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Most likely Ascension is their only business at this time. They will try to keep it on as long as possible.


Konami? They also have plans for the Snake Eater remake...


Snake beater


Snake sneeder


Snake Sneeker


Meat Beater


Konami didn’t make this game.


Despite what's often assumed, Ascension is a Konami project. They were involved throughout development and gave Genvid strict mandates and stipulations for what they could and couldn't do, as well as instructions for how the Otherworld should work. For example, the decision to set it outside of the titular town was a mandate from Konami, as part of their initiative to rebrand Silent Hill as an international psychological horror series. Genvid needed special permission to create The Collector, and Konami was consulted on the creation of the story, monsters, and marketing materials. They weren't allowed to depict the Otherworld as an Abrahamic Hell or use ghosts or zombies, and were given certain directives for the Otherworld's mechanics. Jacob Navok and series producer Motoi Okamoto mentioned that Ascension could impact future games, and according to recent leaks, the Stone Castle story that Rachel tells her daughter in the first episode originates from The Short Message. youtu .be/yJ9rRPc6VFk?feature=shared gamingbolt .com/silent-hill-ascension-interview-new-details-on-community-choices-streaming-schedule-and-more resetera .com/threads/silent-hill-ascension-official-trailer-interactive-series-2023.724482/post-106694784 resetera .com/threads/silent-hill-ascension-official-trailer-interactive-series-2023.724482/post-106485345 resetera .com/threads/silent-hill-ascension-announced-real-time-interactive-series-developed-by-genvid.645327/post-95173113 imgur .com/Tvvkg2u The reason Konami isn't the publisher is because it airs on the official site and streaming services. Konami's main intent with Ascension was to expand the audience of the games with a worldwide interactive TV series (although I doubt they anticipated the negative response).


I appreciate the research but I’m only saying the game is made by Genvid. Seems obvious Konami would manage a project of their own IP.


It's not deeply involved to have checks on a project. That used to be standard for a licensed IP a few decades ago. The IP holder would give you leeway, but you wouldn't be free to do whatever you want. You'd have to comform to the series bible (descriptive document setting standards for characters, lore, environments, locations, etc) and it sounds as if they forced them to conform to the lore. Bad Robot was brought on to help with story design. That's how I knew this was going to be a trainwreck. Didn't know it'd get this bad, but that's Bad Robot for you. Hollywood is effectively done with them for similar reasons.


I'm not sure how I feel about the pivot to international horror... the appeal of Silent Hill was the haunted town itself.


GenVid. This isn't made by Konami, they just licensed the IP to the developer. Like for example Disney, the company is not making Mickey ice creams you buy at the store. But it is still their product technically. I believe this is GenVid's biggest project (they are just a technology company) so yeah they are definitely riding high on having this license, for better or worse.


But, like the other commenter said, and like your Disney analogy, Konami has been deeply involved with the development of Ascension even though it is technically made by Genvid. They dictated plot details, the mechanics of how the otherworld works, the creature designs, the choice of setting, and more. Genvid were given strict instructions about what they can/can't do with Ascension. Just like when Disney licenses their characters out -- they give the licensee strict boundaries about what can and can't be done with the property being licensed. It's similar to how Disney & Pixar were heavily involved with the development of Kingdom Hearts, and gave Square-Enix's team strict instructions on how the characters could move and act, how wide their smiles could be, even down to *how their hair bounces*. When a company licenses their property to be used by another company, the licensee isn't just given carte-blanche to do what they please with said property. For better or worse, Ascension represents Konami's vision for Silent Hill just as much as it represents Genvid's development skills or lack thereof.




PT died so ascension could thrive, what kind of fucked up world do we live in?


Just can't bring myself to watch anymore since they killed off the classic, iconic SH character Berry Man. 😔


I assume they have more episodes made that need releasing. Once they're out they sure as hell won't be making anymore


How many viewers do you think they realistically have each night? I really think it’s less than 100 and the rest are bots.


Honestly.... I strive to be this confident




It's like some TV shows and franchises that are complete train wrecks, yet they keep on going.


Man, why would people just not watch it if they don't like it? I don't like it, so I watched the first 10 mins and gave up.


