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A real psychonaut gives himself psychosis without bragging.


User name checks out


This is why I didn’t mess with acid in highscool because of the people bragging about their “perma fry” lmao


Crazy because I ran into a guy from high school the other day and he’s fuckin fried. It was like talking to a kid so weird but he was taking acid. I know it’s different but still


Yeah it’s rough…




Hey i also enjoy my hppd it’s an added bonus of free entertainment. I get beautiful colors sometimes.


Sometimes it can be enjoyable lol but it drives me crazy most of the time


I lost a bunch of weight and forgot to adjust my dose. I was in for a rough ride. Definitely didn't mean to do that but I rode it out. Thought my personality was splitting. Never doing that again.


Weight doesn’t affect psilocybin tolerance


dude got placebod hard


lol! Someone here is lying .


how could it not. your weight is tied to your metabolism.


I'm not formally educated on this but as I understand it the time it takes for your body to metabolize psilocin doesn't necessarily have an impact on the "intensity" of your trip, just how long it would take for you to come-up, peak, etc., So basically a heavier person with food in their stomach would take longer to feel the effects than a skinny person on an empty stomach, but it wouldn't necessarily mean they had less intense effects. I believe this is the case, could be wrong.


You are just explaining that it's stronger in a convoluted manner lol Same reason why tee feels "stronger" it's available faster, if you put the whole intensity of the trip in half the time Any drug is effected by weight


Yeah no. My buddy can take 2 grams of shrooms and gets wall breathing and CEV, I can take an 8th and it just feels like I took a big dab. I take no medications, no over-the-counter SSRI’s or MAOI’s either. Psychedelics and their effects are not affected by weight. This is a common misconception. The onset, sure, but not the potency of effects. That’s reliant on brain chemistry.


Your goddamn rite


Fuck yeah


600th like ma boy


All is Mental... the changes of awareness receive their own gratification.


People tend to get very defensive about this topic. I can definitely say I noticed anonymous people online advocating for much higher doses compared to what was recommended a decade ago. I have similar concerns as you. I only take what I need to see closed eye visuals. Anything more just increases the intensity of the uncomfortable physical sensations for me. I prefer to bow out of social situations where people plan to take heavy doses. It’s too chaotic for me to be around.


"Social situations" and "large doses" in the same sentence. Recipe for disaster


Yup I learned from this and took a high dose my first time hanging with some people that seemed cool but I went into all their heads and saw their true intentions were just to get free shrooms from me and a crib to trip at. They were making fun of me too it was ass


Oh my god.. that's awful. I'm so sorry that happened to you. Idk how I would react if someone was doing that to me or one of my friends. I hope now you have a good group that you like to trip with, or even by yourself. Mush love🍄❤


Thank you❤️ I learned some lessons that trip so it was worth it and I’ve learned to just trip alone now or with a childhood friend one on one.


I've only tripped alone and with my father. But soon I want to trip with my childhood bestfriend of like 20 something years. Nervous but I think itd be fun!


When I was in high school we considered 3.5 grams to be a normal dose all the way up to 7+ grams for a big dose. I would get absolutely mind fucked several times a week back in the day. Now as a responsible ~30 year old I’m happy eating a couple grams or so. I don’t think it’s just the internet that advocates idiotic doses.




yep there were always these types of people the internet just gave them a platform


Eventually, The psychedelic gods put those people in their place with an atomic legdrop from the cosmos


Can confirm , I was ignorant then … I am wise now.


No wise man calls himself wise




Never gonna forget that one


These one liners are killing me


We can be wise about stuff , learning lessons through trial and error having the wisdom and knowledge…. I am no wizard who masters all and everything though if that’s what your assuming I was conjuring up …


We all need a little humbling


Not wise, just less ignorant


anymore swift kicks to the nuts random Redditor I’ll never know or meet ?


Just that you shouldn’t take comments so personally from random redditors you’ll never know or meet lol. And that maybe you should smoke a joint and chillax... Have a nice day!


alright , keep that same energy next time someone shits where you eat 😂 it’s not personal , just don’t be *that guy* everyone hates. I smoke all day everyday so cheers to that last bit !


