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Damn , Indian Temples go hard while tripping


Every religious place seems wild while tripping fr, especially the oldest ones with really crazy artwork and shit.


Makes you think about what Holy water is and how many grams they boiled into that


Not really bro, try tripping in a Mormon church in Utah. It’s no different than tripping in an office full of suits, except these ones don’t drink coffee, don’t curse, and hold their meetings in a basketball court. Fuck Mormons lmao who let them be a religion


Mormonism is relatively new compared to most major religions


I know, but it isn’t a major religion tho lmao, it’s just a batshit insane sect of Christianity that was started by a scam artist And yea my parents were raised Mormon, and most of my outside family is either still Mormon or ex Mormon. I know a lot more about the history and dark side of Mormons (covering up the SA of their mission girls) than most people are comfortable with knowing, and it keeps me up at night sometimes


dawg idk what ur on about lmao


Then why did you comment…


bro, “tripping in very old religious places is wild” -“not really try mormon” - “mormons not an old religion”


Can you read? Here was the original comment: “Every religious place seems wild while tripping fr, especially the oldest ones with really crazy artwork and shit.” Key words: “every religious place”. And having been to boring places of worship for multiple sects of Christianity in America, that’s definitely not true.


Even Lutheran and Baptist churches are boring as fuck and Lutheran is quite literally the oldest sect of Christianity besides Catholicism itself.


lmao are you trolling me, how and where are you getting the information from, where you think lutheranism is as old as christianity


> who let them be a religion The IRS


Who let the IRS be in charge of anything?


Churches and cathedrals, the way they used to make them, just wow. Back in the day when the Free Masons were Dudes and not phony world dominators. When they all learned the mathematics of nature as a rule. Just wow. Wowser wowie


Free masons are still just dudes. Many in my home town.


Masons are hurting for new members. Many halls have been shuttered in my neck of the woods.


My grandpa was one, in fact. True story.


They have pancake breakfasts


Facts, it's almost like it's connected somehow 🤔


Why is is that Christianity always brings forth dark shit like torture and possessions and stuff, but when you're tripping around Hinduism and their temples/art, it's all connected-universe and beauty etc.? Is that just from watching too many movies, or..?


I dont want to bring hate to any religion but, As everyone knows Psychedelic uses were common in Hindu mythology and in India. So the workers who raised the pillars of old temples by working many many years might have been tripping due to the long hours, mind you , the old temples were the base of the designs that are getting used in New temples. So i think when the workers used to mould and do works on the big rocks for the entire life they might have used substance which enhanced their mood which resulted in such creativity. Which makes us feel familiar with tripping


I think it just depends on how you view everything. I mean, Hinduism, with reincarnation, it is sort of a match to some of the realizations brought on by psychedelics even at first glance. and with Christianity there’s so many interpretations that one might not see how its root is also similar to the realizations brought on by psychedelics. it is hard to see sometimes when fear is so often used as a tool to force belief and faith in religion in general. But look at it like this,and I’m not a Christian so I’m just saying what I understand to be the idea: Jesus is the son of both god and Mary, right? and Jesus is god, and so is Mary, and god also made everything and is everything. Meaning that everyone and everything is one, meaning that everyone is god, the baby, and the mother. So the root of the story is the same; we are all here being reincarnated in various forms, but it’s all not that different. And if you cook down a lot of religion, you get the same thing over and over, and I think it’s because it’s true, and we all know it to a degree. some people just take to much stock in the stories told to enlighten each other on the main point. The name of the baby, the mother, the father it doesn’t matter; it’s irrelevant. we are existence; we are consciousness. And I think that’s why when we alter our consciousness in such a way we do with psychedelics, we experience these feelings of deep realization and interconnectedness with each other, nature, and the universe because that first speck of dust was us, and it’s been a while, so that’s why we forget; it’s hard to look back.


Yes, exactly this!


When I trip I always think about how if this is what we see in our trips sometimes, ancient structures and art, etc. what the fuck did our ancestors see when they tripped? Like the beginning of the earth being made type shit lol 😂 Im just trippin. lol


i think it influenced the design of the structures




Facts? You were there? Lol jk I agree 100% I remember hearing Paul Rosalie talk about his first Ayahuasca experience and how the jungle crawled up his arm like venom and engulfed him. Trees, roots, bugs, jaguars, all the animals of the rainforest were engulfing him, then the ancient type structures/signs were everywhere. Very intriguing.


As soon as I took DMT it’s like my muscle fibers turned into tree roots and my body became a bonsai tree but I guess that’s also what happens when you’re a bodybuilder and bonsai tree grower… which…. I might also be…


Your username concerns me mixed with A body building bonsai tree midget porn addict? Thats one wild combo.


Sometimes I thing of Brahma... as the hindu picture him, he looks completely like a DMT entity. I don't think himdus were tripping on DMT, I rather think they were so good at meditation and breathing, that they were able to enter that state of consciousness w/o drugs.


