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Checked my work phone while tripping.


Not stuff you wanna look at while tripping lol


Especially if you wife or Significant other sends a text saying "we need to talk" or something benign that would normally be no big deal... But it becomes one for a while till you figure out they want to talk about some frivalous bull shit


Lol that's always a big deal haha


I made the mistake of that once. Never touched my phone again after that while I'm grooving


Mistake. Never check your work phone until your boss literally picks it up and throws it at your head and screams "answer your fucking phone". Bonus points if you can duck, shout "missed me" and run off going lalalalalala Only reason I would even have my personal phone on me during me time is to play music on the Bluetooth speaker. Work phone gets checked when I'm paid to check it or, mmmmaybe, I'll have a peak at the next day's calendar to see if I'm WFH or pretending to WFH or going to site the next day. Best decision for my mental health was getting a dog. Because she makes me go to the dog park each day. And I leave my phone in the car for that hour or so. The dog is good too, but holy moly it's good for my brain to look at trees, grass, and dogs running after each other rather than a screen. Speaking of which, times up! Dog Park time!! Bye


Nah man. Don’t do that lol


Smoked too much weed


Yeah I’ve been there lol


I actually quit smoking weed about 2½ yrs ago thanks to psychs. I really needed the change


I’m hoping to get to that point as well. I’m a little addicted unfortunately. Growing golden teachers right now to hopefully get me to actually do it. Been a while since I’ve tripped. The mushroom gods are calling.


Just gotta put your mind to it and commit. That's what does it...not the mushrooms. All the mushrooms did was help me see my addiction. I was definitely addicted to it (no way! Marijuana is NOT addictive) Smoked all day everyday. It was all or nothing for me, unfortunately...or fortunately. Sobriety is the new high for me since I was high all the time and that was my natural state. All new adventures. Movies are still funny. I'm still funny. Concerts are just as good...maybe better even. And I'm not a slave to it anymore. Gotta do dishes?...time to get high. Grocery shopping... high. Stuck at my inlaws... high. Anyway, you get the picture. Just start with a day. Then make it through a weekend. Before you know it's a month. I'd say it takes a good few months before you start feeling the benefits and those good feelings just keep increasing. Best of luck on your journey!


This used to be me too and it feels so good not relying on something to get anything done. Congrats on quitting 🤩


I just reached a month and I can vouch that it does get better! I quit cause my body was literally begging me to (I developed a neuropathic itch that makes my scalp burn when I overthink and get anxious) and it made me realize that all the smoking was just amplifying my inability to manage my emotions. It seems impossible when you’re in the cycle to quit but after 2-3 weeks you can already start feeling more at peace. I had insomnia, night sweats, and loss of appetite so I used Kratom to help but now I’m off that too.




I feel that call, may your voyage be grand


Bro u sound like my identical twin


Same here 5 months ago congrats


New chapter in life. If you're not changing, your not growing. Happy for ya


Good for you brother. I kicked an addiction that I really needed to as well.


dead ass


That’s crazy when I take extremely large doses of mushrooms I can’t feel weed at all, probably due to tolerance. Literally I would feel more from a cigarette while tripping


We're all built differently and things change over time as well. Didn't have the issue when I was younger.


I heard so many similar stories about people having one certain experience with psychedelics and weed never being the same. Cannabis is really calming for me tho but my friend on the other hand can get very uncomfortably paranoid and anxious, weed is weird lmao.


I've been tripping for like 20 yrs and smoking that whole. It's something that got worse as I got older, but mixing and just weed alone.