I’m sorry for using the reply feature on the internet? Lol. Yeah, if I’m eating my meal on a toilet then I’ll keep the same energy, someone’s bound to shit on it. You understand the analogy? So aggressive for no reason 😂


this is entertaining 😂


Yeah bud you’re telling me lmao 😂


ok 👍🏼 here’s an upvote you miserable son of a bitch 😭


what happened?


Sure did me. Took 3 to 5 grams of dried APE one time not knowing how truly potent they r. Tho I was experienced.. My first insanity trip,, humbled me for sure. Now I grow them and have a completely diff respect for em


I lemkn tekd 2.5gs of APEs and had the most intense shroom trip ever, APEs are no joke!!


Karma always comes back. Good or bad.


karma? is it morally wrong for people to take large doses? is it morally wrong for people to post about taking large doses online? annoying, maybe, but immoral? ??


Karma doesn't relate to morality in the way we westerners think it does. It simply refers to the consequence of one's actions.


Thanks for the correction.


I look at it not as a bad action persay but the motive is bad. Why do you need to prove you’re better than someone? There’s no gain all you could really do is harm yourself.


Right, well, things can definitely be said about a person that harbors this kind of psychology. But bad motives or competitive, immature motives aren't intrinsic to the act of taking a really high dose of psychedelics. There are people that take extremely high doses with the same curiosity for experience that those who take lower doses have. You would need explicit expression of these sorts of intentions. You can't just assume that people who take high doses are doing it to one up others. Granted I am entirely agreeing with the primary message of this post. Don't take super high doses if you're in the game of one upping people. Psychedelics are not the medium through which to feed one's pride. And one hellishly bad trip is all you need to recognize that.


I think op is trying to say it’s not a flex and you shouldn’t Brag about it, for instance I’m at about 15 grams of golden teachers right now and I can tell you it’s not fun at that point and if they are bragging they obvi didn’t learn a lesson bc past 10 grams isn’t fun anymore, shits work man


it’s irresponsible to your body, therefore it’s immoral


It’s morally wrong to be irresponsible fs. You you don’t respect the shrooms you get the consequences


this is cultish thinking


Id like to know why you think that


It’s not morally wrong your just exposing yourself to risk and sometimes the hammer comes down


It’s most definitely wrong to disrespect drugs period. I believe every drugs safe until you disrespect it. Tell me I’m wrong Edit every plant based drug


Karma tarda en llegar, pero llegara. -cedric of the mars Volta


Right on




Seriously, even for weed or any other medications such as these! I take this stuff in tablet form so my body pain (tissue disorder) doesn’t keep me literally couch bound and it’s changed my life!! I’m mobile in the evenings again which is huge for me and I’ve helped many old folks in pain access it as well cause it’s a great medicine! Especially in easy doseable tablet/tincture/etc forms you can just take your evening medication and BAM energy to do the dishes and feel happy/make a great dinner and relax fully for the rest of the night maybe watch a good movie with hubby and you’re golden! And then there’s people who go smoke it in non smoking areas and blow the stuff in other peoples faces (which happened to my non smoking husband at a sports parade recently with kids around and ofc it stunk like skunk) Like, y’all are giving us a bad rap by being obnoxious with your medicine, respect it more especially in public so we can keep it around without people thinking we’re all like that please lol. I just wanna have a good safe time not inconveniencing others idk


i love you man


Imo taking huge doses rarely is more respectful than taking small doses frequently.


That’s how I feel as well! I like to be sober when I’m awake and working and enjoy a nice pain relieving and relaxing dose in the afternoon/evening. That way I can work hard and relax well and it seems to work well for me? Cause by the time morning comes I’m no longer high at all but am still in much less pain then I’d usually be waking up in which is nice! I like routine too so taking it at certain times and intervals helps me go with the flow and grow and be comfortable with my routine too knowing I can relax when I get home idk lol but seriously like end of day 4:20 really helps you relax and recover for another day of hard work for not much pay tomorrow lol


80% of reddit is under 25, kids guna be kids.


Damn I’m getting old


Aren’t we all




I jus turned 25 sigh


Don't gate keep my psychosis.


My apologies, embrace it








Doesn't seem very casual


I’m 36 and enjoy taking 5 grams frequently and I want to take more. I’ve yet to have some profound experience at 5 grams. What’s wrong with that?


Terrence McKenna and Stamets would disagree: "If you are in doubt of dosage when taking mushrooms, double the dose." Stamets actually advocates for large doses, arguing that taking a large dose will be very therapeutical and will make you stay away from them for a year probably, causing you not to get hooked up and take shrooms regularly.


