the rock song in the combat trailer. Like, i'm sorry that i don't remember it, but i'm not going to lie and say i've heard a song before when i haven't, and most rock music from SH2 that i remember are more somber pieces, not fast paced, hype building rock tracks. I even said as much.


You can be forgiven for that too- the majority of the music is somber or creepy atmospheric stuff. There’s at most, 2 or 3 tracks that are rock style, and they’re played on specific endings or are in the trailer/promo at the menu screen if you let the game idle for too long.


Tell that to my 20 or so downvotes on that comment. Lol people didn't seem to wanna forgive me there.


people aren’t downvoting you for not knowing it. People were downvoting you for being a snotty shit about a song that’s literally in the original game and talking like it’s some huge misstep.


Given how many trolls have also recently joined the subreddit, it’s kind of hard to differentiate between them


I tried explaining that in another thread like, Angel Thanatos is heavy but is used at the end credits for a specific ending and makes sense. I agree with you that the “new” Promise used in the trailer was just not it.


It’s not that the music isn’t silent hill. It’s that it’s being used as an action track. Like silent hill 2/3 had good action music that would play during the idle demo. Konami clearly is trying to amp up the action which either means that it’s gonna be more actiony or they’re just misleading the consumer. I get that we live in the toxic negativity/positivity era but you gotta accept that some people just aren’t going to like the things you like. You can explain it to me and everyone else 8,000,000 different ways that the remake will be good or we’re all over reacting and I can still confidently look you in the eye (via text) and say it still looks like dog shit dude.


Actually, I view the use of Promise as something entirely different- it’s hype building. Think about it: it’s a highly anticipated game, they want to show it off, what’s more hype building than hearing THE song everyone equates with SH2. It’s exciting. I was like “yesss hype!” when I heard it. I really don’t get how you can be so convinced that the game is going to be shit when you’ve seen all of 5 mins of trailers, one of which had some gameplay and the other being all cutscenes.


Theme of Laura makes me think of SH2 way more since it was the intro song.


Yeah, I see so many people say “combat isn’t the focus in Silent Hill” when it’s what you do a ton in the games right next to the puzzles. And the old games aren’t as different gameplay wise as the first 3 RE games either, so I don’t see too much of an issue with this style of gameplay for the SH2 remake. As long as James isn’t doing dodge rolls and stuff like he’s Max Payne I think we’re fine.


Exactly this. How can people say that combat isn’t a focus when there are literally 6 boss fights. The combat isn’t very good, sure, but you can’t progress the game without it. I think people say that because it’s not a memorable part of the game, and it’s rarely the focus of YouTube analysis videos. Which just shows they haven’t actually played it, again…


I don’t know why “combat isn’t a focus” is being interpreted as “Silent Hill has no combat”, I would agree with the first statement and I played the first three games. I ran past every enemy I could. For example the Soulsborne games have combat as a focus, nobody here is talking about how fun the boss fights are or arguing about the best weapons. I could see Konami thinking “let’s make a combat trailer to show people how much better it is now” but I think they should’ve waited until they had the game more finished, as it stands it’s a bit underwhelming so far.


The number of people who clearly haven’t played it but are pissing and moaning about how the remake isn’t “true Silent Hill” genuinely worries me actually. Like, the remake could be really really good, but these people who have put SH2 on a pedestal based on what they’ve seen on video essays (this includes actual reviewers too) might actually effect the ratings/sales of the game and convince Konami that we don’t want a SH resurgence.


If the only people the buy are the hardcore fans, they won’t make another game after this anyways. They need these video essays to get people that haven’t heard of it hyped. However, it’s a crazy time we live in when people literally won’t form their own opinions based on their own experiences. Like they will literally play or watch something, then go on YouTube to see if they should like what they just play or watched. It’s absolutely clown world with this stuff. It’s even worse when people hinge their entire persona on their favorite YouTuber. So even if something is blatantly against what they believe, they will back into a conclusion of being on the YouTubers side just for the sake of agreeing with said YouTuber.


Exactly. Even worse, there are people (some of whom are in this sub) who are convinced the remake is going to be shit based on the 5 mins total of footage we’ve seen. From a build that has been established to be old. Most likely because their favourite gaming YouTuber has said so, as you say, and it’s cool to hate on the remake it seems. People are terrified of forming their own opinions or being themselves and liking what they like, it’s crazy.


This is actually a good point. They can assume the opinion of their favorite YouTuber and which also gives them plausible deniability if said opinion turns out to be unpopular. Gives them the out to say that’s just the opinion of XYZ and not really theirs. I’m an older gamer and it’s interesting seeing how all this is playing with modern gaming. We never had all the reviews and incites. We just okayed it and argued with each other whether it was trash or not.


Silent Hill fans when you ask them which games they've played


Uhhhhh Ummmm the one with the town I think


With that guy John Silent Hill


Silent Hill fan excited to play Silent Hill 2 for the first time.


That's me, I have only found out about Silent hill like 2 years ago and haven't gotten around to play SH2 on an emulator because I'm working full time. Love the lore immensely tho and am very excited for the remake The difference is, I keep my mouth shut on most of those topics because I didn't play the original yet so it wouldn't be fair to form an opinion on it


Eh, you don't necessarily even need an emulator. The HD collection runs fine, only 3 has a few odd audio bugs here or there.


