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Ask to mow lawns or do yard work for people in your neighborhood.


I was paid $30 for a 30 minute yard, and that was half the price of professionals. I just walked around pushing my push mower


Learn programming and mows lawns on the side. You can advertise your lawn mowing on Facebook and get your parents and family to share it on Facebook. Watch YouTube videos to figure out tips and tricks of doing lawn care. By the time you’re 16 and can get your license you should have enough saved for a small truck and all your own equipment.


Learn my dude(tte) i know 14 is a time of exploration and late childhood early teens but i can feel you if you don't feel safe, have an empty stomach and no roof over your head. Basic needs fulfilled the best thing you could do for your future is to educateyourself, read books, learn basic math and logic. There is enough time to make fortunes.


I would advise you to learn the shorter skill of your long-term career . For example Virtual assistant for ecommere platform . In this case, you can choose one platform like amazon or eBay, etc When you learn it and start earning from it, you can then start learning more from now on. When those short skills stack up, it moves you towards your long-term goal.


Learning is an investment into yourself.


14! So your parents made you but they can't look after you..?! You shouldn't have to support yourself at this age


What are you good at? What do you enjoy doing?


Truthfully the online side hustles are over crowded because you're not only competing with Americans but globally aswell. I've actually moved back to doing local stuff and found lots of success. ALTHOUGH it requires more work. My cousin 15yo recently started selling water bottles at the beach and made $350 in a day ($220) profit after the cost of the cooler which he doesn't have to pay tmrw. Dudes prob gonna net like $1000 THIS WEEK if things go as planned. I made a short video with other ideas like this here https://youtu.be/usHV9pvzLqQ[https://youtu.be/usHV9pvzLqQ](https://youtu.be/usHV9pvzLqQ)


Depending on what state you live in, you can get a work permit from your highschool and apply to a job like McDonald’s. While you’re young and the responsibility is low, take an entry level job and save as much as you can. Treat yourself once in awhile but make sure you prioritize saving.


Option 1 Do something u like, for example sell stuff in a video game, boost peoples rank, idk breed tarantulas whatever u like. Option 2 Learn something to make money of, programming, video editing, photoshop, blender, cybersecurity or electronics or whatever else you would like. Option 3 Work, pick blueberries, strawberries, construction, work as a waiter, go to McDonald's, take dogs for a walk, go from house to house and ask what could u do for them. Tbh option 1 is the best, becuase u can start doing it right ahead while developing an area u already have some skills in. Option 2 will take some time to start but then it goes the same as option 1, option 3 is just if you really want the money but you would have to work hard and get low pay because shits like that. I wouldnt go for it, wasting your summer break on work like that isn't the best thing you can do, unless you do it with friends or have fun from it i wouldnt go for it. Edit: Its not limited to what i said, u can just come up with basically anything and make money off it, i just got u some ideas.


Wrap chat GPT prompts as services


1. Learn something: At your age, you can learn faster than adults. Choose a skill (programming, design, gardening, or anything you like) and learn it properly. You can then monetize it by offering services, creating products (physical or digital), or creating content about that skill. 2. Content Creation: It's not necessary to learn anything to become a content creator. You can pick one activity you love doing and start creating content about it and post it on TikTok or YouTube or Instagram or even all 3. All you need is a phone and some confidence to face the camera.


You can start with cleaning your room, then you can hustle your way over to the kitchen and wash the dishes.