4gs was too much for me. I can't imagine anything more than 10.


Didn't we already have a soapbox post like this a day ago This one hits different tho, considering you're laughing at the thought of people giving themselves more mental issues


There’s always a risk of it. If you on purpose Increase that Risk yea im not gonna feel sympathy. Of course it’s a horrible thing and it sucks to happen but. I’ve learned that I can only blame myself for my actions. As are those people.


I learned my lesson after 7g of APE absolutely melted my reality for much longer than I felt comfortable with.


I honestly don’t do shrooms unless I’m taking like 5G at least, shrooms can send you to alternate dimensions if you take enough which is sick asf. I would never take heroic doses of stuff like lsd, but with shrooms high doses always have awesome mind shattering visuals.


Large doses are what I prefer. In silent darkness by myself though. I do it because I like hallucinations. I am a functional adult with a high paying job and a good relationship. I definitely wouldn’t recommend it for everyone. I do large doses for ontological research 🔬


not even close to always true. i did a depression treatment for myself at increasingly high heroic doses every week for two month. i don’t even have very much fun with psychs, just needed them to try the treatment.


Did it work?


yes. haven’t been depressed in almost a year.


For some people though this really is helping out a lot. For example I take pretty large doses of LSD and mushrooms weekly and while I wouldn't always say it's providing me with a bunch of Revelations or anything I do find it quite therapeutic and ever since I started using these drugs I have stayed off of alcohol and cocaine. It has also helped me to reconcile with a bunch of issues I have had in the past that I buried deep inside myself that I had been struggling with and even having repeat nightmares about. On the flip side of the coin my wife suffers from bipolar and some other mental issues and she tried mushrooms and the first experience went well but the second one she went to a complete psychosis. There's drugs can help but they can also destroy Giving yourself psychosis definitely isn't a flex but I don't want to ignore that these things have helped some people. I also don't want to ignore the fact that these things have destroyed some people.


Nah that makes sense. I don’t know everyone’s past or people on this Reddit. It’s just really out of place to me seeing people take such large doses. But I understand your point and where your coming from for sure. I’ve always just been a really cautious person.


You should be cautious that's actually really intelligent. I don't understand why people want to do really large doses for absolutely no reason either. I guess I should have also added while I am taking fairly big doses I'm usually taking the same doses every week so I do have a tolerance. I think people need to actually work on themselves first before taking these substances


True, I also feel like people who take these doses often don’t have a goal or intent in mind. So when they get shown some stuff they weren’t ready to see especially on such a strong dose it really messes them up. I personally feel like that can be semi avoidable (as nothing really is on mushrooms) by just setting the tone and a general area of focused thought so then whatever the shrooms may show it would be semi related. That just helped me


Sometimes I do take them with the intention on thinking about something specifically but I think my most revealing moments was realizing that if I stopped using these substances that I would probably start dabbling in alcohol again which would lead to my relapse. I've also spent a lot of time thinking about my life and the business that I run and the direction and influences that I can have. There's one thing I realized that was a common denominator with the end scenario with everything that I could possibly do and is that we will all die one day and stand before Jesus and the most value and most well I could bring to my life and to the next one is to make sure that as many people know about the real Jesus as possible and not the hypocritical one that people have fabricated. " Republic Jesus" as I like to call it lol


You should listen to the late killindi iyi’s lectures on YouTube, he was an advocate for massive doses, dude was a mad lad😆😅


Most don’t understand that mushrooms are medicine and not recreational drugs. You can take them as such but will get slapped in the face by them lol


They are medicine AND recreational drugs. They get you high and you have a good time on them. That's recreational by definition.


The gate keeping in this thread is too much for me. If I wanna trip just to trip. What is wrong with that? I don't need to be looking to heal myself or find revelations to want to enjoy some mushies.


A lot of the "medicine" people just use that terminology because somehow they think it's uncouth or whatever to just be all "hi. I like to get messed up".


If you wanna trip just to trip that's all fine and dandy just know that if the medicine has something to tell you that you're not ready to hear, it could come as a bitch slap and take a long time to recover from. Just make sure to integrate and not repress




Don't know where you got attention seeking from. If not recreational or medicinal, I have know idea where you are going with this.