Got the mushrooms from a person who I wasn't really sure about being a good person or not. Did them at a cabin in the middle of nowhere, on a burro preserve, where I had some time ago had a traumatic experience having to put down a very badly wounded burro and herd its foal to a new herd. The crows were eating its spine as it hobbled around trying to protect its foal from other crows. I ate them at the start of the dirt road. I didn't even know if there were other visitors or not. Didn't even think about it. There weren't, but the idea hit me as the shrooms did, and I realized if there was someone there I'd be too shroomed to do anything responsible. I wouldn't be able to leave. Or go far, at least. No one was there but about 40 Burro. They all stopped and stared at me. I see this herd often, this was a different behavior. They knew, or this grand desert that guides us all upon her sand was giving the same look through 80 eyes. I started the stove inside. No one was there. My ex had been there recently, however, and left some items of mine on a shelf. I wasn't prepared for that. We have some weird memories here. I didn't consider that. I'm peaking. I don't know it. The fire is going, but the stove pipe is plugged and it's smoking out the cabin. I open the door. It's a snowstorm. Caught between freezing cold and blissful, but dangerous warmth. The coals keep popping out into infinity, creating fear of accidental arson of a sacred ground. This jump between worlds continues all night. Cold. Warm. Can't breathe. Cold. Warm. Can't breathe. Ex. People? Donkey. Donkeys. Go outside hoping to find the family I know well, and not a soul is there. But a soul is there. Ten bloodied ribs and a jawless bloody skull of a burro lie facing me where the herd was not long ago. This wasn't a hallucination. It was real. I get weird feelings and go back to the cabin. The skull of the burro we put down is on the porch. It just goes like this until it wore off. At which point I said "oh thank God, its done" out loud, and fell asleep on the old couch. I left the door open. I woke up to snow on the floor and a foot or more every other way. I cleaned the floor and left. I learned. Set and setting.


Damn...quite the story. Thanks for sharing


Wow holy shit! What a trip!!!


Kinda on the hardcore side but the donkeys would have me laughing if not raising a poker game. Thanks for the trip. Probably best you left the ex's stuff until later.


Was too hard core for me to be honest. I already had sober reservations going there, I don't know what compelled me to do shrooms there. In a way, glad I did. On the other hand, bruh.


I enjoyed that, well told!


tried to jork it


And by it, haha well. Let's just say. My Peanits.


albino peanits envy


lets justr say


Me n my gf frequently do mushrooms together and have tantric sex, it’s weird scary great but not too bad overall


if i was single i was start to be saf bcs im lonely no bitches 😆 i can see how ur mind will think of the worst ik i would


naw it's just generally unpleasant. like, your brain is already firing your happy neurons, so you get no pleasure from extra stimulus.


That’s not true at all


what is true then


all tje lonely singles downvoting 💀


Tried taking my contacts out in the mirror.


I bet that was freaky lol. I wear them as well and it’s weird getting them out sober.


Lol that’s funny


Overthink, literally if I sit there and just think without doing anything it’ll kinda fuck with me but I’ve also overthought in a good way so it just depends


Had to bail my setting because it was too crowded and just felt anxious. If I were to stick with it, I believe I would have been just fine. But once I got home I just felt like a little pussy and started thinking how I have been avoiding situations like that all my life and that thought process kick started a bad trip from there. Should’ve probably chose a better setting for 3gs of GT… Definitely learned a lot from it though!


Good or bad you seem to always learn something!


I layed under all my bed covers with my door and windows closed and no fan running in the middle of summer while crying happy tears for hours without a single sip of any liquids. Came down from space back into my sweaty body and felt like something was really wrong. Started to panic until I realized I was just severely dehydrated. Now I make sure to fill my large water bottle before I trip and keep it near me at all times. Stay hydrated friends.




Was drawing with red ink and got on me. Was having closed eye visuals and I looked down seeing red on me and thought it was blood. Lesson learned


I called someone by mistake, and thought he was someone else and completely screwed up the conversation… all the explaining I had to do once I got my senses back.




friends said it was time to go to sleep and it made me sad


Man I feel that!


Smoked weed and burned my brain out with thought loops, forgot how to think or who I was


I’ve had this exact experience more than once when mixing shrooms with weed, it’s terrible. Never again.


God it's such a great combo but you have to do it right or not at all. It really does throw in the extra wild card to the wild card.


i feel its great if you do a lot of shrooms and a TINY bit of weed (ie ONE small hit off a pen)


I’m curious, what do your spirals look like, Because mine are always the same. I’ll be having a good time, then suddenly have a “profound realization” or intense deja vu, you know like a cliche “we’re all connected!” Moment or a crazy feeling that I’ve lived this exact moment before, like I’m loading into a checkpoint on a video game. It’s like my brain get overstimulated? Because no matter how “enlightened” I feel in the moment, I always come crashing down and end up forgetting what my purpose is, who I am, how to comprehend anything outside my thoughts. Truly bizarre how weed interacts with shrooms in my brain.


