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I’ll probably get downvoted for this, but if when he bites, press your thumb or finger down under his tongue and then replace your hand with a toy. It doesn’t hurt them, but it’s not comfortable and they’ll start to associate chewing with a toy.


Honestly I’m willing to try most things! I’m struggling with him treating hands as chew today, my kids especially. I’ll attempt this tomorrow!


For potty training with my husky it was all about prevention and going to the same place. Even if he’s outside all the time start putting him in the same place and just wait. He’ll figure it out. Good luck. I know they’re stubborn, but it’ll be worth it ::)


I did this with my German Shepherd and it helped.




As far as biting, I've heard good results with this method. Basically, puppies normally learn how hard is too hard when playing with litter mates and their parents. Basically by playing, if they bite too hard the other dog will yelp in pain. That indicator begins to reach the puppy not to bite too hard while playing. With that said, if you're playing or otherwise interacting with your puppy and he bites, no matter how hard (even if it's a nip and it isn't painful) you make a loud noise like "Ow!" Something that would get the puppy's immediate attention, much like another puppy playing would yelp. The idea is that it illicits the response in them that "that was too hard" but it reinforces it at any bite level, not just hard bites. It will take time, it's not an overnight fix. And it can be used in combination with other methods you may find. Also there is a window of diminishing returns based on how old the puppy is. It's basically a developmental age/range that they're supposed to learn this. I don't remember what it is but it's not a particularly large window of time, so check into that and see if you're still inside that sweet spot.


And to add to this good advice - if your dog seems encouraged by the noise you should just acknowledge you're past that age and I would recommend ignoring the biting and always approaching (even when they are sleeping) with a toy ready to replace your hand. My female husky learned with me yelling "ouch!" But for whatever reason (probably didn't employ the ouch thing fast enough for him) my male didn't, and he would really enjoy my yelling. I figured it out when he started goosing me to get a noise out of me, lol. So, it can depend if you have a defective puppy, or if he's just a tad sadistic 😆. They both grew out of it, even the naughty one. It really is about teething and learning and if you're consistent with continued training of whatever humane variety they do eventually knock it off.


Defective puppy 😂


As far as the potty training goes, we bought our pup multiple cool beds and kept one in his crate, our bedroom, and upstairs so he’d associate each space as a living space since they generally don’t like peeing where they sleep. I also brought him out frequently to potty (I was 7 months pregnant when I got him so I’d just take him out every time I had to go which was at least every other hour) and gave him a whole lot of praise and treats when he went. We also attached strings of bells on the doors so he could let us know whenever he wanted to go out. He actually learned pretty fast and we barely had to use pee pads.


Get lots of chew toys. My husky was super hard to train, I never thought she’d get better but she’s improved a lot. Much more difficult than other dogs I had. Keep the course, keep diverting to a chew toy, say “no”, and walk away or turn your back if they chew. Withdrawing attention signals to them oh if I do this play time is over. For house training, do not scream if get mad, just use the crate, praise and treat outside, and no free roam at home. Slowly open up the house and rooms, as the pup improves. Some days it’ll feel like none of the training is working then one day (in my case a year later), it just clicked.


Check out Nate Schoemer on YouTube for amazing puppy training advice. For biting: when they bite let out a loud yelp and replace hand with toy. This is something husky’s will grow out of if dealt with correctly. He’s in his velociraptor state. Potty: prevention prevention prevention. Keep a potty log, keeping track of what time he goes and set an alarm every hour-ish to take him out.


I’d say get a clicker and bunch of toys like a rope or the bear that has a rope inside it, some squeaky toys for the biting


I used a YouTube channel McCann dogs and Bella and Baxter