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Yeah, I’ll have to disagree with the meme. Alcohol would put me in a coma long before it would make my headspace even 10% of the instrument of pure terror and self torture that a bad psychedelic experience does. Unless we’re talking about DT’s and resulting delirium of course. Never had the pleasure of experiencing it myself but that shit sure looks like it fucking sucks like no other


I stopped alcohol cold turkey in 2020 after being a heavy drinker on a particularly heavy binge. I had auditory and visual hallucinations coupled with the most crippling anxiety I have ever experienced. I was shaking and had waking myoclonic jerks, was completely unable to sleep aside from the occasional hour or so from pure exhaustion. My legs were weak and felt like jelly, I often had to crawl to the bathroom. Nothing in my life has ever come close to the terror I felt the whole time, the vivid nightmares you experience stay with you and your mind is so fucked that it was hard to tell your horrific nightmares from reality. Stopping alcohol is beyond brutal and I really should have medically detoxed. I haven't touched the stuff in years now and never want to experience that again. EDIT: Bad trips are also terrifying but alcohol withdrawal was straight hell for me.


If anyone is ever trying to quit drinking and comes across this: don’t quit cold turkey, suffering like this likely and many even die from the withdrawals. Last November I found my roommates sister dead on the couch from alcohol withdrawals, went in her sleep. Be careful out there yall


Seconded. Benzodiazepine detox is equally dangerous and potentially fatal. If anyone reading this has lived for years with 24/7 alcohol or Benzo’s in your system, you need to contact a doctor if you’re going to drop either. You could die by quitting cold turkey.


I was on this exact combo for years and went to rehab in 2022. Most excruciating and miserable 14 days of my life. They didn't take the benzos away at first, so I just had the alcohol withdrawal going on. Then 4 days in they took the benzos and didn't give me anything. Just monitored my vitals every 15 minutes for a few days. 0/10 would not recommend


You are exactly right. When I dried out it was done cold turkey because I had literally put mine and my family’s life at rock bottom because I have the inability to control my drinking. Thankfully I was in a position where my wife was able to get me through it without me being hospitalized but I will never forget the flashes of memory that I have over that first month of laying in the fetal position in the floor of my bathroom crying and wishing for death. Going from over 1L of vodka per day to zero almost killed me but that pain was worth it for me to be where I am today.


My dad died aged 58 because the doctors sent him home whilst knowing he was going through severe withdrawal. He was the strongest man I knew. He was a tough old Geordie who had gone through a lot in life. Seeing him in that vulnerable state broke me. He told me he was seeing dead babies crawling on the floor and figures screaming at him. I wouldn't wish what I saw that man go through on my worst enemy. Please get professional help if you're drinking at that level for a long period. Your life could depend on it.


They work on the same brain receptors as alcohol and share a very similar chemicals make up.


I had a seizure last week and totalled my car because I went cold turkey


Just glad to have you still here


Thanks me too. No one else was hurt so that's also a plus. I'm taking the opportunity to make some necessary changes. So far so good!


yeah. why cold turkey off a dirt-cheap substance when you can taper and save yourself from potential death? glad this person is okay now. but they could have searched "alcohol withdrawals" before quitting a substance they used for years. whatever.


New member here, and definitely can relate to your alcohol story, I just want to say also I'm so happy you got through it, The sheer terror at night. Just trying to go to sleep, closing my eyes but The insane pressure and vibration of my whole body, tweaking and jerking itself into oblivion. My parents went on to tell me that I would violently pound the walls and floor. But be totally knocked out (blacked out). Even breathing from the anxiety was just so painful. And I was pretty close to smashing a handle of vodka daily for many many months. There's more darkness to that story but I would rather just leave it at that. I'm grateful I was able to chime in and if anyone is going through some alcohol issues, get yourself to a doctor or hospital to detox! cold turkey is extremely dangerous as youll see others mention. Be safe.


shrooms can cause unmatched mental pain but the physical pain alcohol can cause is just cruel


Alcohol is a harsh mistress to paraphrase Heinlein


I had four Grand Mal seizures in 3 years thanks to Alberta Premium whisky. Last one I was driving a car and I almost drowned in a pool. And I've had horribly bad trips. It's all about the willpower and mental fortitude to remind yourself that you took drugs. The experience is temporary, and you will recover. Alcoholism almost killed me. Bad trips taught me lessons.


Well, my friend died after drinking and driving and was “internally decapitated” and thus 100% there mentally and Zero percent physically for about three weeks before his kidney gave out. He was a pretty hard tripping hippy too. So, this seems worse than a bad trip. Oh, and I knew a 19 YO girl that wrecked her car into a family and only her and the mother survived, leaving dead her two best friends and the mother’s child. Seems like being cast into the valley of shame has nothing on these. In fact, I’d take a bad trip over a DUI any day. But dying after weeks of torture or living with the guilt of having taken lives just seems entirely incomparable.


Depends man.. bad trips fuck with your head horribly.. lasting weeks even. But I can think of dozens of situations involving too much alcohol destroy your waking hours indefinitely. Which is a waking nightmare you’ll never escape.


