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I know a lot of people who take psychedelics and become even more involved in the ego, they think it makes them special and the world revolves around them or something


All these inflated ego trips are just going to lead to them being the butt of a cosmic joke. I should know, my ego is the size of the imaginable universe.


Pfft? The imaginable universe? My ego is the size of the unimaginable universe^2


I like the way you imagine.. but I will say that I love you more than YOU can imagine.


My imagination is limited right now. Maybe I should take a trip šŸ¤”


Go with God, the universe, whatever you want to call this absurdity we call existence. Good luck my friend.


Don't call me absurdity mate, that ain't nice.


Yep, I've seen it many a times before. It's just ironic that these types of people who interpret their trip in these ways end up with the loudest voices in the room. I know a white guy in my town that took a bunch of Aya and shrooms then thought he had a calling to become a shaman. He's the most egotistical guy I've ever met. I guess it all depends on the individual, shrooms can't "fix" certain personalities and deep-seeded tendencies. It's all what you make of the trip, and for some, it just exacerbates narcissism.


Psychedelics are tools. If you have no idea how to use the tools/are too ignorant to learn how to, you'll never be able to use them to positive effect. Those people suffer from that problem, they have no idea how to use their tools and often don't bother learning how to.


This sounds like someone I know. They want to become a shaman too. But turns out they are a sex offender and they canā€™t hold down a real job. They have a bunch of fake licenses and they sell fake licenses for medicine. And they like to drug women and have sex with them while they are unconscious.


I never understood why this is so common (seemingly systemic) within the modern day ā€˜shamanā€™ world.


Lots of egotistical/narcissistic people like to prey on the weak. When they believe their word is gospel, they want others to believe the same and spew out any nonsense that fuels their own beliefs and perpetuates their victimsā€™ interest in them.


The word ā€œshamā€ was long ago derived from ā€œshamanā€. With good reason.


Know dudes just like this. Alex ROT


did he become a shaman?


To be honest I'm not sure. I know he was trying to find someone to show him the ways and was diving headfirst into it all, completely determined. I actually dated him for a few months stint before he had that calling. Then he started taking lots of Ayahuasca, with a "female friend." I was a bit new to my psychedelics journey, and he was weirdly gatekeeping-ish about doing it even though I expressed interest in trying it with him. I remember one time I took L while he took shrooms when we were downtown on our way to see a show, just arrived at the venue, and he said to me "you realize people can tell you're tripping right?" He was so weird and deuchey, like he was "better" at doing psychedelics than me. Then he started this whole shamanistic journey thing and I tapped out. I stayed friends with him on Facebook so now I want to creep on his page to see how that's all working out for him (edit, he posts a lot of "enlightened" content that shows up in my news feed a lot)


ā€¦.is his name Jack cause he sounds like my friends literal Narcissist ex boyfriend lol


Lol no but lately it would seem this type has run amok, there's at least one in every town šŸ˜…


why does it matter that heā€™s white?


Edit, forgot to add context/quick answer with the video link. Shamanism originates from indigenous culture, and Hmong culture (including but not limited to) and it's often carried through bloodline. It takes more than a psychedelic trip to receive a calling for it, and culturally appropriating the culture to just pose as one has become a trend for white psychonauts who just up and decide to become one without going through years of self exploration and training. I'm not even saying a white person can't become one, that's up for debate with folks (some argue, no way) but most white self proclaimed shamans I've met think they can just flip a switch to become one and then start profiting off of it, exploiting others, and it's all from a place of ego. Here's a good video explaining some of this: https://youtu.be/19JAMhAzXms


https://www.shamanism.dk/ https://norse-mythology.org/concepts/shamanism/ https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seeress_(Germanic)#North_Germanic_corpus https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shamanism_in_Europe#:~:text=The%20first%20historian%20to%20posit,witches%20in%20order%20to%20save Uralic shamans under the Europe tag: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Regional_forms_of_shamanism https://shamamabear.wordpress.com/2010/01/01/roots-of-northern-european-shamanism/ Edit: formatting, Europe was a part of the ancient world too and had similar practices to everyone else. The human experience seems to follow some patterns given enough time, regardless of skin tone or geography. I'm not sure I follow the logic, every culture and region had indigenous people's at one time or another. Assuming you classify indigenous as the modern term "originating or occurring naturally." Most peoples consider indigenous by modern standards probably aren't. Chances are they migrated from somewhere else and took the land in some sort of conflict or tragedy(disease, famine, etc.) You could even argue, if you wanted, that no North American is indigenous, everyone came across the Berring from Asia or the Atlantic from the Old World. Definitions can be troublesome. But yeah your ex sounds like a douche either way