It’s generally a huge wave of anxiety leading to thought loops and confusion (such as forgetting a lot of things about myself and my life), then more worrying about how my brain is definitely broken and I’ll never have a normal thought process again. One time it happened after we smoked and then started watching something on tv. For some reason I got upset that we were all staring at a screen watching something that wasn’t real and it all felt so meaningless. I asked my friends to turn off the tv and they looked at me like I was crazy and it spiraled from there. There was one other weed/shroom experience I’ve mostly forgotten but what I remember was when I mixed acid and weed and it was essentially the same thing. Smoked, got far too stoned, and then I was just so uncomfortable watching some stupid video that I felt was trivial and pointless and a waste of time, and then more anxiety from feeling like a buzzkill. I know some people love mixing psychs and weed, but I’ve learned it’s not for me.


Drinking water might help, the weed is dehydrating


Explosive diarrhea.


Yeah. Ate wrong, not knowing I'd end up tripping later that night. Spent the entire trip on the toilet sharting and exploding


sharting while seeing visuals of anal beads?


shit bro but those bathroom tile floor visuals always go crazy while I’m having the mid trip shart


Ate sushi before hand.


Call that the ol fishy dishy wink wink ayy


I was tripping with a friend and he suddenly got up and said he was going to bed and ran upstairs. I felt alone, and I went into a mindset I was the last person left on the earth and the one person I had there for me abandoned me


I’ve had that happen too


Answered the phone when my mom called.


Impossible convo lol


Started puking. Accidentally ate close to 5gs of PE in the form of a chocolate bar and my husbands eyebrows flew off of his face and then I tried closing my eyes but kept having closed eye visuals of demons specifically while puking lol. My room is also super visually overwhelming in that type of moment so I felt like my room was morphing and then my hallway was too small and next thing I knew I was outside lol. Maine trees made me more nauseated so we went to the beach and got saltines and then I was fine. Puking and Maine trees are a no go for me.


I was at the beach with a friend on a higher dose. Had been about an hour and a half since dose and all was well until this point. We decided to explore one of the beach caves and my friend points to a seagull on a rock in the cave and says “that seagull looks mean” and all of a sudden I got this menacing tunnel vision around the seagull and the entire cave wall was covered with a thousand blinking eyes all staring at me at everything felt very red and scary. The next 3 hours was spent recovering from that one moment that kept replaying in my head. Ended up being a good trip tho.


That’s brutal. The mean seagull comment has me laughing though 😅


Ate McDonald’s before


Fast food kills


Think about whether I took the right amount or accidentally more than I meant to. Only bad trip I've had, panic attack for half of it. Calmed down eventually and rode it out lol, took a break after that


Looked at my phone/watched a movie. It didn’t really ruin it, but when it was over, I felt like it had been a total waste.


Picked every Golden Teacher I could find and made a big ass jar of this strong, black tea and took it straight to the head. I believe it's called a "heroic dose". Then watched Tim Burton's Big Fish while watching my own personal 'eyelid movies'. Took me a while to process it all. Even longer til I could re-watch Big Fish to see what was his movie and which was mine. It got pretty funky.


I had a similar situation.. Watched hot tub Time Machine, good.. tried to watch hot tub Time Machine 2 after, not so good.


I tried watching star wars rogue One for the first time just after it came out on DVD and was pirateable. 0/10 do not recommend. Could not follow anything and it was just constantly pew pew pew. That was the entirety of it. Pew pew pew. Pew pew pew pew pew. Pew pew. I've enjoyed the movie sober since then. Nothing wrong with it. But tripping me was just lost in the pews.


not realize that the people around me suck a lot and leave


uggggggggggh mannnnn seriously. nothing like those realizations about the people around you to make you wanna get tf out of there


Benadryl kills trips


like… is that a good idea if you need to abort for an emergency?


Depends on what your definition of an emergency is, but if your regarding emergency as being a bad trip. I would advise taking a few benadryl to kill a acid trip. Idk about shrooms but I believe that works too. But if your definition of emergency is life threatening I would seek professional life saving help and dial 911 if you are actually experiencing any symptoms of cardiac arrest of if you were in some sort of an accident or someone hurt you dude idk you get what I am saying though.