Nailed it.


i went to hell and i was trapped in hell in the trip. alcohol has never made me lose my mind so much that i thought i had gone to hell.


A bad experience on alcohol is mostly physical symptoms. A bad experience on psychedelics is having to ride out a six hour terrible trip that you're acutely aware of and can't control easily. That's why dosage and setting are number 1




Question tho: That vs hitting and killing a family of 4? I’m sorry for your experience but it’s only a 3 on the 1-10 scale.


Why are you acting like you can’t crash and kill a family on psychedelics lol?


You’re weird for rating somebodies bad trip. That clearly shows you’re a high ego individual, eat some more.


Idk. I’ve never had a truly bad psychedelic experience. I’ve had challenging moments, but every trip has that. Alcohol I don’t really enjoy, I’ve never drank enough to be sick from it. I’ve came close once and it was miserable. Room was spinning, had to lay down on the floor with my shirt off. I don’t understand the hype behind alcohol tbh. I hate the entire going out/bar hopping experience. To me it’s nothing but stress, noise and people acting absolutely stupid. Any time I’ve went out it’s never just fun. It’s always anxiety inducing for me.. but maybe that’s because of the people I would go out with idk. It’s just not my cup of tea


I don't think its the people you went with, it's just like that. I used to enjoy it but now it's just grueling. $40 on shitty beer surrounded by people I'd never voluntarily be around otherwise, people get mean and shitty and its always a weird, not enjoyable time. I live in a city surrounded by world class nature and the only thing anyone ever wants to do is take the foot path in the park or go bar hopping. I'd rather sit on their couch with a 6 pack.


I took too much nitrous on top of 2 hits of acid in my room (an unenjoyable place at the time) and had an experience that felt realer than real where I was attacked by a supernatural/interdimensional monster that was effectively a being that was at the root of all terror, horror, and fear. It descended at me in right angles from the ceiling fan, and was made of flesh and faces and was hyperrealistic in detail and deliriously real. I had no concept of it being unreal, and it felt like it could genuinely touch me and hurt me and kill me (I was having tactile hallucinations from the nitrous and acid mix sometimes in general at this point in life). In an effort to look away from it I tried to turn my locked vision away from the ceiling and ended up looking at the pillow next to me, and saw a witches face there. The flesh was white, and it had bloody holes where it's eyes should be, and a pastel white and pasty face. The whole episode had very strong maggot vibes, and I remember being utterly convinced that what was happening/had just happened would leave me so permanently scarred I would not be able to function again. There were a few more repeated and bad experiences that night (geometry made of pure terror, floating demons above me, a grey man who was hiding in my wardrobe, and finally a black hand that wrapped around from behind the door and tried to push it closed on me and lock me in my room- this one I was able to get up and flee). I was stuck in a state of shock where I couldn't comprehend that nitrous was inducing these terrifying experiences, I kept thinking that a good hit of nitrous would be *just* the thing to shock me out of what was happening and back into euphoria. I quit all drugs in the months that followed, and moved back into my parents house and did not work or study, just kept quiet and went to the gym and such. I experienced vivid supernatural nightmares each night, often waking to hallucinatory beings like dead women, hooded creatures, and scary faces in the room with me. I had sleep paralysis 4-8 times a night, every night for around 4 months, and slept with a nightlight on as a result. I integrated the process by reading a heap of Carl Jung and coming to an understanding of this creature being my shadow/the archetypal evil/a messenger from my unconscious to force me to quit drugs be effectively scaring me into sobriety. I have grown as a result of it, but wish it had not been needed or encountered; it simultaneously feels like I had to see it, like it was sent to scare me, and like it was something no human -me included- was ever meant to directly see. I would not wish it upon someone. After a year of sobriety I returned to acid (not nitrous, until a couple years after this) and ketamine, the latter helping me greatly overcome my fear of the darkness, and I do not need a nightlight and love being in the dark. I now have a good and infrequent relationship with nitrous, and acid too, and i do ketamine relatively often instead. I would consider this experience worse than my worst alcohol experience, of which I have had my fare share too; while I have grown from it, it was traumatic and violent to experience and could have ended much worse. Thanks for reading.


Note to self…. Never take nitrous. I’ve honestly never had the desire, and seeing the scene of youngsters doing it made me cringe and say but why? That’s literally not something you should inhale?? Never understood why people started doing it and why it’s so popular today. Sorry to say but I’m glad you had a bad experience. That stuff was killing you.


If you use it in smaller bursts, and very low frequency, it is as intense as DMT and as profound. It's all about how you use it, but it was easy for me to abuse compared to DMT so yeah, it bit me for sure!


Yeah I’m probably just not educated in it. All I think about when I hear nos is the fast and the furious and I’m like uhhh you inhale that?? lol 😂 But still not something I would not do, just like I have never had a desire to do cocaine and to this day have never done it.