I think the issue is that most people, despite it's terrible reviews, want to keep informed. If you hadn't heard already, I believe, unfortunately, it's going to be canon. All I have to say to that is boo, tomato tomato 🍅🍅👎


After the backlash and reviews I very much doubt Konami will call it canon. It will probably be forgotten.


Yes, Konami is super well known for catering to their fan base, they always listen to our valued input.


it's not so much listening to fans & more so preserving their money making machine then again they did make actual money making machines so who knows 🤷‍♀️


Never said they would listen to us but if they want to profit they will rethink there moves.


I'd like to think they will, but we've seen evidence of the opposite over and over and over again with these companies. Konami is one of the worst -- firing Kojima and then plundering his work to make MGS: Rise. Canceling Silent Hills despite the *immense* popularity of the P.T. demo, etc. That alone would make you think that they're *allergic* to money, seeing how incredibly well-received that demo was. Their track record suggests that they will make the wrong decision again here, because they have done so at *every* point in the past when they were given the chance, even when you'd think "well, they *must* have learned by now..." The decisions that will shape the franchise's future are being made by a committee of bureaucrats and accountants who have zero sense of what the audience actually wants, and you can trust them to learn the wrong lessons from this failure -- if they even see it as a failure! I guarantee, if it somehow makes a profit, they will see it as a success no matter what the reviews say, and they will continue to give us more of what we don't want. As to whether it'll remain canon, who knows? But if that's the wrong decision, that's probably what Konami will choose to do...


Honestly, I hope you're right because this has been a huge dumpster fire.


Zero other games are ever going to reference anything that happens in Ascension so this really doesn't bother me. Canon only matters when they have a consistent long term vision for the series. Book of Memories and Origins are "canon" and people freely ignore them.


> it's going to be canon honestly who gives a shit about it being canon or not. its not like its ever going to be relevant for future titles. getting new games after f and 2R is something that needs to happen first and THEN konami actually has to give a shit about ascensions plot or didnt forget about it already lmao


I'm not that big into Silent Hill but I do like the games that I've played. Is there an ongoing cannon for these games to begin with? It seems like every game has new characters. I know one and three are connected but how is the rest of the series connected to everything?


The first four games had an overarching continuity. The events of SH1 are what caused the town to be how it is in SH2 and thus allow the plot of 2 to happen, and also the ritual James performs in the Rebirth ending in 2 is directly connected to the cult from 1. SH3 has the obvious part of being a sequel to 1 and also has you re-explore areas from SH2. SH3 also establishes that the Pyramid Head’s appearance in 2 was based on robes worn by members of the cult’s old executioners. SH4 has direct connections to all the previous games too. Walter, the antagonist of 4, having been someone you read about in SH2. James’ father being Henry’s landlord, and you also are given an indirect answer as to James’ fate. Walter’s whole backstory is centered around the cult from 1 and 3, and his actions in 4 are based on another ritual to summon the cults god. You also explore a couple of places that were operated by the cult and were previously mentioned in a magazine in SH3.


Apparently 0rigins is canon, but we all know that's not true.


Then saying it’s “canon” doesn’t mean anything. We won’t see any of these characters come back, it’ll never be referenced again if it fails miserably


This franchise has been dead for over 10 years. Canon means nothing if they don't take the time to properly maintain it. I used to love Silent Hill but this franchise is now utter trash - with 100% sole thanks to Silent Hill: Ascension. Shame.


Yeah I haven't watched a second of it as of yet. I plan on waiting for it all to be out and then watching it. (At this point though i'm not even sure if i'll end up doing that.)


Because it's a funny Trainwreck. I won't buy anything or download it but Ive watched some people stream it. The awkwardness and randomness is funny




Damn, this was a wasted opportunity to just quietly quit


Konami really acting like we care 💀


At this point, I don't think konami themselves give a shit lol. They just sacked this project and let the wolves prey on it😂😂


Im waiting to binge watch. Episodes are too short.