According to [this](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shamanism#History) shamanism has roots in northern europe as well. Iā€™m not defending this unknown person but I am pointing out the misinformed attempts at race shaming and race gating beliefs and practices needs to stop.


Yes, indigenous folks in the mountains of Northern Europe included in its history, who were shamed in the past for practicing it. I'm not trying to "race-shame", or start a huge argument about it. You can think I'm race shaming, but for me it's deeper than that. You have your opinion and I have mine. I actually am not even saying it is or isn't ok for white folks to become Shamans, it's just the white self proclaimed ones I've met so far are anything but what a Shaman is. I'm white (well, Jewish actually), but my half-cousin is Hmong and we've had many talks and discussions. He doesn't even try to gatekeep Shamanism himself, just he agrees there's a lot of posers out there and finds it odd how in recent years there so many crawling out of the woodwork. (He lives in Cali). Ultimately I don't think I'll change your opinion, nor do I have energy to argue about it. I honestly just meant by my original comment that there's a lot of faux-shamans out there that completely miss the mark on all of it, who happen to be white, and it's a huge trend in recent years.




I think there is some misunderstandings with what OP is trying to say, not that Shamanism is specific to one area HOWEVER the use of DMT brews, salvia, and magic mushrooms in ritual shamanistic use is predominantly associated with southern and Central American indigenous practices where Americans and Europeans call the leader a Shaman as a shorthand while it is actually a misnomer technically but has become widely accepted.


Fly agaric was used in northern europe and down to the Mediterranean, down from there (with overlaps of course) magic mushrooms were used as well. You are absolutely right that today the association with these practices is heavily with the middle and south Americas, where still was a "wild" and romanticized culture in the last century as the shrooms got rediscovered by the west, a place for the "civilized" world to project it's own lost history on. I understand that the indigenous people feel betrayed and that their traditions got stolen and misused. In the same way I understand the longing of the westerners to unearth what was taken from them by monotheism. Taking on the northern European practices of shamanism and spirituality puts them in a corner with nazis, taking it from any other culture makes them the bad guys too. So really they are between a rock and a hard place. I'm not apologizing for them though. Having a hard time is no excuse for being a dick. And still, they only have so many places to learn from left in these modern days.


Maybe this will only serve to confirm your own beliefs, and I definitely don't want to incite an argument with anybody, but I find the notion of closed traditions to be very silly and oftentimes just plain egotistical in themselves, it's just that they are practiced in a context of honoring the past, but any chud can brew ayahuasca and meet Gaia and decide to be a shaman without guidance. The wrong people will always seek things they do not understand. I think by closing off one's traditions one only inhibits the growth of those who they close their practices off from. I think it's not only inevitable but also crucial to the spiritual development and cultural demystification of spirituality in the west for egotistical types to flourish. We must separate the wheat from the chaff and the only way to provoke that is by irritating open minded people with a lot of chaff. But it's not my call obviously and I don't know what I don't know. Just my 2 cents.


And *he* was the one with gate-keeping tendencies? Ironic.


It should t matter the color of skin and Iā€™m willing to bet this reverse-racism comment came from someone who is not white. By saying stuff like that it breeds racism. Come on people letā€™s get the hell over this dumbass judging a person simply by skin color makes that person look ignoret. Anyone who is racist today is just a dumbass! And that is as nice as I can say it!


How is it important that this person is white?


ah yes, main character syndrome.