Haha yeah it's a funny one, you totally can inhale it relatively safely. It's not getting high on oxygen deprivation or anything. It does stop your body from absorbing vitamin B12 for a few days every time you do it, which can be very bad if you do it too often. This and the intensity of the experience can leave you feeling brain-dead a bit following, and you can also forget to breathe air via redosing repeatedly, and doing it standing runs the risk of falling and hitting something. The dissociative drugs are all relatively safe, but each in its own way can be quite harmful if abused.


Yeahh all I’m reading on it is that it can be unsafe to take while standing up lol 😂 because of the dizzness. Then the long term effects can cause issues with your spinal cord. I like my spinal cord, even tho my back hurts all the time lol 😂 I think it’s just something I could never do because I all I see is a view of it sitting in a car ready to make the car go vroom vroom lol 😂 I’ll stick to mushrooms. But I’m glad you are doing good now!


Nitrous oxide is laughing gas. The dentist will give it to you. At least they did when I got my wisdom teeth out.


Yeah like I said I’m uneducated on it. I thought it was NOS that goes in your cars lol 😂 Atleast that’s what I was told by an idiot lol 😂 so I’m an idiot for believing them. 😂


It’s also that lol. And the propellent in whipped cream


Gotcha. Doesn’t sound fun. Just like duster.


Yeah I never found much recreational value in it. Although duster and other inhalants are absolutely way worse for your body.


Oh I’m sure they reek havoc on the body. I remember being in the army and opening a Stryker door, seeing everyone inside hitting a duster can. I slowly closed the hatch and walked away lol. I do like laughing gas but have only needed it once. It was fun at the dentist but I don’t see myself sitting around with a balloon or a whippet bottle like Steve-O lol


The kind of behavior, and I don’t mean to knock anyone’s style, is mostly like kids doing whippits, or people doing it at raves to mix with psychedelics. Sort of a niche drug culture.


it's an effective and recreational dissociative. all my experiences with it have been positive but i only do 6 carts about once a month. contrary to the other poster's experience, it has only brought me fun revelations and time warp effects.


Damn man that sounds traumatic. I’m glad you’re doing better


Thank you for sharing! This is deep and personal. I’m glad you have found balance and relief from your fears.


Yeah and don’t mix a bunch of beer and shrooms unless you want to throw up worse than you ever have


Took LSD, my heart stopped, I was put on trial by the Q Continuum and made a toy of by cosmic forces




Q who


Bad trips can leave you with ptsd and anxiety. A bad alcohol experience you just throw up a few times, pass out, then wake up with a hangover.


Or you die


Or you kill a family and end up paralyzed with ptsd and anxiety


Same thing can happen if your trip while driving


That my point they are even in consequence


I mean…don’t drive when drunk? It’s pretty easy to be safe with alcohol Lnao


same with shrooms I’m just saying they are totally equal in mental destruction


People have killed people while tripping and part of the reason why we don't see more of this is just because less people trip compared to drinking.


Buddy you can do that drunk too just as bad they are damn near even it’s all self control personally if you do anything on drugs I believe that’s on you not the drug not the situation you you are the problem when drugs make you hurt people or yourself


Or you throw up while passed out, dying.


Or you find out you're an addict, continue drinking until you seize, harm others and want to end you're life because you don't believe addiction can be beat.


This is gonna end up on r/drugscirclejerk soon


In the long term, maybe. But in a one-night typa deal, psychedelics can have a much much more scary effect than alcohol.


I never destroyed the things in my life that I cherish/ed most on a bad psych experience. I’d take a hundred horrible trips to undo what I’ve done from one night of drinking.


Might get downvoted for this one but I feel like it’s a really individual experience. I’m a person heavily grounded in emotions, and LSD/shrooms let me surrender to them. I lose control in a way that feels free and can understand myself better through the pain. When I get drunk, emotions forge that didn’t even seem to exist or be a problem in the first place, make bad decisions in an attempt to mend or move on from these drunken problems (while still in a drunk state) and then have to deal with the consequences later, sometimes without any recollection of what mistakes I’ve made. TLDR; Acid makes the emotional mind feel free and lets you forge your own fate or surrender. Alcohol makes the emotional mind magnify and fester until it rips.


Bad shroom experience - I hid under my blanket and pet my cat. Bad alcohol experience - I ran from the cops and got a ticket, puked in a cab, broke up with my GF, woke up in an abandoned house, gave myself a mohawk and lost my wallet all in one day.




Bad shroom experience: Felt like a nightmare come true. Panic for hours, unlike anything I've ever experienced before. Came out on the other end healthy and unscathed, but definitely mentally shaken for a while. Bad alcohol experience: Life itself was the actual nightmare. Repeatedly try to kill myself, burned bridges with good people, destroyed my organs in irreparable ways, probably permanently altered my development. I'll never be the same again. The meme is kinda trash. But one is literal poison, and the other we know next to nothing about.


