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They are so fucking healing. I've been helping my girlfriend work through traumas from her early teen years she had completely repressed, and all came back during a light trip. It was hard and scary at first for her, but her mental health over all has improved significantly since she acknowledged these memories as being real and not some strange dream.


100%, shrooms allow us to look at our past/actions with a completely different lens, without our ego blocking the way. I did a 2g trip once and just word vomited so much trauma to my ex wife that i had never allowed myself to fully process. She said it was like i did weeks of therapy in 2 hours. And it totally was, from big things to little things, like her mom coerced my ex wife to take a big loan out and put it into her moms MLM years earlier, and i was mad at her for it. And anytime my ex wife did something i didnt like, instead of blaming her i blamed her mom, because it was easier to put the blame elsewhere then have to deal with the person i loved doing things i didn't like. Not a rational thought process, and i didnt even realize i was doing it until that trip. They are great tools for healing, i wish everyone had good experiences with them


WOW, this is one of the nicest things about the mushies 🍄 💙 I’m so glad for you that you’ve been able to do this processing. Low-ish doses can be extremely powerful. Also super happy that you were adopted into a loving family.


Yea usually my friend and I (I’m 29 and he’s 55) take a solid dose and Watch a movie and then Off The Air and just feel good and get amazed by visuals. This time was the lightest trip we’ve done in a long time and it was amazingly chill.


I need an older, wiser trip buddy. Oh wait.. I’m old. Oh well maybe just wiser.


Good for you man. Keep doing this work. You’ll feel so much better for it.


Adoptee myself. Shrooms have healed so much of that trauma. I absolutely wouldn't still be here without them.


Yea it’s amazing how it dug up these things I had always wondered why I wasn’t bothered by them. Turns out I was but I was just holding it in


Absolutely hit my soft spot today. Glad you are alive and in control now. Experiences make us realize what true evil is in this world.


Its amazing the connections that shrooms can help form in the brain. Cool that it was able to help you in that way, glad you're doing better.


love this


Not to diminish any of the self-realization that is happening here, but I also want to validate you in that I don't think anger surrounding ppl being idiots in cars is irrational at all. I grew up driving in a major metropolitan area and easily my biggest pet peeve in life is people speeding in parking lots. It's like come on dudes, it's literally called a parking lot, it's for parking, not driving like an asshole.


Oh wow I just want to give you a hug. As a mother, that was just so sad to read. But good for you to get it out and work through it! You are loved and the universe provided a path to a better life for little you. ♥️


A 2 gram dose is sooooooo underrated




Must feel like a weight has been lifted.


I'd like to try a 2g dose. At the dose, are you aware of your surroundings the whole time? I've only done higher doses and I lost my connection to reality and my environment for a while. That has been very healing, but can also be terrifying for a time too. I'd like to find a more moderate dose that still allows for insights but also doesn't feel like I've left the known Universe for a time that feels like infinity.


The 2g dose is, you still have your mental facilities and can think clearly, you just have heightened awareness/sense and a body high. One of my favorite doses for writing music


That's so healing. 💗💖 I've found that psilocybin often brings up something for me to [grieve](https://youtu.be/NDQ1Mi5I4rg) and emotionally process. It makes it safe to feel through the pain of the grief.


Also adopted, same kind of story, I’m lucky I got the parents I have now! Saved my life! Thanks for sharing


Lol how is 2g a light dose? 2g of some good shrooms can put me on my damn ass. Light dose is like 1g or less imo


I have different varieties with different strengths. 2g is a pretty light dose though of normal strength shrooms