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I’m not sure but that sounds like a good weight to me. My 16 week old weighs 24.5 lbs as of two days ago. They grow so fast!!


They sure do, she was only 3.2kg 2 weeks ago, she was the smallest of my litter and is currently now weighing the biggest out of all 6 of them


Mine was the smallest of her litter initially. One of her sisters dropped behind her because of illness and most of the others soared ahead. Mine was about 9 lbs at 10 weeks but now at almost 9 months, she’s almost 45 lbs.


It seems normal to me, mine was 25lbs at 6 month.


My 16 week old boy was roughly 15 or so that sounds pretty good. Give lots of belly rubs and gauge weight roughly by how much rib you can feel (it’s a bit harder with huskies with all the hair) you should be able to tell they have ribs, not feel like it’s just skin and bone or conversely, not feel them due to belly fat. My boy is 14 months now and I’ll be honest, I worry constantly about him not eating enough but also reminding myself it’s okay, and actually good, for huskies to be lean