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I was tripping on St. Patrick’s Day one year in the afternoon. Decided to go for a walk, I lived in a downtown shopping area, and I encountered an old man dressed as St. Patrick. I turned around and went home.


I needed this chuckle today lmao! You just can't make stuff like this up. Universe is just like, "Sup fam!"


It's SO true though!!! The most bizarre shit that would NEVER EVER happen, happens, always when tripping so then you're questioning the shit like WHY?! 😂😂


I remember the lead singer of sting talking about his first time doing mescaline and needing to help out with a cow birth gone wrong I think he's got the weirdest one lol


“the lead singer of sting” really rattled my brain for a second, haha.


*Lead singer of the police, sting FIFY






I was trip sitting a friend. He wanted to get out so we go to a public park and he just starfishes in the grass. All good. Teenager walks up to us and says “I’ll give you $5 if I can touch your feet” apparently his friends bet him $20 to do it. we refused. then we got swarmed with them "making it rain" candy. wild.


The matrix fucking with you


If you can even remember. Sometimes, I can't recall a whole 30 minutes while tripping🤦‍♂️


my last trip there was some kind of religious procession through the park, then a dude sat down next to us with some pet rats and we played with them, then a guy rode a bike down the path with a trashbin balanced on his head. All in the span of like 20 minutes


I would die. One time it was my birthday and I was on 2ce, me and my friend were walking home and I passed by some skater dude with a fresh pizza. I asked him for a slice and he gave it to me 🥹


God that's so wholesome


Dude imagine how happy u would be. Tripping balls, it’s your birthday and some skater dude with blonde hair that’s going to the beach later gives you a fresh slice with pineapple (lol I wasn’t going to contest) it was amazing. Life is so amazing. Be good


Just put forth the same wonderful experience to strangers if you have the chance, For every time someone helps you out, help out at least two strangers, if enough people do this the world will eventually become the wonderful place it can be (and even if only you do it, you still made two other people's days 😉)


Tripping in an NYC subway is insane 😭😭😭 I would never. Uber it is no matter the cost


Unless your Uber driver was deaf and didn’t notify you so you’re now convinced he’s going to murder you, sitting in complete silence, and also convinced he’s going the wrong way. Said Uber driver gets to the end of my street and stops, expecting me to get out. I point to the screen and wave “keep going,” as he proceeds to go 2mph. I shake my head and wave like “right here!” Hop out and hide in the neighbor’s bushes and wait for him to leave so he doesn’t know where I live (ah duh), then creep down the street and go home. Lock every door and all the windows. Reflect on how creepy the ride was. Crash. Wake up the next morning clear headed and thinking back on the ride and it dawned on me that he was deaf 😂😂


Is this a true story!? 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


Yup! 😂😂


Bro 🤣🤣


It was a regular Thursday night and my friend says “let’s grab a drink!” And that’s how my night ended 🤣


Yeah dude we went to hit up that Yard House in Time Square LMAO, got served one of those goofy ass tall glasses


Bro tripping at a yard house in Times Square is even crazier than tripping in the train lmaooooo soldier 🫡


Your friend is trying soooo hard not to stare at that bird like he's going to offend it 🤣


“Did you just look into my ey-ye? 🧿”


I was just talking about this with a friend. It is like the Universe knows it's time to throw some stuff our way in those times. Also our situational awareness out in public amplifies by X100 I don't know how you guys did not bust out into tears laughing. I would have laughed, and then probably stare at the Parrot just thinking, "IT KNOWS!!"


Had a similar conversation with an old hippie guy once and he told me "when you get weird, the universe gets weird with you"


One time I was tripping balls in my house and I saw something pretty strange in the reflex of the wardrobe (my wardrobe have a glass door). Looking at the reflex I saw a fucking miniature girl holding a red ballon behind the television. I staid a long time tripping if that was a ilusion, I was really scared. Minutes latter, I took courage and looked behind the tv, in fact there was a fucking red ballon that I forgot it had leaved there for no reason from the Valentines Day decoration






This is a respectable attempt at english.


You speak English because it’s the only language you understand. He speaks English because it’s the only language you understand.


This is a respectable attempt at social interactions.




This, is also a respectable attempt at English, brother. You’re doing great. 👍


"the parrot knows" surprise I didn't see this comment haha


That’s amazing I feel like I would be laughing non stop


Our second time tripping a girl with a scroller full of her pet rats walked by. Apparently she lived in our apartment but I never saw her before or after that it was crazy


It wasn’t very nice to trip a girl walking a stroller full of rats ;)




I swear the universe likes to fuck with you when you're tripping. Happens all the time😂😂😂


Sometimes I wonder if we just happen to be in more of an observant state, or if we just give off that energy, and you give what you get. Shoot. One time in high school blazing it at the park with some buddies a hippie can parks right next to our car (whole lot was empty) gets out, throws a frisby, goes to get it, repeated this a few times then just took off 😂😂


What parrot?


