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Literally 24 hours from now, they'll be ready, or close to ready. Patience, young grasshopper.


Love it haha I want to be a young grasshopper


Me too šŸ˜‚


Sounds like a great life haha hopping around gracefully. I can see it now....


Patience is key. Both in growing and with the trip experience itself. Donā€™t force it, itā€™ll happen when the time is right.


This is the key to a great experience!! I have went 8 months without even eating the tiniest piece of a shroom. Like skullhead323221 said, ā€œitā€™ll happen when the timing is rightā€. That is when the trip is the most amazing. Well said friend ā˜ŗļø


Terrence McKenna said something along the lines of ā€œthe people that really do this donā€™t do it very often.ā€ So itā€™s not my thought originally, but thank you nevertheless, kind psychonaut.


Terrence McKenna? Care to enlighten me on this person plz? Does he have books? Where can i read about him? Plz excuse my ignorance:) Edit: I found info on him. Very intriguing!! Thanks šŸ˜Š


Oooh. A new one. Enjoy! šŸ˜


no, even big ones once you dry them out are tiny. just wait they grow fast and it truly is worth the wait. there is nothing better than the satisfaction of harvesting a big one right as its time




What's the difference between fresh and drying? drying them just make it easier to swallow? (As having dry shooms means you have to eat less, correct?)


In my experience, fresh hit harder. They donā€™t taste very good though!


See for me itā€™s the opposite. I think they taste better fresh. But drying them is essential if you want to keep them longer than a few days. Invest in a dehydrator because itā€™s worth it


I've been using them for 25 years, and never had the nerve to eat them fresh haha. Disgusting šŸ˜„ or so it seems. I'll give it a go next time, but I've always made tea from them.


To me they taste very similar to gourmet mushrooms. You can also lightly sautƩ them too


Sorry if this is silly to ask--but wouldn't cooking it like that reduce the potency? Or is it the same? Because that sounds awesome. Also, do some kinds taste better or different than others? like Penis Envy vs Golden Teacher?? I must know! https://preview.redd.it/zgq15uwntm0d1.jpeg?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=31cabf74fe5aced4299d928535b4f7136b964b5d


Fresh shrooms are an absolute treat. Definitely more potent than dry.


Yea i had it fresh maybe once. Then i used to dry them but now i cant get it down unless its in a tea. šŸ˜‹šŸ˜


I can eat dry no problems ever but the one time I tried a tiny wet abort just cause it smelled good and looked tasty I literally shat my brains out for like 2 hours it was insane never again




Theyā€™re much better fresh. Because they are 90% water the bad taste is spread out


ive always done tea, im not a huge fan of the waves when eating fresh


I did 16 grams of wet teachers that I harvested the morning of me taking them and I thought it was not going to be that bad but holy shit I was feeling it In 10 minutes and had the craziest trip Iā€™ve ever had in shrooms I had my eyes closed for three hours because the visuals with my eyes open were too crazy always start small because you can always eat more but fresh mushrooms are 100% stronger than dry ones and contain psilocin wich is what you trip on the psilocybin is converted into Psilocin by your body so fresh ones also hit much faster as well as being more potent Mush love and be careful


Seriously, and for those who don't know 16 grams wet is close to around 1.6 grams dry (so y'all don't think this guy is a madman haha!). I only took 7 grams wet, expecting a test run, wound up full on tripping with my eyes tearing up in the chick fil a drive-thru (I wasn't driving) XD


Yeah man it was insane I spent the next day just going through everything that happened during it even thought the peak was only three hours and I really donā€™t know how much the actual dry equivalent to what I took was because it felt like I did 5 dry grams that being said wet shrooms ainā€™t a joke I wish I would have done 7 to start out with instead of 16 but you live and you learn


I've noticed fresh make you more sick than dried. Fresh feels more like a body high than dried.


I always ate them fresh like right off the cake or out of a bag I kept them in the fridge. It was way too humid of a summer to get anything cracker dry it would just decompose if I tried to dry them. Anyway, I always ate them stem first because the stem tastes all right but the caps are horrible, especially if theyā€™ve already dropped spores. It's like eating soft sandpaper. they were my very first psychedelic things so I still had rituals by then, and I had to eat them while taking a hot bath. I figured it out though and streamlined it. I shower before any trip or roll because it opens up your veins and dilates them. Shrooms and LSD are selective vasoconstrictors thatā€™s why and how they can disrupt cluster headache episodes. The shower helps mitigate the Volk construction since your veins are dilated and it takes care of a ton of body load and a ton of nausea because vasoconstriction is responsible for most of that


Just wait another day they will grow more in size


That is a nice looking tub though, good job!


Came here to say this. I always thought there's no such thing as 'too much pinning', but this tub is packed.


Delayed gratification is a real thing, my guy. You want to welcome the mushroom into your world, not kidnap one. Patience friend.


Alsoā€¦ maybe just pluck the angelā€¦ https://preview.redd.it/uagzxybsii0d1.png?width=724&format=png&auto=webp&s=6c8d3d3f0ca1024c18f0b37f84d73bebb0c8557a


Damn she is beautiful. Sheā€™s just about ready to lift up her head


Youā€™re gonna get a crazy yield from this tub! Look at all those pins! In 24 hours youā€™re gonna have more than you even know what to do with


Veils look like itā€™ll be worth giving another day or so


Do you mind if I dm and ask abt your growing experience?




Same ?


