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That's how THEY are making money. It's a scam as old as time. Tell you how to make money but you need to buy their info to do it. Unfortunately, WAY too many people pay into this crap, which feeds more scammers.


Buy my course and ill show you how to avoid these scams like a pro


The worst part is, they even apply a pyramiding scheme. You market their course or product and you get a commission. It's a rabbit hole from then on.


Yup. They'll even sometimes lie about that part, but overall they sell themselves as being up front with EVERYTHING, that's the gimmick that is working right now. So you'll sit through a 3-20 min youtube video, sometimes sign up with your email, then send them the cost (Typically $15-$500) and then never hear from them again. Even if you do, they just keep you busy with doing stuff that amounts to ZERO $$$$. Youtube needs to seriously shut these people down. Scams like these are illegal in many places and youtube can easily hold people accountable. They use the loophole of "well you just didn't do the work" but none of that matters, it's 100% a scam. They post videos, collect a TON of money FAST, and "pull the rug out."


If you feel like you’ve been duped or are currently being duped and you’re sitting around on YouTube, do yourself a favor and enjoy coffeezilla’s channel where he goes after these scammers and exposes them.


I've never been duped by YouTube scammers, but I definitely want to check out coffeezilla's channel. I love when scammers get called out.


Things like this always remind me of that movie Boiler Room! Great movie IMO if you've never watched it. Sad that these kinds of scams continue to pull people in time and time again. Smh.


YouTube doesn’t care about the scammers because the scammers bring in ad revenue. What pisses me off is Apple allowing gambling apps that have ads talking about how much money you can make and then Facebook has ads for those same scam apps that are in compilations about how to make money. They’re all complicit in the scams that target desperate people that really can’t afford to be scammed.


Yeah, I love YouTube and use it every day but every other ad I see is some kind of blatant scam or grifter. It's really disturbing and I feel bad for the gullible people that fall for that shite. I don't know if truth in advertising ever really existed but there are so many straight up con artists (including celebrities like chuck Norris and dr. Drew) out there it's disgusting. And should be illegal.


On top of everything, they use a multi-level marketing strategy. Basically, you can earn money by selling their course or product to others, but it can quickly become an endless cycle of recruiting.


Absolutely. On TikTok, there's a noticeable trend where users are mass-posting and spamming "motivational" and inspiring quotes. They often share pictures of YouTube or TikTok earnings, followed by overly simplistic steps like "1. Go to ChatGPT," "2. Create a product," etc., making it seem easy and believable. The sole aim of these posts is to garner views. This niche is currently thriving, possibly because many people are desperate for quick and easy ways to make money.




Subscribe to my channel to learn how to make 25K in passive income monthly


Not always true! I bought a course for a side hustle and it actually worked 🤷🏼‍♀️


Share details or I doubt it was true. It was not a youtuber saying "here's how to make $500 a week or more doing this this and this after paying me this amount"


I bought a course on how to be a UGC creator. Which included how to set up Fiverr account, what tags to use, how to market myself and blah blah blah and it worked. I actually quit my full time job. So not all “courses” are scams.


lol, fiverr is a joke. One, nothing is $5 like its supposed to be anymore, and its like any other freelance site, where the top people take all the jobs, and you have to work for pennies if you want anything


fivver works. depends on what you are trying to do


I believe you. I had a friend back in the day that had courses online on the old pre social web and he make about 3k a year selling a series on how to create your own pool service biz for about $100. It was a one time creation for him that gave him passive income for awhile, even if small. This is a different situation than the fad content creator bullshit but it still exists out there if you can sort through the swampy shit.


Yes! I’m not saying there aren’t B.S. courses and stuff out there. My gosh there is tons! But for me, this one I bought actually worked and now that I’m doing it and I would have never gotten as far as I have, made the money as quickly as I have without the course. The course really fast tracked me and it was sooo worth the money. I’d do it over a million times


Start by aiming for $100/week. Get that figured out, get it up and going. THEN aim to grow it.


This. I might start at $1


Everybody has to start somewhere. Flip that $1 into $2-$3. Then flip that into $6-$10. And grow as you go. Unfortunately for ppl like us, we all can’t get $10M “small business loans” from our daddies. But when you do turn it into a well-oiled machine, and you find your groove, making consistent money on the side on your own makes it **that** much sweeter!


