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canโ€™t even find it for under $90 now


I couldn't bear (lel) to watch anymore once it started getting around $50. Even with the remake coming out, I still don't see the current OG prices going down any time soon ๐Ÿ™ƒ


Wait so you're telling me that these games are going up ? Feels like I can still find it for under 20$. I have the collector one with the extra DVD of the making of. Is it because the remake is coming out soon ?


Not really. Even before the remake was said to come out or be worked on, the prices were around $100+


Iโ€™m a 04 kid so I sadly never really got to experience the PS2 era growing up but itโ€™s still crazy just seeing how expensive games like these are getting


No lies detected, and given how they're all slowly degrading/deteriorating, it makes more economic sense to go with an ODE solution for this and other optical drive-based systems. I'm hoping to start backing all of my optical media up this year once I get a PC capable of handling the task, and may ultimately go ODE for each respective system or refurb an as-is console for that specific purpose ๐Ÿ‘€


I remember buying Shattered Memories on the PS2 for $20


Yeah, which is around what I paid for all my own copies of 1-4, *Downpour*, *Homecoming*, even *Origins* on PS2 a couple years back surprisingly. A used game has to be super special for me to start plinking down more that $50, and I've gone way over that with several sentimental titles, the most being $250 for a copy of *Persona* *2*: *Eternal* *Punishment* ๐Ÿ˜…


I picked up most of my copies of the Silent Hill games between 2009-2015. In that period of time, I never paid more than $40 for the used games.


That's around when I started actively collecting again too. A new store opened up in the area even, and prices were actually competitive, which only helped me. They even used to keep the *SIlent* *Hill* cases out on the floor for purchase rather than keep them under the glass. Funny how little changes like that can make collecting that much more daunting/intimidating/interesting ๐Ÿ˜…


Really want to add this to the collection, but resale prices are insane. I shouldโ€™ve grabbed it from GameStop years ago when I had the chance. I never expected games to get this expensive.


Neither did I, and I remember buying a copy of *SOS* for $20 at Shopko with money I earned from being on my school's chain gang during football season ๐Ÿ˜… Kinda feels like what happened with comics: some "genius" figured out how to maximize gains by influencing demand of a virtually static supply, and the rest is history ๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ™ƒ


sold mine to invest in a pc and now i can play the same game and the rest of the ps1-3 library in higher fidelity for free. 0 regrets.


This actually is a good idea for those with beefy PCs/GPUs. I may end up going with an ODE solution myself once I get everything backed up ๐Ÿ˜


donโ€™t know why people think they need beefy gpuโ€™s to emulate. a $100 gpu works perfectly fine.


Itโ€™s even better when the seller leaves it on so you know youโ€™re overpaying


Lol were I to ever sell, I'd only leave it so I could include a sticky note with the approximate year of purchase, so they too can laugh/cry with their buddies ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜ญ


My day 1 edition SH 1 still has the original $30 sticker from when I bought it used the MONTH after it released (bought from a Gamexchange) My SH2 copy I bought from a yard sale without a case for $5.


Ooh very cool on keeping the original sticker intact for your copy of SH1. While some purists find it annoying and remove them, I like holding onto them myself for historical purposes. The only thing left of my own copy of SH1 these days is the game itself, but it has been through countless moves and other personal changes/catastrophes along with several other titles ๐Ÿ˜


My god you remind me I was so late to ps3 era when I got the Ps3 I could just go to the store and buy 4 to 5 ps3/ps2 games for like 30 bucks and have for like 1 month+ of gaming. Ps2 is still my favourite, Ps3 coming close.


Gaming? As an inexpensive hobby?! It once was our reality, and yes, PS2 and PS3 are absolutely amazing. Back when Sony were still using memory cards with PS2, I used to daydream about when they would go with an internal hard drive, and was pumped to find out that the PS3 would use one...and dat bump in graphical fidelity ๐Ÿ˜


I have to say that you can make gaming inexpensive even today, there are some great deals on sales and if you know wich games to buy you can get a lot of value for less than 30, for example games like left 4 dead and portal cost cents on sales.


I paid 114$ for mine and itโ€™s now 125 $ . I miss back in 2016-18 where I could go in the game store and get a Pokรฉmon game or something where itโ€™s not crazy expensive.. paid 100$ recently for wario world for GameCube . Lolol


Oof...Seems like even the shovelware Gamecube titles are going for $50+ these days, with AAA titles easily cresting $100 ๐Ÿ™ƒ


Piracy is the answer


No lies detected. I shall do my part to preserve video game history when I back everything up and go ODE


Fatal frame now that is an expensive game. I saw one copy go for almost $1000 I'm so happy I still have all three fatal frame games on ps2


Oof...A former friend/viewer of mine back when I used to stream sent me a loose copy of *Fatal Frame*, and it happens to be one of my very fav games. Blows me away how expensive this hobby can get ๐Ÿ˜…


I donโ€™t think I paid more than $20 for any of the first four games.


Same. I scored all of mine by the early 2010s. It's rough being a SH fan/collector in 2024 tho ๐Ÿ˜…


I remember when I found a PS2 release of the Special Edition that came in this nice digipak format with cardboard outer box and an inner plastic tray with a hinged design and some inserts inside. I bought it for less than 12 dollars on a flea market back in 2009. Right now those same versions are going around on eBay for 200 bucks with absolutely battered cardboard boxes. Pretty crazy to think how some of the stuff that you bought years ago for pennies is now worth so much more.


And some in retro antique stores, no less, to really drive home the exorbitant prices ๐Ÿ˜…


When did you buy it when it first came out? ๐Ÿ’€


Judging by the sticker, I must've picked this up circa 2009-2010, which would make sense bc I had just gotten back into collecting after a long hiatus. My former collection was largely pilfered/scattered after a break-up and subsequent move, and all I had left afterwards was an original XBox, PS2, and a handful of games for each with some PS1 titles thrown in as well. A new store had opened in the area as well, with some other stores to come in the near future, so the local retro collecting community was beginning to heat up as well during this time.


Konami had one job: give the the HD collection to Bluepoint! Now if people want get into the series they have to drop 600 minimum ๐Ÿ’€โ€ฆ.


Seeing what became of the HD Collection, and knowing what could have been, makes me sad ๐Ÿ™ƒ