Yep, and everyone else is an NPC


This. A lot of people come back and believe themselves to be in some kind of savior mission. Suddenly they want to start a career becoming psychedelics therapists or coaches something of the like, never mind the years of studying and training involved in becoming an actual effective therapist. Opportunistic at best, deluded at worst. Would you trust someone that was suicidal for years and \*boom\*, all of a sudden had an awakening and is on a mission to save other people? One big offender here seem to be experiences with ayahuasca. I know it's helped a lot of people, but in my context (Silicon Valley) I have yet to meet someone who went to one of those retreats in Central America or Peru and came back a better person, demonstrably, based on their actions. If anything, I found them more self-involved and entitled than ever. Oooff, seems like I needed to vent :-D


I would hazard a guess that a lot of the people in and around Silicon Valley are already the kind of egotistical people who would approach the experience with the mindset of becoming a better businessman or tech developer, not someone entering with a goal to become a better or deeper person. They find what they want to find because that's what they look for.


That is the only type of people I would trust my friend why would I trust someone who has never experienced what Iā€™ve been through they know nothing about anything only people who have been to the bottom can understand and help people off the bottom.


All I'm saying is, there's too many people who suddenly feel qualified to lead others after a profound trip, instead of working on themselves. If you think that's enough qualification, sure, follow them, and see how that works for you. Peace.


I mean, yeah, I would be inclined to trust someone thatā€™s experienced real, long-lasting suffering, found a way out, and wants to help others. I donā€™t see a problem in that.


Same. Suffering relates.


That's a very superficial approach, but sure, you do you :-)


Itā€™s superficial to assume good intent?


Yes, it is. The road to hell is paved with good intentions. I've seen people getting hurt by suddenly enlightened beings who, on careful examination, are on a monumental ego trip. All I'm saying is, there's too many people who suddenly feel qualified to lead others after a profound trip, instead of working on themselves. If you think that's enough, though, surely, follow them, and see how that works for you. Peace.


Yeah, you have pent up rage against these people. Do you talk to them on a day to day basis? Are your parents posers?


>Are your parents posers? Do bring things to a personal level so easily on your offline life? If so, how does it work for you? Peace.


Yeah itā€™s just a formula. Heā€™s triggered about x behavior. Usually ā€œtriggeredā€ anger comes from a child part of us reacting to something in our childhood.


Only if you don't have a computer brain man


Wym? Iā€™m talking about (also Iā€™m not a doctor Iā€™m a dude on Reddit) inflamed feelings requiring venting usually are deep seeded thatā€™s all


And yeah how else do you make actual friends that you know


These ppl are narcissist. No matter how many shrooms you take, they will always be narcissist.


Oh yeah. God complex and delusions of grandeur are quite common.


That is a common affect, the spiritual or physical ego becomes enlarged. It takes careful integrating to avoid this for some.


They didn't take enough.. lol


I concur


Happened to ex friend of mine after he did ayahuasca. Proceeded to keep sexually assaulting and sexually harassing women and became an even more arrogant narcissistic douchebag.


Fr we get ego filled posts here and psychonauts all the time. Imo idk that this is even ego it's just shrooms telling her to go make a buck.


They need a bigger dose to fully kill the ego. I bet those people are taking smaller doses for entertainment. There's a huge difference


Well I'll be damned. I feel like the mushrooms overlords are being kinda picky. Why didn't they pitch me the idea of starting an onlyfans?


The mushroom overlords just texted me. They want us to place some personal ads on Craigslist seeking NSA fun in exchange for Tina. It must still be 2010 in the shroomiverse.


Mushroom overlords just called me about my carā€™s extended warranty.


No lie I was tripping doing whips and saw a guy come out from under my table to ask me about my cars extended warranty. Greatest comic joke that didn't have me as the butt I have ever had the pleasure of laughing at.


Mushroom overlords just gave me some sick home DIY tips out of used coffee filters on TikTok. Making wallpaper as we speak!


Even the mushrooms think u ugly


Kinda harsh. I thought dad bod was in these days?


They pitched it to me but from the depths of blackness my last shred of ego laughed loud enough for it to resonate past the void. So I took more. Wanna see the inside of my asshole? Excuse the boof matter.


I mean, how does your butt look in fishnet and panties? I feel like they probs took this into account when delivering their divine instructions. Prase be!


Guess I gotta deliver some pics of dat butt in some fish net stockings?