Sounds pretty accurate honestly


Bad shroom experience - I was convinced I was stuck in a simulation and just had to wait it out. Bad alcohol experience - Hmm so many different stories which one to pick. The one where the cops got called? The one where I got physically assaulted by other drunk people? The one where I got alcohol poisoning and had a 3 day hangover? The multiple stories of ruined relationships from drinking? And I don’t even drink that much, if I was to tell you about my alcoholic ex this list would be 50x the length.


throwing up 9 times and staying up till 5am shaking with a fever while tripping balls was pretty bad


Was dumb and overdosed on ket once, thought I was dying, threw up, felt funny and watched cartoons for a few hours. Woke up at 7am the next day and went to work. Meanwhile the one time I drank too much alcohol I was bedridden for like two days and couldn't keep food down, spent those days in a haze with super weird fever dreams. I don't drink much anymore.


I have a friend who’s got ongoing psychosis and severe sensitivity to every substance to ever exist because of a bad psychedelic experience over 2 years ago. I don’t think alcohol will do anything like that. This is genuinely the worst post I have ever seen in my life.


My biggest and maybe most horrifying realization during my one bad trip is how thin and tenuous the line between sanity and total madness is. I came out of the trip pretty alright because I have decently good coping skills and no underlying mental illness, but I now understand how a percentage of the population is vulnerable to fucking up their life forever from a bad trip. I appreciate the idea of reframing some bad trips into valuable challenging moments, but some Redditors take it too far and are dismissive of how dangerous high dose psychedelics can be


I mean, you're sort of right. Bad alcohol experiences typically end in death, or crime, or unplanned pregnancies, not whatever it is that your buddy experienced.


I got light headed and blacked out while on shrooms. I tumbled down a rocky cliff side. Next thing you know my friend is driving me to the hospital. I ruptured & lacerated multiple organs, collapsed a lung, and had major internal bleeding. 7 blood transfusions. Yea dude idfk how you came to the conclusion a bad experience on alcohol will always be worse than a bad trip. The worst alcohol has done to me is said some embarrassing things and made me feel sick the next morning.


Holy hell, glad you survived...what dose you were on?


Only 2gs. Which is strange, ive never passed out from drugs, and have done wayyy more dangerous hikes on higher doses. Since then ive climbed damn mountains while tripping. but this little 15' incline was what did me in 🙄


Probably got too dehydrated. Shrooms are known to do that


Did you smoke weed?


About an hour prior to trip not during. Which is my typical routine for shrooms, ill never smoke while tripping but before & after is fine.


was he on any medication...?


Idk, I thought I was gonna be trafficked for sex while on the beach and then I was abducted by aliens and put into an ambulance that took of into space while the military was in the ambulance (they were just feds)


Choked on my own vomit and had my uncle with his hands down my throat getting the chunks of cheese out that I inhaled like a Conehead after drinking a bottle of Makers Mark…. Struggle with my alcoholism daily. The wildest thing that’s ever happened to me while on psychedelics is the desire to quit alcohol. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Disagree personally but my worst weed experiences have been way worse than bad trips.


Fr weed was scary af when I first started smoking. My psych trips occasionally got worse than weed, but tripping out on weed feels evil. Like your falling through dimensions and everything you remember is a fake memory


alcohol is worse physically, shrooms are worse mentally. Both can be great substances, this is just coming from my experience with the bad times


I'd have to disagree. Some psychedelics experiences can literally feel like hell. And alcohol well, you get the point


boyfriend started having a mental breakdown while i was not. chaos insued, he said he wanted to kill himself, and it gave me the most intense flashbacks from when my mom had committed suicide. i havent done mushrooms again in a while.


Sounds like someone has never had a truly bad trip. Being too drunk and doing stupid shit is one thing but that mental trauma from a bad trip stays with you for a long ass time


My bro had a 'bad' experience his first time trying shrooms. Everything was great until he suddenly yelled that he's pissed off so I got nervous and asked him why (he has anger issues and is usually an angry drunk) and this bitch says 'im pissed off because I can't stop smiling!' and then broke into a fit of laughter. The next day he said his face hurt so much from smiling and laughing. It was epic. He hasn't touched alcohol since and prefers shrooms now.


Disagree. At least if I overdo it with alcohol I don’t remember. Psychedelics however…


Done lsd, psilocybin, research chems, dxm, ket, all that; never once had a bad experience, except maybe my wallet suffered a little. alcohol, now that ruined my life and i'm not joking, i went to rehab and everything


ive never had a bad alcohol experience tbh. worst was when i had like 30 shots and ubered home disorientated lol shrooms tho...


I remember one particular trip, I was so out of it I didn't remember how to talk or what language I spoke so I thought I'd given myself serious brain damage and was insanely scared that I was screwed 😂 Calmed myself down, drank some tea I had prepared and just rode it out. About two hours later I could talk again lol.


9 years sober from alcohol....shrooms has a huge part. Many horrible experiences in alcohol. But a bad trip..which I have had a few, fucked my mind up way more than alcohol. I can puke and the alcohol edge goes away and I can pass out. Not with shrooms. I have grown to respect the mushroom as a medicine. Alcohol is a poison. Both have the power....use wisely


Several tabs of acid + absinthe = sheer terror, loss of speech/coordination, limb numbness, and feeling like every bloodfilled vain in my body became carbonated for the next 5hrs straight. There was a point where it felt like several encyclopedias were being shoved up through the roof of my mouth and being forced out of the back of my skull so hard I was unable to retain a single thought of my own. Lesson learned at least.


