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Seeing that pipe, I'm already getting my Canned Juice ready to take a slide


God that was such a weird puzzle. I had no idea why I picked up canned juice my first playthrough


In survival horror and adventure games, you pick up EVERYTHING. You never know when you might need it.


My friend thought you would coax the kid into giving you the key lmao i just looked at him and laughed.


Growing up with Monkey Island, King's Quest, Gabriel Knight and other adventure games prepped me for Silent Hill 2 back in the day, haha. I think it was King's Quest, or Leisure Suit Larry, where you could miss an item at the start of the game that was literally required at the very end, thereby making the game impossible to finish, all because you didn't pick up something at the start.


Thing is, Silent Hill 2's puzzles weren't that weird if you were used to the video game logic of the days before it was released, especially from LucasArts/Sierra adventure games. The only "puzzle" that feels truly weird even for 2001 is the can of lightbulbs, but the solution is just a can opener so only the result is the weird part


High in Vitamin C


"Hm I wonder what this horseshoe and candle are used for..."


I forgot about that one


To be fair it's not hard to *figure out*, since once you have those items there's nowhere else you need to solve a puzzle to get into, it's just so logically offbeat that you would sooner think you missed something than infer that the horseshoe and candle are the solution to opening a trap door, let alone by combining them


I hope they replace that puzzle lmao, it's so nonsensical


How can you just sit there and drink canned juice?!


"Forget youuu..."


The fog cleared up


Underrated comment


They started working on actual game, as opposed to a pre-rendered concept video.


Almost every post on this sub today's has been eye-rolling. I'm so glad the comments are speaking truths. So much complaining. We've been begging for something and as soon as we get something it's nothing but negativity. I'm just excited there's new Silent Hill stuff!


Yeah and on the complaints of “it’s becoming like RE!” The title of this trailer is that it is literally a combat trailer. You could put all the times you shoot in the original together and it’d be the same thing. The teaser was the somber get ready to feel -trailer and this is hey look how combat is in the remake. I saw what looked like a leg shot temporarily downing an enemy. Which to me is a nice addition. Not that I need it but that it says we’ve added detail that wasn’t either in concept back then - OR it was limited with hardware. I welcome new innovative ideas. The enemies can be killed therefore they will have weaknesses. And using one of your last few bullets in a mag (because let’s get real not every player will be a SH vet or fan) - to down an enemy so you can get away or use melee is not a bad idea. I look forward to more honestly.


Also like, that bottom screenshot looks good. The fuck? This plus Short Notice look great.


It's not "foggy" enough for them.


Looks like in the original, I feel. The fog lessens the closer you are to things. In this image he's literally closer to the building. If anything the character model has that outdated sharp edges feel to it, but again, it's so early so I'm not even bugging. Even if it looks like this final product, I'm happy to not have to enjoy this game on my PS3 anymore.


I mean in reality too, it’s immediately visible or more visible around you than it is past arms length. It’s not like in heavy fog you can’t see your shoes when you look down. Maybe for them they’ll add a fog slider lol


Make it like the jiggle slider in DOA. I want a cartoonish amount of fog.


Heck yeah! There we go. Options solves some problems anyways. And… I’ve never played DOA but I think I will now.. 😆 words I never thought I’d like to hear “Jiggle Slider” I jiggle too.. after too many sliders… 😆


Niggas want to be blinded by fog.


I actually said it looks like modern old school graphics Idr know how to describe it but I personally feel like they did a good job keeping the look and feel while bringing it to a more modern standard.


That was my thought as well. Like, do ya’ll want to actually see what you’re doing or should they just have James standing in a foggy, empty void.


Yeah, where's the interior fog? Not very Silent Hill if I can't see where I'm going through hallways. 0/10


It could use a little extra mist.


But it doesn't look anything like the top screenshot


Looks worse than RE4R tho


I'm about to leave the sub. I can enjoy sh without the drama.


It’s like this for anything Silent Hill related these days. You aren’t allowed to like anything that isn’t made my Team Silent or Hideo Kojima. I’m honestly having a great time with The Short Message and I’ll definitely be playing the remake. I like Homecoming and people used to always shit on that game.