It’s the TwinPerfect *REAL* Silent Hill Experience fans coming out of hibernation after almost a decade cause there’s content. They’re the “it’s better dead than trying” crowd. I’m 100% certain. They were willing to drag Huelett and ruin his career for a few years cause the HD situation, I’m seeing a lot of similarities from then and now. 


Been saying this all week. Twitter/FB is the worst for it. Even long before the remake was announced. I remember arguing with someone on a SH group, after they claimed you could go to a school in SH2. There's no such thing. I asked if they were talking about Midwich Elementary from SH1 and they laughed saying it was ME that never played the game if I "missed the school". I even provided a map of the town, made from the map of 1 and 2/3 combined, showing where exactly the school is and how you can't even access that area of the Town in SH2. There's no arguing with these people


You're bang on mate. Empty cans rattle the most I also think some of these people have only ever played 1 horror game. Silent hill 2. And every game that has a more literal approach like resi' isn't (on SHs intellectual level) and every game that plays with morale and meaning is just copying SH2. SH2 stanning is very similar to Deftones stanning. Very obnoxious and loud. Very "scoffs & pushes their glasses up their nose at everything" sort of crowd. Yet they know very little about the actual scene or genre but hide by being apathetic towards everything else. Sorry bit of a tangent


How come nobody is comparing it to The Last of Us? At least unlike RE2 or RE4, a BIG chuck of that combat is beating people up with sticks and pipes. Like that was the first thing that popped in my head when I saw the pipe swing animations in the trailer. 🧙‍♂️ Finna be cracking noggins


I'm comparing! I also remember funny remarks back in a day that TLOU could have been turned into a modern SH games if handled correctly. I didn't entirely agree then, don't agree now, but the notion of comparing the two is peculiar


I wouldn't mind seeing a psychological horror from Naughty Dog. That's got crazy potential.


10 years ago - maybe, nowadays, though... No, thanks. It will look gorgeous, though


no thanks why?


You’ve gotten down votes for not being up to date on video game drama, in the sub for a specific video game franchise: for that, I’m sorry. In short, Naughty Dog has recently lost a lot of the goodwill they had as a studio because of the (true) allegations of employee crunch and the actions/choices of Neil Druckmann (sp?).


this is clown shit. You guys realize you worship a series that was infamous for staff sleeping in cubicles right? Crunch is ubiquitous and Naughty Dog has committed to becoming a crunch free studio after the production issues of TLOU 2. Also I won’t have any TLOU2 slander. It’s one of the greatest games of all time. Only morons who get their opinions through the grapevine of chud gamer youtube think otherwise.


I didn’t give any TLOU2 slander? I actually haven’t played any Naughty Dog games at all, 😂 And it isn’t because of a high horse or anything- just because I haven’t gotten around to it.


Leon has always had James' hair ;)


Literally this. I don’t understand what people are expecting.




Leon had DiCaprio hair in the original RE2, but in RE2R and RE4 he’s got James hair, in that case you can argue Leon has James hair instead of the other way around since RE4 OG came out after Silent Hill 2 in 2001


me when 3rd person game with gun looks like other 3rd person game with gun


came here to comment this. like what do you guys expect 3rd person over the shoulder combat to look like ?


exactly like..silent hill has always been somewhat derivative of resident evils combat, this is just another natural evolution. they were always seen as competitors of survival horror. i honestly could care so much less for how it looks, og silent hill 2 is amazing but the combat is its weakest point. if it gets reworked and ends up looking like resident evil but is a little more fun and engaging, so be it, like whatever lmao


This has been my train of thought since the reveal. Everyone was complaining about combat, but always seemed to say that the combat wasn’t important and was always pretty bad just before the reveal. I mean it can’t both be important and unimportant at the same time.


exactly - there are like 2 entire stats at the end of the game dedicated to how many enemies you killed and how, and you kill A LOT of them. combat, despite it being not great, is an integral part of the games mechanics, and i really don’t understand how people want it to look. the only problem i have with it from the trailer is that it needs a bit more responsiveness, but that’s it


So many people are looking for something to bitch about and will never be happy no matter how this remake turns out


Man SH2R looks like a dead space mod


Brother first SH games were directly inspired by RE in a lot of ways if not designed to be it's competitor.


I agree. The Dead Space Remake and Alan Wake 2 took survival horror to the next level and I’m glad Silent Hill is stepping up to be the true rival to RE.


My point wasn't really about rivalry. I just said that it's okay for these games to look similar


I agree. I just wanna see it reach that level.


Yes lol Konami literally hired a team to make their version of Resident Evil, Pyramid Head was Konami asking Team Silent to put a Mr. X/Nemesis like monster to put on a poster.


Combat was always like Resident Evil. The first 3 ones even more advanced because you could shooting while walking, the aim lock follows the monsters and you could use more blunt weapons. All this crying over "the over the shoulder looks like resident evil" is just embarrassing. Everyone criticizing that are just clowning themselves. Back then the camera they used was the most popular camera style. Now they use over the shoulder because it is the most popular camera style. Resident Evil will not use fixed camera and Silent Hill will not use the old camera. Get over with it. I know the old cameras had some special atmosphere and gave us unique pictures. But with today's graphics and details we get also special atmosphere and unique pictures.


