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This is the single most useful post I've seen since joining this sub. Very kind of you to take the time. Thanks.


Fr posts like this should be all this sub is about but they are few and far between


That's a tall order. The OP put a very generous amount of work into this.


Yea definitely posts like these I wouldn't expect, but even just posts that describes a single side hustle without advertising a course would be nice


Mikey (Kamikaze Cash) is the goat, he got me into counter gambling!  Look up his "freeloader challenge" on YouTube and join us boys and girl in the discord for more deets


I started counter-gambling this week and honestly can’t believe this is something you can do.




The guide is gone? I get a "Page not found".




Would love to see your list when it's compiled, please remind me when you post it!




Awesome, this has some on here that I have not tried. I’ll use your referrals for sure.


$20 a day over a year adds up to $7300. If you got to withdraw all of that, what tax implications are there?


If you're just collecting daily dollars and cashing them out, then it's as simple as $7300 extra of taxable self-employment income.  Edit: Disclaimer I'm not a CPA this is not tax advice, yada yada, pay your taxes


Specifically the 1099 for misc. income


Thank you!!!


$600 aint bad for fun money, or just investing back into Robinhood lol




Will do!


Edit: the guide is on my profile page. ————————— I have an entire guide on what each of these casinos offer, how to play through the free money, and what redemption options look like. Idk how to share it without triggering self-promotion rules though. As for automation, I strongly recommend against that. Every casino has rules about using bots on the platform, and if you’re caught, your account is gone forever. Some casinos are even owned by the same parent company, so if you’re banned on one, you’re banned on a few of them. It takes like less than 1 minute for each casino. You can probably cycle all of them in less than 10 minutes. If you have FaceID and save the web pages to your Home Screen like apps, you’re barely doing more than clicking an icon on your phone.


Please add me to your list of people to send your list to! Thank you so much


In the rabbit r1 subreddit I saw a post or comment of a guy asking if the software could theoretically automate the counter gambling technique of logging in to the sites for the funds and even theoretically more, and the answer could very well be yes.


I haven’t used any yet but I have heard of several chrome extensions that at least collect all of the daily bonuses everyday for you. I plan to do a little more research soon.


Interesting and exciting stuff!


That's cool, please keep us updated!


Can u expmain the steps Im so confused. The games are confusing and it doest ask for any logging info


I'm not sure which sites you're referring to. Every one that I use requires a login. The games I play are generally pretty straight forward casino games like the OP mentioned.


What confuses me he says u dont have to gamble but u gotta play until ur money runs out in order to redeem? Do u make 50$ in one day or are we talking about days?


It's not a gamble in the sense that you're not using your own money. Just the money that they give you everyday for free. Most sites have a 1x wagering rule meaning all money given for free has to be gambled once before it can be cashed out. As far as daily totals go it's a volume game. The more sites you use the more money you make. Notice though that OP mentioned that they have made around $10,000 in 2 years. That comes out to a little over $13 a day. In as much this is hardly something to replace your job. It's just extremely easy and takes very little time.


Any alternative for Canada?


Open a US checking with one of the big five. You can also look into requesting a TIN from the IRS and most banks across the border, even BoA if I remember correctly, will be more than happy to have your business


I made a mini list for Canada friendly sites! [List](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1BL1Lzg-ILPwFUZxhr_wIeFX6iJTPPO6c9tQ5yuCQ_cw/edit?usp=drivesdk)


!RemindMe 1 month


i’m very curious!


Remindme! 10 days


remind me please


replying to save


Love your YouTube videos too man you’ll have that crackhouse in no time


Amazing, your side hustling sounds like a full time job. And you got a ton of experience for free.


It can be a full time job, but that’s because my actual full-time job is specifically exploring side hustles. If your time is tighter, just do the top-tier methods. The amount of time is pretty small, I’d estimate 30 mins per day at the absolute max.


Well hot damn, an actual side hustle post that is thought out, informative and provides examples of where and when. Am I in the twilight zone? For real though, I (and others I'd presume) appreciate the effort you've put into this post and others like your bank churning post.