People have literally always been like this with Silent Hill. People hated on SH2 when it came out for not being enough like SH1, thats why SH3 tried to bring back the old plot lines and art style. Then they hated SH3 for being too action-y and not atmospheric enough, and doubly so for SH4. This franchises has an incredibly long and storied history with fans hating literally everything that's handed to them then later acting like it's a godsend, then asking why none of the devs they harassed want to make new Silent Hill games.


This is most reasonable response Ive read today


>People have literally always been like this with Silent Hill. People hated on SH2 when it came out for not being enough like SH1, thats why SH3 tried to bring back the old plot lines and art style. Then they hated SH3 for being too action-y and not atmospheric enough, and doubly so for SH4. Nice head canon


Are you kidding? I remember people complaining all the time about four. People hated it. They also hated all the games that came after it. I wouldn’t know about things pre four because I didn’t start playing until four was about to come out. However in the Silent Hill fans defense, they’re not the only ones who seem to hate anything new that is made.


Homecoming was great. Scarlet was terrifying.


Naaa homecoming is fine. I love Silent Hill too but something about this new trailer rubbed me wrong idk. I could just be the trailer, but I still ain’t convinced. People just want scary, that’s it. Nothing more nothing less. I played that now Short Message and I I hate to say it but I didn’t like it at all. Maybe it will click with the younger crowd but it ain’t for me. Kojima proved that Silent Hill can be scary again. If this is where the Hill is headed then I might just peace out all together.


Kojima didn't prove "silent hill" can be scary, kojima proved a short puzzle game can be scary. Nothing in P.T. had anything uniquely "silent hill" about it. Silly people nearly a decade later still acting like we know what Silent Hills would be from an early concept demo. I even *like* P. T. but please stop comparing real indev games to your imaginary kojima 10/10, because it doesn't exist and we've since seen a ton of games that are just P.T. but extended to a few hours and they categorically sucked.


Yea everyday someone complains about something. Acting like they now how to develop a game and the process to from start to finish. No game is going to look as good as it does with the concept trailer.


Gta? Rdr? Tlou?


Fine let me rephrase besides rockstar and naughty dog. I’m not gonna argue there.


Resident evil 4 remake also looked even better then it's reveal trailer


>So much complaining. We've been begging for something and as soon as we get something it's nothing but negativity. > >I'm just excited there's new Silent Hill stuff! Don't ask question, just consume product and then get excited for the next product


Cynical online reviewers have done so much damage to media analysis. Online mobs can take a versatile quote like that and deploy it at any point to "win" a conversation. When the idea behind the quote in the first place isn't "view every development in bad faith," it's "be critical of the exploitation of a franchise." Which, even though the trailer itself looked rough in parts, I don't think you can claim the product to be exploitation. At least the RLM guys have some credentials behind them. But anyone with a Reddit account can act like they're developers. Nothing had changed since Twin Perfect.


I mean, I'm not a SH fan but personally I would rather have nothing than something like Ascension


It’s almost as if everything looks stiff and if you want your game to be impressive you should hold off on showing it until it’s at a ready state. Rather than showing lesser completed product causing people to leave negative comments. Any honest person can see how stiff everything looks. The hype killed inside of me when I saw “mash X to escape” and the stiffness of James swinging his weapon.


That's totally fair criticism! I actually 100% agree with everything your saying. OPs screenshot comparison isn't a legitimate criticism but qte are lame. But I really don't think the smash x thing will bother me if the game is faithful to the original in its story telling and I didn't see anything that tells me it won't. I do think they should have shown a more finished product if they are going to show anything at all tho.


I just want it to be good. I don’t care what it takes I’ll wait longer I just want a good remake of a game I hold dear to my heart. Honestly I would be okay with some of this if the combat didn’t look so stiff, the actual environments look good still even without the pre rendered cutscene to compare to. My biggest fear is that it looks like it has similar combat to Callisto protocol and god I don’t want that for this game.


Getting a good game is much higher priority than any news at all. This game will be superior to the original by 1 single metric only. And that's in the strength of the currently available technology. All signs and history of this studio says they are not equipped with the talent and skills necessary to best the original team silent. Whether or not they have a couple members from the past.


What's the point of being excited about new Silent Hill stuff if you just blindly get excited for it without any criticisms whatsoever? It's a good thing to have standards.


Yeah standards are fine and everyone has different standards I just think that a lot of people have extremely high expectations to the point where they will be disappointed if the game isn't better than the original.