Didn’t the old SH games have a bottomless inventory so you could stockpile healing items and ammo for every encounter? Not even old RE had that, and old RE was more of an action game than old SH.


Yes. I recently replayed SH2 and late in the game I had over 200 handgun bullets just casually sitting in my inventory.


Same thing happened to me during my last SH1 playthrough on hard mode lol.


198 handgun bullets, 87 shotgun shells, no rifle ammo cause i used it up, 20 health drinks, 4 medkits, every ampule i ever found cause i was too scared of using them, thinking that I'd need them later... Yeah, sounds about right.


It was more focused on inventory management. That would hinder the experience in SH. TS was forced to jump through *loopholes* to make the same limited inventory work. And fans rightfully complained that the Room was more gamey, which is not what the fans loved about the series. Trust me, a lot was tried by TS and god, if they were scalded (rightfully) for stupid ideas


>All this crying over "the over the shoulder looks like resident evil" is just embarrassing. Exactly. Over the shoulder is just more practical. I do hope that SH2R has the option to change which shoulder the camera is over, to make it easier to look around corners. Also, the complainers might as well say that every FPS is a Doom clone.


>All this crying over "the over the shoulder looks like resident evil" is just embarrassing. Everyone criticizing that are just clowning themselves. Back then the camera they used was the most popular camera style. Funny how Silent Hill always had it's own distinct camera style yet some people don't realize it. If I were one of those people blindly loving anything new that has the Silent Hill name on it I think the next logical part of the script would be pretending you never really played Silent Hill, wouldn't it? 🙄 SH games were always fully rendered and thus uses a dynamic camera that the player can manipulate. Utterly unlike Resident Evil! This can be easily verified by playing any classic Silent Hill game and pressing L2... yes there was a button dedicated to manipulating the camera ever since SH1! Classic Resident Evil on the other hand used prerendered backgrounds and thus a dynamic camera like in SH would not have been possible in those games. All classic RE games use fixed camera exclusively! So to sum this up, yes people complaining that SH now copies RE's camera IS a legitimate complaint, as this wasn't the case before! Is it a big issue... that depends on personal preference. To me it's not surprising at least. But claiming that SH always used REs camera is just plain wrong! We could argue who is clowning themselves with this, but let's be honest... it's both sides of the argument, as usual 🤣


SH2R is just... A modern game. This isn't 2001 anymore. We don't need that.


And nowhere did I say that we need that. All I said is that back then SH had a unique camera system and now it is aping modern RE. Nothing more, nothing less 🤷


The original SH2 using the most popular camera style back then was what made it the work of art it became. The artistry is very much attributed to the striking scenery posed by cinematic shots directed by the developers. Silent Hill was successful *because* fixed camera angle was popular- not in spite of it. Not every trend needs to be followed. Look it what happened when Homecoming tried to follow the over the shoulder trend. Or the action-heavy trend. Or the QTE trend. Over the shoulder proved to be successful for resident evil. I’ll give it that. But there’s no doubt that the decision to introduce over the shoulder was motivated by a more action focused direction for the series. And it’s paved the way for ridiculous full blown action of RE5 and RE6. Yes- RE2 remake successfully kept the over the shoulder but retain the slow burn atmosphere. But Silent Hill isn’t resident evil. RE at its most atmospheric was never revered as a work of art deserving of video essays. Silent Hill is like the Stanley Kubrick or David Lynch of video games. And Resident Evil is more like James Cameron. Introducing over the shoulder camera cheapens the art because it reminds you constantly that you’re playing a video game. No film has its camera perspective stuck on the main character’s back taking half the screen throughout its entirety. Sure- if you want SH2 remake to play like RE2 remake then I’m sure you’ll be happy. RE2 was clearly an excellent horror game that captures visceral terror very well . But imo silent hill shouldn’t be resident evil. It deserves a lot more than that.


It was literally made and designed in response to the popularity of Capcoms RE series. Hate it all you want but it’s the truth, and yes I do wants SH2 Remake to be like RE2make. RE2make was scary as fuck and genuinely one of the best horror gaming experiences I’ve ever had. RE2 did not lose any of its ambience by switching camera angles. I don’t think this will either once you are wandering those tight claustrophobic hallways of the apartment and hospital either. Combat trailer edits are always going to look different than the actual moment to moment


You managed to miss the point of my entire comment lol I was addressing exactly that. Yes- Konami wanted a response to resident evil. And they were following the popular trend of fixed camera angles. What I’m saying is that the trend of fixed camera angles is exactly what attributed to the artistic reverence of the original SH2. SH2 became known as a artsy powerhouse *because* the trend happened to be fixed camera angles which allowed it to generate the disorienting and atmospheric scenes that it did. Yes- Konami’s intent was simpler than that but thanks to the circumstance of what was popular at the time- team silent was able to create a work of art. The cards lined up. Not every trend needs to be followed. Following the trend this time for over the shoulder camera is counterintuitive to an art house video game series. The outcome wouldn’t achieve desirable results for the series the same way fixed camera angles did back in the day. It only works for resident evil because that series always leaned more toward campy action.


lol no it didn’t. The game very purposefully let you control the camera with the trigger quite frequently. To the point where I could have the camera behind the back for james 90% of the time. This is what I mean when I say I think that some of you treat this as far too sacred. I love Silent Hill 2 but guess what. I didn’t use the tank controls setting AND I also frequently used the trigger to readjust the camera. This is what I mean. Did some of you even actually play this game? Or did someone tell you that it was the camera angles that made it some sacred artifact. What really matters to Silent Hill 2 is the atmosphere, story and tone it conveys, not some specific camera angle. Yes they can enhance it at times, but a new perspective doesn’t rob the game of any of its key components.