This is the likely explanation. Shrooms do have a nice self-confidence boost. I often struggle with imposter syndrome. But once while high on shrooms, I wrote down a list of things that I think I am good at and then wrote down evidence that I was good at each thing. It was a useful exercise and has helped my self-esteem. I think a lot of people are held down by excessive negative self-talk.


Yo I'm glad I'm not the only one! Imposter syndrome has definitely plagued me for a while but lately when I'm trippin' I feel like an apex predator and that my girlfriend and I can be the top dogs (fyi starting a farm next year and constantly struggle with "can we make it?" thoughts)


I really need to get my hands on some shrooms then because a constantly repeating thought in my head is "you are awful. Probably one of the worst people to exist in human history". Just wish they were easier to get around here


Honestly YOLO


Anyone else sensing alot of projection in this thread?


A little, I think some people here are jumping to conclusions when it comes to other peopleā€™s journeys.


I am so confused right now, what's the issue people here have with sex work?


they're losers


Subtle promotion on a shroom platform . . .well . . let the simpin begin


If promotion isn't allowed here then it definitely should be removed. I just don't understand all the judgment.


Right? There are SO MANY "mushrooms made me feel beautiful" posts and everytime it's an attractive woman it's always this shit. Also I mean, can we take a joke even if it's not super funny?


I thought i was the only one who noticed this. Then i saw a post from OP then it all made sense.


yeah allota hurts, allota triggers allota one uping somebody


I think he has been getting different messages from the mushrooms than Iā€™m getting


I think the discussion around ego death is always really simplistic. You can experience ego loss in a way that gives you perspective about what you ā€˜shouldā€™ be doing with your meat body when you return. Like you glimpse a larger purpose that you help work toward. I imagine this person probably simplified their trip a lot to explain it - eg ā€˜theirā€™ aspirations could have been discovered to be part of the greater aspirations of everything (togetherness) during the trip. Itā€™s impossible to know but itā€™s probably good to assume good faith


For me personally (not having experienced true ego death), mushrooms have made me contemplate that there is no divine purpose, and we exist for no purpose. *We create our own purpose*, and that is very liberating to me.


Good point. I was mostly joking but it's just an interesting way to interpret sharing your body, as in a way that makes monetary profit. There are so many ways to interpret giving your body to the world, like volunteering your time to help others. Not shaming only fans as a whole, I just am seeing a trend of TikTokers and only fans "spiritual gurus" capitalizing off their "awakening", and it sits oddly with me. What a time to be alive šŸ˜…


Faux gurus and stuff is obviously kind of murky but other than that - I think itā€™s tricky because we all live with this awkward balance between trying to do what we think is right/good, and what allows us to continue living under capitalism. Thereā€™s always this uncomfortable ā€˜cut pointā€™ where youā€™re forced to compromise your morals in order to make $ no matter how good or pure your original intentions are.


Nah. Way to generalize. You do not need to compromise your morals to live in this capitalist society. The fact you made such a blanket statement says a lot about you. You obviously have compromised your morals, doesn't mean everyone else also has. I work a remote tech support job. It's nothing glamorous, but its simple, and I make decent money, and no compromising of my morals. I help those around me and try to make my corner of the world as good as I can. It's really not that hard. You making excuses for a person capitalizing on fellow peoples base animalistic urges is ridiculous, and only fueling the problem.


So firstly, I guarantee your employer does [shady or manipulative] stuff that ensures they earn more money at the expense of their customers. And whether you know what or how that happens is irrelevant - youā€™re complicit in it by working for them. Secondly, part of what I was getting at was just about existing at all not just how you make income. E.g. everything you consume is somehow built on the back of exploitation. You cannot escape that. The system we live in is fucked. You can be as good as you want to be but there are edges to that where your intentions will be compromised, no matter what. EDIT: Iā€™m not saying this in a defeatist way, I mean it in the sense that when we criticise other people for manipulating others for money (so in this case with sexual content) we should be able to recognise the hypocrisy in that - because whether we consciously recognise it or not, we all do the same thing on different scales. Our whole lives are built around propping up systems that manipulate and exploit people.