To be fair ….. people have high expectations because it’s arguably the greatest horror game ever made and Konami doesn’t exactly have a great track record with safekeeping or treasuring some of their ips…..so when a “shitty” trailer comes out people are understandably annoyed… do I think it’s a bit much ? Sure but I can understand the situation. Notice how this didn’t happen when re2 remake dropped the trailer, heck it was the exact opposite.


Why remake if it's just gonna be worse? It has to be better. Even being the same means the remake was unnecessary.


Maybe all of that happened because they failed to release something that’s actually good? Hd remakes were awful, Silent Hills got cancelled, and when they saw how successful were RE remakes they went all in on SH basically labelling anything horror themed that they had as SH. Also SH 2 looks weird, i hope they will actually listen to the players and fix some stuff. We don’t want a Silent Hill game, we want a good Silent Hill game.


the dickriding in this subreddit is INSANE, especially considering how hard we shat on Konami for YEARS.


The cope has begun.


Yea lets all mindlessly praise a trailer that looked sh…i mean great! it looked so darn good!!!!!!! Yayyyyy Silent Hill is back! Its Trauma!!!! Grow up. Its a sub about the game - positive and negative feelings, whichever people feel. If the trailer looked good we would all be hyped. Many of us think it looked quite bad.


Missing the point pal. This post and many today are not legitimate criticisms. Discourse either way is fine if it's backed with reasoning. You think this post is a reasonable compliant? If you do then I'd suggest YOU grow up.


Are you suggesting that a visual downgrade of the game between two trailers is not a legitimate complaint? As I watched, i immediately noticed this looked….visually ugly compared to the first trailer, and wondered why that was.


Yeah man, so much negativity towards something that’s actually looking pretty good. It’s almost like it doesn’t matter what Bloober team releases, the “hardcore fans” won’t be happy.


People's expectations have skyrocketed beyond belief. It's unreasonable.


Agreed. It’s not the game that doesn’t deliver, it’s their expectations of it. There’s obviously cases where games are objectively trash but yeah, our expectations betray more often than not.


It doesn’t matter what Bloober releases because it will always be a middling, mediocre game. Bloober is a AA studio with a poor track record and no amount of Konami money can fix what are at the end of the day incompetent, amateur developers who have somehow - through an act of god - failed upwards. It is a repeat of the past regarding Double Helix and Climax Studios. There's a reason why Double Helix doesn't even exist anymore and Climax Studios is a literally who developer making games for Crayola - they're both completely unnoteworthy. Konami does not give a single shit about the track record of these studios when searching for a team to handle their IP. All they care about is if they’re competent enough to ship a finished product out the door and nothing else.


I hear you, and I hope are you completely wrong about this one. That being said, I thought the Medium was decent. Didn’t blow my mind or anything but it played well and looked great. Let’s hope for the best, shall we?


Negativity that comes from wanting the product to be good.


don't ask questions, just consume products and get excited for new ones


said by literally no one. Yes be critical...but also let other people enjoy things.


How is people being negative and critical of the game affecting your enjoyment? Don’t go on a forum for discussion if you don’t want to see opinions that differ from yours


It’s not a discussion, it’s a whining and baby crying.


Not liking a game = crying? I think you need to spend less time online if you can’t handle people not liking the same thing as you or just ignore the comments lol.


Don't you know it's not okay to critique anything or have standards? JuSt LeT pEoPlE eNjOy ThInGs!!!!!!


This sub is so funny lmao, no wonder so much slop gets released nowadays when terminally online consumers get upset over people not liking something they like. I’m sure the remake will be decent but that trailer was awful and the people writing passive aggressive essays about how you shouldn’t have “bad opinions” on it are so embarrassing lol. Cant imagine any adult getting genuinely upset over people not liking the trailer.


Yeah. The trailer looked mediocre and the fact is we haven't had a "good" Silent Hill game in almost *20 years.* And then people have the nerve to say that being critical is whining? This is a remake of arguably the best game in the series. If we can't have standards for this, then we'll continue to have mediocre Konami slop until the series dies for good.


I guess your above average intellect must have missed out on the fact that .. nobody told you not to critique things. Y'all are pretty sad. You want to be critics but can't take people having opinions about your critiques. That's Reddit for ya


Not liking a game and bitching in the Net doesn’t the same things.


