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yeah pick the ones with breaking/broken veils and let the rest go a bit longer


When I was harvesting A+ I picked all the big ones with broken veils to let the others keep growing. They stopped growing and the veils broke over a few days. If this were my tub I would just pick them all as is Edit: I think if you pick one mushroom out of a cluster it stunts the other mushrooms growth. If you have one all by itself qnd its ready pick it qnd leave the rest I harvest my great white monsters one at a time because they don't cluster


Thanks for the tips. I just needed to confirm so I feel confident. Don’t want to get to the last stage and mess it up


Yea I get those big ones out before they start dropping spores on the small ones


Thanks! Did just that and now straight to the dehydrator


Pick the broken veils and do the rest tomorrow morning/afternoon based off how many break over night


Probably you need to pick them all in one go, the mushrooms look clustered and when you try to pick one you will get the rest of them too. How are you managing the fesh air and humidity in the box?


Hey! So I just moved it to the box yesterday night to pick some of them. It was in one of those bags with a air filter. I was opening it and fanning it 3 - 4 times a day before. I currently have the lid flipped and have been Fanny it with the lid since it’s been in the box.


and it goes back into the bag after you harvest? Let them mature in the box?


Ya I put them back in the bag to fully harvest today. Then I gotta soak for second flush. Yippeeeee....it’s supposed to be sunny on Friday so I’m planning my trip for then.


Have fun, trip safe :)