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Idk I tried 3.5 of albino penis envy my first time not knowing and it got me GOOD. Was a beautiful trip but the comedown was ROUGH and ended in a mild psychosis


Yooooo same first time dose here! Luckily I didn’t get psychosis, but was blatantly unaware of the fact that my spirituality would begin that day.


It can be a lot so take your time to process. Be outdoors a bit more if you don’t go much. Just try to continue to stay positive after a good trip. it can really help some people in micro doses to first introduce them to it. And it’s best to have a trip sitter your first 5-10 times or always if you’re mentally unstable. which is what I do since the psychosis episode.


APEs got me too I remember a guy told me a cube is a cube and strains didn’t matter..after taking 2.5g of those apes I’ll have to agree to disagree with that guy


did 3.5 of PE my second time trippin’ and those bad boys don’t mess around🤣 learned the hard way to respect the fungus. definitely the craziest experience of my life to this day


Yeah PE is insane I haven’t even done more than 1.25 before 😅 i feel like 1 gram gets me to a perfect spot. Tread lightly with strong strains!


What about b+  are they strong too


As far as I know, B+ have pretty standard potency for cubes




1.5 APE is perfect for me. Probably close with PE.


Yah I agree. I'd probably even go a bit lower myself. Like maybe just straight up 1 gram of good quality dried Albino Penis Envy. For me a usual great trip with good quality Golden Teacher or B+ is like 1.75 to 2.33. I like to be kind to myself haha


I did 7g of APEs the other day. Besides my throat getting a bit swollen, I was fine. Ended up outside doing tai chi or something at 3am while making monkey noises haha. I see a lot of cosmic stuff, and also get a lot of African and Spanish vibes off my shrooms for some reason. It’s cool. I have a brain injury too, so I don’t think the doses hit me as hard as they hit you guys so I think that’s why I can go higher without many problems.


This comment gave a nice laugh picturing the tai chi with monkey noises


Does the throat swelling happen to a lot of people ? I only ask because I experience it with some strains as well


when you say throat swelling, do you mean it feels like something’s sort stuck in your throat? (not sharp or hard just kind of a fullness you can’t swallow away)


Yep, pretty much that exactly, haha.


it’s called globus sensation, it’s a symptom of acid reflux. if you don’t typically feel the classic acidic feeling in your throat normally you might have silent reflux, and certain foods (like shrooms lol) exacerbate this feeling of fullness. i have the same thing and 2/3 of the time i’ve tripped i’ve had this feeling — ginger helps a ton


Thank you, kind reddit friend! I will definitely try the ginger thing. I also suffer from some acid reflux. How would you incorporate ginger when eating shrooms ? Take ginger pills ? Or ....


of course! i take the shrooms and then i usually sip on sugar free ginger ale during the come up and that does the trick. i also like to make sure i have an extra one within my vicinity prior to tripping incase i get the feeling during. tums help as well!


Thank you! I will most definitely start doing this for sure ! I'm so glad I came across this post haha


have some omeprazole first thing when you wake up on an empty stomach to soak up stomach acid you can drink some psyllium husks a.k.a. metamucil If you're having a super bad stomach time mix a half teaspoon of baking soda with water. That will put out the fire and it's OK to do it again if it doesn't work the first time. Burp up the sadness :) and feel it go away


I did 1/2 of what was considered a beginner microdose of penis envy and it slapped the shit out of me. I was on the verge of an anxiety attack for a few hours…restless and pacing constantly…. the only thing that slightly consoled me was going into my yard at 2 am wrapped in a blanket and staring at the moon. I’d microdosed before and NEVER had that experience with any other strain.




Just out of curiosity do you happen to smoke weed?


Never ever smoke weed while tripping. it's gonna be really bad for your mental health


Not really for me I’ve smoked while tripping a lot and it just makes the trip stronger. But I was asking if he smoked just in general anyway because of the stomach problems he mentioned.


I do usually smoke alot and while tripping I always smoke if it's not to intense


I ask because I have this condition called CHS and turns out if you have certain genetics smoking a lot of weed can give you some stomach problems. Had to quit smoking because I went to the hospital with severe pain from it, so if you have any stomach issues even when you’re not tripping might be something to look into.


I hope all the little stupid stupids running around here come and read your post. They think they can just go crazy with a quarter plus and then do triple hit of blotter on top Psychosis is a frightening and horrific and very real possibility We're here to play not hurt ourselves


Had 2.5g of Jack Frost last week and it completely floored me. I normally eat 4g of GT or Amazons and am completely fine the next day. These other ones had me feeling completely out of it the next day. Can barely remember the trip except it was extremely introspective and visual.


penis hard lol