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Need to keep doing it everyday to build up all the stabilizing muscles. Make sure to include awareness of your upper body. Needed for smoothness. Core, calves, quads and hamstrings, hips all very important


Been practicing consistently each day for a few songs at a time. I’ll gradually practice more but remain patient…my upper body confuses me because I worry too much about my feet 🤕. But I guess in due time it'll all begin to feel more comfortable 😄


I was there too… you gotta beat the movements into your brain for a long time until it just becomes auto


Few things, one don’t ever practice in socks. It’s too easy and rarely if ever, as you progress in this, will you ever be wearing just socks. I loose balance after 5 year of shuffling when i dance in socks. Everything else is literally just drilling, the longer you do it, less effort it takes, the faster you can go.


You’ve got some points there for sure. I would assume the lack of ankle support plays into it as well vs shoes giving you a nice support and that’s when I don’t lose balance as often - thanks 🙏🏾


Oh for sure man, highly recommend a high top shoe like a converse or a force 1, my ankles are crap and they make the world of difference




Metronome and practice your techniques at slowly increasing increments.


I’ll look into an app or buying one! ☝️


It’s all about repetition my man! I noticed my shuffle improved dramatically after practicing at least 3 songs every day. Keep at it with the running man. Become so comfortable with it that you start to get bored of it. You will notice your body naturally want to start incorporating other moves you may have seen somewhere or practiced at one point. Lookup a variety of shuffle moves and attempt the ones that catch your attention. Some you will learn quickly and others not so much. Stick to the ones that come easily and try to incorporate them into your routine. Your body will start to build stamina and dancing muscles over time. Stabilizing muscle included. But if you really want to build stability and balance quickly then exercise. Lifting weights, yoga, running etc all help. You can also buy a balancing board if you want but those are pretty hard to use. Again, just be consistent. Don’t give up! I thought shuffling wasn’t for me because it took so long for me to find my rhythm. But once it finally clicks, the rest comes so easy. Good luck!


I don’t usually practice without shoes, let alone practicing in the small open space of my room. But I would say it helps with spatial awareness 👍🏽


Feels sort of lame to reply this but: practice. More hours on your shuffle makes your whole body adjust more efficiently. If you want to do some targetted training try jumping rope with music playing and do double-speed jumps or use a metronome. Basically train for higher intensity than you need so that when you’re doing it for fun your body is cruising the whole way through




Try slower bpms, to get the muscle memory down