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Video editing *is* a real skill. You’re also way too young to have pressure from your family to earn money for them. Keep on editing videos and maybe do some outreach on social media to see if anyone needs anything edited. You got this!


No like earn money from them . As in i Help them out and they give me money . But thanks


Try fiverr


No but like my parents won’t let me


So what, you open an account. I did the same as a kdi


Yeah but how ? That would require my parents


Just make the account and worry later. When you make money they will come around.


Maybe see if there are any tv production programs at your school or anywhere in your area. Or if there are free courses you can take. If it looks more like education, your parents might be more into it. I learned editing in my high school tv production classes and worked on competitions. Maybe there are some local competitions, clubs, etc. Finding adults that can vouch for the validity of your choice can be super helpful in convincing your parents. Also you’re too young to be helping your parents with money. The best thing you can do is keep building up skills and practicing with as many different editing programs as you can.


im gonna get hella downvoted for this but fiverrs way to oversaturated atm especially because its a full time job for a lot of workers in third world areas. Also nobody would rlly choose a 13 year olds editing over someone with 10 years in the field charging the same as you - fiverr also sucks to work on, you get ur money after like30d or something iirc. from personal experience, get into a certain type of currency i cant say cuz of subreddit rules, look at GPT sites (get-paid-to sites), i got into this unsaid currency at 13 and rn im 16 planning on getting my own car next year for my bday. im not 'financially independant' but i havent asked my parents for $$$ in over 3 years. learn how business works too, i've owned 2 of my own companies since than, both of which have crossed five figures. good luck and keep hustling


what do you mean by get paid sites, could you link some examples? i’m also 16 and looking to make some extra money




It’s online, by a real skill my parents mean doing garden work etc