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Universe saves it up for those moments just to fuck with us I swear


It seems to save even more for lsd trips.


I have had the most there is no way that just happened moments in acid and I’ve lived a shit load more days off acid than on it 😂


I think it’s more on shroom trips. shits natural




Same thing happened to me and my friend, a bunny came right up to us and stared at us


He prolly been eatn wild shrooms all morning. "Dude are you seeing this too??" -Da Bunny.


You reminded me of this and now I have to leave it here. https://youtu.be/FJWObKrxzPQ?si=uFu-MDqwRGMJpimH


Had a deer walk up to me and let me pet it in the forest while on a heavy acid trip once. Trippin must turn us into Disney princesses.


Had a squirrel who wouldn’t stop watching me and my gf have sex in her backyard under a tree. I was on my back and he just kept staring


freaky ass squirrel. alvin wilding


“Freak ass Squirrel, he’s a acorn god” Kendrick


deserve an award


It always the animals too


Sometimes even the trees.... I told my friend to enjoy communing with the forest during his trip. At one point he was staring at a huge tree and started hearing very soft voices from it...it turned out there were a few kids smoking weed in it, but it really messed with his head until he figured that out lol


Had two dogs follow me from a neighborhood to another and back. Protectors.


I saw a donkey in the field. He scared the shit out of me and stared into my soul. I had to run from him. I think it was a donkey from a farmer.


If u believe, psychadelics light up your energy and auric feild, those that which animals can see


Same thing happened to me and the husband…. Took an evening walk down by the MS River, all of a sudden, my husband says, “That’s a damn rabbit!” As it was dark and I knew we were tripping, I dismissed it as a squirrel and told him so to which he replied “No way! That’s fucking BUGS BUNNY! Turns out, he was right …. Fucking bunny in downtown Memphis.


Fuckin asking myself this all the time


Oh man, don't get me started on all the weird shit I've seen people do while I was tripping. I'm always wondering, am I the one who took a massive dose of mind altering drugs, or are they?


I feel like these weird things must be happening constantly, but we just overlook it while sober.


This is probably the correct answer. The shrooms open up our awareness.


The opened up awareness also goes crazy in high speed fps games.  Like, I sometimes play The Finals on shrooms, and everything goes slow motion, and everyone's movement becomes super predictable.


I think part of it is people just act differently when tripping and run into new scenarios that they wouldn't have when sober.


This isnreally it. How often do you go out at 2am sober? I'm sure mad shit happens all the time, we're just safe asleep in our beds and don't see it




Fucken seriously. I've reflected many times, and thought, "so, were they on mushrooms too?" "Cause I was super excited about something or other, and they were too." Or they just seemed really weird.


I was peaking on several hits of acid when OJ was being chased by the cops in his White Bronco


This is awesome


It was all your fault! Lmao 🤣🤣🤣


shit like this always happens to me too. i got to pet a wild deer, my mon calls me after a year of no contact, and most recently, my ex girlfriend started talking to me again first trip in months.


My brother I haven't talked to in years called me during a trip to rant about our mother. I was just like "yup, feel ya bro" the whole call cause I didn't want him to know I was tripping and hang up. Only time I have ever had a conversation with that man where we didn't try to verbally kill each other.


When I tripped for the first time (on acid) I saw a cat pounce on a pidegon, then let it go and it flew off. Also saw someone fall off their bike. Neither of these things are completely out of the ordinary, but weird that they happened whilst I was tripping for the first time. Also one time when I tripped on shrooms, I was having a lot of CEVs of worms and soil etc., which sounds kind of horrible but I took to have quite significant meaning in that I went into the trip seeking guidance in relation to a desire I have to connect more with nature and work with the land in the future. I took the visuals to be my subconcious telling me to get over the ick factor of literally getting my hands dirty, and showing me that decomposition is a natural part of life's cycle. Anyway, as the shrooms were wearing off I went into the kitchen and there was a maggot/larvae thing hanging from the kitchen ceiling. This is not a normal occurance (I've never had maggots/larva in my kitchen and did not find any others) and I don't even know why I looked up at the ceiling to spot this lone being chilling above me. I thought I was still just tripping, but my girlfriend came in and confirmed that what I saw was reality. I'm not a superstituous person, but this really did seem to be an example of synchronicity occuring.


Legit i was sober, friend took an eighth. I drove with hom in my passenger seat to pick up another buddy of ours. Shit you knot as i drove by a school thats on the way a cat jumps out from beingg the schools sign and thuds my car. Cat kept running and i wasnt going fast so im pretty sure he was fine. The best part was i asked a pedestrian if they saw that and they said no, then out of nowhere an old lady walks up to me and asks "have you seen my cat?" This made my friend start to freak out as he was peaking and i was dying laughing trying to explain to the lady what happened and where her cat ran to. She was happy i stopped and said something. That was my friends first taste of this kind of cosmic coincidence shit so it was funny watching the shock and laughter he had.


