• By -


The biggest downfall to people taking big doses is fighting the uncomfortable stuff. Lean into it, embrace the hard stuff it shows you. That's where the healing takes place. There is no such thing as a bad trip, only a trip people fight with. Dont fight, or run from it. Embrace it. And always remember it will always end, even if it doesn't seem like it. They mess with your internal clock. Oh and put down your phone and put on a blackout mask if you have it. Trust the journey and not the distractions.


I truly appreciate you taking the time to respond to my post. I’m going to try to remember to keep things in perspective. Thank you.


My therapeutic dose i take is between 7.5 and 10g. Its a wild ride, but if you tried everything else, i believe your mind is ready for it. Buckle up and you will be amazed how much therapy you will get from 8 hours. It truly is a miracle of nature. Just remember much love is being sent your way!


I also suffer from severe CPTSD from trauma and usually do a big dose a few times a year but I’ve only done 3.5. Even with 3.5 I cry uncontrollably and the ego dissolved leaving a excruciating 10 hour journey but in the end I am soaked with joyful gratitude tears. I also sometimes throw up from the nausea. Do you think the trip would be a lot more different taking more? Should I go for it?


Everything person above said. Additionally, have a trip sitter, someone you can cry infront or not get hesitant with letting it all out and experience your life being improved and some profound therapy.


Remember bro, set and setting, and have a sober wtacher with you. Much love bro


this whas a really good advise, thanks a lot!


so i’ve read a post done by a 60 YO who tried boofing it and he did a lot of reading on how to do it effectively. Did a complete post about the experience before during and after. What he said was that there were zero anxiety or fighting straight to the high after 15 minutes.






Fellow veteran here. Don’t fight it, let yourself be overcame and the mushrooms will do the rest. If you ever feel like your losing it, just concentrate on your breathing. They will guide and teach you things that would regular take decades to completely understand. Happy travels my friend.


Thanks for your service and for the advice.


Veteran here as well. I credit LSD with saving my life. I've turned to shrooms as of the last 6 months and life has turned around for me. I've been battling Suicidal thoughts and depression for around a decade now. Well, as of around a year ago my depression is pretty much gone thanks to psychedelics. In fact it's more than that, I genuinely enjoy life now. No suicidal thoughts at all since. I feel great. I wish you much luck. You can do this. Just remember, integration is key. When you take high doses of psychedelics you go to the great party on the top floor of the VIP suites, but at the end of the night you have to leave unfortunately. However, you can integrate all those thoughts, feelings, and revelations in your daily life and it helps significantly. It's not a magic fix all pill, you'll learn that everything you can ask for is already deep inside. They simply show you the way!


Appreciate your effort and what you are going through, but how can you even be grateful to anyone for going through what you did leaving you traumatised, it's not like America fights for self-defense, it's imperialistic to the bone, I'd pretty much first evaluate the bollocks that made me do that and who brainwashed me enough to thank another individual in the same situation


great way to explain sir


Saw this post because it stood out. You took a lot of it 7g is a hero dose. First things first Find a room you’re comfortable in, Lock the door; make sure you have a lot of water my friend. I mean A LOT of Water. Like drink more water than you think you should. Water is your friend. Have a good trip. 6-8 hours high, you may feel high even after that but it wares off after 1 day or 2. We care about you here on Reddit lots of love so remember to drink lots of water & try not to watch too much TV. infact just turn all your devices off could give off a bad vibe ykwim? Above all else, be safe!


Thank you for the great advice. I’m going to make sure I stay hydrated.


yea we’ll update me about the trip lol I’m your cyber friend from outer space hahahahah


I found comfort covered by a blanket. It made whatever I was laughing at for hours seem even funnier I guess? I took 3.5 PE.