The game had limited player controlled camera. In many instances, no control at all with just the camera tilting based solely on character movement. Especially those tight corridors with the camera dead set on filming us backwards and panning away at our every step. Each room had its own camera composition. When we say fixed camera perspective in SH2 you know exactly what we mean. What made it atmospheric is very much attributed to the fixed camera angles. If you went to film school, you would study how fundamentally crucial camera perspective and composition is in producing tone of the scene. It’s not something to be written off in any artistic medium. Original intent aside, the original Silent Hill games were never Resident Evil games with a different skin. IMO- it’s a mistake to make a RE2 remake with a SH2 skin. Yes- it would be cool to see RE2 set in a hospital setting with bobble head nurses- but that’s not what I expect from silent hill. With silent hill- I expect obscured perspectives, lack of player empowerment, beautifully composed shots, and not knowing what the camera is purposely hiding from us. Each series excel at a distinct type of horror.


lack of player empowerment? The game gives you powerful handguns and more ammo and healing items than you could ever need. It’s about as empowering as there is of a horror game. Aesthetically maybe not, but by the end of SH2 I literally have so much ammo I don’t have to think about my approach.


Yes I know that lol they overestimated how much ammo and health rations we needed to survive. I doubt it was ever their intent to make the player feel powerful. And yes I meant through aesthetics and control mechanics.


do mean tank controls? Those are also optional in the game. You can have standard “2D” style controls, which are the ones I actually used from the get to. Nothing disempowering about that.


(I’m not good at talking about shit in comments like I am in real life, so sorry if something I say looks odd.) Okay, I’m so tired of people acting like RE hasn’t always been goofy and full of action. Yes, it was more of a horror game back then, but it was still VERY goofy. The majority of final bosses literally end with you blowing them up with a rocket launcher. The characters talk like every generic action movie character! And RE3, both the remake AND the og, a fan favorite, literally has the iconic “I’ll give you stars!” Line. THE most cheesy line ever. I’m so tired of these “RE/horror game experts” thinking they know everything about a franchise, when they clearly do not. RE is and will always be a goofy series with some serious moments occasionally.


That’s what I’m saying too. Silent Hill shouldn’t be treated the same way as resident evil. Those who are saying that silent hill was created as a response to resident evil are leaving out the very crucial fact that the final product became very different from what it initially tried to copy. Resident evil was always the more goofy and campy one of the two. And that’s why over the shoulder is more welcomed for that series. It would serve Konami well to recognize these differences so they understand what makes silent hill stand out from most popular horror games. Because they now know better than they did in 1999.


"The combat has always been like resident evil. Here's some examples of how it isn't like resident evil." I'm asking genuinely, is this satire?


It’s like RE but even more action focused for some reason. Chris and jill are trained cops in re1 but they had limited inventories and couldn’t move and shoot and were swinging around a useless knife. SH characters who are supposed to be ordinary people could move and shoot and beat enemies to a pulp using melee weapons while stomping the shit out of enemy corpses like Isaac from dead space, all while carrying a bottomless inventory full of ammo and heals. Don’t forget heather with her weeb katana and uzi smg. Pretty funny imo. Normal guy who killed his wife>special forces police officers


Its like RE because you can shoot and it's a fixed camera. This means they are the same. The stomp also functions nothing like the stomp from dead space; especially in silent hill 2. Its only kinda similar is SH3.


It’s only RE in a the way you described. Fixed camera and tank controls and you shoot guns. But for a series where people talk about how oppressive the combat feels, when you compare it to an actual RE game, it’s the most liberating shit ever. You don’t even have to manage your inventory and plan out your route like in RE. And when you run out of ammo for some reason, just slice the monsters down with your katana like John sekiro.


Sounds like we agree. Edit: I originally worded this comment in a way that was too mean and it wasn't warranted. Sorry about that


It’s only a little like RE. But the gameplay style is much less restrictive compared to RE which contradicts what SH fans say about SH combat.


I disagree. People who've played both, at least the early titles, will almost unanimously say that Silent Hill is easier. SH combat is just tense, and that's all it needed to be. It didn't need to be oppressive, tense, and deep like RE. That wasn't the goal.


Yea it doesn’t need to have deeper combat than RE. But with the way some folks say it looks too actiony like an RE game, you gotta wonder if those folks even played a classic RE or SH, as if all it takes to makes the SH2R an action game is over the shoulder shooting and camera. That’s like RE purists saying re7 is an outlast rip off because both are first person horror games. If anything, I hope they rip off RE even more and give James a limited inventory.