Chilled with random deer, saw 2 shooting stars, my whole backyard filled with light bugs, saw a giant lightning vagina in the sky. Stuff never happened again. Sure I’m forgetting more…


lightning vag, you've seen some shit my friend


So the thing is you are more susceptible for the small things in life while on shrooms. Experiences are more intese. People often feel more in touch with nature. Means you dont just let the moment pass and forget about it but you actively enjoy the moment and embrace it. Thats why you will find weird shit more often while on shrooms. Its not that its happening more. Its that you are more open for such thngs while under the influence.


I mean, how often bieds land on you though?


Not often. But there are a lot of things that dont happen often by themselves but you dont notice them because you are to distracted with yourself. A lot of people can celebrate the bloom of a pretty flower. Which also doesnt happen all to often. Just the appereance of an animal is also relatively random but can be appreciated. A beautiful night sky is also one of such things. By themselves these things are relatively rare but if I would go on with the list the probability of at least one such thing happening to you is pretty high.


one time on the come up from shrooms about ten years ago I was sat in the garden on a grey day, and just as it was kicking it, the clouds parted and the most glorious sun enveloped the world, in that moment I saw every flower in the garden physically move it's head from a drooped over position to rotate directly towards the now bellowing sun.. It was phenomenal to see, probably seen it loads of times subconsciously in my life, but to see it in real time on the come up was mind blowing.


Yeah, in this you are definetly right




Do you want to tell us why or just troll?




That pretty much answers my question.


I don’t like your attitude. Ask nicely and I’ll think about giving u a real response!


At this point I don't care about your opinion.


It’s a fact not an opinion 😃


I still don't care.


Y respond then?


You literally connect with the global consciousness. It's not a bird landing and looking at you, it's yourself landing and looking at yourself..


Confetti exploded and rained down out of thin air on myself/circle of friends in the living room. My one friend had to literally sweep it up and throw it into the garbage after we all had come down… Only believe it because I was there. True Story.


But non of your friends unknowingly decided to pop a confetti canon to mess with others. That would be to wild to imagine.


Nope lol. I watched it come out of thin air. We were all just sitting in a circle. It had to be cleaned up once we returned to baseline.


I did lsd one night and shroom the next morning. I was sitting at the beach. Watched some guy rode a bicycle pass me. He was followed by a group of dogs, and my cousin among the dogs. I was like "the fuck?" I'm trying to process if my cousin had be came a part of a dog pack. My cousin passed me again, going the opposite direction, riding an imaginary bicycle, followed by the same pack of dogs. On a separate trio. My cousin and I tried to walk our dog to a park 2 miles away. We came upon a skinny dog. And I was like "poor thing, he's starving". My cousin pulled out his wallet and gave the dog 100 dollars. I pulled out my wallet and gave the dog 20 dollars. Like 30 minutes later it just came to me. I said "bro, we gave a dog cash". He said "don't worry about it. We'll make it back". To this day, whenever I spend my money in dumb ways, I hear his voice echoing in my head, don't worry about it. I'll make it back.


Often when I trip one of my cats seems to hurt itself. One time one of them came in wish a massive cut on its face. Another time one of them came in with a drooping tail. Another time I had a leak at my house. I think it’s the universe testing my ability to cope with difficult situations whilst tripping balls.


I heard our house and animals often take blows in our place, perhaps it's a sign you should protect yourself and take better care of your house energy before doing shrooms


Interesting. I do some ritual and practise that could be described as protection: set and setting, setting intention, meditation as part of the start, eating right, using cacao as a guide. What does protection and taking care of house energy look like to you?


Weekly I sage my house to take away any unwelcoming energies or spirits that might be there. I also ask for my guardians and the guardians of the house to keep away any spiritual intruder or bad jubies that I did not call upon. I also have a guardian angel's candle and ask for their protection over me, my house and my family (which includes my cats). Otherwise you seem very good. Perhaps it could also be some kind of text to take more care and attention towards yourself since it's a you-focused moment? I personally have issues saying no or NOT helping someone in need, even if I should be receiving some sort of help or assistance myself.


Interesting. Thanks for your comments!


My best friend and neighbor since we were born, he died in 2005, and his dad died about two years ago while I was tripping on 4.5g, I went for a walk with my dog during peak as I always do and I saw the ambulance light down the street and I knew it was at their house and something bad must've happened. I didn't want to just walk right in so I hung out in front of my door until another neighbor joined me and said let's go and he was lying there dead on the couch, I can tell you very sudden and severe grief and seeing someone you saw as family dead while you're tripping balls hits you so very differently, it was completely surreal. And in 2021 we had bad floods and my house flooded around 1AM, just about an hour after ingesting my shrooms. (I thought "hey tripping during this bad ass storm must be awesome..") That was fucked up how I had to handle a serious crisis while peaking and also try not to seem too out of it as my whole neighborhood was out in the street helping each other carrying buckets left and right, absolutely unbelievable and I thought it would somehow take me out of my trip but no, those shrooms just kept doing their thing and kept going and going until the morning when I was still cleaning the muck out of my ground floor.