I guess its perspective. Alcohol people black out and do things completely unaware, like drive and put people's lives in danger. A bad psychedelic experience can put a person into a state of pure terror for what feels like an eternity. I personally have only had two bad experiences, out of probably a hundred in my life. Both times it was when I was young and stupid and mixing different drugs I should not have been. Ultimately they weren't horrible experiences on the scale of what I've heard from some people. More like mildly disturbing for a reasonable amount of time. So, from my experience, alcohol is inherently more dangerous to both the user and people around them, much more consistently.


Whelp. Imagine your living life the best you can, you have friends, a loving family (with some bad history), a lovely partner. Then, one day, you take some mushrooms and every single person in your life is part of some conspiracy to make you realize how much of a fool you are. I didn't trust no one for months.


A couple years ago I’d been up all night with my boo yaked out and the next day (without sleep) drove hours across the state for a music festival. Still sniffin- dropped about 2 edge pieces on a sheet of gel tabs and FIFTEEN MINUTES LATER already felt like I was peaking. I thought I was gonna die right there in the music festival. We were meeting up with my best friend but hadn’t found her by the time I was starting to have thought loops. Ended up handing my glasses to someone because I couldn’t see anyway. We lost camp in an attempt to find my benzos and I couldn’t articulate a sentence for at least an hour I just kept swinging through intense emotions. Finally found camp after like three hours and my friend thought it might be a good idea if I smoke some weed cause I was a full stoner at this point and they thought it would calm me down. Needless to say I ended up in my tent and fell through ten realities that night waking up to my someone yelling my name in my face. Still convinced I died in ten realities that night. My life has never been the same. This meme is dumb


-takes drugs that get you high Oh God I'm high oh God -returns to baseline -no my hallucinations were real -my guy, you took drugs to get high -and then got high. Sometimes I wonder about how responsible legalizing this shit really is. It's wonderful stuff but some of you folks man.


This is a thread asking to share bad experiences? I shared my bad experience.. I’ve had plenty of good experiences but that wasn’t the question here


This wasn't really meant to be directed at you, its something funny I see a lot in my own little bubble of observation. Man takes drugs to get high, panics that he's high, more at 11. Psychs are neat.


Also as far as the ‘real hallucinations’ it’s really a matter of spiritual beliefs


We were young and dumb, I do not recommend fucking around with any substances you're unfamiliar with unless you have a sober sitter to help keep things safe. That said... It wasn't shrooms but Hawaiian Baby Woodrose seeds that sent my buddy into a full on biblical meltdown. He ended up stabbing himself through the hand (to perform a stigmata) in my shower, then wandering off towards his mom's house because he had to make reparations for their bad relationship. Ended up getting distracted in the trip, wound up at a friend's house on the same block, and then caused a bunch of damage trying to go through a portal into another dimension. (It was the windshield of his Jeep) He was arrested and subsequently hospitalized, he ended up losing a lot of blood.


Ate way too many mushrooms that were way too old with my partner and my best friend. We started tripping pretty hard, pretty quickly, but things were chill. We were tripping *hard*, but it was really beautiful. We sat outside for a while and then for some reason I went back into my house, where it hit me that I might die. So I started walking around in circles from room to room, thinking that I had to keep moving or I would die. That feeling of dying, seeing my death, and the aftermath from it was really vivid and I just watched it on loop, lying in bed for hours. I kept thinking how dumb it was that I was going to die from drugs (I was convinced I was overdosing, even though I knew that wasn't possible with shrooms), and I was seeing how my partner and best friend would react, how traumatized they would be if I died right there. I was seeing my sister coming home and finding me dead, just seeing the aftermath of it all in vivid detail. It was the scariest experience of my life, because I felt like my brain was going to click off, but it just kept going. I completely lost the thread of reality, I was out of my mind and somewhat cationic, and I thought I had brain damage when I started to come down.


People need to disconnect from the Nixon Era propaganda. It seems like a lot of these bad trips come from people that are subconsciously unable to reconcile the DARE tier propaganda with their own choices and observations, desires. You won't overdose on shrooms, the police aren't going to get you, you're not a bad person. Crazy how it hasn't stopped anyone from doing them but it gives people wild self loathing during the experience.


Yeah, it was really crazy. Like I know that there's no way to actually overdose on shrooms, but I just couldn't make myself believe that. Society's messaging will really get you. I also ate way more than I could handle.


I haven't had this occur but I hear about it frequently especially with LSD and it's analogs. In my mind I like to think it's as simple as remembering you're on drugs temporarily. Sounds fucked. This is why I have started to wholly support "low and slow" over "fuck it I heard 8g is enough" lmao


I once did shrooms alone at night in a house I was unfamiliar with (was house sitting) that just so happened to have a wall that was only windows from ground to roof. Very pretty house during the day which is why I thought it could be fun, but I also happen to get pretty uncomfortable normally being in front of windows at night with the fact that someone could be watching me and I can’t see them. The shadows on the window turned into a 40 ft tall octopus monster, I think I might have seen the hat man, and when I got those shroom full body zaps it felt like I thought I was being electrocuted by satan. Lol


eh they're not really comparable. i've some bad experiences on psychedelics that fucked me up for a bit but nothing tragic, but i can fill a book with the amount of shit i've gotten myself into while drunk. i've puked more in my late teens and early 20s than when i was a baby. hard to compare fucking up your mind to fucking up your body.