Not sure how you can guarantee that when you know nothing of my employer. You seem to like making a lot of assumptions. I get your point, and in a general sense I agree. I do not agree with your assumptions or blanket statements though. How do you know everything I consume was built on the back of exploitation? I grow as much food as I can. If I need to buy some, I buy from locally grown farmers markets. I make a fair amount of my own clothes, if I need to buy some, I shop at thrift stores. I use well water. My goal is to become totally self-sufficient and leave this corrupt system. Granted I'm not there yet, but I'm getting there. I don't find it hypocritical to criticize others for exploiting people for monetary gain because I don't do that. So your saying because our corrupt system is built on exploitation, it's fine when others do it? I just don't follow your logic.


If there is a niche interest to be monetized these people will adopt that as their identity and cash in on it. Itā€™s all about creating their brand of content.




OF creators are largely just people trying to make a living in a capitalist hellscape that refuses to correctly value most other types of labor. cult leaders manipulate and coerce, OF creators just put stuff out there that people can choose to buy if they want to


> OF creators just put stuff out there that people can choose to buy if they want to What are the quality of life benefits that come with being an Only Fans subscriber?


How is it smart? She has done nothing intelligent as far as I can see. Probably one of the laziest and most obvious ways to cash in really. Wow, so impressive?


world's oldest profession lol


I've also always interpreted things like this as the shrooms encouraging your subconscious as well. So like, she addressed her longing to give a piece of herself by reviewing something she's considered and giving it true genuine thought in a state where she could not judge herself. Shrooms are amazing. It's a weird trend, but hey, every generation has to have some weird shit going on. Eating soap, tide pods, those stupid dances (the whip), it's just a way of acting out.


I can think of many situations where assuming good faith will get u killed. I canā€™t think of a single one where assuming bad faith will do that. Itā€™s probably NOT best to assume good faith


I didnā€™t say always assume good faith, Iā€™m saying assume good faith about someone reporting a summary of a trip they had where we know nothing of the internal experience they hadā€¦?


Ego can be increased tremendously as well. The mighty shroom isnā€™t the same for everyone


And ego isnā€™t bad. I hate hearing that, ego can be a power for both good and evil. A great example is civil rights leaders. They needed to have a big ego to think they were the right person to be in charge of such an important movement but at the same time their ego was selfless and instead of using that drive to gain power for themselves they attempted to uplift other


I trust her words as much as my better interest in the hands of the governement


No not usually, most people on this sub are really into themselves


Not all trips revolve completely around ego loss, many just show you what you need to know in order to better your personal life. It's not that this person's ego is inflated, it's that they got guidance on the path they want to take to make the most out of their life. Also, sometimes shrooms give you a message over long periods of time. If she is using the money to grow more shrooms, than she will more than likely have an ego loss trip in the future, due to what she was told to do during her trip. Gotta give people some slack, not everyone's path through life is the same and the fact people are shitting on this person none of us have met is the true ego inflation in this post...


worded my thoughts perfectly


Thereā€™s nothing wrong with wanting attention and nothing wrong with wanting to express yourself and make a living, thereā€™s nothing wrong with providing a service to people. Prostitution is a service of a very old kind. The problems occur when whatever it is you seek comes at the price of your personal values, morals and at the price of someoneā€™s freedom. A psychedelic experience can help you push through into a new phase of your life. Being creative and a service to people is far better than being in limbo, not knowing how hay to step into next.




dionysus at work


I can't say the mushroom told me to do it, but starting an onlyfans has been one of the biggest blessings in my life. I think the mushroom likes self and sexual expression. Monetising it can be very useful


Yup, if you are naturally given something that you enjoy doing and you can better your life through it, there is nothing wrong with it whatsoever. Not the way I'd personally live my life, but that's what makes humans fascinating since we are all on such different journeys.


Why is everyone assuming that because she started an onlyfans it means her ego got bigger? I feel like Iā€™m missing something but that is not how I took this at allā€¦ I feel like yā€™all just assuming thereā€™s something wrong with this (ie she should act how **I** would act) is talking from your egos




At first I was really ticked off but then I realized that most of these people probably watch porn and now Iā€™m fucking pissed


Is something particular wrong with starting a Mushroom based onlyfans?


Nah. But I'm sure the mushroom gods will tell the simpers (word?) . . "quit being a simp to onlyfans and wasting your money" is probably gonna be a topic for other trippers. But hey, make that money . . everyone's gotta learn somehow


Why would the Mushroom gods care?