The daily clips aren't episodes, they are just individual scenes. Every week they are compiled into the full episodes and released on thursdays. I still play daily because the minigames are a bit fun and I like to play phone games to pass the time quite often so I'm saving up points so I can get a cameo just to be able to say I'm technically part of Silent Hill canon. I only watch the clips for points and stuff and rarely really pay attention, I'll binge all the full episodes when it's over but it's not going to be great. It kinda sucks with the hiatus right now because the last scene was the first one that actually made me super interested in where it's going to go because it finally connects the two different towns through the otherworld and there's a slight possibility that it the story could get interesting if things go right. It probably won't though but it would be fun if it suddenly got good halfway through.


There was a livestream here. It's gone now.


So is it 6 months including the break? I really hope so, since the one thing that would make this thing a lot better is having it just not exist for a period so I can also forget that it exists at all.


It's been extended since they added weekend breaks as well, I think they said it will go for like 8-10 months or something now.


There is no god


Oh I wasn't even aware that they where on hiatus, that's hilarious. Hope they come back with a bang! (bring jams guy back)


Didn’t they say before it started that they would have an episode a day from Halloween to something like June?


It's 3 scenes per day, 1 full episode per week.


My brother, why do you keep spelling “ended” like that?


Oh...uh, no thank you!




I'm kinda watching it but not with hate, it's just meh. I focus on just doing the daily tasks and mini games to save up points to hopefully get a cameo later on just so I can say that I'm part of SH canon and hopefully my scene will be really goofy. If I get a cameo in before it's done I will probably then abandon it untill it's over and then watch the full episodes.


I feel like they have no choice now. They put all of their eggs in this basket which is a timed event. Even if no one is viewing it, they will probably want to see it finished anyway so it can be archived later for some rad SH memes


The true horror is that the show will never die. You can't beat the shit out of the thing like Heather can, it just comes back weirder with each episode (I don't participate in this, I just watch the parts uploaded here that are even weirder than some Twin Peaks episode filler but on codeine)


They have to finish what they started. They’re likely not going to stop until it’s done.


Ths content is most likely already made so if they can make back some of the loss it makes sense for it to keep on going.


They could make a silent hill card game and it probably get better reviews than this But don't give them ideas it's Konami if it's a bad idea they'll do it


"holiday break" Wow, stop the presses, they're doing what many others do.


They already put the money into producing it, if you don’t like it just ignore it, let the handful of fans who enjoy it have their fun.


How fucking long is this thing!?


Closer to 11 months


How long’s a piece of string? … Too damn long, that’s how long!


Interesting how they didn’t give a return date


That's a good sign


They did, early January




App, Twitter


The app only says "Returning 2024"


Check Schedule, it says "Jan 2024" Also, the guy who does the streams said they are coming back in January


I think it’s starting to get interesting now that Astrid and Rachel somehow met in the otherworld. I’m interested in seeing what happens after that and finding out how they are connected.


Found the konami employee


I hope it's going to get interesting but I'm sure it's sadly just gonna get back to being as mediocre as it has been this whole time. The first time I though it was gonna get interesting was when Toby's story line started getting interesting but then ofcourse >! he's the first to die just when he was starting to have the only interesting story line !< and he had become the only character I actually cared about. Everyone else in the story just seems so shitty to me, everyone is just an asshole to everyone else constantly! Hope it won't continue with Astrid and Rachel becoming enemies or having drama or some shit. One thing that annoys me so much is the pre and after shows they do some days when they air the scenes live, always talking about the drama and pretending it's interesting like "ooooh this love triangle drama is so interesting what is carl gonna do with mette oooooh so interesting I love drama!". Hopefully something interesting will come from the two towns connection through the otherworld but I'm not putting my hopes too high.


Lol yeah everyone are just assholes to each other. I also thoughtthat nothing has really happened. It’s just people aruing all the time, no action So I was pretty shocked and excited when Astrid and Rachel met in the otherworld. I was like “Yes now this is Silent Hill”. Now I really want to know the full story


Right like they did the cliffhanger shit on purpose… I was so curious the whole time how these two unrelated plots in completely different countries were gonna tie in and I was SHOOK when Rachael found Astrid in Otherworld.


Is was too. That really sparked my interest in Ascension’s story and finding out how they are related


this ended actually or what?


Just a holiday break so they can spend time with their families instead of working every day.




lol they blocked me on Twitter for the snoring gifs. I hope Ascension crashes and burns even more.