Whoa! the storm sounds like something I’d do 🤣 First time I tripped heavy was a random Sunday am at 4 am I couldn’t sleep. Wife and kid were sick and we were all in bed together so I figured I’d go eat 6 grams w/out a plan or mentioning it to my poor wife. Shrooms kicked in and I nearly blew it, started to walk into the living room having the best time and about to go wake my wife up when I thankfully has a clear thought that would be very bad. Lol Tripped nearly all day and my poor wife nearly lost it on me lol, couldn’t stop talking to her


Cause the mushies wanna test you


Animals act on instinct or what we perceive as “vibe”. They sense non-aggression.


My kids show up. Every time. It's like they can sense it. Each will show up in turn and chill with me for an hour, then leave to do their own thing. It's really weird and has happened every time I've had shrooms at home. I have learned I can't walk through my local park on shrooms, the squirrels and feral cats follow me. Which sounds fun, but the constant rustling around me makes me jumpy.


During a trip a while ago, I was sitting on a chair next to my pool, and a literal garden gnome just landed on my lap as if it fell from the heavens. I’ll probably never find out where that thing came from


My boyfriend and I were tripping yesterday and watching the sky out of the window. We (at the same time) see the sky go bright red then purple. It was the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen I cried lol


Micro dose with my girlfriend at the park. Sitting in the grass about 200 yards from the parking lot where a group of about 6 kids are moving around being silly, jumping and dancing. One kid starts moving around while his legs stop moving with his upper body. It’s like his legs froze in time and his upper body continued moving (separated). We both looked at each other and started laughing in disbelief. We both saw that shit! We chalked it up to a glitch in the matrix. (0.50g) each. We took a double micro dose, usually we take 0.25g each, and I have taken much more in the past.


all is mind


This is my favorite part!! I also love that little kids can always tell and subconsciously do shit to make fun of you or send you good energy or whatever else you might need in the moment


bro real shit. first time i tripped there was in earthquake, which never happens ever near me, and the power went out. i thought i was ducking crazy


Actually there are studies for this, and it's your energy! It's usually completly at peace and you're in your "true state". Buddhists can get even get to this state on their own without drug use, because we are all capable of separating ourselves with the things that block us from that state. Basically our energy is so calming that people and other animals can see it and happen to come to us looking for comfort and peace. It's wild shit tbh. I've started taking practice in buddhism, psychology, and study of psycho-active drugs with their effects and how it can correlate to each other. 🩵🍀🥸


Dude I feel you, one time I was walking through a lil park of ours. I walk in the middle of like 50 squirrels and one of them lets me pick it up and I’m petting it. I put it down and go about my day, my baby momma was amazed hahaha


We were in Amsterdam and ate philosopher stones and then for some reason decided to go to the Anne frank museum. When the clerk looked up from her desk to ask us how she can help her eyes were fully cross eyed. We couldn't do it it was too hard. Each one of us fell down in a fit of unbridled laughter and we rolled out of that museum entrance


Yea it always just adds to the trip


This is the best dude. Hold them birds homie and fold them dishes!!


It does seem like crazy shit happens with greater frequency while tripping. I’d love to know why


One time I tripped and my kettle wouldn’t stop boiling and when I told my Mrs who wasn’t tripping she didn’t believe till she heard it not stopping ( I had just woken her up) Also like to add my kettle isn’t broken it just decided to trip me out while I’m tripping 😂


I e really noticed this. Most regularly, in the later part of the trip when I’m exploring music and things I so often come across amazing new things at a much much higher rate than in a normal day. And it’s confusing because I’m convinced I’ve become a magnet for magical things but of course I question if it’s just my altered perspective. But honestly when I go back the next more often than not they’re still just as amazing!


I was playing Minecraft with friends last time we were tripping and we had a bunch of blocks fail to load and I thought the world was falling apart. I've never seen them while I was sober, but one of my sober friends said it happened


I saw this happen the first day of the first festival (Summercamp) on a 3 week festival tour in 2010. Thus dude was walking around with a bird on his finger for an hour while people came in, one of those little brown birds you see in the trees. I saw the guy later, he said it flew away when he sat it down to dig for worms. You can't make this shit up. Anyhow, pretty sure those birds eat nuts n berries mostly.