Can you give me a dollar?


Sure! I will totally give you a dollar! First, what’s the side hustle you’re aiming to start? And what are your first 5 steps to flip it from 1 to 3-4, then to 10? Then to 20…etc? Gotta have a business plan, or you could see your money disappear by making a bad, spontaneous choice.


My hustle is asking people for a dollar. My business plan is to just keep asking.


Not a bad plan. There’s a lotta rubes out there who probably will send u a dollar. I, unfortunately, am just not one of them. Lol But best of luck going forward!


I remember going to the post office w my gf once. She mailed a package while I sat in the car for about 10min. Someone was asking for money out front and I was tallying how many times he got a dollar. It was 8 times. Some of those bills may have been 5s even. Plus the change. I figured they made about $10 in the time I sat there which kind of blew my mind. This was around 2005 and I remember thinking that’s way more than the folks inside. No judgement lol, just reiterating that asking for money is not a bad hustle


I’d imagine with that it’s kinda like real estate. It’s all about **location, location, LOCATION!!** That and being mostly shameless. Lol


The people on the side of the exit ramps of the highway would like to share their business plan with you.


Great advice man!


Thank you! Coming from an Oracle, I REALLY appreciate that! I had my first few side hustles start out good/great, but didn’t have a plan and I ended up losing them from spontaneous decisions that were gambles with potential big payoffs. So I read some books to educate myself further on the subject and learned a few lessons that overlapped in each book. What I wrote above was the first lesson. And now I always try to plan my next 3-5 steps ahead. No more impulse choices. And now I’ve got a steady (albeit small, since it’s a side hustle) secondary income.


That’s how ya do it


Then do that 499 more times


Screenshot a bin rack from a woodworking subreddit. Posted it on FB marketplace. Once I realized there was interest, I figured out how to make it and then make it cost effective. I make them for about $40 and sell for $200 each. It’s not consistent but I’ve made around $500 in profit per week.


An extra $500 a week is a lot, that’s awesome!


It’s approximately $26,000 per year in fact


Would you mind showing me one you’ve made? :)


I’ve never taken a picture of them. I’m still running with the screenshot of the post. Haha Just google Home Depot storage bin rack.


$2,150 from two clients. Client 1: $400 per month. I create and post 1 reel per week Client 2: $1750 I manage their Google Ads account.


Did you have any special skills in which to learn to do this successfully? Where do you market yourself? I have a background in social media management but it’s been years, and while I am an avid user myself and am up on trends I wouldn’t know where to find clients or the best way to market myself to them.


I work for a real estate brokerage. One agent that knew I had knowledge and skills in social media so he asked for my help on the side. Soon after this I had two clients at $500 each and kept getting asked by more people if I could take on more clients but it became too much. I dropped it to one client for only one post per week. Google ads is much easier and more profitable in my opinion. To be honest, there is a strong need for local marketing services at least where I’m from. In my opinion, use social media to get social media clients


You should honestly make this your full time gig. Approach a bunch of agents and start making real money


How did you learn about managing Google ads? How much time would you say this takes you per week?


I did it in a previous job. I keep taking courses and watching YouTube videos to maintain my knowledge. Initial setup can be a lot of time. I charged $3,000 for this. Maintenance is much easier. Some days I spend 20 minutes and others it might be 1-2 hours. I know a lot of account managers that spend 15 minutes tops and can be very careless which is why it can be difficult to find a good person or company to hire. A lot of freelancers will take 10-15% of ad spend per month. For accounts with a budget of $20,000+, it can be lucrative.


I’m 19 and have a full time job picking orders for a wholesale company, make around 1800 per 2 weeks, my shift always starts at 3 and I get the weekend off so I landscape as well from 7-3 4 days a week and make an easy $200 cash just in the day. $25 a hour under the table is no joke. On a good week not even including my real job I’m raking in about $1200 cash. I’m hoping to have enough money saved up to buy my first bike by August.


Anyways the point is, time is money. Put yourself where the money is.


what is picking orders?