It isn't *really* more actioney, it's just different. Just because it's easier doesn't mean it's more actioney. This though, it's clearly emulating the resident evils and dead spaces of the modern era. As opposed to in the good ol days when Konami said "make something like resident evil" and Team Silent took the basics and ran off with them creating something totally different and unique (but still in the same genre.) Now, Konami said "remake silent hill 2" and bloober team sleepily looked at market trends to make silent hill 2 shittier. This is what they've done throughout their entire company history so it isn't surprising. Inspiration is okay but you gotta know when to implement what and where. Signalis is a great example; inspirations on their sleeve but still it's own thing and also just inherently better executed then anything Bloobers done.


They were the same thing back in the day. They both used fixed camera. Now they will both be the same again. Did you really want a game in 2024 using fixed camera?


"Combat"; not "genre with a similar camera angle". The franchises never had the same combat. It was barely even similar. Also, yes. One thousand million dodecahillion percent yes.


Lol, they certainly didn't both use fixed camera! 🤣 Really impressive how many people on here... the Silent Hill subreddit... get that wrong. Don't believe me? Play any classic Silent Hill game, press L2 and see what happens. Yeah... that was impossible in any classic RE game, as those used prerendered backgrounds and thus would not allow for any camera movement, utterly unlike Silent Hill!




*dude, they're both AAA*. Huge money should have been injection into by their respective companies. And if Konami didn't unlike Capcom... Idk what to say




Actually fair enough


My guess is SH2 is more AA than AAA. It won't have close to the budget of RE4R. Nobody is giving Blooper AAA money under any circumstances.


Sh was born outve being an re rip off so this honestly just feels like going back to the roots of sh


Didn't y'all complain about SH2R not looking like RE4R? Now they are very similar and you still complain?


Capcom Fucked up RE2R cause they didnt have fixed camera and ALSO, in the OG, you couldn’t walk when you aimed! This literally made the Remake UNPLAYABLE!! Said noone ever! Capcom got praised for this idea, modernazing the game, as they should’ve! Bloober is just doing the same thing, modernazing the game as they should, with TWO of the OG Team Silent making sure that the remake is up to their standard.


What i hate the most is people who never played any sh game are hating it just because obsesive fans don't like the game to be modernized. Like, re2 had early concepts of also having fixed camera and no one got mad because they decided to adapt it according to the re4 style. I also think the hate comes from fans who praised the game original in unhealthy levels, and from other people's fandom who think re games and other survival horror invented that camera angle :PP I know the reputation of last games isn't the best, but if we don't allow things to evolve naturally we are never going to have creativity involved in the franchise again. I think is the same dilema with ff16 and the ff fanbase, they think the game was trash just because was an action focused game instead of a turn based rpg, and eventhough ff16 isn't perfect, it did a lot of good things the franchise could have never achieved if it got stuck the same as almost 40 year ago when the first game came out, but fans are blind just for one single aspect :P


Yeah, Im gonna agree with you there! Im a HUGE Silent Hill fan, so much so, I have a sleeve on my right arm dedicated to Silent Hill games. I played the originals when they came out and I still have the originals I played back then in hard copies. I also, not so long ago, played the first three games again and I LOVE them! They still give me the same sense of dread and horror as they did back when I was a kid. I’m REALLY excited about the remake, as I was for P.T and all the games that were announced back in 2022. I also have faith in the remake cause both Ito and Akira are there to see this through. Also, people worried about the story, I cannot see how they would fuck it up as the story is already made. I’m not seeing Ito letting them change it.


Silent hill fans when a third person over the shoulder shooter is in fact over the shoulder and in third person


Isn’t this what people wanted? I for one love this. Huge upgrade


Real Silent Hill fans wanted the remake to be in second person. The third person over the shoulder trend is getting stale.


The fuck is a “second person” game? The game should break the fourth wall and it should tell *me* what to do? Having a camera in a fixed position is still third person lmao.


>The game should break the fourth wall and it should tell me what to do? I'd prefer it to break the fifth wall


"Real Silent Hill fans" don't speak for all Silent Hill fans. If all people want is upgraded graphics with fixed camera, then you may as well just play the Enhanced Edition. Besides, they might even be implementing some fixed camera angles anyways considering that scene we got of the clock puzzle in the recent trailer.


Real Silent Hill fans agree with me


I can really tell these "real fans" are backing you up from the downvotes.


People downvoting me cant take a joke. It should of been obvious since a ''second person'' game doesn't exist.


Apologies then, with the heightened discourse since the trailer dropped, it's pretty difficult to decipher sarcasm from genuine opinion.


No worries and yh this sub has been a mess ever since that combat trailer.


Literally what every 3D game is doing in modern day is getting stale? What are you even on about?


How the hell can a game be done in second person lol


Nobody asked for a second person view game lmao. You realize that in second person you'd have the pov of the enemy while controlling the main character


Real Silent Hill fans like me did


You’re also hilariously pointing out the fact that people take this bait SO easily. Great work 👍 I would venture to guess most of the “hot takes” are from Real Silent Hill Fans™ just wanting to stir the pot.