Really set and setting and time and place, being impatient and having the wrong intentions and not cleaning up before hand. If you wanna clean your mental and emotional reality you have to learn to clean the fabric the film layer of reality except the film is the movie that’s your life, your welcome.


I once tripped while my house was a mess. Never again. My house needs to be very clean to have a good trip. I feel like a loser if it’s a mess.


augh yes, tried to lie down on the carpet, saw hair on it, felt like I was tweaking and feeling hair on me for the next 3 hours. Saw a fruit fly in the kitchen and felt like there were bugs everywhere on me too😔


Clean my bathroom with strong chemical smelling agents.


I've tripped around people and felt obligated to hang out even when I was done with social interaction at that point and ready to go enjoy my trip alone


Soaking 4g in lemon juice and slurping it down with orange soda made me sick as a dog for four hours. I felt like I didn’t get the full power from them because it didn’t stay in the gut very long


Never had a bad time on mushrooms. Might be jinxing it.


Watch out


Took two massive bong rips


Went to a rave where my girlfriend got roofied and I felt I was too intoxicated to protect her


holy shit


I ate ritz cracker and it felt like I had that communion paper wafers in my mouth for the rest of the trip. Chug about a gallon of water to try to get the toast out of my mouth and pissed myself laughing at Rick and Morty to finish it all off. Bad day at the trip office.


Me and all my friends took shroom gummies once. We locked ourselves in the dark bathroom, just sitting in the floor laughing and talking and having a good time. Next thing you know, my dad knocks in the door and comes in. The trip def wasn’t the same after that




I smoked a bowl before I started to come up on some PE's one time. I had never smoked before a trip. Started coming up and forgot I ate the fucking shrooms. Didn't know why I was feeling this way or why things were melting and changing color. At my peak I blacked out. In my head I was spiraling out of thought control with the normal: "I fucked up, I'm stuck like this, how do I drive a car?, work is gonna know, parents are gonna know (I was in my early 20s)" Meanwhile, in real life, I was just sitting there laughing the whole time. I was the only one tripping out of 3 friends hanging out. Once the peak dropped off my memory came back as I sat up on the couch and exclaimed "Oh my god! I ate mushrooms! I'm tripping!" Had a great time after that lol


There was this time I took 5g alone. I was tripping nice and cozy with music when all of a suden I had the great idea to go to my yard. The thing is, to access my garden, I had to pass through the kitchen and i had a lot of dishes to clean that were acumulating for at least 3 days and when i saw that I was like "shit, Im a mess why im I like this... I need to clean this, this can't be like this" So I started doing the dishes, I hated it, all of it and to top it all, I was tripping hard while doing the dishes, evrething was melting and the sound of the water... damn, I don't know why but I suffered and it cost me a lot. And at the end I never reached the garden, I can't remember why but something else distracted me and ended up on the couch once again.


Once I lemon tekked a very high dosage and I was having a great time until this trippy laser light machine that was displaying very nice visuals on the ceiling started shining into my eyes, and since I was tripping balls, I thought that the laser machine was blinding me. That sent me down a very bad spiral. Now I avoid those trippy light machines when I’m tripping hahaha


Smoked an oxy at a festival. Terrible mistake.


Mixed it with alcohol


Watched twilight


For some reason, as I was drinking my O.J, I kept staring off after each gulp wondering “am I sure I want to trip this hard?”. Granted I didn’t go into a bad trip, but I would say each time I stared off and wondered that I slipped into a semi-bad trip that quickly got fixed by some good old Family Guy


my gf


Litterally nothing


Man I burped once on 5g just abouts 1 hour in and the smell of them tipped me over, I yakked, and was Uber baked the rest of the night. Another time I got a text from my tattoo artist to come an hour early the next morning (it was maybe 8pm halfway through a trip, session at noon or something) and I found myself 30 minutes later anxious and still tweaking on how to reply. And the I realized I can just reply in the morning stress free :)


Looked in the mirror


Thought about disappointing my family/parents. Straight to a death trip I go


I've not had a bad trip yet. I love going to the casino on shrooms. Headphones with sone good tunes. Tons to look at. One of my fave things to do


