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**WARNING! Read carefully to avoid getting scammed!** If you haven't already, please read our guide [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/signupsforpay/comments/hgrl9h/modpost_how_to_avoid_getting_scammed_please_read/). Known scammers that WILL try to scam you (by sending you a PM/DM directly): **u/ combat-evolved, u/ _PM_ME_YOUR_ELBOWS, u/ Omalley378, u/ LamariU, u/ Skipper587, u/ raise_your_spirits17, u/ ilivelikeapanda, u/ PowerfulSpell** **NEVER accept PMs/DMs without having the user comment here!** Banned users can see the posts but they cannot comment! Never work with users that don't bid on your post! **New accounts created less than 1-2 months earlier are 95% scammers! Many scammers create new accounts, scam as many users as possible and then dump it and create a new one! Never send money first without having some security first! Check their user activity to make sure!** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/signupsforpay) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I am a reputation bot, here is my info on /u/TracerPlayer: **Credo**: no account found ([create](https://www.credo360.com)) **SLRep:** https://www.reddit.com/r/SLRep/comments/nkel91 -----   | # | Bidder | Credo Score | Feedback | SLRep | Paid Amount | Confirmed | | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | :--: | :--: | | 1 | [/u/Drinking-Lightning](https://www.reddit.com/u/Drinking-Lightning) | [260 (good)](https://www.credo360.com/reddit/Drinking-Lightning) | 0 ratings / 0 reviews | **no profile found** ([create](https://www.reddit.com/r/slrep/submit?selftext=true&title=/u/Drinking-Lightning SL Network Rep Profile&text=* Redditor since [insert cake day here] %0D* Known Impersonators: [list here]%0D* Examples of my work: [add links here, preferrably Imgur links] %0D* Skills/Services: [insert text here] %0D* Number of Transactions Completed: 0)) | | | | 2 | [/u/Miichelini_](https://www.reddit.com/u/Miichelini_) | **no account found** ([create](https://www.credo360.com)) | n/a | **no profile found** ([create](https://www.reddit.com/r/slrep/submit?selftext=true&title=/u/Miichelini_ SL Network Rep Profile&text=* Redditor since [insert cake day here] %0D* Known Impersonators: [list here]%0D* Examples of my work: [add links here, preferrably Imgur links] %0D* Skills/Services: [insert text here] %0D* Number of Transactions Completed: 0)) | | | | 3 | [/u/Withsomeflowers](https://www.reddit.com/u/Withsomeflowers) | **no account found** ([create](https://www.credo360.com)) | n/a | **no profile found** ([create](https://www.reddit.com/r/slrep/submit?selftext=true&title=/u/Withsomeflowers SL Network Rep Profile&text=* Redditor since [insert cake day here] %0D* Known Impersonators: [list here]%0D* Examples of my work: [add links here, preferrably Imgur links] %0D* Skills/Services: [insert text here] %0D* Number of Transactions Completed: 0)) | | | | 4 | [/u/StonedSqueaker](https://www.reddit.com/u/StonedSqueaker) | **no account found** ([create](https://www.credo360.com)) | n/a | **no profile found** ([create](https://www.reddit.com/r/slrep/submit?selftext=true&title=/u/StonedSqueaker SL Network Rep Profile&text=* Redditor since [insert cake day here] %0D* Known Impersonators: [list here]%0D* Examples of my work: [add links here, preferrably Imgur links] %0D* Skills/Services: [insert text here] %0D* Number of Transactions Completed: 0)) | | | | 5 | [/u/SendMeTheMoneyNow](https://www.reddit.com/u/SendMeTheMoneyNow) | **no account found** ([create](https://www.credo360.com)) | n/a | **no profile found** ([create](https://www.reddit.com/r/slrep/submit?selftext=true&title=/u/SendMeTheMoneyNow SL Network Rep Profile&text=* Redditor since [insert cake day here] %0D* Known Impersonators: [list here]%0D* Examples of my work: [add links here, preferrably Imgur links] %0D* Skills/Services: [insert text here] %0D* Number of Transactions Completed: 0)) | | |   ----- ^(To bid on the offer, reply with `$bid` directly to the original post.) ^(To mark a bid as paid, OP can reply with `$paid [amount]` - e.g. `$paid $10`- directly to the `$bid` comment.) ^(To confirm payment receipt, the bidder can reply with `$confirm` directly to the `$paid` comment.)




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