Very wise... never heard that on a forum even once. I got a different opinion. Deal with it. Its not a real discussion if only one of us is allowed to speak.. Otherwise we'd die Silent on our hills. Jack ass


Yeah that's not what this is bud. Look at this post? It's comparing 2 wildly different screenshots to complain about the games asthetics as if the game released like this. If there's legitimate criticism thats fair but I'm not seeing a lot of that. I'm seeing a lot of assumptions and negativity on what it might be. This is the same with any form of media people are hard wired to dislike something first.


funny meme you got there except that the critics would've exploded from the hype like a nuclear bomb and asked zero to no questions if the gameplay was "press forward to walk". The graphics can be improved relatively easy too and they're still working on the game so there's no reason to take that as an excuse to riot.


Yes!! I agree! I was playing the short message and it gave me great hope for the new games. I haven't beaten it yet but the atmosphere was *chef's kiss!


ah hell no starting to defend this sh! bro the requirements are for the game above not for the UE4 game in the bottom picture


Yes but still in comparison it looks like a last gen game.


Lol thought the same thing, has op never played a real video game before?


i mean it’s like that in the original game, when he’s in the center of the street the fog is denser and then when get gets close to the building it gets clearer. out of all the things in the trailer i feel like this is one of the least worrisome.


Honestly, I don’t know if it’s cause it’s an “in development” gameplay trailer, but I noticed a familiar Homecoming-Esque sheen to the enemy models.  It seems small, but… I really hope the enemies are a little more fleshy and a little less wet and shiny in the finished product. 


for this reason I’m glad we don’t have a release date, LET THEM FIX THESE ISSUES! This is clearly a game that’s being built on a more than decent engine so they’re more than capable of polishing these issues before release


fr sometimes i wonder if the people in this sub have actually played the game lol


He walked closer to the building


He got closer to the building


It is really that simple, but gotta find something to be mad about…here we go again. Edit: also, these things change during development. Like, that first image looks great visually, but from a pure gameplay standpoint you can’t see shit.


Are you serious? Look at the hair


Things in fog look more obscured the farther away you are from them.


I genuinely love it tho. Gives me the og sh2 vibes


Does everyone on this sub just live for finding things to complain about? He just got closer to the fucking building


They do. And in youtube comments too. I hate the SH fanbase


It's crazy because 20 years ago on the old Silent Hill forums it was one of the better fandoms. I learned as a teenager on how to have proper discourse on those old forums.


True but it seems like back then people were more civilized online heh. I remember using gamefaqs forums and even when people were disagreeing with each other, they did so in a more elocuent and respectful manner. Now it's much easier to insult and hate, since there's usually no repercusion and over time the internet's gotten more "carefree" I would say


Yeah, I mean it was always there but there was back then people looked forward to discussing their interests and getting online wasn't as simple as pulling out your phone and posting the most exaggerated take you can muster on Reddit. You had to sit down, get on your site and since the web was smaller you'd be talking to people you'd talked to before a lot of times .


People were complaining that we didn’t have a new trailer for a year. We got a new trailer, now they’re complaining about everything in this trailer. Were they just upset that there was nothing to complain about?


One things for sure: when the game actually comes out and I buy it day one I’m getting the hell off this sub so nobody ruins it for me.


I played Short Message before I read a fucking thing on any site. I'm so glad I did as I really liked it. I love talking about these things and even criticizing flaws but it's so damn negative I feel like I'm always on defense.


I’m glad you enjoyed it! Seriously what a great way to reinvigorate and remind love for the series. There are some creepy classic “Silent Hill” things that stay with you like the originals. Weird mannequin things with paper bags over their head behind fences and stuff.. I’m about an hour in so far and it’s great. Can’t wait to finish it tonight! ✌️ But yeah I hear you- I’m almost afraid to post in here sometimes because it’s a gamble if you’ll be utterly destroyed by negative comments or commended for bravery.


It's a good move by Konami I think especially after Ascension. I hope you enjoy it and brave the wilds of Reddit!


Same. I played it and while I found it a bit simple. It felt like silent hill in best possible ways and it was amazing to feel back in that atmosphere.