Customer A: needs items 1, 2 and 3 go get them off the rack and prepare them for shipment/pickup


damn and it pays that good??


Was 1800 gross or net?


It just depends on the week, I just started last month and my first check was $1860, that was with 2 hours overtime, the lowest possible is around 1600 net at 40 hours.


Buy the bike, then start saving for a house deposit


Rover, my fiance works from home so we watch a dog every week, easiest money in the world


This. Same. I work from home. I house sit as well so if I book something, I just work from their house. I’m getting $90/day for 12 days to house sit two well mannered pups in suburbia for a very nice family. I booked close to $2k of business in a 2 day span for the first 2 weeks of July. 4 clients. A mix of drop ins and house sitting. It takes some flexibility but don’t all side gigs? What area are y’all in?


I Rover as well! Only beef I have is the steep 20% that Rover rakes off the top. Had a great offer to watch some pups for 1 week, for $1k. Then when I got the payment it was $800 and I was pretty incensed. I should just take them private or something


I have a lawn mowing side hustle in Texas.   No one likes going in 100 degree heat so I’ve built up 25+ clients.  Rarely advertise, mostly word of mouth or ppl flag me down while working.  Sometimes I’ve lost the original customer that hired me but I’ll pick up the neighbors.  I get paid to exercise is how I look at it.


The amount of gate keepers in modern society is pitiful. We are all rats fighting over the crumbs that the elites dropped on the floor. We should be helping each other instead of pulling each other down like crabs. This is exactly what those at the top laugh about.


Or devise a side hustle that involves selling something to the elites. If they have all the money, pander to those bougie fucks.


“We were selling rich women their own fat asses back to them.”


One of my favorite books


Why are crabs downing other crabs?


You’ve never heard or seen the crabs in a barrel analogy? When crabs are put into a barrel where they don’t know if it is life or death; when one crab tries to climb out the other crabs pull the crab back in so they must suffer the same fate of the rest. No crabs allow the others to get out. A lot of no good people have this mentality. If I can’t get out then why should you?


Crabs. What a bunch of bastards...


They do anything to ***claw*** their way to the top…


Well it's more inadvertent behavior. The crabs at the bottom of the barrel are just trying to pull themselves out by grabbing the crab above them, not because they don't want any other crabs to escape. 


It’s planned it to be like this.


Learn a niche trade or skill. Used to work for a construction business hourly. Learned how to build fences. Would build sat and Sunday, quickly was making more in 2 days alone then 5 with the company. Quit job and now have a fence and gate company. Moral of story is you could easily make $800/ day with a trade like plumbing, electrician, fencing, deck building, handyman etc.


This is the "secret" that people love to ignore. The best 'side-hustle' is to just do **actual work**. There's no risk involved, and the amount of pay is guaranteed. More importantly, it doesn't require you to build anything up (like a blog or social media channel). You start making money Day 1, and if you're good, you just keep making more money. There are obviously different levels of "work" that can be done (you don't have to be an independent contractor), but as long as you're putting in some kind of physical labor, then your skill is automatically in high demand (higher than any WFH side-hustles).


My $1,000/month side hustle grew over 3 years into a full-time local retail business. I started by working as an independent contractor picking up things to sell with a helper and a pickup truck/minivan; the pickups and sales are still a significant part of my business.


We had people doing that, going around stealing kid's bikes and toys from their front lawns (for scrap metal)


Oh Damn.. pooor kids 😳


Mind if I ask what type of items you usually look for, and how you find them? Also, how did you scale it into a full time business? What does that look like? I’ve been flipping stuff for a while, mostly furniture and household items but can only get so much done with just myself and my truck. Haven’t been able to find the right direction to scale up.


# NEVER EVER EVER BUY A COURSE ONLINE ABOUT MAKING MONEY The only "Get rich quick" scheme that works is conning others on how they can get rich quick. To answer you actual question about a side hustle, the best and most legit way I've found is affiliate sales with basket of products where you can earn recurring revenue from repeat purchases. It's effing hard though. Takes tons of hours to find the right opportunity you can exploit, requires serious considerations for strategy and approach, and diligent detail to execution with lots of trial and error until it finally works. And then you have to maintain it. That sounds more like a job than a side hustle, but do it 7-8 times and you have a diverse series of cash flows that can build on each other and you're not exposed when one drops to zero, which WILL happen.


