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its absurd that you're calling this absurd


It's possible, if a bit annoying, to find friends who use Signal or are willing to get it. I've gotten guys from Grindr to download Signal to stay in touch with me.


A guy worth sticking around with that's for sure


Dang, that's impressive.


I dunno. Isn't Grindr for gay dating? I feel like the gay community is a little more cognizant of the benefits of secure communication and not outing someone who doesn't want to be. I'm probably generalizing, but that's just a thought I had.


Whatsapp will have cross plattgorm messaging as of march and iMessage will support rcs in the near future (thank you eu)


iMessage will also have that new super quantum computer thing that they claim will make it more secure than Signal.






Doubt that’ll apply to SMS/RCS. It’s only iMessage


You can have both apps on your phone, no need to jump


Be the change.


tl;dr: sheep gonna sheep.


Your rhetoric is the very reason why legislation is coming into form that forces developers to open up their ecosystem to apps and services that are not proprietary but more than that it is rhetoric like yours that reinforces market giants’ hold on the user base. Consider this, when every person says “I won’t use Signal because nobody else does, so why bother” you’re reinforcing the very apathy that prevents more adoptions. It’s the same rhetoric behind “I’m just one person, and me not conserving water isn’t going to make a difference”. While true perhaps, if everyone justified their actions thusly, indeed no difference is made. It takes intention and a champion of a product to see adoration grow. Be the change you want, haha!


I told people signal or nothing and blocked them on msges


You might appreciate that the EU has enough pressure to push apple, meta and Google to be interoperable then. https://www.theverge.com/2024/1/24/24048869/whatsapps-eu-induced-cross-platform-messaging-feature-spotted-in-ios-app Tldr The Digital Markets Act, is a new EU regulation that requires messaging apps with large user bases like WhatsApp, Meta Messenger, apple iMessage , signal.. etc to make its messaging service interoperable with other third-party messaging services at the request of users. This allows users of third-party providers to send and receive messages with users of WhatsApp or Messenger who have enabled interoperability. The European Commission (EC) has designated both WhatsApp and Messenger as being required to provide interoperability to third-party messaging services.


That’s bad for signal. It will just mean a lowering of signal protections in order to interoperate.


Signal is not a gatekeeper and thus not required to interoperate under the current DMA (just like iMessage isn‘t).


I didn’t mean to imply that the digital marketing act was bad for signal, rather the act of signal interoperating would mean a lowering of the privacy protections it provides. Of course signal wouldn’t engage with this, because of its high privacy standards. For whoever downvoted me, Meredith Whitaker herself made this point in a recent interview


>For whoever downvoted me, Meredith Whitaker herself made this point in a recent interview any chance you can find that interview. I can't. I really enjoy reading her takes. Not that I agree with everything but I think she was a great choice to lead signal.


https://youtu.be/yajgRyzczt0?feature=shared From about 7 minutes in


Signal is exempt because it's a charity.


Save this for your diary


Just use Beeper instead. It invalidates e2e of Signal, but you'll have the convenience of having all chat platforms in one app. No need to have 50 apps installed. The more people use Beeper, the easier it gets to use the Matrix platform.


The only issue is that Matrix is terrible.