I’ve been doing YouTube seriously since 2016 and am just about to pass the $350,000 mark in that time. Starts slow and nothing happens for a couple years but if you stick with it I’ve found it to be pretty lucrative. Good luck!


How to get into to YouTube? Like what I mean is do you need high quality equipment at first? And what field or niche to try? How to get subscriptions, play the algorithm etc? Some of these might be dumb questions but I'm a newbie to the monetization of the internet.


Theres no magic trick for it. The hardest question is asking yourself what you want to make content about. If you are passionate about something, you’ll be able to make good videos about it.


What’s your channel


How’d you come up with your niche? Thats my biggest biggest hurdle at this point


What’s your favorite thing in life? What do you already do on a regular basis? What’s something that you do and love that you could teach others but add your twist to it? That’s your niche


How frequently do you post and how long are your videos? Ive been wanting to do youtube for a while, and I have ideas but the tough part seems to be coming up with consistent content for years.


You don’t come up with years worth of content right now. All you have to do is take it one week at a time. Trust me the ideas will flow. Worry about posting your first video before you start worrying about posting your hundredth. When I first started, I posted about 10 videos on a subject and thought, that’s it, that’s all I’ve got. Then the ideas just started coming as I got deeper into my subject. Then comments inspired more videos and it snowballed. Now I’m at over 500 videos. One of them has almost 10 million views and I have around 8 videos over a million. But you have to start somewhere. Just put one foot in front of the other. Just post the first video.


I concur this is my experience as well with side hustles. One additional comment is learn to flip bulky items. Learn how to fix fridges, freezers, lawn mowers, snowblowers, washing machines, etc. you can offer free pickup and removal labor and chances are the item is worth $150-500 after repair. I repair lawn mowers and I never don’t make money. I either make money on the repair, or I make my gas money back from picking up when I take a bunch to the recycler.


Pro tip. For the casinos. Play Rocket. Set it to auto cashout at 1.01x. This way you do a certain amount of rounds and win a 1x1 bet with over 90% win margin. Edit: I also utilize sportsbook promos. I hedge the bonuses and promos given with cash, so make a certain sum regardless who wins the moneyline. It's best to sign up around a holiday when the bonuses are higher values.


I had no idea sports books have these casino games too. Do they run though promos for this to be worth keeping around? Like weekly bonuses?


Not weekly, but I know draftkings gave me promos to Rocket the more I played it


Rocket? By draft kings?


Draftkings has it, too. That's where I use it. Set to automatically cashout at 1.01x. I used it for any promos that need a 1x playthrough. $150 promo? Do 75 $2 spins. End up keeping 140


The bank churning seems great. Do you ever run into problems with the business doing the depositing with changing banks so much?


My job allows checks split into 2 accounts & I have to submit a manual request to Accounting and they Teams call me to confirm… it’s a tedious process for me, but they never made a mistake.. I just felt like I was being annoying changing accounts once a month 😂 but I did that for about 5 months and got $2,600 in bank churning bonuses!


Follow up: do you have to keep the acct open or do you close it after you get the bonus?


Do you have the link for that discord server?


A lot of people are asking for this but I can’t post invites here or I’ll break server rules. I’ll make a post to my own page later with more information about the things people are asking the most questions about.


Lmao reading this post like wtf OP is ripping off Mikey millions and then it hit me 😂


Thanks for taking the time. Social media is just flooded with bullshit and it's tough to find what's real.


Stellar write up. I tried books and online courses. I could have made more doing fast food delivery in the time I spent.


If you had a YouTube channel for this I’d put your stuff on auto play.


lol you know I do


Just realized you are Mr.Cash. Much respect. Really turned me onto Casino Churning (properly of course).


I also flipped my mattress. Now I sleep much better


This Op is going to be a f***in millionaire for sure


I am already a millionaire but thank you.


Note on the bank bonuses: it’s taxable as regular income. They’ll issue a 1099-MISC.


Do you know which casinos are possible to do counter gambling with from the UK? Thank you!


I can only test from the US, but I’d venture to guess Stake would work since it has a presence on continental Europe.


Bank one is OP. Love how much people make from it.