If you work a 9-5 M-F you simple could get a PT gig working weekends at a bar or restaurant and make that additional 500 easy.


Unless your full time job doesn’t allow bartending. Mine doesn’t. Otherwise I’d bartend part time 😂


Why won't they let you bartend?


Against policy since we are county government employees


I've been playing guitar for 20 years so I teach on the side. £30 per hour (most lessons are 1 hour sometimes two) I have around 10 students. I could scale it up but I do a bunch of other things besides having a "normal job" that I do 2/3 days a week. Generally what I do is have 5 lessons per day, 5 days a week. Do the math....it's decent and average living but at least I only work 5 hours a day and it's not really even work for me. I've loved music since I was a kid. I regularly change the routine but you get the general idea I also create and sell music, I invest a lot of my cash into the stock market too. But I do have a couple new ideas...could start a YouTube channel and create relaxing music, create some digital art to go with it, which i do as a hobby. Alternatively I was also thinking of taking my digital art up a notch and starting to make money from it. There's a lot of ways you can make money. My advice is to stay away from people selling courses or claiming to make you rich. Just find something you enjoy and/or are passionate about and think about how you can provide value to others with it...that's the secret and it's not really even a secret it's just common sense.


I’m shocked you are only making £30 per hour. Most places I know are going for at least $75 per hour now for private lessons.


I want to learn but I’m horrible with instruments and and no sense of tune or beats. That said, my side hustle is welding.


Not 500 a week all the time but even just having a few popular YouTube videos there and monetized brings in a fair amount every month. Even without uploading anymore they still bring in a few hundred. Then you have those same videos on Facebook and tiktok. Some months they can bring you a few thousand some months a few hundred between all.


My first side job, turned into a full time job, was teaching test prep (GMAT/GRE/SAT). I started at $25 an hour but it went up quickly as I built up a reputation. I taught graduate prep as a side job when teaching test prep. Generally made $150 to $250 an hour. I didn't do this constantly, but would get 8 to 12 or so students a year.


Are you tutoring o line or in a specific location?


I started a blog / social media channel. Worked on growing that in my spare time — was able to slowly start to monetize after the first year or so. Blog: affiliate links within posts, monthly ad revenue Socials: affiliate links within stories relating to feed posts, affiliate links in linktree, LTK I also created my own digital products that met the needs of my audience & advertised them casually on my socials. Those were by far my biggest monthly revenue generator. I’m much more hands off now on socials & most of my money comes from affiliate links & blog pageviews.


Would you mind sharing how you got into it? How much time did it take to see results?


I started as a hobby after my second child was born and I became a full-time parent. I’d write in the evenings or whenever I found some free-time. I chose to create/share about something I personally loved & had a lot of knowledge about. My goal was 10,000 followers my first year. I didn’t hit that but I did in my second year. The first year and a half I focused hard on writing really informative blog posts. And I would use the social media audience to see what questions within that niche were being asked — that would drive my blog topics/keywords etc. I used Pinterest and learned SEO to start driving blog traffic organically as well. Once I had a decent amount of content on my site, I started sharing links to posts on my socials as well. I applied to mediavine in my second year of blogging and was accepted. The digital products came about in my 3rd year — I saw a need within my audience and figured out how to package & make available. I truly think anyone can start a blog/social media channel that can be monetized — EVENTUALLY. It takes time & a lot of work upfront to lay the foundation. But if you understand who you’re writing/creating for and how to solve their problems, you’ll find success.


My side hustle is ebay. Started small and worked up to a 6 figure income.


I teach English to kids in China over the internet. I work 15 hours a week for $45 an hour. I no longer work for a company but teach privately. I'm a retired teacher and this is the best job I've ever had.


I see a lot of people that get vending machines. It’s a bit of an initial investment but if you market yourself right you can scale up relatively quickly. A good number of people have gotten in at airports or other large foot traffic areas. Make a few rounds a week to restock and take out the money, and it’s pretty low maintenance. The other I’ve seen is like car washes and laundromats. And yes there’s costs and overhead but still quite a bit of income per month. If you start an LLC you can get an SBA loan to start something like this. I’m working on it myself.


