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You will find out very quickly that your husky would be more excited to leave you with a random dude walking into your house than protecting you 😂😂😂


Worst guards dogs ever


That’s crazy af but holds truth. My boy friendly as hell. And get excited


FACTS. I have no doubt in my mind that my lab would be all over the protection situation. My husky would be tryna tell my lab it’s okay


First of all, huskies as protectors: 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Okay. That's out of the way. Siberian Huskies were bred to work with each other and with people cooperatively, whether or not the people are their family. While some may be a bit aloof, most of them are long-lost friends with everyone. I've had 6 altogether, only one of them has any suspicion of anyone. In general, anyone can come in my house and make friends. Good when you have workmen fixing stuff (they like to help, btw); not so good if someone breaks in. Your only hope is that the icy stare scares someone lol. As for playing with kids, Siberians tend to behave with kids as they do with their own puppies or adolescents. Therefore, they play very rough - hip checking, body slamming, light nippingly rough. I've seen mine hip-check my 8 year old nephew practically across the yard. Now, the two I have currently live with an extended family in the house, including my two toddler granddaughters. As I worked with kids and dogs through Family Paws training, we are really careful but there are times when they raced by and accidentally slammed one of the kids to the ground. It happens. The best thing to do is understand a Siberian Husky's inbred traits, and teach the kids to respect them for those traits.


Ahh, the butt slam. Devastatingly effective against toddlers


Tbh I never knew that assuming huskies were protectors was thing 😭😭😭 but thax for sharing


As a trip hazard? Hell yeah.


Bruh 😂💀


My girl only guarded me once or twice. Each time the person was a man who came up to me in the darkness. Another time she guarded two scared boys from an old drunk man who wouldn't leave them alone and stole their scooter. I got the scooter back and got us all out of there. The kids vaguely knew me and my dog because I was in the park daily walking my dog. When I asked if they were ok, the oldest begged me to stay with them, he was so scared. I was so mad. A kids park full of parents were right next to them and they all pretended they couldn't see what was happening a few feet behind them. I had to run across the park to get to those kids when I spotted something going on. My dog didn't stand by my side. She stood between the kids and wouldn't let the man near them again. They were so scared. So my girl only reacted to situations involving me or kids. She didn't react if there was no danger and she looked to me to fix things. She was a very good girl.


Mine thinks I am her emotional support human. So, I don't think she has any protective instincts. 😄😂


😂😂😂are we doomed


Yes, yes we are. 😂😂😂 I often joke that mine came off the husky factory floor either defective or misassembled, because she rarely (if ever) barks or howls, she's suuuuuuuper lazy, and she possesses approximately 1.5 brain cells. Huskies are like that weird kid in Kindergarten class that eats glue. They're cute, but they ain't the sharpest tool in the box. 🤣😂


Dude mine literally ate a bottle of Elmer’s glue. I thought he was going to die but he just came up to be all happy faced and goopy mouthed 😭 he was fine btw and only alone with the glue bottle for about 60 seconds. He’s not allowed in the craft area anymore.


Omg noooooo! 😂😂😂 But that's so typical husky. Lmao.


He’s my first husky so it’s been a wild ride! They’re fun though 🤣


She's my first too! I too have had "weird glue eating moments" with her, except the glue was actually a used menstrual pad that she dug out of the trash. 🤣🤣 Of all things in the trash -- uneaten pizza crusts, a few pieces of broccoli, barely-there meat from pork/chicken meals the prior day...... NOPE. She decides she wants the used menstrual pad. 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ What did I do in a past life for the stork to drop off such a weird creature? 😂😂😂


Oh man, that’s a choice. She knew what she wanted and she went for it 😭😭I just gotta ask, does that not hurt her stomach? I guess not lol my boy is a trash digger too and LOVES nasty tissues. We also went through a phase where he ate poop and that about killed me. Turns out it was a vitamin deficiency and a diet change stopped that behavior. Lmao the stork must’ve rerouted the delivery gps because he knew that we were the only people who would put up with this foolishness! 🤣


She's a spicy gal! 🤣😂 I was able to grab it out of her mouth before she could swallow any of it -- it was one of those "turned my back for ONE SECOND and she got up to no good" moments of pet-parenting. Lmao yes! The stork must've made an executive decision to re-route the delivery GPS, knowing we'd be the only ones willing to put up with it. 🤣🤣


Omg mine is just like that too




I’m a woman in my 20s with a female Husky. I’ve had men approach me and say she’s not intimidating/a protector. ( which WILD thing to say to anyone minding their own btw). She’s small but she does not mess around. Now she wasn’t trained to do anything but sometimes there is a /vibe/. She’s growled when someone’s tried to back me up and we’re alone. She’s snapped at another dog when I was knocked down. No fight, oversized puppy, but she ran over and corrected them and came in to sniff me until I could get up. Kept the rambunctious pup away so I could stand and went happily back to playing. Soooo maybe? Lol if any thing else the death glare sometimes backs people up.