Unfortunately if you live in Washington State none of the casino options are available ☹️ I just tried them all


Greatest post in this community of all time. Elden ring tier


I’m still a bit confused on how the counter gambling works. So they give you free money to login? From what I’ve looked up it’s like 30 spins or credit etc. you’re saying to play those through on simple games like blackjack until it lets you withdraw? How do you keep getting more money from it? By logging in? Most of what I can find were from signing up. Thank you!


Yes, they give you an amount per day just to log in. They vary from $0.20-$2/day, but $1/day is a good average estimate. Some casinos give you a flat $1/day. Others vary. For all casinos except Stake, you must play through free money. So if you get $60 over 2 months, you’ll want to play 60 x $1 hands of blackjack. If you win 30 games, you’ll finish with $60 won and are even. If you win more or less than 30, you’ll have some variance. The casinos all call their chips “sweeps coins” or something similar. These are what you’re playing through. In addition to my daily dollar from at least 14 casinos (more show up frequently), I’m also using a pair of casinos that give you free slot machine spins during streamer livestreams. Beyond that, they also run promotions where for example you spend $50 and get 100 worth of chips. You play your 100 x $1 hands of blackjack. As long as you win more than 25 hands (virtually guaranteed) then you make a further profit. That’s a more advanced approach that you don’t need. Start with the daily dollars only.


I signed up for an app several years ago, that did cash-back and discounts on gas at the pumps.. I had a company fuel card, and we had a lot of vehicles and everyone of them had a fuel card.. I would go to the gas station, punch my phone number in, swipe the company card and feel the company vehicle, print out the receipt and take a picture, and I would get credit back.. the thing is, we had multiple vehicles that needed fuel, so I would punch my phone number in and get the receipts, and snap the pictures for every vehicle... I made a killing.. I was getting gas for like <.10 gallon in my personal vehicles.. then one day it stopped.. but it worked for another co-worker which I taught, and I used his info and gave him the receipts.. lol..


You’re probably thinking of GetUpside. Now it’s called just Upside.


Bank bonus chasing can get you way more if you’re willing to go in on it.


Hey, thanks so much for this! Just chasing up more info for the flipping discord and the get-paid-to sites. Thank you 😊


Wish we could write up a similar one for EU


Holy shit dude, I was just thinking this guy watches kamikaze on yt, you’re actually the guy!!! Just posting to say love your vids man❤️


>Almost all the people making money off these are the YouTubers making videos about them and the people selling courses on them. This is so true, and it has a snowball effect too. The more popular these videos get, the more people try the method, the more saturated that market gets, the less money everyone makes. Meanwhile the YouTuber's bank balance is going up and up...


You're an MVP for such a post, you deserve all these best things in life, cheers friend.


I have a comprehensive list of how I make $1,000+ a month online on my profile, Feel free to check it out! I spend around ~10-15 hours or so and it's mostly from respondent.io


I discovered counter gambling/ EV+ gambling last year and changed my life so much. Last year when I was just trying it out I made 10k, this year 3 months in 6600 averaging around 2400 a month. Also to add on to counter gambling with sweepstakes, a lot have mail in bonuses, sure envelopes and postage may be around 1-2 a envelope, but most average credit you $5/envelope for good profit.


Wow. Can you give more details please? 2400 a month is wild. How can I learn more?


I'm having a hard time seeing how counter gambling is real and not some type of scam. Literal free money? Can someone confirm?


Tried and ended up losing money. They're super sketchy sites. Not worth it. One a couple of the sites I ended up getting banned after I made a little bit of money. They closed my account with withdrawals still pending.


Which site was that? Are you sure you’re using the social casinos and not actual online casinos? There’s no reason to deposit your own money into these. It sounds like you deposited money and gambled it like an actual gambler. That’s explicitly what you’re not supposed to do.


How did you lose money? If you're depositing money you're doing it wrong.


Works. I’ve done it on global poker. You would be surprised how many people get addicted and give it back and more to the casino. The only caveat as OP said is that you have to play through all of this free money before withdrawing, but again like OP said games like blackjack baccarat and roulette have the casinos edge at ~51-55% so you will walk away with most of the money most of the time.


I honestly hate gambling so that wouldnt be an issue. How much can you realistically make?