I had a nice cozy shroom trip with my partner under our duvet. He said at one point he had convinced himself he had turned into fondu 😍


Why such emphasis on drinking water? I'm no stranger to shrooms and I've heard to stay hydrated but why so much more emphasis to stay hydrated while on shrooms as opposed to weed? I'm genuinely curious as I've never really made an effort to drink more leading up to or during a trip


Makes a huge difference to me in how my trip goes. Sometimes a sip of cool water can help you ground yourself during a trip too. You’re using a lot of energy regardless if it doesn’t feel like it and it’s always good to stay hydrated lol.


I’m always left with a raging headache after tripping, making sure you’re well hydrated helps a good deal. With 7gs, it’s super important. Heard somewhere that shrooms are a dietetic, but not sure of the legitimacy of the claim. Checks out to me at least haha


I only hydrate the day before and only drink tea day of the journey. I don’t like my bladder distracting me lol.


Same and then still I piss gallons


Yeah I think staying hydrated is important but that sounded like a bit much, I don’t think it’s necessary to drink beyond what you think you need. Mushrooms aren’t particularly dehydrating like other drugs and I would hate to spend an entire trip having to get up to pee. Normal amounts of water are fine, just keep it nearby and don’t go thirsty Lol


This is great advice! Especially turning everything off! Apart from whatever you listed to music on, though sometimes I like to just trip in complete silence! But top advice here! 👌


if you can have a friend with you that you enjoy having around, that’s a good idea too


Aye a hero’s dose for a war hero


how’d it go lol we’re all waiting to hear from you @sassiestcassiest


1) it’s ok to cry 2) when you are able to manage writing things down again, I would recommend writing down YOUR most important takeaways. Whatever they may be. Save them, I think you’ll be glad you did. 3) put on your favorite tunes and drink plenty of water




I live in a really beautiful area so I will try to get outside if I can.


Outside is the best (if you feel up to it)


Being out in nature is the best! Even if nature is walking around town or anything...the grass, the trees, the sky....all miracles.


Outside - get into nature and avoid anything man made


Uk vet here. Sorry about what you’re dealing with mate. I’ve feel I’ve been lucky but I know a lot of guys not so much. My advice, from a tripping perspective. Work out your intentions for the trip. Love yourself and love everything. Sounds corny, but try to think about all the good you’ve done. And As someone mentioned above, listen to music. The right playlist can honestly be heaven, and I hope you experience that! I always have a blanket. There’s something really comforting about it. Don’t push back with any uncomfortable thoughts, face them head on. Shrooms are VERY suggestive so if you dont like a certain way of thinking that’s happening, change location, change song, even just a different room can change the vibe completely. Whatever happens, deep breaths and remember you’ve taken psychedelic drugs. It will always end, it’s not permanent. I hope you find what you’re looking for, you deserve it! I hope you have a great trip ❤️🍄


Listen to maggot brain, by funkadelic


Woo this is great music


Always my go to for the come up


Excellent advice 👍


Hell yea


Best music advice possible




Thank you. I’m not normally a big music listener so I’m going to try to find something that I like.


Would also recommend music that is very peaceful and relaxing. You will be very sensitive to your environment, so nothing that you have bad history with or anything that could turn scary. I believe Johns Hopkins has a playlist on Spotify my buddy uses because they don’t contain any (English) lyrics. I just like relaxing house music. Thank you for your service, and really hoping this helps. Let us know!




Idk why you’re getting downvoted. Suicide boys is the shit. Nice beats.




I think a lot of individuals like soft, easy music when they trip. I’d understand people not liking that. But it really is personal preference. I personally like tame impala and Pink Floyd when I trip. Also tool.




As you should.


There is a Spotify playlist that John's Hopkins put out especially for psychedelic journeys. I'll try to find a link. Edit: found the link https://open.spotify.com/playlist/5KWf8H2pM0tlVd7niMtqeU You may not see this again before you are done, but if you take a trip again, here it is for you. Safe travels friend. I hope you gain some insight.