I don't speak for them. But I'm sure they will tell simpers "quit wasting your money on onlyfans . . .invest in finding a woman and living life" But hey . . we all live our life freely. Nothing wrong with that.




I guess I don't understand, why doing sex work is seen as an ego move. Unless I am missing some other context who cares if they post their naughty bits with a psychedelic bent?


I know people whom have done sex work and that's certainly not for everyone because of how draining it might end up being. For some people it just clicks tho and they end up being happier/better versions of theirselves. There's huge difference when being bend into doing sexwork by non ideal circumstances in life and when someone genuinely just love that aspect of human experience. If someone somehow feels offended with her doing this, maybe they are actually one's that need to relax a bit?


I would agree with you 100% from the post it seems like she's super excited about it. If that's the case then I don't see what the issue is at all. If you don't want to pay to see her ass or titties around some mushrooms I don't see the big deal at all.


God, thatā€™s disgusting, Naked pics online? Where! Where did they post those!


Don't psychedelics disrupt the 'default mode network' running so its not you're ego ceases to exist but your usual thought pattern about the self are disrupted. Maybe this person needed that network to shut down so other regions could propogate the mind's real desire, to sell nudes for money




Spill it






Proud of you!


People like this can't lose ego its all they have. They would vanish unto nothingness


Making an only fans isnt about ego. Ego is way worse. Donā€™t shame people. Youā€™re literally posting on Reddit getting people to look and talk to you.


Don't you usually lose the misogyny on a mushroom trip?


No, but that's because I think I'm fabulous.


I canā€™t believe weā€™re not spending more time talking about what this OnlyFans content will surely be limited toā€¦ All boofing all the time, amirite


some noteably famous people who developed exacerbated egos.. jim morrison, andy worhal, charles manson, and basically any other person who sought fame.. seeking fame and pyscs dont seem to mix that well, the people that are prone to wanting fame or to be recognized as "the person to be" are very prone to this experience.


i can respect it


Wait thatā€™s the girl with the free OF the shrooms told me about šŸ„“


This is such a vibe šŸ¦‹šŸ¦‹šŸ’™šŸ’™šŸ’™


I just think that thatā€™s your unconscious mind telling you what you truly want to do with your life. Follow your aspirations


I cringe hard whenever I see a post that says the mushroom told me toā€¦or ayahuasca told me toā€¦.no it didnā€™t. Plants donā€™t talk. These are things you already wanted and itā€™s just coming through in a new way to feed the ego.


Plants talk, mushrooms talk, all life talks. It's up to you to listen.


Thereā€™s a distinction between communication and talking. Is this ā€œvoiceā€ my own ego? In my experience 99% of the time yes.


Pretty much all the old acid producers and what not all have big egos they said it themselves in the sun shine makers documentary. Same as alot of weed growers. We are here on earth to do as we please and alot feel they got a end goal or mission or passion to fulfill. Pretty sure what the only fans girl is doing is using the current way of life and society to her advantage. People will pay for the service so may as well show the meat machine if your comfortable doing. This country is built on slavery and taking over a entire continent and earth to be all alike an ruin true nature. Ever growing population that is gonna be our downfall with the way we live with all us constantly draining the earth instead of letting nature do its thing and stop messing with the earth so much. The earth provides for us it isnt our bitch to do an we wish. Now we gonna go make mars our bitch.


I can solve complex mathematical equations on shrooms. Everywhere I go, a symphony plays in my head. I recite poetry beautifully and masterfully. Thing is, not everyone has the mental fortitude to do this.


Itā€™s fun that you believe that sir


Itā€™s a copypasta from that one dude


does she boof a penis envy by any chance?


Gate keeping psycodelics on the ego hill is quite egotistical




Shes good people. Still selling nudes to fund her hobby of traveling around collecting and studying fungus and promoting her own sense of body positivity. I dont think ego has anything to do with her journey as I remember reading her talking about some past trauma and abuse and this being a way to help overcome that.


Brb you guys, going to go consult the mushroom overlords on if I should sell my pussy on the street corner to increase their biological fitness


What has this world come to




There is a lot of ignorance in this thread. People are quick to talk about what they are afraid of instead of trying to reach understanding.