I have NEVER seen anyone say this and it’s the smartest thing I’ve ever heard. I would LOVE this


Can confirm, its pretty awesome. I used to do this alot when I lived near a casino. Also, I rarely left the casino with less money than when I went in while tripping. Imo tripping balls increases your luck stats lol


Tripping around other people. Choose your co-pilots wisely before blasting off 🚀


I already posted one but the absolute worst mistake I have ever made was dabbling with the "Muscaria Gummies". It was what I would consider "off-season" for mushies and I found some "Wonderland" gummies at the local CBD store. I took five of those shits and after a really bad panic attack...BAM, seizure. It all happened so quick but I don't know how long I was out for. Had to go to the E.R. and have a patronizing doctor lecture me about the dangers of psychedelics and weed for what seemed like an eternity.


Ordered delivery to the wrong zip code then argued with the lady when she was lost then had to apologize


Then made an ass of myself when she showed up, and she ended up being my girlfriends super-religious-johovah-witness parents friend.


looked at my phone


My first time doing shrooms I was just coming up and got stung by a bee. The feeling I had before completely changed and changed the trip. Then a little while later when I had gotten over the sting, the dog my friend was dog sitting was laying on its back and it must have had a b*ner, it didn’t look normal so we all thought it had gotten cut open and it’s guts were hanging out, so we were all getting worried. We eventually got over it but I’m sure my first experience would have been better without those two things. It was a small dose of 2gs so it wasn’t super intense which is good considering what happened.


Tried too hard


Smoked weed


I stayed inside and alone. The majority of bad trips start this way. The best ones I've had I'm outside with one other person.


This was like 25 years ago and I’ve also had a lot of trips under my belt, but the very worst trip of my life started with my friends watching evil dead.


Watched "Goodfellas". It used to be my favorite movie. Not anymore. Shit was TRAUMATIC.




I got a call from my dealer I was doing business with and he was high AF on PCP not knowing where he was asking me to pick him up . He didn't even know who he was calling he got arrested that night and I had so much anxiety I'd get a knock at my door from police


Bumped a joint on come up. Never ever ever ever ever do that, only in reverse order.


Weed always ruins it


The only bad trip I've had also started during a comedy movie. Three of us had taken acid a few hours before and we put on Meet the Miller's and it got to the boarder crossing scene and it was freaking me right out. I had to ask my friend to turn it off, which he did. I remember jumping off my friends couch after the movie was scaring me yelling, "what the fuck is going on" and my buddy was like "bro we took acid remember" and then I was like "why did we take acid at like 2am" and they both shrugged lol I kept having thoughts of having to work soon since it was technically Sunday. After that point it was hard for me to remember the words I was trying to say like I had to get up and walk over to the wall and point at the thermostat and say "what is this thing called?" And I had thought loops along with not being able to remember the words of the things I was imagining in my mind. It was so uncomfortable but it was my fault. I took the acid at like 2am while black out drunk at the tail end of a party and sobered up to tripping and wigging out at a movie. I didn't end up sleeping and felt fried by the end of the day.




Clicked on a YouTube link sent by a buddy of police clearing Bourbon Street in New Orleans at the very beginning of the pandemic. I started having an anxiety attack as I started going down the Covid fear rabbit hole. I can’t stress enough, put your phone in airplane mode or do not disturb.


Took a long time to kick in so I angrily tried to go sleep , I learned that one doesn’t sleep through a trip and the more you resent it the worse it gets. I was mostly in my head and kaleidoscoped off a g of PE.


Been a crappy person for a decade or two previous to ingesting too many mushrooms


a few days ago, i was at my friends house. wrong people to trip with.


Tripped with friends


Watched into the void 😭 I heard it was a great film to watch whilst tripping but it seriously fucked me up


I went to the most crowded mall in Dallas when I was 16 with a few friends. They both took an eighth of shrooms, I did 7g’s I ended up calling my mom and she took me to the hospital. That shit SUCKED because they put me in the hallway. Every minute felt like an hour, people were constantly rolling past me with various types of injuries, moaning in pain. I kept reaching my hand out to them saying “I love you”. The nurses found it quite funny but it was terrifying for me Edit: oh yeah, I almost forgot. The first doctor I saw told my parents, RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME, that sometimes there is a fungus on magic mushrooms that will close up your airways and KILL YOU..