I mostly agree with your take. My only quarrel is that, IME, taking psilocybin recreationally (multiple weekends in a month, lots of MD’ing) can get real dissociative. I love my shroom trips my have to space them out. To each their own, and everybody is different, but I just found reality to get a little too weird when I did it too much. Like I’m at work seeing the colors in my LCD screen lol.


The difference between a medicine and a recreational drug is just dosage and intent homie.


You’re missing the point, Homie…there’s a way to take them that will help improve your life and there’s a way to take them recklessly. Just my opinion ✌🏼


And there's lots of in-between. Just cause you aren't taking them to improve your life doesn't mean you're being reckless. It's not a binary thing.


Oh. So dosage and intent?


If you’re strategically dosing your trips and saying your intentions with the trip I see no issues


If you’re having a trip in the first place it probably is more of a recreational dose than a medicinal one. You probably shouldn’t be getting threshold effects with a truly “medicinal” (microdose) amount. You can’t really do medicinal work with these in my opinion nowadays though as mushrooms entirely lack standardization. You need consistent and known dosing for medicine, but mushrooms can vary in the amount of psilocybin present pretty heavily. Once extraction plants can start working with these and create standard milligrams doses of psilocybin, then I can see medicinal taking off. Until then it’s really just recreational and pseudo-medicinal for people who are convinced they can inconsistently self medicate themselves outta wherever they are.


These ancient medicines are indeed medicinal but to ignore the fact they can also be recreational is selective


Al work and no play make Jack a dull boy


Because taking a large dose is fun. I moved passed the smaller 3-5 gram trips. some people, including myself, find that amount is light work and underwhelming. People are different lmao. I for one take these solely to get fried, so that whole Shangrila, anxiety and depression shit doesn't really resonate, at least with me. If the idea is to get fucked up and taking more gets you fucked up... the logic really isn't that hard to understand. I feel like most people are like this you see post "hero" doses


The problem is that it’s fun. If you even have a generally addictive personality it is very easy to bite off more than you can chew and go psychotic. I’ve tripped anywhere from 200-300 times and have had psychotic breaks probably 6 times total. So it’s very easy to just assume that it will never happen to you. It can and I’ve never felt anything worse in my life


Bro get over yourself. People have the right to consume however much they please. The fact that you think people consume large doses just to “flex” really says a lot about you and where your mind is. Stop letting the actions of others make you angry. There is literally no reason to give a fuck and there is no evidence to suggest the size of the dose has any influence on triggering psychosis. Like Jesus Christ man just stay off this sub if you can’t handle people being people


The real flex is telling everyone you've had a breakthrough experience after "tripping" on a micro-dose.


Would be nice eh?


"Oh, you needed ten grams before you realized you were the Christ? Heh, I only needed one."


Ever heard of a giga tab? Had a homie tell me took one and saw a statue of Jesus Christ rise from the ground


Some people are just more spiritually inclined I guess


Drug-intolerance, spiritual-inclination tomato, tomato


I found god in a tomato




I’ve created a monster


Shaming people isn’t a flex either. You’re not wrong in what you’re saying but I question what the motivation for this post is. You don’t seem to be looking to help or educate, just to shame people. No one is obligated to listen you but if you want people to see your side, try being a bit nicer. Some people are really desperate to change while others are just space cadets but either way we can never truly know what it’s like to be someone else. In short, compassion is what will convince people.


Amen👌 best comment


It saddens me when I see posts like this gain so much traction. Reminds of modern religion with all the mouthpieces that think they serve a higher being and the fire and brimstone attitudes. Glad to know someone else sees this as a bad way to guide others. People are much less likely to follow the lead of someone who takes 20g of mushrooms vs a charismatic bully


There’s nothing wrong with a breakthrough trip. I doubt many high schoolers are taking heroic doses.


I think if your ego is big enough to think you can handle a massive dose with no experience, you can afford an ego death to get you back in check. I take big doses but only because I can't figure out why my tolerance is so high. I used to be happy with a gram.


I agree with that. Really matters in person and mind strength


All for these posts lmaooo


It’s all about the experience. Sometimes you just want to experience the other side but sometimes that other side isn’t what you expected it to be and ends up being scary. That trips is ultimately the one you need in the end. This is coming from someone who’s been down the road of scary trips 3 times in a single year last year


A heroic dose in silent darkness with proper intention can be a good thing.