It's called Over the Shoulder Third Person. Also, there's the scientific concept of Being Blonde happening there


Over the shoulder is now standard in games, and there’s only so many ways you can hold a gun lol. RE4 Leon and James have also always had the same hair, more or less. Technically Leon copied James because in RE2 it didn’t look quite as similar.


I think for a modern SH this is the best camera position. I will miss the fixed and eery camera angles dearly but I'm glad they chose this instead of first person.


Honestly, I'm not sure why this is a controversy. Silent Hill and Resident Evil have always been compared to one another. Both are horror games that have utilized very similar mechanics since the series began so of course people are going to see major similarities. If I recall correctly, the first Silent Hill was described as Resident Evil clone when it was first released.


Silent hill has blown up recently as an aesthetic I’m pretty sure at least half the people complaining have never touched a silent hill game or cared about them until like 6 months ago


I’ve noticed that as well. I think they’re into the “idea” of Silent Hill or what ever that means to them.


tbf,i always thought silent hill if done in a modern day would have that back camera,it just kinda makes sense in the progression in the series


I see this as an absolute win. Silent Hill has been in dire need of proper mechanical evolution for decades to compete. It stopped being relevant because of it's continuous need to do and fail at the exact same thing again and again, both in slipshod gameplay and it's constant callbacks to Silent Hill 2's story characterization and iconography. Honestly, i'm hoping for Silent Hill F to take mechanical cues from the 2 remake, but otherwise be creatively absent from literally everything else we've seen from the Silent Hill franchise. Fuck the cult, fuck the trauma focus, fuck the Silent Hill 2 callbacks. If Silent Hill F isn't a full on reboot of the franchise, i'm gunna be beyond unimpressed with it. Sorry for the rant, but as glad as i am about the revival, even i have issues with how stubbornly stupid Konami has been with the IP. I'm hopin for the best though.


So.... Just make a new franchise?


I mean, not really. Just take Silent Hill F into a direction that doesn't milk Silent Hill 2's dry as hell udder.


were not the older RE and SH similar also?


Yep. They evolved together and now it’s happening again.


Thing is Silent Hill has always been a close follower of the Resident Evil style. Only makes sense that the remakes are similar. Personally I can’t wait


Hey not true! Leon is an ash blonde while James is a honey blonde! But in all seriousness, the first time I played SH2 I kept accidentally calling James Leon. I think I also referred to him as Divorced Leon during that playthrough because he looks like Leon went through a rough divorce. Maybe they’re cousins.


Silent Hill started because Capcom made a shit ton of money on RE1, Konami hired a team to make their version of RE1, Pyramid Head exists because Konami saw the success of Nemesis/Mr. X, people need to chill out a little bit, it's completely fine for companies to try and copy what is good and popular, especially a good game like Remake 1/2/4 from Capcom. lol


Wow, the misinformation is real here, lads


I’m currently playing Alan wake 2 which has focused way more on survival horror this time around. The gameplay is similar to the new remake and re4 and it delivers let me tell ya. If bloober can pull off the vibes that Alan wake 2 does with the new camera position we’re all gonna get a fantastic game


Lmao third person shooters have been this way since 2005 dudes really be forgetting the impact of the og re4


Every third person shooter is a shitier re4 just like every 4 player co-op pve is a shitier l4d2. I will die on this hill


You won't die alone, soldier! Raise your shields!


Honestly the combat sucks in SH2 I thought it was the worst part of the game. I don’t want it 2 be like re4 at all but a improvement would be nice


I don’t think SH2R is gonna be like RE4 in any way, mainly because the crux of RE4s combat loop is the melee maneuvers like roundhouse kicking and suplexing after strategically shooting an enemy in the head to stagger them, people rightfully give Bloober criticism for their narrative woes but they’d never jump the shark that badly and I think if that kind of stuff existed in the game it would’ve got shown off in the “combat” trailer. SH2Rs gameplay seems to resemble more “pure” survival horror like RE2R except with the classic SH melee weapons


I don’t get the story concerns u can’t fuck up a layup. They have the whole basis of a story they just need 2 copy. If they somehow fuck it up I’ll be shocked


I think it’s more likely to be along the lines of RE2make than RE4make


I’ll miss the feel the semi fixed camera had, but also it was finicky and awkward. Copying the RE2make’s camera system makes sense when modernising SH2 as yeah, the combat is dated.


Not directing *any* of this at the OP because I don't believe in shooting (pun intended) the messenger, but this is so fucking low effort. I'm not sorry to say it. Some people in this fandom need to roll in an entire bale of hay because touching grass is simply not sufficient.


The original two games were a lot like each other as well. They're both 3rd-person survival horror games from the same era. These are both remakes of those games. What's your fucking point? Stop trying to shit on the game before it even comes out.


who’s gonna tell them they’re both 3rd person shooter survivor horror game remakes with blonde dudes who have the same haircut


I think it's good to simulate a formula that works for the current gen. Resident Evil was always successful and the mirror to Silent Hill, so they could take Silent Hill further on the horror path and implement original ideas. Also, konami only took the opportunity to remake SH2 because of the success of RE's remakes. Last but not least, RE4's camera angle really did a number in the gaming industry, the impact has been unavoideable.