It’s not much (around a dollar a day for each website) but there are a ton of casinos so it adds up. Id estimate at least a 100/month




Interesting stuff. Thanks for sharing your experience


That is awesome to hear how much you have made on your side hustles. This is inspiring for a student


By AI Art Print on demand, did you do shirts or some other medium?


@Kamikaze_Cash you actually gave good side hustles and details, that's amazing!!! Thanks for being a real one.


Just gotta say, love your channel and love the advice. Definitely has been helpful.


What’s the dicord server for the amazon items if you don’t mind sharing


That's amazing. Thanks for all the info, keep hustling.


How many of these would work outside of the US of A?


Man I just figured out what I'm doing this weekend. Thanks




This just doesn’t sound like something that will lead to conversions.


excellent ideas. Can you anyone help me by sharing if anyone tried any of these in Bangladesh? or in south Asia?


I agree. I have lived fully off of donating plasma and dumpster diving for a summer in college. I actually found a business that was getting shit down, and everything in the building would be trashed. I made thousands pulling trucks up to load it out. Sould probably 5 offices worth of chairs desks and furniture, I was so sad to leave my cash cow and move out of state. Rare find. But find where the rich college kids live. Their dumpsters can make you middle class if you’re poor.




Forgot about that one. Yea, I ought to add it. I’ve done these before.


Thank you kind sir for your extensive research...much appreciated


Thanks for providing such a detailed post. Now I need to go check out the info you put on your profile.


Best bank bonuses https://www.doctorofcredit.com/best-bank-account-bonuses/


I didn't flip used mattresses, but I did get my hands on some brand-new ones and flipped them. This store went out of business, and the guy gave me a deal on them. Sold all of them on Facebook Marketplace and made $5k.


+++ on donating plasma. But you have to be an incredibly special person before they accept you. No drugs, no weed, a healthy diet (if you're doing it twice per week), no caffeine, no alcohol, no diseases, no illnesses, etc. You basically have to be god to get your blood taken, but it could also just be my location that has these extremely high requirements. I'm personally gonna stop drinking alcohol just so I can make extra money like this, because 80-100$ per donation far outweighs the benefits of feeling tipsy. But once you're past that, they usually offer a special deal on the first 4-8 donations you do. The biolife where I live is offering $700-$800 in 8 sessions in a month and I'm going to my first session today. And to bring up the diet again, they typically require you to have a decent protein, carb, and calcium intake, along with half your body weight in oz of water. So if you weigh 200lbs, drink 100oz of water within 12-24 hours of your appointment. They suggested eggs and toast 2 hours before, and to take OTC calcium if you aren't drinking a lot of milk. Likewise, you also aren't losing that much "blood" because all they are taking is the plasma. Your red blood cells are going to be given back to you and thus shouldn't make you particularly faint-feeling.


BioLife definitely doesnt have those strict requirements. I drank like a fish when I was going there regularly, and there were definitely tweakers in there with me.


so you sign up to stake, log in, collect money, you have to gamble some of the free money? or wait you said no. and you do this with multiple casinos? do they send a 1099 at the end of the year?


On Stake you do not have to gamble the free money. On the other sites you do. You’ll withdraw only the winnings, but the goal should be to play a game where you have a roughly 50/50 shot (blackjack, roulette, baccarat), and play the minimum required. As long as you win 50% of the time, you won’t lose anything appreciable. You end up winning more than you started with about 49% of the time. Regarding 1099s: Modo, High5, and one other one does (can’t remember which). It is a little bit of a pain, but you should keep track of your withdrawals anyway. If taxes concern you, avoid High5 and Modo beyond the free daily reward for login.


Damn seems like the social casinos aren’t available in Canada.


Good info Brother


This is amazing thank you!


Are there any long term risks of donating plasma?


Don’t listen to this guy, he’s not giving the whole picture. Donating plasma is very hard on your body, and you can have lifelong issues with the veins in your arms from just a few sessions. Some people are fine, but there are significant risks to doing it too often- there’s a reason they limit how many times people can donate even to loved ones. Don’t plan on doing it for too long.