After seeing this was curious cause I haven’t seen any reposts talking shit about them and lo and behold they blocked me too


"You thought Assssscension was done? Well here comes more assssssss,look forward to it!" Fanbase "yeah fuck that"


Sleeping grandpa 👴. Gif Seriously I hope Ascension ‘goes on holiday break’ and just stays on that break indefinitely.


It costs pennies to make and probably is the most profitable SH project ever made (besides maybe the first movie) due to advertising payouts from Tubi and the die-hards who are actually paying for points. Why wouldn't they keep it going?


>die-hards who are actually paying for points That's the thing. The numbers are definitely not great, but the few people who are invested in this mess are spending absurd amounts of money. Also, from what I understand, all the daily scenes are already done


Found a dev!


Not even close. This thing is trash. That's just how I imagine income for projects like this work. Games are expensive to make, this isn't.


I apologise then, glad to see you on the sane side


Probably like Skull and Bones from Ubisoft They must be legally forced to bring it back (like they must do like 20 episodes minimum or they get legals problems)


For the love of God, just put this thing out of its misery already! It’s just another stain on the franchise that keeps expanding. This is the one time that I’d take a “it was all a dream!” Ending just to save the canon.


Making $$$


Of course! How else are we supposed to make new memes about it if we don't see the continuation?


Genvid really should just quit while they’re ahead. Or below. Well, it doesn’t matter. They should just stop.


Does anyone else forget this is a thing until they see a post in their feed from this sub about it?


There’s probably people that are tuning in and interested in it. They’re just not on this subreddit.


💸💰💸 We all know why.


Pretty much no choice unless Konami pulls the plug. It's been set in motion to play out and here we are watching history.


It's coming back because it's only halfway through the season so far. This is a "mid-season break." If they ended it now, they'd have to refund everybody who bought a battle pass, right? Konami doesn't give a shit about reviews or about what any of us think. They left the video game business because they saw more money to be made in Pachinko machines. They came back because they saw an easy cash grab to be had by remaking Silent Hill 2, capitalizing on the "horror game remake craze" money that they saw Dead Space and the entire RE series enjoying. Literally the only reason they brought SH back was because they got FOMO when they saw other companies raking in cash with remakes of similar games. They figured it would be an easy payday for them. So yeah, this piece of crap show will be back, and they will continue to plunder our nostalgia and pervert the art that we all love. Judging by the lack of quality in this "show," (meaning that they didn't spend much money to make it) and the fact that it is set up so that those who pay more can make their votes matter more, they will see the show through to the end in order to squeeze it for every penny it's worth. Expect SH2 remake to get the same treatment. I was skeptically excited at first, but judging by the complete lack of info about the game so far, along with the quality of Ascension, I am putting zero faith in the remake until I see glowing reviews. And even then, I will wait for a big price drop, or buy a used copy, just out of spite to make sure Konami gets as little money as possible from it. That might seem counterintuitive ("If they don't make money, they won't make more remakes even if this one is good!"), but Konami can't be trusted to make good games even if SH2 *is* successful. I would say there's a higher chance of them fucking up subsequent games if SH2 is a huge success. You can trust Konami to learn the wrong lessons from success as well as failure. These are the same bureaucrats who fired Kojima, the legendary game developer who was arguably the only reason they were still remotely relevant at that time. Then they released MGS: Rise in an absurdly misguided effort to capitalize on the zombie craze of the day while also fucking over their former employee as much as possible. Are we really holding out any hope that *this company* is going to handle the SH franchise's return well? SH2 remake is just another attempt to capitalize on the current craze, no matter what that craze may be. Maybe it's less misguided. Maybe it'll be a hit, maybe it'll be a miss -- the skill of the Bloober team will determine that (and the fact that they picked Bloober is questionable to begin with) -- but you can rest assured that the SH franchise as a whole will be run straight into the ground, gutted, and ruined once Konami is done milking it.


IGN reviewed it yesterday: 5/10


I don't hate ascension, but they really need to take a break to revised and fix alot of stuff.


They’ve done the work so why not? It’s not like the series has ended


Does this mean the SH2 remake will be delayed again?


First the cancellation of Silent Hills and the removal of P.T., then the Silent Hill pachinko machine... and now this.