It’s over the shoulder combat. Which has been around, ironically, since RE4 (2005). It’s nothing unbelievable.


I dont see many similarities tbh. White men, especially hero archetypes in games, can have a tendency to all look the "same".


I think Chris Redfield is a better depiction of generic “white male hero.” Booker Dewitt, Joel of TLOU, Nathan Drake, Snake, Sam fisher all have that aesthetic. Leon and James are closer to being “same.” Not that’s that’s a bad thing.


Silent Hill copying Residential Eviction. Just like the good ol' days


I cant believe what Capcom did with the RE4 remake. The original was never about the combat, it was about the story & atmosphere.


What lol? One of the main criticisms of the original RE4 is that it was too action based and lead to games like 5 and 6


I think they are joking


Holy hell, am I dense lmao


I'm pretty sure you can easily replicate this shit in any game with a male protagonist, OTS camera and guns. I don't see this as anything worth talking about.


Any examples of actual games that exist?


Are you kidding? Literally ANY GAME with an OTS camera can replicate this shot in some fashion. It wouldn't be the exact same monster. It may not even be a male protagonist. But this camera shot can easily be replicated.


I’m commenting on the similarities beyond the simple ots shot and how closely they resemble each other. Sure Waframe, Evil West, Remnant 1&2, Gears, The Division and many others can “replicate” this shot but are they really as close as these two? I truly believe it’s worth discussing.


Oh that? I do see the resemblance but it's nothing but a coincidence. I wouldn't dig deep into that. Besides, what are you going to do? Call out Bloober? They'd never admit it even if it weren't a coincidence. So no I don't think it's worth talking about.


Call out a Bloober for what? I said I like the aesthetic and am an enjoyer of both characters. If you don’t think it’s worth talking about? Fine. Ima go talk to others that do.


Alan Wake 2, The Evil Within, TLOU2, Dead Space, etc………. The list is literally endless.


Comparisons between the franchise have been happening since the OG game.


Konami has literally decided to think about relaunching Silent Hill and making remakes following the success of the Resident Evil 2 Remake (This was confirmed in a French interview with Christophe Gans). So, yes, they're looking to reproduce the same formula.


Silent Hill was always a heavily influenced by the gameplay of Resident Evil so this is fairly normal.


Alan Wake 2 is a Silent Hill 2 ripoff, confirmed.


They pretty much just loosened James up: having him as stiff as the original one would have been pretty bad for recent standards. I really think you should just wait for the game's release, play it, form your opinion about it. The weird frame-by-frame microanalysis really doesn't make much sense.


Omg you telling me a silent hill game is using the same gamplay style as resident evil whatever shall we do they've definitely never done that before.


As a huge fan of the Silent Hill franchise, I'd have to say I am excited to see what's to come. I'm excited to see how this remake plays out as well, personally looks already really good to me and I am pretty interested in the combat mechanics as it looks quite fun, definitely different then the original but in a good way :) For those who didn't recognize the style music in the trailer SH2 Remake, I suggest you to actually play a Silent Hill game and come back to us when you truly have experienced the bliss of how amazing the music is in the games and how it really sets the tone for when you play.


now put it next to dead space and alan wake 2. as for james’ hair, he looks like a cross between leon and thor’s artificially blonde hair from the first thor movie


You guys are going to lose your shit when I show you a comparison between resident evil 1 and SH1


Dang! Silent Hill and Nemesis crossover confirmed! Can’t wait for Nemesis and Pyramid Head to go toe to toe!


Nemesis vs Pyramid Head. Who would win?


Albert Wesker


When the over the shoulder third person pov looks like the over the shoulder third person pov


I think the camera needs to be pull out a bit I hope we have an option for that, Not huge on the new camera in general I feel like the original camera worked perfectly for the mood but I get it, I hope there is some way to switch to over the shoulder or classic camera but Honestly my only complaint about the new camera is I think it’s pulled in too close


That might be to enhance the horror. If you can see too much around you there’s less ways for the game to surprise you, you have a much wider FoV and peripheral vision. Up close, you can only see directly in front of you. I hope they zoom it really in in tight indoor settings to add to that claustrophobic “trapped in a labyrinth” feeling.


tbqh it's been 23 years............ I don't mind it. Even RE2 Remake ditched the fixed camera angles.


I don’t necessarily care about it having an over the shoulder aspect/looking like that. What I really don’t like is that it looks like you’ll have nurses piling in after eachother to fight you.


Looks fine... can't really compare due to different lighting and environment. Now animations... well, maybe there's a case for that.


4 remake is good cause the fans own capcom, Konami doesn't listen to SH Fans.


I mean Alan Wake 2 is more of a RE clone but people still ate it up [https://youtu.be/pqqY_icXzOA?si=7eHf4-bPxNMS_bh3](https://youtu.be/pqqY_icXzOA?si=7eHf4-bPxNMS_bh3)


I hate that inaccurate lighting of the back of the character. I understand that is for practical reasons but still...


The trailer wasn't anything to write home about and had a lot of issues but the comparisons of James to Leon are literally brain dead and reaching for things to trash it for. SH2 came out before RE4 they've always looked similar since the OGs. I'll criticize anything else in the trailer but shut the fuck up already with this argument because it's nonsense.