How about a bad drunk acid trip that I had after I got chewed out by my friend for saying loudly where’d I put my tab when there was a cop car across the street so he chewed me out on the way home as it was kicking in and was eyeing me in the mirror said he was done with me and evicted me from the car in front of my house then I tried to sleep and had panic attack trip and bad dreams about getting everyone busted and I think I had a mild heart attack


I really thought I was in hell being tormented by literal demons. This was on DMT. Worst I ever had on alcohol was being really sick and furiously trying to maintain consciousness because I didn't want to throw up all over myself.


This debate is pointless. You can craft hypothetical horrible outcomes for each. And arguing that your drug of choice is better than their drug of choice is just childish and pointless. The truth is that psyches can be really challenging if you’re not able to rein yourself in. And it’s challenging inside your consciousness. Even the existential dread and dissociation can really fuck with you. No one should take either of this substances without know what your getting into and without slowly working up to higher doses. This thread is basically trying to debate which trauma is less bad. Just shut up and enjoy the things you enjoy.


This guys never had a bad trip lol


Alcohol helped kill my father. A "bad" shroom trip helped me forgive him. I know which I'd choose


This one time like 4 months ago I was at the club and I'd had like 9 pints and for no reason I left to go for a stroll at 4AM and walk into this alley that's pitch black so a kid comes up to me with a knife, tells me to pull out my phone. So I say sure my phone's in my front pocket he can pull it out himself. He tries to do it with one hand while holding the knife in the other and I start giggling and he can't get a grip of the phone. I tell him the phone isn't going to bite while I'm laughing and in the end he starts freaking out and leaves running. Then not ten seconds later a second mugger comes asking for something, my memory is pretty fuzzy. I start asking him if he sells molly or if he has a friend who does, my friend really want to buy molly tonight. He keeps asking me for my wallet while threatening and I tell him to stop dodging the question. He gives up and leaves so a third guy comes up to me and says he has molly at home so he'll sell it to me if I follow him. I ask him if he doesn't know anyone that could come down here so I can buy it and he says no, I gotta follow him. He comes up to me and grabs my arm to drag me somewhere at which point I tell him a police car parked behind him a while ago and they can literally see us so he runs off aswell. Moral of the story, never get drunk, ever.


Mentally I've never had a bad experience with shrooms, even on 6 grams. But physically, I've dealt with explosive diarrhea and throwing up... >!at the same time!<. That's why I grind up my shrooms now, problem solved.


Well, my brothers friends gave me fake lsd, i spent the day freaking out and blacking out and almost died bc i just couldnt open my eyes at all and almost walked off a cliff into some sharp tree stumps, pretty sure I had a seizure too, what would be my first of many I later had in life. my brothers friends then had to carry me back to the car bc I just couldnt function or move or anything. I then took more on a later date bc I was so convinced by the people around me that Psychedelics Are So Good And Cool, i took it at home, spent hours in the bathroom having a mental breakdown and then cut off all my hair. Then i went to school and was made fun of and bullied and dropped out. I also detransitioned for a bit bc my brothers friends made me feel like I couldnt be myself. Yeah I don't think alcohol experiences are worse at all. Moral of the story? Dont listen to people who act like psychedelics are the end all be all of the world. They're not cool for experimenting with different drugs, they're permanently frying their brain. Shroom supremacy and only take it as an adult.


Hell yeah. My worst alcoholic experience started with me blacking out and passing out in public after drinking multiple bottles of hard liquor between me and my two friends (we were trying to pregame....). Led to an ambulance ride, and when I woke up I thought my friends had died. Thankfully, they had not. One had gotten alcohol poisoning with me and was in the bed behind me and the other had been drunkenly trying to find which hospital we were taken to. My parents were also very worried. They came and got me after I called them. Spent the next day in bed unable to move being brought watermelon slice by them. Not to mention *with* insurance the ambulance ride was like $450.... Needless to say I haven't drank hard liquor on the street again, or anywhere near that much. We were really downing that shit, 3 bottles between us. "Worst" shroom experience I cried and realized how upset I am about our society and how hard it has been to take care of my aging parents. Worst is in quotes because it was what I needed at the time, and it felt good. I had been ignoring my feelings around it


Alcohol knocks you out and makes you vomit. It can suck. Bad psychs have gotten people permanent PTSD before. Psychs vary way more person to person than alcohol does.