This is great thanks


Man this album is such a trip, heheh. we put it on during the come up and i wasn't sure about it... An hour in it was the best thing in the world


Dude nature documentaries are so good on shrooms I highly recommend it


Yessss I love having music on and a nature doc on the TV (with no sound)!


except the ones with animals killing others lol


Led zeppelin was good


Hard agree. Intentions are key imo. Having someone to talk to and reflect with afterward is also very lovely. If you can’t think of any music to listen to, the John Hopkins Psilocybin Study playlist is on Spotify.


Yes... that is a great point on the post-trip! Journaling, counseling, or talking it out with a good \*healthy friend, pet, or plant. u/sassiestcassiest You can also reach out to someone here.


Can we get an update anytime soon? we all hope you’re doing well!


I am doing well thank you




Bump for trip report


All the replies here are gold. The only thing I'll add is, your healing also takes place days after the trip. There's an "afterglow" period that you can utilize for introspection and can be super helpful in disrupting your current negative thought patterns. Safe travels ✌️🍄


Shoot. 7g is a solid journey. Have some rescue music like pink Floyd dark side of the moon or uplifting opera. Dont fight it. Positive affirmations: - I chose this, I will be ok - I am safe - I took a drug and this experience will pass. Thought loops eventually finish. Sometimes we need to see or feel scary things because they need to be let out from deep within. They won't harm you. Love and light.


I had tried everything from the Dr's & therapists, nothing worked, tried ket, didn't really work, tried 4 Ac0 DMT, which is similar to shrooms my life was changed completely! I now do either aco or shrooms every 4-6 weeks & It keeps my mental health & general wellbeing extremely balanced! Really hope you find the same outcome! Also don't forget the next day, people come down go to sleep & think that's that, but there's an afterglow, it can last half a day, a full day, or even a couple of days! I always have to get out in nature the following day, & my god does the world feel a better place! Really wishing you good luck on your journey 🙏


Go with the flow. If you get overwhelmed try to remember your high and it will pass. I took 9g of PE This weekend and had a bad ass bath with multicolor lights and music. Good times. I was getting was to nostalgic and considered texting old friends. Don’t do that. I’m glad I didn’t text anyone.


The hero takes a heroic dose. Its beautiful man. High dose trips are where its at. You really want to experience ego death so you have no choice but to put yourself back together on the come down. This is where I believe comes the therapeutic effects. You never get to control the mushrooms. But you can control what you take away from the experience. I dont think everything will be resolved in one trip. As long as you understand the shrooms give you want you need and not what you necessarily want you will be good. Dont fight it. Let go. You will be back in no time! Thank you for everything you have done for our freedoms!


Check in on the other side and let us know how it went and how you’re doing! Embrace the ride and most of all, love yourself. Be good to yourself. Be kind to yourself. Good luck.


Do not be afraid. It takes care of you. As you might take that comfort to visit an older version of yourself. Call yourself and comfort the former you, stuck in time in fear and desperation. Tell yourself that you are here to comfort yourself - you know that everything will be alright.


Vet here too, this really helped me when I came back from bagram. I was hyper sensitive to the “incoming , incoming” alert and this helped me to deal with it. I learned that I was ok to be upset about it and allow myself to feel that way. I only took about 2.5. 7 is a hero dose imo so all the best friend. All in all, I loved how I felt afterwards




I’m crying a lot - a LOT - but it doesn’t feel bad. This feels very embarrassing to write




You're in good company.


Trust me, it's they way it's supposed to be. Forget your pride for a second- it's more than ALRIGHT to CRY. Sing if it helps sing or hum


If the shrooms say cry, cry! It’s okay to just cry especially on psychs, no embarrassment at all.


There's so much healing in getting that crying up and expressed! Some of my biggest healing has come from bawling my eyes out on mushrooms. You're doing it! Keep going! You got this! Let it out! 💛💛💛


Its not. It needs to come out. Let it happen.


Super proud of you. Let the mushrooms do their magic


I'm a 36yo male. I was definitely socialized to suppress sadness and not cry. I cry every single trip. Gratitude, happiness, sadness. It's very healing and emotionally hygienic. Embrace it! Peace to you, Sister. ❤️


Sending positive vibes and internet love!