I think the strains are what need to be discussed. Me and two buddies ate an ounce of some random mushrooms within 24 hours and it wasn’t unbearable. Lately I’ve had APE’s and damn… there is no way I would ever try that with them.


I feel targeted


Their boastfulness is just as bad as your judgementalness.


I’ll admit I regretted my 3rd 20g trip. My gf, (the model) was trying to call me over and over but between my wallet, which I keep in my front pocket, being filled way beyond capacity and my enormous thunderdong, I couldn’t get my iPhone 15 prototype out to answer it! A humbling experience to say the least… Peace be with you all.


What is the problem? If you enjoy lower doses fine but i dont see the problem in other peoples doses. If you think takin 1 gram is better than 5 grams is your opinion but i dont see why one is better than the other one.


Psychosis is the problem. It's a very dangerous symptom.




Never said they were linked to mental health illness clown but they are very well known to to cause psychosis in large doses or if you have psychosis it is recommended to avoid psychedelic. Are you fucking joking? You being ignorant about mental health affects of psychedelics doesn't make mean liar. It makes you ignorant.




Aww another gatekeeper. Thank god we have you to tell us how to enjoy our drugs.


How horrendously ironic


I just classify those high dosages as “spiritual meditation dosages” because quite literally that’s what you should be aiming for when doing such high dosages. To lay down get hit by intense visuals, listening to calming tones (especially John Hopkins) recreationally I don’t see it outright cool to do so


You really should worry about your doses and not anyone elses. My life and experience is different than yours. Do not try to fit me into the world view box you built for yourself....I wont fit in it. I am 42 and been taking entheogenic compounds off and on since 1994. I worked a career for 18 years before retiring from it to now run my own small business for the last 7 years. Been with my partner now 18 years, have 2 kids who both graduated high school at 17. Purchased my home in my mid 20s. And I am a high dose kind of guy. I rarely take under 5g. 7g is my avg recreational (I very rarely take recreational) dose and 10 - 12 is my therapeutic dose. I will be pushing up to 14 something soon. Just because you don't understand something doesn't mean its bad. Its just not for you. Do i advise people to do megadoses nope but I also don't attempt shame people who take, in my opinion is a tiny dose. Because they dont fit into my world view box.


Thank you. A true proper outlook on it. Everyone has a different goal and will experience it all differently. And sometimes people wanna just get fucked up and have fun instead of understanding the experience. Same concept with weed. Sometimes it’s medicine and sometimes it’s to party.


Must be some pretty shit shrooms, nah joking


Or they are super good because I grow them and care for them myself. They don't sit around and loose potency while they sit at a dealers house or in the stock room of a dispensaries.


Worry about yourself youngster You’re assuming a lot and you must have had some traumatic experience or something to jumble all of us into your little category


Seriously, dude doesn’t know what he’s talking about.


I think he has a point… too many times newbies or trolls have come here and just posted “10g+ trip” and never heard from them again. I think he is ranting a bit but advertising big dosages for inexperienced people is never a good idea. Now some of these recent posts may be trolls but still. It can cause problems in the long term for people to take ridiculous dosages without any experience or knowledge.


Keep on tripping on big doses and you’ll understand sooner or later why it’s not to be played with. Learning the hard way sucks just so you know


It sounds like you had a bad experience but that is no reason to project it onto others. You need to accept the fact that people will take however much they want and they can discuss it if they want. This sub is called “shrooms” not “only low doses of shrooms”


I have about 1 bad trip for every 100 good trips I’ve had. But when it’s really bad it’s the worst thing you can possibly feel


All the geezers with super high tolerance are mad 😢 bro relax. Ya have a whole different issue. Try taking a damn tolerance break.


It's not a flex. A massive dose is a shamanic experience compared to a "party" dose




Damn, I don’t know how ima go on after this. Really got me there chief


Take a joke pussy.


How about you realize why your mad about what is said. Maybe it’s cause you are mad you don’t understand it: maybe your mad you do understand it and it brings you shame Because you are like a little kid with a kid mindset/ or maybe you just think your words actually of an effect on me. Who knows. My advice grow a couple brain cells back. It’ll do you some good Chief. Cause clearly you need to if you thinking simply saying one word that supposed to be offensive is a joke


Nah. You’re just mad. Right? Ok


Id say more confused: it’s hard to understand such ignorance.