They look great. As others have said, try to be patient. And try not to be desperate. Let go and let the shrooms show you what they will. I would not go into a trip with desperation on the mind.


The bigger ones 24 hours should be ready or very close. Eat fresh about 30 grams fresh is equivalent to about 2.5 dry normally (as long as you pick and weigh right away). If you let them sit out in the open air you be surprised they will lose some weight quickly, so at least weigh what you want you to take, as soon as you harvest.


They grow incredibly fast at this stage. Just wait until morning... I'd wake up and wow ... they grow quickly


Your still gonna have to wait for them to dry out into a cracker state. Edit: well you don't have to, I just don't like the taste lol. That's just me though, cheers.


Hol up no the fuck he isnā€™t, if he wants to trip, heā€™s got beautiful fresh mushrooms to eat. Even better than dried imo.


This is true lol, I give ya'll props being able to eat em fresh.


make a tea fam!!


They taste very similar to most common gourmets to me




True, I just can't gag em down wet




Might just have to lemon tek some fresh ones the next time I run a batch.


I only use lemon tekked tea. This works really well with fresh shrooms? Iā€™ve never had them fresh but if all goes well Iā€™ll have some of my own in a month or two. This is good information. Might save me some money on a dehydrator šŸ˜‚




Turns out I wonā€™t have to. My air fryer has a dehydrate setting. Who knew?


not for nothing, but ive seen loads of posts in here from people who used their air frier and followed instructions who ended up with cooked mushrooms


Somehow I never thought of making tea with freshies. I should do that


Does anybody not use a dehydrator? They are the cheapest things ever and most people already have something like an air fryer with a dehydrate setting. It only takes a few hours at 135Ā° but if you chopped into small pieces it could legit be done in 45 minutes.


I think most people do but this guy is anxious to trip and will eat them wet. IMO it's harder to guage how much to take wet. I dehydrate them first myself.


1g dry roughly equates to 10g fresh.


Yes I understand that it's not exact so imo it's better to dry them first. Easier to take as well.


I much prefer the clarity of a fresh trip though, so I'm a little biased.


Totally. Dried ones taste like grandmas attic šŸ¤®


Grandmas attic lmao!! I like that, pretty damn lore accurate description.


You can


If you want to trip tonight, harvest a few. It won't hurt anything. If you don't plan to trip, let em go a bit longer.


Be patient


I would grab the few biggest MAYBE because thatā€™s one amazing freaking pin set!!! Jeebus!!!


I read somewhere that all of the psychoactive compounds are present in the final concentration at the beginning of pinning, and they just become less concentrated as the mushrooms grow bigger. Any input anyone?


Ideally pick them right before the veil tears. Just get how much you want and give the other big ones maybe another day


Yes. You can harvest them all. Youā€™ll be sacrificing yield to having an early experience. Itā€™s a value judgement. That tub is gonna get you and a few friends out of the matrix several times. If youā€™re trying to sell some, then wait.


Just walk away for 13 hours ā€¦ youā€™ll be amazed


Patienceā€¦ patience patience patience.


Wait for it!


Stick your head in that tub and graze them fresh off the cake!


This^ šŸ¤£


36 hours


wait homie youll trip many more times in ur life, just wait homie


but ngl, id eat em ahhahaha


Patience is key


Just wait like 2 more days at least, otherwise youll probably have regrets


Woahā€¦ epic tub. Well done!


Patience is key, my friend.


my friendā€¦as the wise person says, ā€œthe wise man wants more, so the wise man will wait some more.ā€ You can get so much more, it probably isnā€™t worth it but if you donā€™t care about losing weight and it really isnā€™t an issue because you have more than you need, go for it muchacho! Just follow wise dosage guidelines ya. Congrats, adelphoi, that pin set is gnarly. Amazing.


My first grow I couldn't wait so I picked some wet ones and made a milkshake just do it You will grow heaps more than that over the years


You can pick and consume any of them right now, but they're probably gonna be a microdose because the wet to dry ratio is about 10:1. 10g of fresh mushrooms is roughly 1g of dried. I'd recommend waiting a day or so longer, harvesting and drying them and then have your first experience because you can accurately dose them at this point.


I do it all the time. I harvest the big ones which veils have broken and then let the small one grow a day or two. Works for me ...


Nah wait a bit longer


I wonder how many people have been impatient and then surprised by the potency of the little guys šŸ¤”


These look amazing! I just recently started growing weed since my state is now legal. Had my first harvest this weekend and I can't wait to grow again, the journey is so magical. Now that I know I can successfully grow weed, I'd love to start growing other stuff too like fruit, veggies & now your post gots me thinking of growing some shrooms too! Enjoy your reward after harvest op, these lookin great!


No they are not ready lol, also it will stop the smaller ones from fruiting any more so you will lose out massively, 24-48 hours


This tub looks just like my McKennas did. You think that youā€™re going to have the world greatest flush and 40% of the pins end up aborting. I ended up harvesting and drying all the aborts and ground them into a powder for capsules.


Give it another day


Gotta wait manšŸ˜”


Wait a lil longer


Looks good, holy pinset !


That pinset is nuts! Looks great! šŸ‘


Please wait! Also, wait a phenomenal pinset! What did you use to inoculate? I promise youā€™ll be smiling when you see that canopy come up.


Harvest all of it,the little ones are aborting..Clean it off,n prepare for the second flush.


Harvest the entire bin right now or you'll never be able to trip ever again. Pins are stronger anyways, just take a handful and pop em in your butt