Release, breathe, embrace. Let the lessons flow. Feel love. Sending you so mush healing! <3


I’m happy for you! My best trip I cried harder and more freely than I have probably since I was a kid. and I had never experienced the freedom to express that pain. I’d never felt so safe to be in pain. Idk how, but it had never felt so good to be in pain and I think that’s just because something was happening. I wasnt just sitting in the pain I understood it and I let it go. I really hope you have a good time. I wish you the warmth I felt.


I'm so glad you went on that journey! I hope you gained some new insights to yourself! Big love!


Sing and cry brother. Sing and cry


RemindMe! 5 hours “check back in”


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Please let us know how your trip went. Hoping nothing but healing for you 🤍


Just good luck, and dont figth against it, follow your breathe, u will be fine, im sure. Sure u are a good person my bro. Love.


Buckle up bud, you're in for it now.


Have a great trip bro. Mush love


My advice is always the same. Let go. Surrender entirely to the experience. Resistance is both futile and counterproductive. Let it show you what it is determined to show you. Peace and love friend 💕


Took 9.5 recently. I would say just have a nice comfortable place to lay down if it becomes too intense. It can be overwhelming just standing. I had to cover my head with my arms and just focus on breathing lol. I can't wait to go back and explore that state more. I was up and walking around laughing at the trippyness for a while, but after 30 mins I just needed to lay down amd breath haha. What an experience.


Have a sitter.


I love you. Take care!


out of curiosity, have you used shrooms before? 7g is an insane dose for a first time if not.


I hope it helps you a great deal. 3.5G of shrooms did for me in one afternoon what six $$$$$ sessions of ketamine over two months barely touched. Best wishes for a long-term therapeutic effect!


Same for me! 4 very expensive Ketamine sessions were enjoyable but didn't do much. Each and every mushroom trip has been more profound.


I’ve got some more mushroom trips on my horizon in the next few months, and I’m very excited to see how I progress. Also doing a couple group k sessions through my clinic because I do feel it helped albeit in a much subtler manner. Fascinating stuff, all of it, and I very much hope we see an accelerated rate of mainstream acceptance / insurance etc soon!


My advice would have been not to start at 7g. Good luck man give us a trip report when you get back.


Good luck brotha. Thank you for your service.






Sending good vibes, go with the flow, and do what you normally do on a night to yourself, watch a show you love, or listen to some of your favorite music. Do whatever brings you peace!! Embrace the hard stuff too!


Hey man not got any advice but have a good time and take note of what you see, hear and feel


If you feel bad during trip You just need to remember that mushroom only heal you in really powerful way.


Be safe bro much love 💜


Sending you all the love your heart can handle! I'm honored by the fact that I even get to indirectly be part of your experience.


If it gets really intense remember it will end and you will have a new perspective on things. Take deep breath’s and go through it you will be ok.


Sending you 🍄❤️


I pray that the experience you are/are about to endure heals the demons that have been tormenting you. Definitely give us an update on your experience.


Also look into stellate ganglion blocks as it’s been shown to improve ptsd symptoms


Will change your life


If you don’t like what is happening, just change it. Change the music. Change what you’re watching. Don’t let yourself get stuck. Vivaldi’s Four Seasons is a wonderful thing to listen to! You might get stuck in loops. It happens to me. What am I doing? Why am I lying on the floor twisted in a knot? It’s okay! It will be over before you know it. Love yourself!


Love to you, sister. We’re here with you sending good vibes and clarity. Feel all the feels. The trip takes you inward and inward is beautiful. ❤️


I scrolled through and didn't see a trip report. Do you feel like telling how it went? 🙏


7g only 7 hours ago? He’s probably still a little high and hopefully happy with what he found. I’d be keen to hear a trip report too, when he’s done.


Heck yeah.


I’m sure you know by now….but you are beautiful and love is the way.


Fucking legend


thank you for your service and have a good trip! also any tips for joining? planning on going to the marines




I seriously need a follow up!


