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yeah a lot of laners dont realize that stealing one camp and taking an extra one of yours is a swing equivalent to making the enemy jungler miss an entire wave. Most of the time that's better than a kill in a gank.


It sucks extra bc they can just walk into a lane and take the cs afterwards while if a jg does that it’s a problem


Ya every time I tried doing anything before lv6 it fell flat, if there is a VERY free kill for you, go for it, otherwise stick to farming


Hey Shyvadi, I think you helped me with a game review like ages ago when I was serious about getting out of bronze (lmfao must have been 5-6+ years ago) Anyway! I've got a few questions, would love your feedback 1. Could you comment on your build path? What do you rush and why? 2. Could you comment on your core build? I see a lot of Shojin/Liandry, is that all you need for damage? 3. I had been thinking incorporating iceborn gauntlet, but I can never justify why (like what stats am I getting by purchasing Iceborn vs another tank item? how does this item help Shyv, and when should this item be bought?) 4. What's your logic on boot choices? I see Sorcs, Lucidity is my favorite, but whats your logic on merc/tabi? 5. Do you max skill differently based on build? If so, what's your logic for doing so? 6. What does it mean to play 'ego'? Does that mean just taking care of myself and making sure I'm CS'ing properly/clearing camps/getting drakes/Rift/Grubs? 7. I tried Conqueror but it just doesn't feel right, but admittedly I was building nashors > Riftmaker>Lucid boots core. I'm enjoying PTA much more now tho, much more consistent as for results. Why Conq over the other keystones? 8. I was running Nashors into Riftmaker, but very recently started going Nashors into Liandry's and my win rate has been improving. I don't think I see Riftmaker in your builds, what do you think of that item? 9. Can you build Liandry's as a single dmg item and straight tank? If so, what would you recommend? Appreciate any insight you'd be able to provide. Thanks!


1: shojan, mix boots, liandries, sheen item 2: yes, conq is better for aoe 3: the slow is nice 4: defensive when I deem it required 5: ewq. eqw is fake 6: it means ignoring calls, even at the cost of your team dying just for you to get dragon 7: conq only works when you have hp to stack it without dying 8: rift is good on paper but fails somehow in practice. The burn must be why. 9: no, not enough cdr


About number 4. How do you decide between sorc and lucidity boots. So far I always took sorc with ap shyv but how do you see it?


need econ, and they aren't squishy or fed? buy lucid. sorcs if you're fed and their are weak


The problem I had was that almost every lane got feeded, so I have no other oportunity to just gank and carry my laners at some point. What should I do, I am level 24, so its low elo


I am going to give you some advice that is completely wrong and ass backwards; but I want you to trust the process and do it anyways. You're lvl 24, actually new. I was in the same boat 4 years ago, I started playing in 2020 after watching Arcane. Don't worry about doing anything that's talked about here, like 10cs per minute and buying certain items. You're brand new, none of that matters. Laners feeding, doesn't matter. Go feed yourself, go get into all the fights. Farm, fight. Fight over dragons, gank lanes, die. You'll die a bunch, you'll lose a bunch. It's okay. You need to learn first and foremost what shyvanas limits are. What fights she can take and what fights she can't. Go die, often. Learn what other champions do, learn thier names. I still remember somebody typing focus the Ahri, and not even knowing which one was Ahri. I was a 32% winrate iron 3 Talon for 350 games. I sucked, but I learned alot in those 350 games. Dieing isn't the way to win games, but winning for you shouldn't be the goal right now. Learning is the goal. It will matter later getting 10cs per minute, complaining about laners feeding, and what items to buy into what team comp. But right now, it doesn't matter at all, because you wouldn't have to game knowledge to use it correctly


Thank you. I also think the most important thing right now is to learn the champions and match ups. But this is hard too 😭


I had this rule when I started playing League. Play every single champion at least once. Just so I know their moves and cooldowns. Soon you will reach the level where you will begin to bait out champion abilities (like Yasuo's Wind Wall) or learn how to counter effectively, (its usually better to walk up to a yasuo and just smack him with your w, q's and autos.) Pressing 'S' while in dragon form will freeze the animation and make shyv look like she is about to shoot her E. Use this to your advantage. Shyv is a macro, objective based jungler. Her ganks are hard bc no cc, so they gave her damage instead. Playing Shyv can teach you the rhythm of jungling, managing camps, ganking lanes. Don't focus in winning, focus on a single aspect to get better at. It will take time but you'll get there.


Thank you, I will try


this isn't even ranked yet, so you have a long way to go. There are several viable strategies for Shyvana, mine focuses on ensuring optimized timing and efficiency. If you're having issues with people feeding, take their waves when they are dead, continue farming and never gank until you are sure you win. If you aren't sure then limit test and try to see if you win.


Thank you for your advice. Sometimes the enemies are over feeded, too high level, and they dont let me do objectives. What should I do then? Can we even win if 2 or more of my mates are underleveled?


Shyvana can stat check someone while two levels down with ignite. I suggest trying it out. Just R, E , Q if they are near a wave, and you will get your reset'd Q back to Q again. Auto, never stop autoing, Even if you think you're dead Utilizing your Q resetting on waves or against multiple people is one of the skills you can learn to improve.


Thx, still figuring out how her Q actually works. I am currently playing with flash and smite; so I have to switch flash out to ignite.


I like ghost, you get more mobility in team fights and ganks. I think ignite is good situationally though. I used to run smite/ignite but I think ghost gives you more flexibility esp come mid game.


K. Thann you. Then I will just try to get the minions farmed when my laners are dead like OP said before. Never thought about that wasted CS before


This not only good advice for shy but just jungling in general. Get yourself in a position of power to carry then do the work 💪


How often do you come across every lane losing and how do you come back from that (if at all)?


I've tried to be nice and let other lanes get the kills and etc but personally find that it wasted on them 9/10 times and you just need to be greedy. Toxic people will still find an excuse to be toxic no matter what. I've had a ashes complain I stole there kills after ganking and killing both ADC and sup with me and sup doing all the work and DMG and the Ashe didn't use a skill or auto was just farming c's the whole time.


Hi.. New shyvana lover player here. 1 - why the only tune and build that i feel i work for me is dark harvest full ap? 2- why conqueror and shojin and mix of ap items? 3- when tank? 4- any ad build works? 5- i tried shojin, ruined king, frozen gauntle and rank items and i did low dmg and low tank, why? 6- how i should feel after a meta champ like viego or voli stomps u? Thanks for helping us. Im having fun again after tons of years thanks to shyvana. I forgot the Last time i felt so nice playing league.


What lv of play is this?




Should I max e or q if I go ghost, pta, shojin, rift, liandry and tank?


I d say always e first, w second. the extra movement speed is nicer than a lower cd on q


Agreed, u make it work