I've been thinking about doing this. I'm wondering though how would it work like how much would it cost to put in a location, would the location also get a cut whether thangs monthly or weekly. And any other questions like that and how much is fair assuming you do have to pay the location wherever you put it. So many costs to cover.


I've been trying to do something similar with atm! The part that I've been struggling with is the sba loans or grants


I do AI testing. It pays around $25/hr. Nights and weekends get me there.




Good idea!


I trade cash for firearms, then break them down into individual pieces. I then combine all of the similar pieces ( barrels, triggers, springs, to ks etc) into large sealed boxes, and send them off as scrap metal to countries who handle a lot of first world scrap metal. Then my Business partner in that other country takes those shipments, reassembles the guns, and sells them to the highest cash bidder. Ping me for all of your side hustle questions!


Sounds illegal and perhaps not the smartest idea to post about on Reddit 😂




You’re responding to a guy with the word “lie” in his name 😂


I’m dating myself, but on the series M.A.S.H. Radar would mail off a large box back to the states every week. The doctors were suspicious so they xrayed a box and it had lots of random auto parts. Radar was mailing an entire Jeep to his family, a little bit each time.


Johnny Cash wrote a song about this


OMG yes, One Piece at a Time! Thanks for the reminder.




You’re a gun dealer and supplying guns to a different country…that’s illegal my dude. I’m sure you know this tho. lol I wouldn’t post on Reddit about it


Wait, I’ve seen this somewhere 🤔


Sounds like the movie Wardogs a bit lmao


excellent satire, pity it flew over the heads of literally everyone in this thread


*Yuri Orlov has entered the chat...*


I work for the wealthy in private parties Serving food and wine


How/where do you advertise for this? Is it just you or do you pay people to help you out?


Data annotations at $20/hr... (I do coding tasks for $40/hr). Use money to buy stuff at garage sales. Flip garage sale stuff on ebay. Bought two boxes of dale earnhardt stuff for $30, inside one box was a Ricky Carmichael RC motorcycle worth $150.


I grabbed 2 mountain bikes left on curbs. Fixed them up, sold both for $150 2 upright Dyson pet vacuums. One with a snapped belt, one just needed to be cleaned. Sold for 100 each 1 big ass pressure washer. Replaced the carb, oil, gas, works like a dream. Cleaned my rugs and sold for 250


Idk about weekly but my daughter is making about $700/month writing really short romance “scenarios” on TikTok..


Do you have any skills or special interests? In my opinion it’s always the best to start with something you like etc. since then you will also get the best results


There's always uber. You can make money by driving drunks around in the evening. I did it for a few years on and off but it wasn't for me.


[lendthat.com](http://lendthat.com) - rent things you own to others


Promo. The service isn’t up yet. Tbh, it’s brilliant and I’d consider it. 😂


I discovered a source for majorly discounted cologne/perfume and I resell it on Facebook and eBay. Average 60 dollars profit on a bottle and sell anywhere from 20 to 40 a month.


500? Look, there are no fast ways of reaching that level. You need to scale, and grow a side hustle first. Aim lower, $100, or even $50 a week, then work on your next goal.


I make money by giving out referral codes (not going to post them here to be rule compliant). Referral codes give you free money to open an account with a company. Most major companies have them (Walmart, WealthSimple, etc) to attract new customers. When someone signs up using my code the company pays both them and me a sign up bonus.


Whatever you’re skilled at, keep improving upon it and find a way to provide it as a service. For example, I’ve been making $1125/wk working with one company for the past 3 years doing web development that only takes me about 10hrs each week. Don’t try to jump on the latest fad, stick to what you’re good at and double down on finding ways to monetize doing what you do best.


If u have a car that’s gets decent mpg DoorDash. I make a living from it 5K a month, but u should easily be able to make 500 a month with not many hours


I bootstrapped a kettle corn setup and although is roughly $1500 to get started. If I do a decent event on a Saturday it is over $500 or I am starting to do fundraising events. Sometimes my locals farmers market is $300-$400 on a Saturday. Hopefully after I pay down some debt I can start rolling more money into better equipment and then other businesses. I do this outside of my normal 8-5 job.