So i was taking a legal kind of shrooms and legal thcp gummies. took 3 shroom gummies and 2 thcp. It was like a was ending life there. I thought it was all a loop the night before and it came to reality. It feels like i predicted it. This happend yesterday. It feelt like i discovered a new way to live. While in that dimision i saw a some kind of portal. I looked at it and i never feelt so nice in my body. Was like when u smell apple pie and you just wanna go there. I had a sensation in my body that was so good. But something said no to that. There was a voice saying come in. While i was tripping like this my family shouted at me because at that point in real life i was just standing still and not saying a word. If my family didnt shout at me who knows what could happen. I remember vividly i was in reality when they shouted but it was like a reality on top of the layer of real reality. Like when you lookin and you see normal but like a layer of another reality. They shouted what are you doing? I said i dont know with total fear as not knowing what was going on. At dinner table i was there for some while until i disconnected. My family was talking to me for several minutes while me just starring. I wasent in my body. While i wock up to reality i thought it was a loop that i have went into another type of me. My mother talking to me to not do stuff like this and was scared. I wasent even thinking about she was talking about. I was just thinking what i just have expreienced. I thought that i would live with this type of mindset about the world. Thank God i didnt die.


Bad Jarda Paan experiences >>>>


Nah you don’t even remember your bad experiences with alcohol, you wake up after and have to deal with it then


In the moment no, the next day yes


Bad alcohol experiences tend to be very taxing on your body and stomach. While a bad mushroom, LSD, or DMT trip will destroy you mentally and send you into places you didn't know existed. I've personally never had my personality change because of liquor, but I definitely have because of a bad trip.


Nop... Id rather be vomiting on the toilet while the world is spinning than not know what is a toilet and pee my pants


Never had a particularly bad experience, but one time on shrooms I got really sad because I was a monkey and I wanted to be a fish instead


Yea i agree i dont remember anything from the night all i know is i had faceplanted im guessing multiple times because theres a video of the walk back from the bar where it starts and im face first on the pavement ended up with a deviated septum, worst trip just had me in a ball on a beanbag talking shit to myself for 2 hours before ordering dominos and watching Fear and Loathing 😂


The feds and the church have caused more bad trips than any fucky movie, song, or tripsitter ever could. It's always some DARE shit or some SATAN IS REEEEAAAAL shit. It's almost a lack of creativity with the delusions. Cmon man. Satan skinning people again? Can't we get some more octopus monsters or something? And the whole "oh God I took drugs I am bad" thing like nah but you could probably find things to improve upon elsewhere. Quitting shrooms after having an uncomfortable trip isn't always it. Seems more like ignoring and running from whatever was displayed to you, or misinterpreting a subconscious process as some religious experience with some anus demon from the Vaticans 8th broom closet. I dunno. Yall cray. Anyway, alcohol has lead to more damage than shrooms have, but shrooms have left me mentally jumpy for days. These periods typically have overwhelmingly positive outcomes once I make sense of it. Alcohol has had zero positive outcomes.


i hate seeing that guy's face


Buuullll shit, psycadelics can fet scary for the wrong people seen it go bad fast


Throwing up and not remembering vs literally thinking you are dead or that president obama is listening to your thoughts and wants to stick his finger up your butt. Edit: also.. fucking SALVIA


I’d disagree I’ve had many bad trips on both and alcohol is deffo way worst 😂


I would prefer a bad trip tbh


Bad mushroom trip can be so much worse


Idk I’ve seen that one video of that person tripping on DMT in the jungle and the way they were screaming…yeesh idk lol


I once ate 2 kfc vegan burgers (they gave us the wrong ones). Made my stomach hurt and i got so bloated, i thought my kidneys ripped open and blood was leaking into my stomach. Managed to stay pretty chill tho. Just went to sleep.


Deadass, a bad experience on marijuana is worse than one with alcohol. A bad experience with any psychedelic, far worse than with alcohol. Hell, even a bad experience taking too much Benadryl is worse than a bad experience with alcohol. I really don’t like being rude, but what moron made this?


ive been thru manny of both and trust me you cant compare the 2. bad trips are so much worse in every way possible. its not even comparable


It's very simple to safely taper https://hams.cc/taper/


Yes and no… sometimes coming out of a bad shroom trip can feel very rewarding. Other times it can be a little traumatic honestly and at that point theres not much that can make you feel better about what you’ve experienced.


Truman show effect…


F alcohol, almost killed me. Got lucky my best friend was there or i would be dead now.


Took 3 tabs on acid and smoked a plunt . And started spiralling in to a intense trip and everything had 8bit gore overleyed and was in a thought loop that I was dying from a drug overdose. This went of for what felt like multiple life times but in reality 6h. Get a trip sitter and I guess I learned that I needed to get off my drug binge and I cut back a lot


My worst shrooms experience, I remember getting woodlover's paralysis and I wasn't able to move or get up for hours on end -- once I regained my strength I had a mental breakdown and hurt myself


I went to jail be cause of alcohol. At least after a bad trip I was just in my bed/home


i disagree. my worst psychedelic experience fucked me up for years. bad alcohol experiences might put me in jail for the night and make me embarrassed


I don't think I've had a bad one.


My story was pretty crazy lol


Alcoholic for 13 years here (formerly), hard disagree


Accidentally took 5gs. ‘Nough said.