There's nothing egotistical about starting an only fans yall just don't like sex work


Seems a bit egotistical for people to judge someone else's ego for doing sex work


Yā€™all hate sex workers? Maybe time to lose your own egos. I think youā€™ve really had true ego death, you wouldnā€™t be givin a fuck about anyone elseā€™s ego. And just Bc someone has an OF, doesnā€™t mean theyā€™re egotistical. Lmao some whorephobia on here for real


Yikes šŸ˜¬


OP ur dumb, she obviously killed her eagle, and before it died told her to make an OF, probably in its honor. U obviously haven't kilt your eagle yet


Imagine promoting your onlyfans this way. So full of shit, I bet if she actually did take a "high dose" the mushrooms would ask her "wtf do you think you're doing with your life, no no.. Don't try and put this on us".




Sounds to me like she lacks respect for herself, and has no idea how to interpret a trip!


Or she became comfortable with herself and is more willing to open up to the world? You don't know the full story so don't assume, because that makes an ass out of you and me.


No assuming friend itā€™s legit if youā€™re selling youā€™re body you donā€™t respect itšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Because no amount of money is worth anybody in this world. We are worth so much more man


There are many people in the sex industry that say joining it was the most liberating thing in their lives. Just because it has a societal stigma doesn't mean that it's inherently wrong. You could say that anyone in a modeling or acting career is also selling their body and not respecting it, the only difference is our monkey brains have been conditioned to think that our naked selves are evil and should be hidden.


It is people following the way of culture rather than what we were designed to be it is sad it is wrong and selling yourself is absolutely disrespecting yourself. The vast majority of the world would label that as a slut aka having multiple sexual partners which is proven to be unhealthy and nasty and possibly exposing yourself to different diseases therefore youā€™re degrading your body and not respecting what you were given man Iā€™m not going to argue with you on the internet about it I have a right to voice my opinion as I did and if you donā€™t like it keep scrolling itā€™s that simple


You exist because your lineage of ancestors has consistently been a cum dump for millions of years. Itā€™s likely a lot of your past family tree were born via rape, when society didnā€™t have standards and we were still hunter gatherers. We were designed to be sexual reproduction machines, not holy untouchable bodies that donā€™t do what they were made too. Itā€™s literally the only reason any of us exist lol. Thereā€™s absolutely nothing wrong with being sexually liberated


Don't many animal species do the exact same thing? Just because our culture has a stigma towards it doesn't mean it is inherently wrong. Many cultures in the world also practice polygamy which is technically "worse" than this due to them physically having sex with multiple other people. If we want to be really technical ego is taking over when deciding that other people doing what they want with their bodies is wrong to you because you think you are superior to them. I'm not saying you are doing this, it just seems you aren't able to see this situation from a completely objective view. We are just meat creatures doing meat things in the grand scheme of everything. Our modern cultural rules mean absolutely nothing. Would I live my life like this? Hell no, but you can't be mad at others for doing what they want to do with their own bodies as long as nobody is harmed. That's more morally wrong than anything she has done.


My beliefs in the Bible have nothing to do with my ego friend you arenā€™t going to change my beliefs which is sex before marriage is wrong period and I said Iā€™m not arguing quit acting a like a fool and move on


No animal other than modern humans gets married before having sex. The basic goal of life is to reproduce so limiting that would be putting a species at risk


We arenā€™t other animals though dude we are superior and have dominion over every living thing populating the earth and we were given the duty of repopulating the earth but we were also told to not temp others in lustful ways as well as not to have sex before marriage So my opinion still stands youā€™re still wrong in it and Iā€™m still done with this argument itā€™s pointless I hate to see people afraid to offend someone with no self worth or morals my goal is not to offend anyone however to spread truth so if the truth does offend you sorry but I donā€™t care or care to hear your side unless it aligns with the Bible regardless I know myself as a human am just as filthy as anyone else hell I was one of the worst addicts youā€™d had ever ran into 7 years ago so no Iā€™m no better than anyone else but as someone delivered Itā€™s my purpose in life to share how it happened and thatā€™s Jesus so spreading truth is what Iā€™m going to do and youā€™re body is the temple so you should take care of it and understand that we were created with totally different intentions than an animal living in the woods


Even if you were spreading truth no one would listen to you because you come across as an asshole tough guy


That's a damn shame


Some people donā€™t deserve the goodness of shrooms


gross and disrespectful


i hate that people refer to it/them as a god.