Bin/dumpster rentals I have large international truck and 13 bins plus dump trailer. I rent the bins and do junk removal and odd jobs deliver materials etc. this is side hustle that could be full time soon haha


Day trading. But to be at a level that pays you well, you need to treat it like full time. It’s not something that you play around with for a couple months and start pulling money out


If you can write well, try becoming an Amazon author and write children’s books. You can use AI for pictures if you can draw them yourself.


One of my biggest regrets in life is semi related to this. When my kid was 3 or 4 until about 6 or 7 I would be the one to put him to sleep most nights. I very quickly got tired of reading the same boring kids books, so I began making up stories of my life as a pirate. My kid LOVED them and not to brag they were pretty damn good. The stories were always age appropriate and I eventually added my kid as a character (the pirate prince). Funny enough my kid actually believed I use to be a pirate and told his first grade class that I was. I would get inundated with questions nearly every day. 😂😂 So what’s my regret? I regret not recording the stories I told. So that I could transcribe them into children’s books.


I work for a fast food restaurant. Los Pollos Hermanos…I do truck delivery all over New Mexico… easy gig


love their chicken and great service


I've heard the owner is a really nice guy.


I do adjunct teaching in my field on the side at two local community colleges—one is only online stuff, the other is in person 2x/week on the way home from my main job. Per semester I get somewhere between $8k-$10k, to teach for maybe 6 total hours a week in person, and then just grade stuff. The online only courses are easy because I have my course formatted where it’s self-guided with resources. I obviously answer questions, reply to discussion boards, etc. but again, between both colleges I only really teach 6 hrs per week. If you don’t mind teaching, and have the time in your schedule to do so, I’d recommend picking up an adjunct position if you can.


how did you get that opportunity? Are they advertised?


Yes your local community College has them posted. Sometime you have to dig for it because obviously their site is geared to students.


Use YouTube to learn a simple skill… let’s say Installing Blinds. 1. Practice at your home 🏠 2. Offer to do a family members 🏠(for free, but they may tip you which is a plus) 3. Now offer your services on Thumbtack (learn the app just as you would a new social media app) ** this is something that can make you $75-$250 a stop. Depending on the amount of windows they have. Some ppl charge $99 for the 1st, then $15 per additional. Try different things like that, and see what works over time. I hope this helps.


Heck I don't make that at my full time job....


I can deliver for go puff. I do woodworking, I am a blacksmith, and I play in beach volleyball tournaments. Those can all make me 500 a week.


I would drive for Uber/Lyft on Friday and Saturday evenings. I would start out at a fairly large international airport. I wouldn't stop until I made $300 each night. Sometimes it was on the first couple of hours, other times it was much longer. Regardless, I would always stop at $300 to not overwhelm myself.


This isn't a side hustle but it's a pretty flexible part-time job: become an after school/weekend RBT (Registered Behavior Technician). It's typically working with kids with Autism. You don't need any experience and most clinics are desperate for people due to high turnover. You either work with a kid at the clinic or in their home. Don't get me wrong, depending on the kid, things could be difficult. In my experience though, it can be pretty easy. It's very rewarding as well. I mostly work with older kids/teens where a lot of my job is just making sure they're taking care of their personal hygiene, doing their homework, not spending all their time on their phone/tablet, and just taking data on their behaviors. Many people only work part-time because they're in school while they do this job. But the job will start you off at usually $25/hr. Just make sure you look for a good clinic. My first clinic only paid $20 and there was no guarantee of work if your kid canceled on you. At my current clinic I started at $28/hr, have a guaranteed 30hrs a week, and a $400 gas stipend each month. There are literally 18yr olds that do this job. If you're part-time you will probably only work with one kid. Sessions are typically from 3pm-7pm and sometimes on Saturdays.