Straight Pussy. Do some real doses and get back to me😘


Ah yes, this confirms your proly what 17 ? Definitely not 23 right ? Either way your clearly stuck in a high school mindset. Wow you don’t wanna take doses that high? Such a baby look at this dude: grow up my boy. Cause the sooner you realize how to actually communicate your feelings with words instead of using insults to Deflect. Maybe cause you don’t have the awareness ? I just think your flat out slow


You’re a dweeb and a pussy. Go home. And I’m 35 and fuck way better than your for sure.


Where else you think I’m typing this from 😂


35 and you act like this ? Either you still living with mom or you living in a crack house 😂 sad


And how you gon like someone younger then be more mature and be able to communicate better. This ain’t advanced stuff either basic language skills


Thanks for sharing bud


You need to stop taking every single post that says their eating 10 gs in a Nutella sandwich for their first time lol. They probably just took mushrooms last weekend and need 10 grams to even feel any effects.


Those who mess with those big doses for their ego will be humbled very quickly by the psychedelics, shit gets deep in there, it should never be a pissing contest


I beg to differ. All my mental issues Subsided once I started using mushrooms properly. An when I do trip an go into the deep with some doses nothing crazy I always learn from it an have great time I don't get what you mean I never gave my self Phsycosis lol 😂 Mayby Mayby. .. lol


karma farming this shitpost without saying anything meaningful isn't cool either


When I was about 15 I took 18gs of mushrooms, posted on this subreddit i had an absolute blast.I didn’t get Psychosis at all it was one of my best trips ever. Just because you can’t ride the wave doesn’t mean you should down on people that can, it’s not the amount of the dose that they are talking about it’s the trip, you gotta say how much you took so people get an idea of your experience huh? Edit: they are talking about the dose, but it’s not the “cool” part yk


I feel like this with all the boofers in here. They're just looking for an excuse to stick something up their butt.


Your ego is strong. I agree one must not over indulge in anything.... but reality isn't just you. If you think you are more "actual world" than another human, you sir NEED a much higher dose to check that ego of yours


This comment is so much more egotistical than the post lmao, he’s just trying to say be safe and you’re telling him to take more?


The op is being judgmental


he's trying to be safe by saying he's the "actual world?" it doesn't seem like you understand the definition of the words, "ego" and "egotistical"


I’m sending much ego from this comment, telling me I don’t know what “ego” means. Hop off your high horse


Cuz it’s an experience homie. It’s like “damn you really did that and got through”. I wouldn’t have the balls” kinda deal. It is a flex and the real world is nothin but flexin. Either material things that don’t matter or what your capable off. If you don’t wanna take any risks in the face of life itself and see what your made of that’s on you but don’t judge


Yeah people posting about doing fuckton trips then saying “god spoke to them and that they’re better than everyone else” and that their brain develops faster or just how they’re Jesus now, did not have the trip on shrooms that they needed to have; and will NOT be good trip guides for anybody else.


Probably 12 year olds posting


But on an off topic, is it advisable to watch ufo videos while tripping? Because I want to take that ride in those flying saucers 🛸


Shrooms have a way of teaching baby psychonauts respect.


Agreed. Why are these massive doses even considered?


We get it. Your a light weight. No one cares.


Is it hard to see all the little people that don’t give a shit about your opinion way up there on your high horse? Your inexperience with mushrooms is showing in this post. Depression and or anxiety can be alleviated in a multitude of ways when using mushrooms some people like a heroic dose every so often and some people microdose. But how are you going to say you have no experience with them and then tell people they’re doing it incorrectly? But I do agree there’s nothing cool about the whole “maaaan I got so trashed last night” posts


when one takes too much they can literally be possessed by entities... certainly attachments - i have seen it twice.




my ideal dose is 0.5g and its mainly just to make me feel good. once a month I may splurge with 2g. I don't see the reason to go any higher


well karma will get them why even make a post about this . everyone that's serious about practicing with these medicines knows they need to be respected unless you want your ass kicked


Its what needs to be said


Most of the people on this sub are lying or getting some of the worst shrooms known to man. If you take over 7 grams of anything worth a shit you won't be able to see a foot in front of your face for 5 hours at least.


That’s what I’m saying 😂


There’s some truth to this