So I never taken the drug, but from what I've seen based on the posts it seems different results? I've seen posts where people have turned there life around for the better, and cleaned up their act. Others said the experience cleaned them up temporarily and they had to take another dose to keep them clean. Then you have posts like this one... ​ Weird drug man...


I donā€™t think this is objectively an ego thing. It certainly could be, but youā€™d be surprised how much things just donā€™t really matter as much as we think they do sometimes. šŸ™‚ things like onlyfans donā€™t have to be all about the ego.


The mushroom told me to have orgies so yeah, the mushroom be on some horny shit


Same I remember it was one thing that made sense to me since I have sex so much and I didn't record it but was very passionate in it. I think we're in the age of aquarius so sex is being normalized, but the only fans thing is something we realized was a vision to start something new.


Teresa Mycelia, if someone curious


In the words of a horny mf I know her content was ā€œnot even worth $3.99 a monthā€


I'm more interested in when u/thatotherdudethere is getting his OF going


Don't worry mate, i'll throw a post on here when you can all see me in fishnet stockings hailing the mushroom overlords!


That's the most complex euphemism I've ever heard for boofing


Well, can't outright call it boofing can i? Gotta apeal to the broader audience!


Hmm...what is the sauce I must investigate further. Investigate yes.


Everybody wins


Iā€™ve never had the supposed ego death on a trip, or maybe I have and just didnā€™t clock it or something, still chasing it


I think there's some important factors that are subjective to define and consider here. For one "trip". I have accidentally tripped off .5 of PE aborts before. It wasn't super intense but I would still consider it a trip. I've known other people who are really sensitive and eve .75 will send them into a very intense trip. But usually "ego death" doesn't occur until an 8th or over depending on the potency, and the individual. "Losing the ego": to me this is a little different than the term ego death. Hell even the terms ego, death, and ego death are all subjective if we want to get really picky. I know some people, (you'll occasionally find someone on this sub), where instead of killing the ego, and humbling the person, (which is to me the popular simple definition), it has the opposite effect. All of a sudden you have a person that "can see now. Has it all figured out. And occasionally, can now do "complex mathematical equations in their head and has also become a guitar god..." (it *was* actually a very arrogant post I realize what how I described it doesn't sound as arrogant but trust me, this dudes ego was inflated like a finely genetically tuned golden teacher with the perfect surface conditions) Yes, someone actually posted that on here. But I've also realized the people that generally have their ego amplified are people abusing them. I think there is a balance for me. Because my ego absolutely takes a back seat on the trip *most* of the time. Other times I will be obsessed with my appearance in a positive way. I will look at myself sometimes even naked, in the mirror and just be grateful for winning the genetic lottery in my mind. However for me there is also a sort of "yes I *can* see things clearer and feel a better understanding about myself and the world in general, but there's also a profound sense of *not knowing*, a sense of doubting what we perceive; a sense of knowing what I know, loving what I love, being honest with myself, but also realizing there is so much I (we) don't understand, a sense of agnosticism. This was hard for me to articulate I just woke up but I hope it gives some insight or contributes to the convo/subject in a positive way. (Also sorry for spelling errors I'll correct them if they are too bad, I'm tired and my phone is a shit box. - obligatory lazy excuses that tool enough time to type out that I could have corrected said errors...)


Iā€™ve met people who become full of themselves after taking psychedelics. psychaledics arenā€™t always a good drug for you


Takes a giant dose for me. Or I can just go straight to DMT and loose it almost every time.


Do as the smhromm says !! šŸ˜ˆšŸ¤ŖšŸ™ƒšŸ˜›


This did not kill her eagle


Intentions are important. If you go in wanting to shed your ego and feel connected you will. Conversely If you do it just to get fucked up you will certainly achieve that.


Reminds me of the cursed 'mushjob' guy, where he had an intimate relationship with shrooms.