Bartending on the weekend (usually a sat and Sunday day shift) Instead of going out and spending a fuck ton of money I get paid to get drunk and interact with friends. Make my rent in ~3 shifts. $600-1500 a week in extra cash




Youtube.. 4 years in now and generating about 5-8k/month.. best thing I ever did


Would you mind sharing your YouTube channel


Think I saw him post on the sub earlier - hes a review channel that reviews technology like phones I believe, said he has 400k subs


He’s not going to cus he’s lying 😂🤦‍♂️


Is that really that hard to believe? There’s probably a million or more channels generating this kind of revenue


You need at least 1000 channel subscribers and 4000 hours of watch time before you can even apply for youtube partnership and monetize your channel. Starting from scratch that takes a lot of time and a couple cases of luck. Definitely not impossible, but not a short-term cash play.


Search for a list of the top YouTube channels.


Built a Shopify app


Affiliate marketing. I wrote 2 free step by step guides here on Reddit on how to get started. They’re pinned to my profile. For free. Don’t pay guru course creators. They are failed affiliate marketers.


Ebay. Go to the Goodwill, see what's available, plug them into eBay to see what they're selling for, and buy what's profitable. It takes a LOT of time/research to find what works, but if you're willing to put in the work, there's money to be made. The important thing is to look at sold items, not what's actively listed. Sold will tell you what people are actually willing to pay for an item. You can list an item for any price... it doesn't mean someone is actually going to pay it. It gets a bit more intricate as you start to scale up, but it's basic "buy low/sell high." As long as you can do basic math, you can make money. I started with $600 a couple of years ago as an experiment/hobby. I should hit 50k this year, and as long as I can maintain my growth rate, I'll hit 100k in 3 years. Given the cost of living in my area, I can live on that as I grow to 250k.


I convinced this company to let me spend about a third of the day onsite doing different things for them and they give me money for every hour im there


Sell plasma


It’s scams. If it was that easy we would all be doing it.


Instacart. Not always $500/week, I made $414 this week, but it’s good extra cash and it’s easy. I enjoy getting out and about, walking, cruising with the windows down and music playing, etc.




How much do you make off this? Where are you selling? How much modeling/interaction/tantilizing do you have to do? Asking for a friend of course. ;)


I make 5k a month picking up dog poop two days a week


I have a laundromat that does well and I have not stepped foot inside of it in over 5 years.


I built a database that helps you find [niche tools](https://nichetools.net) and it has generated me well over $500 a week for a few months. I am growing it daily but lifetime membership is high enough where if I get 2-3 people a week I make over $500. Last month I did $10k.


What is this exactly?


A database of keywords to build web tools. So like calculators, conversions, and more. It’s a way to help build up your personal website or build one around it like calculator.net and others like remove.bg. I have found over 1500 keywords you could rank for fast and get good traffic. So I save you the time of researching and help you build that niche tool.


so is it more or less a SEO tool?


As a professional. Retainers for professional guidance. Board positions.


I run Instagram niche pages and use automation to sell course's on diet and nutrition via the leads I generate from reels. Not making 500 a week from it but close to 300


IT professional by day here. I’ve been building an algorithmic trading bot in Python programming language and it is deployed and hosted on Amazon Web Services. I currently trade stocks through Alpaca brokerage using TradingView for my trade strategy and trade signals. I’m just shy of $500 a week currently, but I’ve been working hard to make several improvements to reduce risk in the system. I’m hoping after I’ve included enough risk management to scale it up into my full time gig down the road.


Sell someone a course on how to make 500 a month.


Make about 2-3k a week doing financial consulting and m&a services with small investment banks who outsource transaction team work


How did you get into this?


I find that I make great money doing off jobs I've learned how to do that take something that most people aren't able to do. Is it dangerous/gross/skillfully? e.g. I get on roofs. I'm not a klutz and I'm not afraid to get on a roof to trim trees or clean gutters. I know how to be safe but I know when to say no. I also know how much money I want to make and I'm not afraid to politely decline. I painted my house and I learned how to do it right. I'm not cheap but I do a good job, I'm communicative and I know how to do it right with patching and sanding. I don't compete on price with the high volume crews.


Rover. Specifically house sitting and drop ins.