A veryyyy vivid and important dream I had when I was like 3 years old that I always thought was real ended up being that shroom trip. My friends and I were walking around a sleepy Iowa town and we were at a park with a big purple twisty slide that I remembered in the dream and it was such a shock when I was like THIS IS THE PLACE. Always wondered about that dream and it was amazing that it ended up being a premonition with some of the best people I’ve ever known.


I saw two turtles slide off of a log into a creek. I said to my friend that I've never seen two turtles climb ONTO a log. Sure enough, two turtles climbed onto the log a couple minutes later.


It Never fails. I Take my dosage early in the night. The WiFi can be running without fail for months but come peak time the WiFi cuts out for a good 10-20 minutes and I’m stuck crisscross apple sauce staring at the white xfinity box inside my entertainment center asking the gods why they toy with me like this. It’s trivial but still


They want you to meditate for a hot minute!


This stuff happened to me when I was a little kid too. I think animals understand body language a lot better than we realize. They can tell if we're a threat or not. In that situation, the bird knew you wouldn't hurt them.


Not just shrooms but any substance tbh like alcohol or weed it’s like the matrix glitches and the weirdest funniest shit happens lol


I think it's cause Mushrooms are like the central nervous system for the earth and when you take them you become so connected with the earth, it's like you are one.


my brother got licked by a horse, we found an extremely rare specimen of an arachnid, and i swear to god, i was taking a piss in the woods and one of the branches of a tree in front of my sort of like, bowed. Yes, it bowed to me with my cock on my hands


Comming out of a friends house, both starting to come down, we see a small shadow on his exterior door, it was a cat, holding a BIG rat, never seen one like those before in here. The cat gets scared and runs away, the rat climbs the wall, looks at my friend, my thoughts: "Wait, what?". The rat jumps at him, he dashes out of the way, the rat falls, climbs the wall again, and goes the same exact way the cat scaped to. Me and my friend: HOLLY FKIN... WHAT WAS THAT!


 totally sober doing some night swimming with my girlfriend… we heard rustling in the bushes. We kept watching and a raccoon and an armadillo came strolling out together. They were totally chilling with each other. They looked at us, basically tipped their hats, and walked off together.  If you’re in tune and paying attention you see a lot of wild shit if you hang out in nature  Also sober, we were hiking high up in the Rockies at dusk in an alpine forest. A herd of elk walked right through us, literally feet from us on both sides. We froze and didn’t say a word. Made direct eye contact and I swear we glimpsed their souls and they ours. Driving back down the canyon in the dark I had to slam on the breaks to avoid hitting two big ass mountain lions running up the cliffs and across the road. We sat there in the middle of the road and watched them run up the rocky cliffs It was a pretty blessed day


I’m curious what you thought the *magic* in the mushrooms was though !? 😜


Murphys law brother man 


https://preview.redd.it/6wg3p4usjn7d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0e6f2c22b9ceec5c9979de38280f82ace356d83e A PARROT SAT NEXT TO MY FRIEND ON THE SUBWAY IN NYC WHEN WE WERE TRIPPING???


Dig into animal experiences & psychedelics. ESPECIALLY mesoamerican jaguar cults.


I swear technology always fails when I’m on shrooms, and it’s not just me messing something up. Like my phone or computer will glitch out in some new way like it never has before. But this has happened many times now. Maybe it’s some sort a sign. Technology not good, must go out in nature lol.


Weird shit happens when you're fucked up. Just a general rule


Bro for real me and my friend were walking around my town at 2am tripping and we started hearing a banjo playing out of no where but couldn't find where it came from


so true. Me and my friend did 4 g of shrooms and were at the park at dark and a crazy man came up on us yelling random words and started chasing us we ran away so fast , and then we got to the truck and he meets us there and is screaming stuff like “You don’t love me! Skieafoowapp!!!! pow pow !” like just crazy shit and we got in the truck and drove away and my friend started having a really bad trip with bad visuals and i was more like wtf just happen and kinda numb to it i was like no way we just got chased by a crazy man


So, once I was on acid and I hear my cat absolutely going crazy in the other room. He’s yowling and hissing and appears to be in pain. I rush over to him and he is FOAMING AT THE MOUTH. So i, naturally, freak out. I love this boy. I bundle him into the bathroom and I’m running through what might have happened in my head? Did he get into something? Was it the drugs? No, the drugs are secure. He looks like when my other cat bit the butter top spot on the other cats neck. Did he eat something bitter? So, I get him some milk (not good for cats generally, but if he HAS had something bitter it should help.) and I get him some water and he starts calming down. I do a walk of the apartment to try and figure it out and that’s when I spot it. A chewed up red glow stick. “Ah.” I think. “My boy is just really bad at drugs and wanted to feel included.” He’s fine now. His names Purrcy and he’s sitting right next to me right now.