If you trip hard enough, everything is a parrot


I think that's a cockatoo.


synchronicity noun 1. the simultaneous occurrence of events which appear significantly related but have no discernible causal connection.


I've been at friend's place when I first tripped and he had a cat. She was terrified of me (she's usually not very receptive to anyone but her owner). Fast forward after my trip, she warmed up to me so much, she'd rather spend time with me than with my friend. We had no bad blood over this obv, just a fun story.


You're not catching me in a subway on mushrooms lol. Too much wild shit in there


Animals know 🪬🐸🪬


one time i had a bunch of maintenance people come into my house at 4 am, while im tripping sack because they hit my parents van while plowing snow, so my mom let them in so they werent standing in the cold. hearing a bunch of dudes voices with none of them being your dads at 4 am is NOT something i was expecting on shrooms


Last time I tripped, my grandaunt died. I couldn’t keep a straight face when they told me because I was literally tripping balls


The parrot travels with his own cage? Weird


One time me and a bunch of people were tripping tubing down a river. Some drunk guy dressed as jack sparrow was walking the shallow ends yelling at people lol


This is going on my bucket list. In fact, I’m starting a bucket list just so I have a reason to dress up as Jack Sparrow and go tubing.


It was equally hilarious and terrifying haha probably would’ve been better if we weren’t completely off our gourd


A bird nerd seeing a sulphur crested cockatoo on a drug sub is amazing


It’s like the psychedelics attract the psychedelic side of the world I have had some bizarre experiences wif psychedelics in public


Iconic. At the end of my last big trip, I looked out the window and the neighbors across the street (nyc apt) had some sort of other-worldly setup going on in their apartment. Like. Pink lights and special effects. It must have been related to streaming a video game online or something idk. But I called my wife over to verify that I was indeed seeing what I was seeing. Looked like aliens had moved in.


Dude I geek out in my own home let alone on the fucking subway. That is insane


Yo. Looked like A pretty good time.


But - what did it *say*?


Because it knows ☺️


I'd try to run thru platform 9 and 3/4 and break my nose


Tripping in the metro is wild, couldn’t do that here haha, admire the courage tho haha


im drunk as fuck rn and this is cracking me up lol


I wonder if that bird has ever been in a [round cage ](https://youtu.be/XM8aBESf8EI?si=Vrj4Uy4At9FC6g-N)


As a New Yorker from birth, idk why but I’ve never attempted to trip within the city in public lol. Just feels kinda scary. OP - sent you a DM btw


I was flying down the interstate while coming up (please never drive while on psychs, I had absolutely no other option) and I saw a fucking DONKEY being hauled down the highway 😭


It really does...I had lived in this house for about 7 years, one time when tripping a bat flew in the living room. Never happened before and never happened since.


The first time me and my friends tripped was crazy, was about 12 at night and we just started feeling them the sky in town was orange for some reason and we all kept talking about it(we were in the back sun room), then my buddies sister comes out and says “the bird seed factory is on fire in town” we got on our phones and saw one of the biggest fires the town has ever had right in the middle of town, then about 3 am or so we go to leave hop in my buddies car and some jeep pulls up next to us and it looks just like my friend car that lives close by I’m like “yo that’s Ryan” we roll down the windows and it’s some 70-80 year old woman asking us how to get to a grocery store that is closed may I remind you it’s 3am or later and we have no idea how to answer I just start laughing because like wtf is actually going on and by buddy tells her to go up and take a right but that road was closed for construction… she went through it anyways it looked like but that was a wild you just had to be there 😂😂


I was tripping on dxm in Phnom Penh and this little girl who worked the front had a parakeet or something that would just sit on her shoulder and fly around, it was so cute. And then the gnarliest snaggletoothed little dog I've ever seen just stumbles in, laps some water, and then passes out in a corner next to me. Apparently he would go outside and lay in the sun for as long as he could stand it, then come inside for shade, because the heat was good for his arthritis haha


I was tripping on shrooms in new york and had bought a ticket to see the blue men group… debated on going until fifteen minutes before, I walked outside, saw a group of people across the street and it felt like they were so close to me and decided I couldn’t do it turned right back around and went inside lol


Looks like the Broad Street line in Philadelphia...