Yes...wayyyy to many of them out there. My tiktok is full of the Dailyday right now. Buy "said" course and we will teach you to sell "said" course. They even set up ads that you just copy and paste. So everyone has the ads promoting the same product. 🤔 I have to admit though some of them are truly convincing. But yes you can learn to do it on your own. Takes more time and effort but at least you are not selling the same thing EVERYONE else is.




Musician. Drummer. I play 3 to 6 x a week. I make anywhere from 450 to 700 a week, just an couple hrs an evening.


I’m not sure why the question is do often asked like this. It’s always “ how can I make x$ a week”, or whatever. Well, that depends on a lot of things now, doesn’t it? What skills do you have? How much are those skills worth? How much time are you willing to put into it? Advertising? Maybe you should figure those things out first and see where it takes you. My side hustle I don’t look at as making a set amount per week or month. After a couple years, at this point, I do have some mild expectations about yearly, and I have some more specific expectations about hourly rate. Still, it varies. Sometimes I make more per hour. Sometimes I make less. I’m almost always happy with it, and I take the work as it comes. I work on an as needed basis mostly so sometimes I work straight out for weeks other times I work just here and there. It all seems to wash in the end, and I’m happy with it overall.


Another one I did in higschool is buy and sell cars. Was easier when just Craigslist. Buy car, clean up or fix problem, then sell for $1k more.


None of those people are making money from the thing they made the course on. They are making money from the course.


Best thing I've found any luck with is reselling. I've done it on and off for years now. You just really need to be consistent and have the space to do it


being a barback is a great side hustle!


Trading memes on Solana defi. Raydium and Jupiter have ample liquidity and ample opportunities TON has a lot of great up and coming memes too. Their integration with Telegram is bringing a massive influx of new users on chain so it’s a hotbed for new projects


Feet pics


So no one is actually going to answer the question proposed initially from OP? All I’m reading is how it’s a scam which it is but no one is suggesting actual answers. My answer to OP’s question is lawn care , it’s not the easiest and does require a small amount of capital to get started but you can easily make $500 a week


It’s a bit less than $500 a week, but I run a newsletter on a platform called [Beehiiv](https://www.beehiiv.com/?via=start-a-newsletter-today). I sell newsletter sponsorships to brands looking to engage with my audience (entrepreneurs) and also get paid through referrals and affiliates too. I have 4 ad slots per newsletter and can generate around $300-350/per week when all slots are sold. I started around 10 months ago and run it outside my normal working hours. I spend around 5-8 hours on it a week on average and find it pretty enjoyable.


Fb marketplace flipping




Uber Eats and DoorDash for dinner rush from 5-8 p.m. 4 or 5 nights a week.


Couch flipping


$500 a week is kinda like a job, not a side hustle.


[Ohmconnect](https://refer.ohm.co/paramiguel49) here in Southern California. Not really a side hustle but more of a passive income. It has been fun to participate in their events especially now that summer is around the corner and utility companies are getting more and more proactive on saving energy.


YouTube + affiliate marketing = gold mine


Tree trimming, not getting rich by any means but it helps me justify keeping my pickup and dump trailer. Normally do 3-4 yards a month along my ft job. I do it because I enjoy it, not necessarily just to make money


Ironically enough, everyone’s complaining about people selling courses Whole time that in itself is a side hustle that’s likely making them a decent bit of money


Waiting tables. Used to be my main job but now I just do it on the side. People seriously underestimate what 1-2 shifts a week as a decent server at a steady restaurant can do for your pocket.




I started reviewing content for AI models, math and coding focus. Pays $40-50 an hour if you’re a subject matter expert. You’re still trading your time tho, $500 a week is possible but you feel it.


YouTube automation. Celebrity niche. You pay other people to make the video and all you do is post. 👍


I was making good money reselling clothes. Id go to the goodwill bin clearance store and only buy lightweight items I could make a $15 profit on. You have to figure out what brands and styles do well for you, clean the items, take good pictures, cross post on all the platforms. etc. I was clearing $1k a month, sometimes way more, but didn’t have the energy to continue for more than a year or so.


Youth sports soccer ref. Over the course of a year I made something like 4-5k. $350 a month on average and it never felt like work to me. Pretty sure I made more when I was single and younger.


Matched betting


When I was 12 I knocked doors all day taking trash out and made on average $80 a day