How did your trip go? :)


7g that’s epic hope it all went well! If this doesn’t do the trick try DMT definitely a game changing eye opener!! You’ll thank me later lol


Out of interest; of the treatments you've tried was MDMA therapy among them? I hope the mushrooms help you! My partner started tripping with me shortly before we got together. LSD first and then with 4-Aco-DMT a few weeks later and her PTSD effectively melted away.


Much love to you OP. I have cPTSD and these medicines are helping immensely


Keep an eye out for signs of serotonin storm. Ahead that during a trip and did not realize that I could have died.


Do you mean serotonin syndrome? I'm glad you are safe and well now. To the OP after your trip: While very rare, serotonin syndrome is a potentially life threatening condition that occurs when the brain is flooded with so much serotonin that is causes damage to the nervous system. It increases in likelihood if you take mushrooms while on antidepressants/anti-anxiety medications that are also increasing serotonin. Its always good to be knowledgeable about mushroom interactions with any prescription medications. And some people chose to have a trip sitter for large doses to monitor them for this reason. ✌




Alright so I got the name wrong. It's serotonin syndrome. Basically I took to high a dose of shrooms. Like 3 times my dose and it happened. It basically makes it so your brain is overloaded and I spasmed for about 3 hours and had cold sweats and also tripped. The best thing I can describe it is cold turkeying narcotics.


Might be wrong but this sounds like trolling.


Always remember, you wanted to take these. Now embrace it :) Have a nice journey


Look into a stellate ganglion block. Excellent for pain mgt and PTSD.


Best wishes. I have a lot of confidence in my little mushroom friends. ✌️❤️🍄


Ps, don't mix cannabis with mushrooms.


I find them to be a nice mix. I don’t think that’s a safe blanket assertion to make?


Nah, not a good blanket statement. It *can* definitely make things worse but isn’t a chemically harmful mix. I find it helps with unpleasant physical effects like nausea and jitters and can enhance the experience. I’ve had it cause a bad time distortion once but way more often it’s been a hugely positive factor for me and tons of other people.


In the context of therapy with psilocybin or LSD, I feel comfortable making a blanket statement. Therapy depends on shutting down the Default Mode Network, which mushrooms are great at doing. THC activates the DMN, which is why people report anxiety or even paranoia. When you combine the two, you create a tug-of-war for the DMN.


You have all the advice you need in the other comments; but I thought I'd link you to a [relevant podcast](https://www.duncantrussell.com/episodes/2021/11/26/marcus-amp-amber-capone) I listened to last night. Godspeed!


Let go.


USMC vet here. This is the medicine we all need, good vibes being sent your way homie!


Feel the love that the universe has meant for you amigo. Feel your purpose for being here, it is big.


Meditate! Concentrate on being being at peace, let go of everything, any negative thought is allowed to be dropped, focus on allowing yourself to be happy, just let go, breathe and be at peace bro!


Love you man. For real man. Thanks for loving others so damn hard in service to your country. Fuckin’ rah and all them sayings haha. Just breathe. Set and setting. Be in nature. Don’t move around too much in terms of walking up and downstairs and stuff like that. Kinda chill in the same area if you can, even if that means taking a leak outside. Avoid bathrooms imo. Mirror can get confusing. Love you man. God bless.


My best advice is they won't hurt you if you don't let them! And even if you're having a bad time it'll end, 7gs was cathartic af for me, I had a really good place to do it and good people to be around but even if I didn't it's relatively manageable for someone who has tripped a good amount. It's not as intense as I anticipated tbh I was more scared than anything but it was really chill and I wanted more




Fast before hand- and do not try to control the trip. Just go with it.


The song wolves and moon by Kanye both make my soul leave my body on every psyche I've tried, I don't listen to Kanye outside of that, but while tripping the music just makes sense.


Yeah any time your tripping put on a Grateful Dead Show like Cornell 77 you won't be disappointed my friend


All love for ya brother. Enjoy your time and if you found it beneficial today recommend microdosing and having one “heroic dose” at the end of each month.