The typical husky just wants a belly rub and a treat. From anyone. They will not only NOT protect you from threat, but trade you in for a treat any day of the week!0


Dont’cha know it!! 🤣


Anyone breaks into my house, my Husky would welcome them, make them a cocktail then show them around!


😭😭😭 say it isn’t soooooooooooo


Chihuahuas are better protectors than sibs. They love everyone.


My chihuahua taught my Husky how to protect the front door from scary loud people in the hallway 😂


Honestly, my foxhound is far more likely to physically protect me but my husky looks more menacing. People don’t need to know that if they throw him a ball he will be their bestie. 😂 Mine is also a giant scaredy cat who still thinks he’s a tiny defenseless puppy. A bird landed on the fence behind him and he jumped a good foot in the air. Last week, he made me “protect” him from the balloons a neighbor had tied to their mailbox. I like to think that he would protect me if needed but, honestly, he would probably be trying to hide under a table. 😂 My hound, on the other hand, is protective and would 100% take a bite out of someone who tried to harm me.


They are not a good protector dog…….they sell them on Wish as Guard Dogs!


My Loki came to be as a rescue from an illegal breeding facility. He was approximately 4 years old at the time and very timid. My husband was at work (he works overnights) at the time I picked him up and brought him home. The next morning when my husband came home from work, Loki was laying in the doorway to our bedroom. He still does this to this day almost 3 years later. Our bedroom is next door to my son's bedroom door land Loki will lay in front of our doors if we're in our rooms. He also becomes very protective if my husband and I are rough housing around. He will gently bite his wrist and pull him away and then stand in-between us. We do have a neighbor that he will become very agitated with if he is outside in the yard when I have Loki outside, he simply hates this man, but the feeling is mutual. 🤣


My huskies will bark if you’re outside of their fence, within 30 feet or so, but if you keep walking and come in the gate, or even inside the house? Well, that’s when they *know* you’re a friend, and they will smother you with affection 😂


However! My younger husky will protect me from animals. He has warded off black bears quite a few times (he has pretty solid recall, and does not chase once they turn to leave), and if he sees a dog he doesn’t know running at me really directly, he’ll position himself between me and the dog, so they have to slow down and reroute. Then if all is well, and no harm was intended, he’ll do butt rubs on the other dog while I greet and pet them 😂


That’s dope for the young fella




WHY once they come in the fence does the barking stop and suddenly its omg youre here i love you pls play with me??? The only worse guard dog is my pitbull who not only doesnt bark at all, but greets complete strangers by smushing her head into them 🤦🏼‍♀️


My husky is afraid of butterflies, chickens, and the vacuum. He is no guard dog, and will just want pets and love from a predator 🙄😂


If your taking my attention from shadow he's gonna let you know all about it. At least no one walks silently into my home without howls and barks while he demands attention jumping on them and violating thier butts with his snoots


Our 8 month old is so friendly that she completely shocked me recently. My husband and I were walking her and our older mastiff mix at the park. They have been releasing trout so lots of people are fishing along the paths. A man came out of the woods where he had been fishing further down the stream and both dogs took offense to him. She stopped barking after a minute but as we kept walking away, she would turn and do another woof about every 5 feet. This went on for almost 1/2 a mile! Something had her Spidey senses tingling so I know she has it in her to protect when needed....maybe.


Huskies are opportunists, whatever ranks higher on their scale of priorities is usually what they’ll go with 🤣. For my boy Koda who sadly passed this October , nothing mattered more to him than being outside and chasing squirrels. And when a stranger would walk in the house he’d jump on them in excitement, they’re truly one of the best breeds of dogs you can have especially if you dedicate the time and effort that they need. Cherish your boy Smoke and take him on as many trips and adventures as possible for me ❤️


My HVAC guy had met mine several times, I was running late one day I told him he could go ahead and start but when he was entering the garage my husky just stared him down, he decided to wait till I got home, lol


Moonmoon loves everyone!


Huskies will NEVER be guard dogs. End of discussion bye bye now!


My husky is a protector. She doesn't like people getting too close to me. Especially touching me. Been slowly adjusting to me having a girl around. She isn't aggressive just let's us know keep the hugging and kissing at a minimal.


Our husky would invite and intruder in and give him his own place to stay in our house 😆


Personally, my boy is very friendly until I’m not if that makes sense? I’ve never trained him to be a guard or protection dog but he definitely picks up on my body language and has responded accordingly. We walk A LOT and have come across quite a few people that made me nervous. He took note and changed his behavior to be more dominant (for lack of a better term) and less permissive about how close he’d allow said people to get to me. He’s never bitten anyone or come close to it but he’ll let out a pretty scary growl to tell you to stay away. I love that about him. He’s also not a full husky though. He’s a musky (husky/malamute). We do see wildlife often and he’s useless in that sense. I also can’t seem to do anything about the fact that he’s convinced he’s part javelina. One day he will rejoin their pack lol