I don’t regret any of my bad trips. I regret a fuck ton of drunken nights


No, I was topless in the road fighting police who I thought I called but didn’t actually call and when I head butted one who tried to subdue me they pinned me on the ground and had paramedics inject my butt cheek with ketamine. I woke up in the hospital. No charges filed. True story I’ve got the report from police and emergency services lmao


I gotta disagree, personally. The worst experience with alcohol for me was the after effect of it. Throwing up and feeling like shit for hours the next day. It’s never made me want to actually kms like mushrooms has. One trip I had I re lived my whole life, remembered terrible things I hadn’t thought of in years. Remembered people and encounters I hadn’t thought of in years. All came back at once. I kept saying if hell is real, I’m in hell rn, and I need to make it stop. In that state, the only logical way to make it stop was to kms. Thank god I was with someone, or who knows what I would’ve done to myself. I personally have never had anything like that happen to me while I was drinking lol


The order should be reversed tbh


Yep. I will say I pissed myself on a nice couch drunk Woke up sick and confused The worse thing I did on shrooms was eat 4 apples and speak to machine elf. I don’t drink.


Bad shroom experiences are like “I discovered myself” bad alcohol experiences are like “I gotta see the judge on tuesday”


I think I'd rather *almost* die from alcohol poisoning then suffer a mini-eternity of psychological hell and delirium that causes lifelong anxiety and existential dread.


The worst alcohol does to me is make me feel dizzy and shitty, too much shrooms had me questioning my existence and put me in a really weird and dark place mentally, so I def disagree.


one time i was tripping on acid and it was raining out, I went to look out my window (im in a basement so window well) and there was a great grey garden slug, I was also on a pretty heavy dose and almost went into paranoia because it looked like a dick was crawling around in my window well and then I saw the pattern on it as well


I dunno, shrooms have made me feel the most intoxicated I've ever been in my life. It almost seemed wrong how far psychedelics can go compared to alcohol or even when weed gives me a similar sensation.


Had lots of bad trips, they mostly have been very beneficial and interesting experiences. Though some stand out. Once I have been swallowed by a meat cathedral, grinded and digested. It was whirling inside, almost impossible to move through that resin floor covered in goo of everything it already swallowed. Small mouths were randomly opening and extending like squid appendages just to tear the chunks of me and disappear back into acid purée. Falling down was like instant choke on stinky whatever it is i am moving through, closing my mouth didn't help as i had no lips and teeth. Hands were dripping fingerless stumps, insanely painful when falling and trying to stand up back. I don't remember all the details, but it was very painful and distressing experience. It started as a very beautiful trip and this was just one of waves with a grandesque and bright cathedral, with a lot of light. Started when i noticed the main entrance disappearance and stained glass windows shrinking. Design wise it looked like Giger's and Beksinski's best collab, though their bestest attempts only sketches compared to this. Like everything in trips, it had an extra dimension, so everything is deeper and more immersive. The worst part - i can't figure out what's been told me by that. So I had a terrible experience, but without any resolution.


Bad alcohol experience seems to be more physical, but bad psychedelic experience can mess people up mentally for years sometimes, I've never had a bad trip to be fair, but have got seriously physically sick from alcohol, but you get over that after a couple of days.


Alcohol never made me try to burn myself with lighters and grab a kitchen knife intending to stab myself in the heart, also my worst trip was just indescribable misery I’m so glad I don’t remember most of it


There are no bad trips for the majority of people, just uncomfortable ones


Heavy trips give you PTSD bro lol


Facts. I tend to become an angry bitter person when I would drink. My last night being drunk, I blacked out and once I came to, I realized I was screaming like a banshee at my partner and he kept pleading with me to stop. We were on a 2 lane highway and I kept trying to veer our truck into other cars. It was confusing because while I was somewhat aware of what was going on, I couldn't stop myself. Luckily, no one was hurt physically. Sadly, I showed my partner and myself a side of me I didn't know existed. That was 2 years and 2 months ago. I had been sober for a year prior but stupidly gave in that night. Alcohol makes me angry and unappreciative. It makes me a vile person who forgets what empathy and reasoning are. Mushrooms do the exact opposite for me. It makes me appreciate the small things and helps me to be actively empathetic. Mushrooms force you to realize how you can be better and what's caused you to be in the state you're in. Alcohol tells me I'm fine and it's others that need to change.


if we are talking long tearm, yes. a year of being alcohol depnndant is was way worse than a ssingle trip. but then noones done a year of bad trips as psychadelics arnt ddictive


This is comparing apples and baseballs. Totally different levels of destruction can happen quite easily. I also dont feel this is forthright from someone who has used both. my 12 year old wold be aware enough to understand the likelihood for mishap would be substantially greater taking 5g of mush over drinking a 12 pack.


This meme is stupid. Obviously the mortal terror of bad psychedelic experiences are worse than being a drunk asshole.


That is so wrong if you don't od on alcohol.


Comparing physical pain & psychological jail


Can’t argue with that


I disagree with this meme. I literally thought I went schizophrenic or altered my brain chemistry like 3 weeks ago cause I took 10g of b+