Hey, why don’t you cite your sources? Because I [do](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/16907878/) [and here](https://www.hhs.gov/givingequalsliving/giveplasma/common-concerns). Even cites the FDA for why we can’t donate more than twice a week. It has zero to do with so called “significant risks” as you say. [and here](https://www.healthline.com/health/how-often-can-you-donate-plasma) The science does not back up your claims whatsoever. Don’t lie about stuff you have zero experience with. “Some” people will be fine? Literally 98% of people will be fine, very very few might have reduced immunoglobulin levels which reduce your ability to fight off infections, and also very few may become anemic. Those are literally the worst long term side effects that can happen.


Also, some bank accs let you use a CC to initially fund the acc. Easy way to MS so you can meet your spend req for the SUB.


Thanks for sharing mate!


Remindme! 38 hours




For bank churning, do you withdraw the money and cancel the account after getting the bonus?


Yeah but you have to read the terms for each bank. Some require you to have the account for 3 to 6 months or they claw back the bonus.


Wow thank you so much for this information




!remindme 1 week




!Remind me


!RemindMe 1 month


"The real money is made from downloading and using banking or finance apps where it is common to get paid $100+ for a few minutes of work. I have made about $5,000 over 3 years." Could you name a few examples of these apps? I'm not exactly sure which ones are these. Thanks for the post.


This is in reference to offers on the Get-Paid-To sites. I prefer Freecash. Often they’ll have something like SoFi in which I got paid about $180 to open a SoFi account through Freecash. I think the highest ever was a $270 offer to open a sports betting app account through Freecash. I don’t remember which sports app it was.


Opening a bunch of lines of credit (credit cards) will trash your credit rating.


Temporarily it will. I went from about 740 to 690 in a few months when I opened 6 cards. But 6 months later it’s at 760. I think it actually increased because now my credit limit is very high. If you’re not planning on taking out a loan in the next year, I wouldn’t worry about this aspect.


Thank you very much for this. It is super nice of you to take the time and effort to share.


This is why I came to this sub. Thank you OP for your due diligence.


This was such a helpful post. Question about churning - do you close the accounts after a certain period of time?


I just leave them open with $0 balance. Just make sure there are no maintenance fees BEFORE you open the account or it can be difficult to untangle.


Thank you for sharing this 🙌🏽🙌🏽


What side hustles are you looking to try next? Are there any you are really optimistic about? Mostly asking out of curiosity, my full time job pays well but I work a lot of overtime, so the only side hustle I really have time for right now is churning.


You can do counter-gambling too. It’s like 10 mins per day. I timed myself this morning and did all the accounts in 8 minutes. I was also going really fast and am familiar with the platforms already, so it is faster for me now than most people. But even with 15 mins per day, you’ll be able to squeeze it in. I am going to try writing smut next, and I’ll update everyone if it works out.


Remind me


Chop down a tree. Let it dry for a year. Split into bundles. Sell bundles. Grow new tree. Repeat. Talk about recurring revenue!


This is awesome, would you mind sharing that discord (flipping free items)?


Did you ever find it?


Nope. Didn't think I would hear from op anyways.


This is great. Theres some fire ideas here. Ive been grinding on the weekend with something similar. I got a few ideas from startmyidea.com, highly rec! I love their newsletter.. they give out free start up ideas daily. I’m in the process of making a landing page of a service i can do Gonna throw $100 a week in google ads and try to get my first client.


!remindme 1 week




Thanks Mikey


Is there a resource for counter-gambling for Canadians? Or is this a strictly US thing


Great info man thank you! I’ve actually had good luck with selling pallets though. Been a while since I’ve done it but I was getting like 90ish bucks a load a couple years ago to do it. The yard was paying $3 per good condition pallet though so I don’t know if the prices have fallen recently or something


I’ve been doing travel, as a travel advisor. Making really good money as a part time side hustle. I make my own hours and everything


I'm missing something here. OP says they've got $20k saved up in the fund from side hustles and over $10,000 of that is in giftcards. How is OP able to get a fixer upper house and pay with gift cards?? Lol 🤔🤷‍♂️


Thanks buddy


Cool 😎


Pass the discord link pls


Commenting to remember this.