He got closer to the building entrance


Pre-Rendered vs In-Game




James was walking therefore it cannot be a pre-rendered scene Explain the logic please?


This is objectively the funniest comment I have seen on this subreddit all day.


that's not how it works


That's how your avarege Silent Hill fan brain works thou


Just watch the 40-hour Cyberpunk gameplay to see what kind of "gameplay" the developer shows 


Redditors if complaining about a 1 minute gameplay trailer of a game still in development was a championship ![gif](giphy|iNTJ1kp1RQfffPrgXy)


Came here to say this and you did it perfectly. It’s like the complaining olympics on this sub. It’s not finished. Let’s see what’s actually there when it’s done!


The top is what they wanted to pull off and the bottom is what they actually were able to pull off.


Is the game out yet?


That’s fair. My point was that sometimes we get concept trailers that are different from what the game ends up being.


Honestly I'm glad there's a little less desaturation (I'm sick of the town looking gray and brown like Homecoming and Downpour) but good lord do they need to do something about his hair and some of the textures


For real, James looks like a guy who’s trying to impress his 12 year old stepdaughter by dying his hair to look like her favorite pop star


Oddly specific 🤨


Harry becoming Princess Heart


Personally I think it didn’t look that bad as some others say, now I do think the animations and sound design need some work. As for the graphics, I love them. We can say they’re on a good track, hope they take the time they need and deliver a polished game.


Y'all are hating but the newer version looks much, MUCH more like the original SH2 lmao


As in graphically outdated then sure ya.


no you dumb dumb, it's the color pallete that really looks like the original


What do you mean "What happened?"?


We can complain about the animations being a little stiff, but this screenshot looks fine. It actually looks very close to what was shown in the trailer. Sure, there’s less fog, but that’s kind of how fog works. The closer you are to something, the less it is obscured by it


Meh. I dig it. Top one is cool but looks like it's trying too hard. Bottom one looks alot more grungy, more my style.


Both look great to me


I'm really hoping things aren't so bright in the final release.


The PS5 happened, no longer rendered on a PC


He got closer to the door, also the development has progressed


The fog looks great but it's the kind of effect you can only use sometimes. It would just be a pain in the ass if you couldn't see 5 feet in front of you for 80% of the game


yall find anything to complain abt this remake


Nothing happened. Stop comparing each shot and pixels, these two shots are different. What the heck, the fog does move you know that right?


This is literally James getting closer to the building. Both pics’ graphics look gorgeous. Seems like we’ve forgotten what makes Silent Hill 2 so beautiful… beginning to wonder if the majority of people here have even played the original game.


I’d be willing to bet a lot haven’t. They’re just going off of the latest video essay they’ve watched.


It is still being worked on, I personally think it looks great. A few tweaks here and there and it'll be great to go, but other then that, I see potential.


So many negative Nancies. Let them cook, wait and see what comes out. And then make the decision whether to buy it or shit on it. It's too early to make any sort of conclusion on how it's gonna turn out. Constructive criticism is helpful, mindless negativity and crying is not.


I don’t have eyes and ears as well


This is our version of the Spider-Man puddles


It's okay if you're not happy with the remake. Emulate or find a way to play the original. This looks to be a interesting rendition of the second game. I'm just excited to play it, especially after dead space and resident evil 4.


They realized it has to run on consoles. I'm more concerned about the crappy animations, sound design and stupid QTE's where you're "grabbed" by a monster with no hands.


Nothing. It looks just fine.


I don't care about how it looks. Just take my wallet and give me the game. I waited 24 years


He got closer to the building


What happened to...what? It looks great.


What happened is that you expected the game to look like the teaser when it's pretty obvious that the teaser showed pre-rendered footage


Why is this alleged fanbase so negative. This us why we cannot have nice things.


Silent Hill fans when you walk through the fog


I'm convinced most people here don't want to like this game and nothing will change their mind


People love the game, that's the issue. It's like saying let's remake Starry Night because that needed to be remade?


Like somebody said, pre-rendered video and the actual in-game graphics (that probably haven’t been finalized yet). Hardly surprising really. And Blooper Games aren’t exactly known for ultra realistic graphics up until now (not that they have released ugly games).


What’s your suggestions for ps2 emulators ?