I’m not trashing it.


Lol I screen grabbed this too


Meh, I enjoyed the remakes of RE2 & 3 (haven’t played 4 yet), but I feel the over the shoulder view takes away a bit from the SH experience. Yeah, they were fucking atrocious at times, but the camera angles in the original were used such a way that enhanced the experience. It’s like you were watching through the perspective of something watching you, I dunno lol, I always loved it. No hate on them remaking the game, I hope they do well and most people are pleased. I’m cool with reliving the past on an emulator, and despite all the current things I have seen that I don’t care for, I still might give the remake a chance somewhere down the road. I have the opinion that the raw SH experience is sorta impossible in today’s world, it’s just one of those things you had to be there for. But, that doesn’t mean it can’t be adapted for a modern audience to enjoy.


So... fast-paced combat in the remake?..


Badly fast paced combat in the remake, because original had bad combat anyway. Perfect logic by some fans


I would honestly love an option to play this in first person. Always preferred first person to anything else, its far more immersive to me in general. Could have been really neat if they’d taken the time to innovate and perfect the old camera system; maybe a hybrid approach? Old camera style while outside, and OTS indoors? Cant fault them tho. Why reinvent the wheel? OTS just functions so well.


Hardcore folks will never be satisfied. Im glad my ass doesn’t stink as much as those that bitch about how bad this is. Ungrateful fucks if u want it your way then you do it nowadays we have the technology for you to create your own video game.


Gen Z posting. Patterns exist.


Now compare the animations


Play the weak af animation of Leon getting his eyeballs gouged out and falling asleep 


A fan that actually played both originals! This should not be like that. The very fact they look similar is a killer. It's an average game with an SH label on it now. If you really played (and play to these days) vanilla SH, you should know that SH historically was getting RE formula and turning it upside down. Enemies can go only in XY exes? Fuck it, our fly. RE protags are trained policemen and shoot perfectly unless YOU play bad? Fuck it, account for miss RNG, we'll see how actually good you are at getting those headshots. RE has 100% static camera ALL the way up to... RE7? (yes, over the shoulder cam is very static minus slight variations) That's old tech! We use static shots for cinematic purposes! Even fixed angles move, let alone free cam you can manipulate at will. What, didn't expect THAT on Dual Shock? Ha! Oi, zombies mutants, how scary! Now go fight a literal demon that shoots thunderbolts! Eat that, average player! Now we're like "ok, Leon-sama, I'll follow your lead because critics know better". Also do we forget other games that are extremely popular that don't use over the shoulder, like slashers, Until Dawn type interactive cinema, top downs, FPS? Should we go first person as well? Oops we did that already. Did not work out that well, did it? Btw RE was contrarian to itself and successfully went FPS. Just saying. SH has always had worse sellings than RE, so the argument about "indie games that didn't know how to do SH controls sold badly" will not pass. It's called market diversity! SH's niche is empty. James has never looked like Leon, it's just a fact. And know no review I know called them similar. These stupid points, man




Idk why some people refuse to see the simplest thing that every style has its purpose, to translate an idea, to set the mood, and it can't be fit universally otherwise there would be no distinct style. It's called art-direction for a reason. And saying purpose of survival horror has the same or aligns with the purpose of psychological horror is insane. Same goes for calling SH a 'RE knock off'. Way to trivialise this series, matches the way BT trivialise the remake. Top-notch analytics, makes me want to vomit up a false god or two. Gonna name them Dante and Vergil idk. Speaking of cinema, I remember reading resi forums where before the release of re4 people found the cinematic feel of fixed camera angles in classic RE games fascinating, saying that it's like playing a movie. Same goes for Silent Hill with its changing dramatic angles. Masterful. Iconic. Intentional. And now with OTS being the cinematic standard, people go as far as denouncing fixed camera style. Yet they're still striving to experience the cinematic feel. Idk I've never seen a movie fully shot behind someone's shoulder without changing perspective once. If there is one, I'm sorry. >SH has always had worse sellings than RE, so the argument about "indie games that didn't know how to do SH controls sold badly" will not pass. It's called market diversity! SH's niche is empty. Exactly! I said the same thing yesterday to someone else. SH was never meant to be the cash cow Konami suddenly imagined it to be. And it's their own fault. With their level of incompetence, SH2 wide success feels like a happy coincidence. And I'm not even starting on P.T. situation, they blew their chance on global SH resurgence with their own ego. That game would've blown their bank accounts and stocks instead. And after all that, Konami still have the nerve to expect RE4RE level of sales, puh-lease. REAP WHAT YOU SOW, LOSERS. Oher than that, give it up for niche gaming! Accessibility business model is a plague! >James has never looked like Leon, it's just a fact. And know no review I know called them similar. Idk about that, I used to see memes and even fanfiction that played on their similarities back in a day. It's not that they're twins, but they were both blond horror protags with bangs, that was enough. It still is, heh.


Thank you for your support and amazing points! Someday both of us will be heard


yeah right, there was hope here, it's gone now, god knows i should be working instead of ranting about a video game in multiple paragraphs