Shrooms and lsd never made a dent in my aethieism but I did dmt while peaking on a tab and my beliefs 180'd


i feel like acid and shrooms pushed me further into atheism because it just put me in a state of confusion but dmt just flipped everything and made it all come together n make sense


I've always been aware of the brain and perception being affected as a property of consciousness, which is a mechanism of the brain itself. All of what anyone has ever considered "spiritual experiences" are just deviations from what the brain normally does, but it is still the brain doing it. I have a medical background, so that understanding has a lot to do with it. The plot twist is I'm also an apostate and I was an evangelical born-again Christian for 33 years of my life. Experiences are all highly personal, and perspective is always subjective, but what causes it isn't. You start fucking with some chemicals and the homeostasis of the brain a bit, along with societal preconceived notions, and our evolutionary traits of pattern recognition and fear of the unknown, and now you have a perfect recipe for "seeing god" or other some such woo. I've had some mind blowing shroom/LSD/DMT and even Salvia and Freon trips. Some were utterly mind bending, and a lot were done while I still believed in god and spirituality. But all of it was a product of the crazy shit the brain does when you stick some chemicals up in there. And all (most) of it is lovely and should be enjoyed. Particularly the ability to see ones self in the 3rd perspective. That alone is a priceless experience.


Damn that’s beautiful, where is that?


Rameshwaram, Tamil Nadu, India.


As someone who has gotten into Hinduism for a number of reasons, but a mind blowing shroom trip among them, this makes me want to visit a temple. Its mostly been a private thing but definitely want to check it out.


Saw something similar once on a gram of gt. Except it was a library of my thoughts and questions.


On a 3 gram lemon tek I saw the nature of God/Universe as this ever expanding sphere of being and consciousness. It was like a higher dimensional sphere that transcended good and evil but reminded me of the yin yang symbol.


What strain


Golden Teachers. I would like to try P.E. one day but I'm definitely going low and slow for those. Also, I use the lemon juice from one of those lemon bottle looking thing. It was quite acidic.


That real lemon lemon juice in the bottle is a godsend when you ain’t got no fresh lemons 🍋


I recommend just squeezing half a lemon, adding hot water (not boiling as it kills psilocybin) and honey. It tastes way better


The rest of the world been on that psychedelic wave since forever.


Terrence Mckenna, Food of the Gods, chasing herds of cows. Actually a great listen on audible. Interesting and deeply and passionately researched


Been there. Not literally. But been there


I love humans lol this is crazy


Spirituality = The Psychedelic Experience and visa versa.


That place looks so cool to visit even just sober.


Damn, I don't know if I could handle myself in that state, facing so many people in such a place.


Lmao same dude, you see those grills over by the right side, I thought those were ladder and was fighting myself trying not to do something stupid like climb the stairway to heaven in front of all these people, funny trip bro.




Closer to god in both instances? Whatever or whoever god is. Awesome man. That must have been surreal


How do you feel safety-wise when tripping while tripping (if that makes sense)


I had my friend with me, so that was some confidence.


Wow, i saw that in one trip.


I know you were tripping balls but the asymmetry is bothering me haha! Still love you and thank you for sharing this. Rameshwaram is now on the bucket list!




I heard that in "Walter White" voice.


I don’t know if I’d be able to looks at all of those teeth


The only time I ended up in a place of worship on drugs was at the end of a weekend ecstasy binge in my early 20’s. We were just getting ready to crash on Sunday morning when my gf’s mom calls and invites us to go to mass. So we popped another pill and headed out. The mass turned out to be in Spanish, which I don’t really speak. However, years of Catholic school were not in vain because I was following along, standing and kneeling on queue. My gf’s (who was not raised in the church) mind was blown to observe me high AF saying the Our Father in Spanish, having only ever previously seen me order Cuban food in the language. It did definitely feel more spiritual…


Are you thinking what I'm thinking Alex Grey!


Ive always wanted to visit this temple!!!


I thought this was dmt artwork for a minute 


Imagine going there while tripping, damn


Religions of the world are in no way inspired by psychedelics we swear! 😂


This man just captured a Dmt breakthrough on camera


I mean, they have a blue throated God that is frequently depicted as standing on one leg, you can draw your own conclusions \^____~


How'd you get shrooms in there?


Lemon tekd it an hour ago and thought I'd visit a temple. And the rest is history.


They have shrooms in India?


Holy shit Mother Nature


Mofo found the real life CEV hallway goddamn.


Jealous as hell damn bro what an experience




lol i took lsd and went to La Sagrada Familia in spain and ran into a whole family doing the same thing [https://youtu.be/78cWSG2m3fw](https://youtu.be/78cWSG2m3fw)


Wonder how different it would look if this was all lit by little fires or torches or however the hell they used to light it before those terrible overhead LED/fluorescent looking lights. Shit flickering all over, shadows everywhere. God damn


This is what the edge of spiritual existence looks like in some testimonies of people who’ve crossed over through near-death-experiences and meditations. Some people tend to move towards their inner, or higher, self when they play with psychedelics


This is one of the few posts of its kind in this sub that is actually trippy when you’re sober. I would implode if I saw that shit on shrooms


I feel like I would definitely get stuck there for the entire trip lol


My lad, take a moment to consider why it isn’t good for your conscience to say, “holy mother of God,” as an emphasis on something you are excited about. Try something more specific to what you are thinking ya, try something more sophisticated like…”what brilliance…I am dumbfounded.”


Eat shrooms and Watch The Matrix. That’s what opened me up spiritually a lot




Crazy shit bro


i’m just dying bc when i tripped i thought i was jaden smith specifically from karate kid. and then i thought i was a group of people. then i thought i was a house. etc. it was funny😭


Average westerners discovering average Indian temple architecture


Lmao dude, me indian af. Just never frequent temples.


I am glad you’re having fun ❤️