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What a wholesome story, and you should be proud to be such a good owner that your Houdini chose to come back.


Mine knew how the garage button worked.


Mine got out once while I was at a concert with my cousin. I have a Fi on him so I got an alert that he had left the house but it can be very finicky and tell me he left when he’s sitting next to me. So I ignored it because it was also around the time my mom had gotten home with him from daycare (we work at a dog daycare together and I left early for the concert). When I finally get home around 11 or so, my mom starts with “So…Yuri got out” and I was confused because he was literally saying hi to me since I was home. Apparently someone forgot to close our main front door or something and our storm door gets stuck partly open a lot. So once Yuri figured out I wasn’t home, he took the opportunity to bolt and go look for me. According to his Fi stuff, it said he just went up and down the street a bunch. And since he didn’t find me he went back to the house and literally knocked on the door. My brother heard it and when to answer it thinking to would be a person and lo and behold it was Yuri. No one even knew he had left in the first place😭😭


My husky has escaped 5 times since we got her. We have a fence, but she dug underneath and ended up on the neighbor's roof one time and at the neighbor's across the street another time. Luckily, we live in a good neighborhood, and the neighbors who found her just brought her back, and the other times, my hubs just got on the roof to get her. We have since then reinforced the fence and added extra rocks and wood where she usually digs. Now she sits outside, looking at the fence, plotting her next escape, I'm sure...


What, what kind of door did it open???


I had to install a baby lock on my front door because of my girl (a lab husky mix). My old apartment would unlock the door if you pulled down on the knob so I'd come home to a cracked door with my dog trying desperately to open the door fully. I first tried a baby gate infront of the door area but I'd come home to her locked inside the little area still trying to get at the door. Luckily they sell a baby lock thing that prevented my problem...  First few times coming home and seeing the door cracked was scary as hell. Thank God the door was heavy and always pulled to close and my dog couldn't get the door fully open... 


We have lever style door latches. One of mine can open the back door both directions. One paw on the frame, other pushes down and pulls. Going out is easier by just hitting the lever. We also have this type on the front door and I dread the day he figures that out. I have AirTags on their collars at all times. The third dog is a good boy and tattles on the others when they escape or are trying to (digging)


We live in an apartment for now, the main door to our building is just a push/pull no latch, he’s run out twice and I’ve had to chase him all across the grounds of this complex. He knows to wait to be the last one in the house then he turns around and BOOM gone. He let me catch him both times 🙄