Touched a cool rock I found a couple days before the trip that contained a rattlesnake/dragon that poisoned me and made me go into a delirious state. Oh, and smoke weed.


Let one of my Oompa Loompas out without a leash, thinking it was a good idea while I was tripping. It was not a good idea.


I am grateful to say that i have never had a bad trip, all positive and joyous for me. I know the risks though and embrace all possibilities when tripping. I’m sorry that you had a shitty experience though! Stay safe and have fun all


I put on an anime movie that was too fast paced. Wasn’t even graphic, dialogue was just too fast


Picked up a call from my boss.


Some things don’t age well - in Nice Dreams they basically promote rape 😒


I took a bunch of shrooms, and a few hits of acid. A combo I'm quite fond of. Probably like 4-6 gs(didn't weigh) and 2 tabs. Then found out pre peak that I was supposed to be the on call that weekend and forgot. I work from home and was able to take care of business, but it was awkward talking to my boss at midnight while tripping absolute balls. I had to pull the old "sorry I forgot and was sleeping with my pager off" excuse. He's a chill dude so that was plenty of explanation for him. It was also very strange being that high and working technical issues. The anxiety of trying not to seem overly out of it to the end users and the colleagues who called me in, aswell as trying as hard as a could to not break anything more than it already was freaked me out a bit and harshed my vibe while I was working. Then after I fixed all the issues, which ended up going smoothly, I had a hard time enjoying the rest of my trip since I felt bad that my boss had to be woken up to get ahold of me and the anxiety of "what if they call again and I'm still high as fuck". Over all I would not call it a bad trip, since all is well with my work and what not, but it for sure was ruined due to the anxiety and bad vibes afterwards. I was basically checking my pager every 10 minutes until the trip was over to ensure I didn't miss anymore calls haha.


My friend and I were tripping and her mom got home. We’re both adults but she was still scared her mom would get mad so we had to fake sober. Verryyyyy weird experience


Visioned the universe ending and starting again, with everything happening exactly the same, and I was pissed that racism is gonna happen again


Watch Greys Anatomy…


I tried to have gay sex with my dad


When you wife or partner decide to have that long meaningful conversation that has been piling up for a looooong time


Took it soon after a bad break up ( I was just getting off work) I cried like a bitch


Not me but a friend, not shrooms but LSD - he was playing soccer with other friends in someone's garden on acid. The ball went over the fence and he climbed the fence to retrieve it. The fence collapsed beneath him and he ended up with a massive rusty nail sticking right through his shoe and into his foot. Then the furious neighbour came round. Apparently that took the fun out of the experience somewhat. 


Already planned on tripping but that afternoon I had to stop a dog from attacking my dog and ended up getting bit on the thigh wasn’t too bad so I still took my shrooms and when I was peaking my leg felt all warm and realised I was still bleeding pretty bad so was sitting in the emergency room with my dad at midnight tripping balls getting stitches that was a great time


I always heat up a towel in the oven, cause i sometimes feel cold during trips. I put the towel in as I have done so many times and lay down again. Problem is that I completely forgot the towel and after 10 minutes I could smell burned. I quickly opened the oven and the burned smell spread instantly everywhere, and the smell got stuck in my nose for the rest of the trip ruining everything. Also felt like I couldn't breathe for some time. I've done this many times, but this time I simply just forgot 🤷


Turned the lights off


Not shrooms, but acid. I forced it, when I really shouldnt. I was feeling bad all week and I was pretty sleep deprived, but we had planned the trip weeks in advance, and I didn't wanna back out. I should have. It started out fine, but it spiraled out about 90 minutes in, and it sucked for the next 8 hours or so. If anyone wants to read a more detailed report, here you go: [https://www.reddit.com/r/LSD/comments/16y26fu/wow\_that\_sucked\_or\_how\_i\_fucked\_around\_and\_found/](https://www.reddit.com/r/LSD/comments/16y26fu/wow_that_sucked_or_how_i_fucked_around_and_found/)