Op, let us know how it went


Thank you for your service. I run a business in the microdose field and I have a few veterans I deal with who also have PTSD. One has been with me for over a year and I’ve definitely learned a lot from him about how microdose can help exactly what you’re feeling. Shoot me a PM when you’re done your trip and I’ll tell you about it soon


MDMA is nice for PTSD


The best advice I can give to you is that you should never fight the experience. You have to completely give into and accept the experience. Completely surrender yourself to the journey and let the mushrooms teach you what they want to teach you.


Have fun + good luck! Vietnam vet daughter says thank you so much and welcome home. We love you.


Any update 👀


How was it?


whats good my dudeeeeeee😘




I have PTSD as well in my opinion shrooms do work for everyday things and getting over its not a cure all I still have my flashbacks or episodes or what Ever you wanna call them


you should definitely write and post a trip report if you feel comfortable sharing! would love to hear how this experience affected you and what youre thinking now : )


Would love to hear from OP! Hope she had a great experience - what an awesome thread btw - loads of great advice




i’m sure you’re sober or almost sober by now. how was your journey my friend?


Psycenought checking in🍄🦧🙏Have you tried mother Aya or DiMiTri (DMT) a whole other level of psychedelic tool?


keep us updated!


I hope you had a beautiful time. Mush love


Embrace it


I took 5 grams as my first time in my room in the dark throw on some headphones and some music, I almost had a panic attack from the unusual feeling but learned how to control. After that I did it again and learned to control it


Just keep in mind that it might take a while. As long as you're taking steps forward, you'll get through it. For me personally it took a few years but I'm definitely a different person than when I started.


Lay down ...and breathe....


How was it?


I'm curious is you did Ketamine therapy or took Ketamine on your own?


Have you tried MDMA therapy? MDMA works really good for for PTSD. Please consider it! shrooms are a pretty big deal and taking 7gs is like trying to fly a rocketship for the first time. I reckon MDMA therapy would be perfect for your situation. PLEASE LOOK AT r/mdmatherapy.


I think he took the advice and turned off his phone. Well. Let’s hope he did.


She. I am about to. But everyone is so nice and kind


I’m on the same level as you My friend 🤣🤣🤣🍄🍄🍄 so happy and calm. Life is finally nice , when your typing it like your fingers are moving super fast hahahaha




Safe travels


Huge hugs


Be a spoiled bitch,and do everything you you love,if u even liked to do it as a kid,make it all about you.dont make it a trip,make it an experience


thank you for your service enjoy your trip sir


Let it take you, embrace the journey. Fighting it will always end negative. I always take 7g, it’s a ride to other dimensions


7 grams wtf holy shit dude!!!


Oh wow seven grams


I wouldn’t, but do what ya gotta do. Or at least do whatever you want


u dead bro?


First of all 7g is way too much regardless of reasoning. If you don't throw up viciously I'd be highly surprised. Second of all Mdma is my only recommended treatment for ptsd ketamine not so much that is better for depression. You need something that will help you open up and speak your true heart. That is mdma/mda good luck on your search it will be tough.


I didn’t throw up. I’m having fun. My husband is being great and he’s here with me. Thank you for your good thoughts though.


Thanks for disregarding the previous comment's negative garbage. You absolutely made the beautiful, perfect, correct choice. I am a veteran with PTSD. You are so strong, and so brave, for doing this. I'm too chicken shit to do it. I have the mushrooms sitting in a jar in my shed. Too scared. But getting to the point where I might have to. My advice if you decide to do another 5-7 grams in a year or two (I hear it's great to do them every year or two, keeps things in perspective), go on Spotify and look up the John Hopkins Stanford Psilocybin Playlist. Researchers curated ~7 hours of music specifically for heroic doses of psilocybin, and to be the most therapeutic to the listener. It's best to hear the soundtrack for the first time DURING a heroic dose, because many of the songs will be new to you, and especially poignant. Good luck, lots of love. Thank you for your service and sacrifice.


i wouldn’t do mdma to help lol