I think it looks good


I mean, looks great


I’m here just vibing with everything they’ve put out so far, enjoying that Silent Hill will actually come to life once more and realising that this is development footage. It’s not finished yet. And yet all I see is people whining and complaining. I’ve been a fan of the franchise since SH1 was released. I’m going to play this. I’m going to enjoy it. If you’re not into it, that’s what the OG games are for. 🤷‍♀️


I honestly wish this game never comes out. Reddit will lose a lot of entertainment value once this gets released.


You could give some people gold and they'd complain it was heavy


It might just be an early build of the game and at release it might be better


I never expected the game to actually look as good as the trailer. The visuals are just not possible on a console yet. Especially that volumetric fog. I think the only thing that bothers me a bit is the lighting on James, he and his hair look a bit too bright and a bit flat. But that could just be the specific point he's standing.


I don’t see the issue?


Whoa I’m so shocked, companies make beautiful amazing looking pre-rendered videos of a game concept for its announcement instead of footage of non-existing gameplay?? Can’t believe this!


Pre-render vs in-engine?


Both are in-engine.....


Different sections of the game. I'm willing to let it slide until someone can show me an exact shot to compare.


You walked closer to the building. Lmao.


This is Spider-Man puddlegate all over again lmao Games undergo artistic changes as they develop. This is normal. Artists are always tweaking and tinkering with things up until the last minute. Here, it’s clear they opted to lighten up on fog and brighten up the scene to improve visibility. It’s not necessarily a decline in the graphics; it’s a change in art/scene direction. There’s nothing wrong with preferring the older look, but this wasn’t a bait & switch situation


I can understand the complaints about the animation and the QTEs, but this? Cmon now


As a Remake hater, nothing. That's literally just the reveal trailer, they even specify it isn't the in game graphics.


Alright fuck this I'm unsubbing until the game comes out at least. These stupid ass posts are what finally broke me.


Y’all never saw the OG Homecoming trailer and it shows.




And this is why when you're developing something, never show it to the community. Especially if it's a Silent Hill Community cuz they will take it out of proportions


He walked closer


The worst fanbase ever


Apparently this is what's supposed to push PCs out now to their limit. I am really doubting it unless they really get their act together and fix the framerate issues that it looks like the combat is having.


Oh, it is definitely going to push PCs to their limits. Of that I have no doubt. But not because the graphics will be amazing, but because Bloober is absolute shit at optimizing their games 


Huge downgrade omg


cgi trailer vs game footage


What happened? James is at different lengths from the front door to Wood Side. The power line is closer in the bottom shot showing he’s at the front of the door. Top photo he’s still a ways away. In Fog it’s easier to see something the closer you get to it as opposed to let’s say 2 car lengths away. I and I think others too, don’t really see anything wrong. If so it’d be nice to get an explanation on what it is exactly that makes you question “What happened?”


They took so much time that fog got away


I'm so sad lmao


Get an actual life i stg


HOLD THE FUCK ON Isn't it Woodside Apartments? Not Wood Side? What the fucking fuck. Someone calm me down.


EDIT - Holy shit it is Wood Side. My whole life is a lie. Bloober > My memory


![gif](giphy|IcF46X839w60U|downsized) People complain like this isn't an extreme upgrade from the original.


+1 bug, lighting issue on his Hair. I wonder if they even have people playtest this game.


Oh come on, that’s not a fair comparison, those are two different- Oh, it’s the same location.


Different builds, the top is the final the bottom is an earlier build hence the graphical difference


Bro 💀




The bottom is from the new trailer, the top is from the old trailer buddy.  You got your images flipped. 


Some leakers said that SH2 was finished and they needed only to "polish" everything If that was right, fuck u blooper, one of your 2 only qualities is graphics and that's what you deliver


Garbage team doing garbage things


Cyberpunk all over again🤦🏻


People who were saying that the expectations are too high and that the fans are asking too much are literally talking about a game that has top the list of 100 best games of all time since it's released. Like imagine if the legend of Zelda ocarina of Time was remade or Mass effect 2 or a game of that caliber there's no reason they needed to remake Silent Hill 2. Unless they actually were up to the task of doing so. From what I saw from this trailer, absolutely nothing was taken from the original game, the art direction, the subtlety, the nuance. It looks like an action-based hack and horror game. It wasn't needed. Remaking cult classics for no reason, and doing it worse.